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Everything posted by Thundercloud

  1. A delightful surprise to have two reviews of this story waiting for me, here is some review responses. That particular farmer was just used to allow me some foreshadowing at the end of the chapter, but there are more interruptions coming...some of them are meant to be funny. I like the observation about the father and his Inn grounding the story as a fantasy setting. Someday I should really figure out what adventure that gave him his name... Yep, he very much received what he deserved. The attack is of course unexpected, but it is mostly the attackers packing a very serious punch. I put the demons in this combat since I did not want the bad guy to show off his full potential in the prologue ofthe story, but the demons also wrap well into the future story. It is not until the actual heroes of the story enter the action in later chapters that kingdom get defenders that really take a stand in front of the badguys. To play fair I should probably also mention that when I revised the story I tightened up the prince’s dialogue quite a bit here based on feedback I have gotten over the years. In the original text it was not as cleverly done and was much easier to spot the plot twist in advance. Quite brutal, Ezame’s story arc does not start with any kind of feel-good vibes. As you have already read further chapters so you know that she will be around to impact the future plot even if there will be quite some time before she dare to do anything that makes impact on the more large scale plot. Good that you enjoyed it. This whole chapter started quite bare-bones with brushing over the same events without much detail...a reader prompted me that the lack of detail in the beginning was breaking stylewise from the rest of the story. This made me realize I needed to make it into a proper chapter. I can always reread some of your better stuff if I don’t find something old that catch my interest. As for the idea of doing review exchanges is not a rule or anything...more like a guideline.
  2. Yep, it is quite an fight here. I suppose you know understand why I have been looking forward for us to compare notes about the final battles of your The Woman in Statue story and the G.S.P. There are obvious parallels since final boss fight need to play out with some basic structure to work. One of your reviews talked about anime style ending and I think that is quite on the spot. The final battle I am aiming for the in G.S.P. is not as much anime but more aimed at the superhero comics style of action….or maybe an RPG style of battle. One thing I have been thinking about when I return to read the story it is that my chapter 12 really has the final battle villain happening off screen so to say with focus on horror/erotic/character scenes. In chapter 13 I did reverse this and have a large part of the chapter devoted to actual battle while things happening to Fang and Avalanche that are ideas worthy to be chapters on they own are not given any screen time at all. As far as I can recall this not really any deliberate choice but just sort of happened as I was writing. You are really building the case for why I should return to this setting with more stories forthe superheroes. Having a new generation of heroes doing superhero stuff while the G.S.P. heroes make appearances that shows what has happened in the twenty years since the original story is an idea that has clear merit. Good to hear that you chuckled...the reactions to New Yorks trouble this spring are making my joke about it not being a swing state a bit too close to the reality for it to feel comfortable to me. ...I mean, this is kind of anticlimactic, sure, but getting taken out by a supervillain would mean you all get murdered. This is more boring but, well, you live. So, you know, silver lining. It is not something I really touched in the story, but the intention when I created the setting was that permanent death for superheroes is not common. Not as extreme as the Marvel comics eternal circle of resurrecting heroes and villains and retrofitting everything to an entirely new plot, but the intention was that most superheroes eventually retire after losing one fight too many and feeling they have lost their edge. As for the villains they of course always survive to come back for yet another evil scheme. When looking back at the story I realize that this aspect did not survive from storyboard to the real story. Over the story there are quite many villains and some heroes that bite to dust without the heroes really reacting on their death. Quite many of the kills can of course be attributed too Blade/Jennifer being quite savage and bloodthirsty, but the lack of reaction from the others suggest they are a bit jaded from seeing bad stuff happen between heroes and villains (and the unfortunate bystanders that dragged into it). A setting that developed in its own direction after my plan was done… The reason for this long explanation was to show that the intention was for Firefly to except many in the team injured after a big defeat but she did not expect a total party kill as an expected outcome. Of course I from narrative viewpoint meant her comment as a setup for possibility that the heroes might run into something they cannot defeat. I wrote that part after learning that a female friend had decided to name her son Damien. Considering that it is not a Swedish name at all my only reference was the Omen movie and I was like why-oh-why? I spent quite a bit time thinking about the risk of quite many of the heroes, including Blade, being a bit too Mary Sueish with powers that are just too potent for the ending to be thrilling. The solution was obvious when I realized that Blade’s power supercharged to the level of their enemy would mean that any hero would be in for a real challenge no matter their powers. I laughed so hard there. I could freaking hear the mix of sarcasm and fear in that last part. I think the further fight succeeded with showing that the demon’s warning was quite right. Against the Obliterator the team entered combat with something that is really dangerous but they have a plan for how to deal with the enemy and a very powerful ally. In the final battle the heroes have a shit plan and the reader has in the previous fight against the Obliterator learned how dangerous these kind of enemies can be. Actually it is more like that the one that put her there deliberately caused the two personas to avoid the demon falling back into bad habits just because she has expectations about how she is supposed to behave. Forcing her to talk to herself allow more possibility to introspection and making the right choices. I could certainly have done a better way to explain this to the reader. I have always wondered how the obvious sex orgy that follows the ending play out...but I decided that trying to end with such scene would lessen the impact of the victory compared to the open ending. I might actually have something small in development...no promises it will be done in any reasonable time span of course but all your constructive thoughts about the stories have me started to consider doing shorter novels while I consider if I should do something longer.
  3. Sorry for you having to wait for the response, I have been kind of busy with private stuff and had totally missed that you put a review for this story. I take it as a compliment that you had read more than once before leaving your comments. Actually this detail of the story was provided in the main story by Mmmmm, but I agree that it is a good setup. One of the reasons why I accepted the request to make a contribution to this story was the setup. Great that the character interplay worked as I intended it. IMHO the behavior of Kerry is very creepy, good that came across as hot also. If you want more of her you should check the original story. Mmmmm uses her charming personality quite well. *smiles* When I wrote it I had a plan for a follow up about the wedding ring when the main story was done. Sadly the author never finished and I missed to ask the author for permission to use the characters more before I lost contact with the author. Thank you for the encouraging review.
  4. I think a pretty big factor is if it is the final battle of the story or some earlier encounter. No matter what kind of energy-balance system you put in place you typically end in the situation that the participants of the final battle have enough power available to make it more interesting than they-traded-six-blows-before-fight-ended-because-characters-energy-was-up. There is a reason people watch play-throughs of games but is not interested read a transcript of the button mashing during the fight. I think the big takeaway you should take from my review is that the later part of the story when the others arrive and they are not just slugging attacks at each other. In fact I would be ready to argue that the peril when she starts to put herself at risk would not have worked from narrative perspective if we had not been shown their previous fight. I totally agree that you did very fine. Not familiar with that story or the author. So much to read and review... A very classic villain if you ask me, but you have also done marvels at explaining so much of what happened in Whore of Heaven. JayDees story has a heavy focus on style and less about explaining the plot but you are really great at finding the motivations for why Eparlegna does so much weird shit. It is really obvious you have spent quite a lot of time working on the concepts of this scene. The effort clearly pays off. I look forward to it.
  5. Making a five year old forget traumatic stuff sounds very reasonable...if you want real drama you might consider if it is more effective to have the father have done a genuine mistake
  6. The death was caused by somebody that the boy admire.
  7. Don’t worry. It did not sound like any bemoaning, but just served as good place for me to place the “your story is good enough to get more reviews” comment. I don’t go around tallying reviews for authors that I enjoy reading...but I have been waiting for you checking chapter 13 of G.S.P. for quite a few months now. If we are speaking about other stuff I have written I would be interested to know what you think about The Tale About the Laughter of Azbezil (revised). Perhaps not a perfect fit for you since there are some non consensual scenes but the bad-stuff-happening-to-people count is way lower than for the G.S.P. story and the overall story is quite InBrighteestDay compatbile. I admit that I have read that I each chapter more than once...
  8. That sounded very depressing...I hope you will get more reviews after all your hard work. There is a reason the final battle of stories usually include quite much fighting. As for the matter of action...I actually think you peaked there in chapter 10. The Woman in Statue is bound to end with an epic duel given the groundwork of JayDee, but the real action IMHO happens on the way up in the actual “dungeon”. I think you did a good job with this. Her reflection there increase the tension of the final battle. It is very much the best line. The others are not even close...”My name is” for instance suffers from interference with far too many songs and movies. I have done my review for the final chapter so now you know the answer. I look forward at hearing your thoughts about my stuff...I think I am ahead of you in the number of reviews by quite a few now.
  9. As a foreigner I think it will be nice to get read about something different in the news papers….the last week has really been an orgy of reporting of not yet final results from the US election. From another perspective I think it is great that US will finally try to become a new player in carbon free energy. The lasts years has IMHO given China far too much room to continue to gain geopolitical power from their clean energy investments. Europe and US need to get their act together and make sure that China does not control all the essential technology that will used for the next hundred years.
  10. Would been a miracle if there had not been any errors considering I wrote most of the text between midnight and 2 in the morning for a number of nights. To be fair I do make plenty of mistakes with English even when rested...will need a decade or two more to perfect my English. Good that you could look past the language mistakes to enjoy the story. Thank you. I think the scene benefits from the limited viewpoint. It was the fun to write the scene in any case. Good, I worried a bit about it having James to notice it might make it too obvious. In the beginning I had the thought that the police could be viewing more than one video and I could leave it to reader to notice the difference in production...but that idea had me dragged into also visitingthe murder scenes too and that soon became a bit too much darkfic for a regular Halloween story. Yep, people is always looking for patterns. How much better the world would be if people working at the papers understood statistics better. A realistic slasher story...I take that as praise you only can get on AFF. Thank you for the encouraging review.
  11. Practice makes perfect when writing stories. I got the intended meaning...but now you had me start laughing again. I thought about telling you but InBrigthestDay got there before me. I think these days the association would be more like “Dear god! A Feminist!” The weird thing is that from the circles where I move very few of the guys actually care about unshaven arms and legs, girls without mascara will most certainly be considered weird but the obsession with shaving seem totally out of proportion. It is a super hero from my G.S.P. story (that InBrightestDay has read) that pack a very heavy punch. Maybe you should do a story about lots of people that suddenly realize they have the same Shannon as contact in their phone….or a decameron story where all participants change the name of Shannon due to privacy reasons so they don’t get they are talking about the same person and suddenly she appear herself and wonder why they all tell stories about her without giving her name any credit...
  12. Suggesting a werewolf with their superior sense of smell wearing a fake leather trenchcoat...probably only a good idea if you have a death wish. One of my prime motivations to write such things is to get them out of my head. When I know how the scene play out and get out the replay loop in my head that goes...what if...or it could be...even better if it...maybe go back to what if. On the other hand these ideas are not so sticky as others I have been stuck with. One possibility is actually to write a prequel that describe the killers earlier activities...but I am probably more inclined to go with the 4 more chapters for With the Mirror Came... Five years back is during my loooong break from AFF when I was busy writing on other sites (that does not exist anymore)
  13. Having a backlog with reviews must feel good. A fellow author need to do what an fellow author need to do to hint at the possibility of cooperation... I look forward to it. Lol, so very true.
  14. Thanks for deep dive into mythology. I think that in general your writing style InvidiaRed is not quite compatible with my reading preferences. When the story does not explain quite what is happening and I need to take a break and research why I recognize a particular name to understand what is happening then my reading focus is lost. When it is nordic mythology that I sort of remember, but not quite... then effect is even worse. Nothing wrong with your style in itself, but it is not my preference. So keep working...but I will probably be a rare reader.
  15. I will look forward to see how it develop. Hope my schedule will allow me to read it an timely fashion. You can always return to that chapter and add some content if you get in the mood some day. At the end of the day it is your story so you decide to what degree you want to got explicit and when a fade out is better for the flow of the story. It is not like posting on AFF means any commitment to have a certain degree of explicit scenes.
  16. Yep, that detail was meant to be rather funny. I also think that the stress about the state of apartment give a plausible reason why James might not be at the top of the game so to say when they return at his home. It is part of slasher-movie rules of engagement that the killer is super efficient in every encounter with a super natural sense of opportunity for getting away with murder...at least until he tries to murder the lead character and cannot land even a single blow. *smiles* Trying to write something thrilling and getting a Hitchcock reference back feels good. Feel free to send me a PM about it. Good that you enjoyed the read.
  17. One ofthe story gremlings I spoke about earlier that was making progress hard were more scenes from previous murders at the sorority house. I originally added the violence tag due to these...but eventually decided that they did not progress the story much and they was kind of hard to write without foreshadowing too much. Yep, hard to fetch the camera without being seen on tape You are welcome, I enjoyed writing that. It was obviously chosen for the reverse reason in reality. My reason for using that particular movie is that I really liked it and thought that prompt for people to watch it might be useful. It was also a great way to mark the age difference between the characters. Good to hear. To be honest I decided that the readers guess is as good as mine. I considered writing in the detail that the phone was left in the kitchen and had been moved by somebody, but then decided that James reaction on this would just slow down the urgency of the scene. In the end it is not like James objection about the water pitcher in the living room is very convincing evidence. I can imagine plenty of reason why Jane would like fresh water from the tap and watch the phone. I am glad you like it. I have carried this idea for like 15 years, but never got around to write it since the story twist felt kind weak on its own for a stand alone story. Good to have the story finally out of my system.
  18. I read it as a very funny joke about the libido of juniors. Speaking from experience there need to be certain thickness on leather for it really to make sounds. When I wear my leather armor it is quite easy to make it creak by breathing deeply. A modern leather trench coat is often more plastic than any leather and those will not make any sounds,, but if you have an older one that has not been oiled for some time I can imagine it giving sounds that make it sound that it is on the way to break...creaking heavily sounds fitting provided we are speaking about leather that need to be oiled.
  19. I actually did realize the gender before the actual sex, but there was a clear “wait...is it a girl moment” when I read it. Sam is a tricky name...one reason why my mind started down the wrong path might be something simple as it made sense for two brothers on the bed since you highlighted that Jenny was sitting opposite from them. I can most certainly see your argument and it is a good one. My thought is that it did not have to progress into an actual sex scene for there to erotic possibility. I suppose the thing I reacted on was that you had Freddie and Sam go down the lust path while Jenny was acting kind of emotionless. Nothing wrong with this of course, but it kind of gave the game away that she would go for murder. Having Jenny acting more passionate about that she was planning something for when father got home could perhaps worked to make it less clear where it was heading to give more surprise for (some) readers.
  20. Thank you for the review (where I cut out the spoility part of the review, would be a shame to give final twist away for other people that happen to read this). I am glad that you enjoyed it considering how I struggled to get it done on time. I checked your chapter, but was a bit tired so I need to read it once more before the review.
  21. Okay...no beta reader as usual, but by working a few hours past midnight for a couple of days I have managed to get the story finished. The Teen Slasher by Thundercloud Summary: The notorious teen slasher is active again and deputy officer James Ewan is charged with trying to keep a horny teenager safe that survived the massacre at the sorority house. Will he be able to keep the target safe or will he be fatally distracted by the nubile teen? Story Codes: M/F, F/F, MCD, Violence, COMPLETE
  22. Still not done...but I have killed some of story gremlins that was impeding progress so there is hope to get my story working for Halloween…I hope it will be for this years Halloween.
  23. Not sure I got the time, but maybe...
  24. Actually I think you can forget about thermal...I remember reading that for a standard space suit the heat is lethal about 5 million kilometers from the sun but the radiation from the sun will kill you in about 75 million kilometers distance. As a reference Earth is 150 million kilometers from the sun. Getting close to the sun is simply really really hard. From another point of view,..slingshoting towards the sun will take so very long time that the person will die of hunger long before the sun becomes an issue. If you want some kind twist for your missing the escape pods scenario I think the solar wind could be a better bet. The solar wind changes with erruptions from the sun and when the magnet poles of the earth changes and can kill the electronics of spacecrafts. Arranging a rescue before a upcoming solarwind erruption wipe out the life support of the spacesuit could allow from serious drama.
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