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  1. Firefox is pretty good for me with AFF, but I always try and type stuff into a doc before posting. Even reviews. The last long review I wrote I didn’t and lost it! Had to re-write it. Gotta be much worse with stories.
    1 point
  2. I’ve poked around a bit, and I think it was linked to the previous crash. Firefox has been stable for us lately—there were builds a few years back that were gruesome with our archive code but they seem to have gotten past that. But when a browser crashes, I always recommend a full shutdown of the computer and a restart. I use Chrome, and while it’s very rare that it crashes, if I don’t do the full shutdown of my computer, everything is glitchy until I do so. I’m so sorry this happened, but hopefully you’ll be able to post the edited chapter successfully once you’re done with the edits in Word.
    1 point
  3. Last day at home for a bit, not returning til late May, internet unexpected during my month away. Chapter 9 of Blood and Lace is out for editing, so hopefully can post it on my return.
    1 point
  4. People are real polite here. Other people, I mean. I’m pretty unpleasant.
    1 point
  5. Mal

    Billion Dollar Harem

    Hello again everyone! Well its that time again. I know it almost kind of feels like a long time since my last post, but it has actually only been just over a month. I know I usually post a little faster than this, but I have been very busy with some side projects. Most notably this includes a short chaptered story I’ve been working on staring Dove Cameron. I plan to have this project out by the end of the month or maybe early in May. It is a very dark and twisted story .So those of you who like some of the darker content tags should really enjoy it. I don’t want to go into too much detail on what its about, but suffice it to say I had to ask the moderators if there was any content tags (other than minor stuff, obviously. I don’t do minor stuff anyway) that wouldn’t be allowed to be posted if paired up with a celebrity or real person if you prefer. With the green light, I began working on it. This is a story I’ve had in mind for a long time. I was originally going to write it with Sabrina Carpenter, but after working with Dove in BDH I decided I wanted to do something dark with her so I swapped her in. I don’t know if any of your remember me mentioning a “House of a Thousand Corpses” style story I said I might write a long time back, but this is that story. Don’t worry though, one of the other things I’m not really into is murder and gore. I more meant the feel of it being dark and twisted, you know really fucked up and without the gore . Anyway, the story is called “Becoming Bitch” and you can look for it I’d say sometime in the next 3-4 weeks. Now, on to Billion Dollar Harem chapter 41. This chapter picks up right after the fast forward that ended chapter 40, and contains the beginning of the end of Taylor Swift’s long ongoing chastity belt punishment. I don’t want to spoil anything here, but I do want to say that I finally set events in motion to write the fan selected scene involving Ariana Grande, Emma Watson and our Intrepid hero, Alexander Whitley! That scene should come in a chapter very soon, but as the title to chapter 41 states, this is going to be a two part chapter. After that, I’m not sure if the fan selected scene will be chapter 43 or if it’ll come a little later, as I also want to catch up with how some of the ladies are dealing with events that took place in the fast-forward. Specifically those with Bella and Dove and with Margot and Felicity and of course at least a little more to do with Alex’s mysterious visitor… All that said, I also plan to announce the final two ladies sometime in or around chapter 48-50. Once I’ve announced them, I will shortly there after post a poll so you guys can vote on the sex competition. Finally, I want to thank you all again for reading along. I don’t know if you’ve seen, but BDH is now up over 160,000 dragon prints. In light of that, I want to make one more announcement. If and when BDH hits 250,000 prints I plan to announce a very special poll. I know its a long way off, but think about this. in one month BDH saw over 10k views. The more chapters it gains and the more popularity it sees and that number will only go up. Ok, so this poll will give you, my readers, a lot of power. But, this time not over BDH. As BDH ramps up towards the end, I can’t really allow randomness to interfere with how I want the story to culminate. Therefore I will create a poll designed to let you guys set the parameters of a new one chapter story for me to write. Most likely the poll will list 5 to 10 celebrities, allow you guys to vote on 2 or maybe 3 then list a host of content tags and allow you guys to again vote on 1 or two of those. I’ll then write a story tailor made with those choices in mind! Hopefully, it’ll be a lot of fun, and a way to show you guys my appreciation of you following along with my work. Ok, before I sign off let me see if I can address your comments and questions: Lazyninjas: I’m actually pretty excited about the sex competition. I think I have some fun ideas for how it will take shape and I think the randomness of it will be a lot of fun. I know its kind of a long way off yet. But I am still anxious to work on it. Juan: An Ari centric chapter could be a lot of fun. The problem with it is mostly in how her movement is potentially limited. Like if the sex doesn’t involve her, unless she’s in the room where its taking place she wouldn’t be able to see it. I may put some thought into it and see if I can come up with an idea to make it work, even if its only part of or most of a chapter it should still be pretty interesting to get that input straight from the diva-cat! Sazbi: The thing with the Chloe, Alex, Ari orgasm thing is that scene was part of a fast forward. I didn’t really put enough detail into it but I would imagine Alex gave his permission. The main point of that rule is, at least for the time being, Alex doesn’t want his little girl getting off without his or Emma’s permission. If one of them is present, its safe to assume if Chloe came they gave it. But it is a good point that Ari doesn’t count for a lot of rules because she is a cat. I hope you enjoy part 1 of Taylor’s punishment finale. I can’t really say much about the visitor or the final two girls yet, but I hope you won’t be disappointed. Joe: I remembered the costumes. I hope to put at least one or two of them to use soon. As to your final point, after these next two chapters, you guys will see just how much sluttier the girls are and that yes it will open up a whole new world of kinky stuff for them to do. Well: Yes, I agree at this point, especially after seeing her in this and knowing what will be in the next chapter, Taylor is possibly the biggest slut in the world, or at least in Alex’s world! As to your question about Alex and knowing about Bella being on drugs. If you remember there was a line at the start of one of the chapters, I think it was chapter 36, Alex tells one of the guards to initiate project Arcadia. It is then revealed that a box in the guards storage room up in the mansion is labeled Arcadia. So yes, not only does he know, but, he also ordered it. Ok guys, I think that’s everything. I am very much looking forward to your comments on chapter 41 and I hope you all like it! Till next time, -Mal
    1 point
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