SirGeneralSir Posted October 11, 2014 Report Posted October 11, 2014 So ive never actually had one myself, at least not a full one so I cant exactly write from experience. I am trying to write a scene where a male character is getting his first BJ from two lovely women, it is also the first time he has had ANY kind of sexual contact of this nature, accidental grabbing of tits etc but nothing beyond that. So the guy is still a virgin, the girls are as well but they want to show him how much he means to them while not actually going any further, they are waiting for something. I know the sensation should be new, odd and very enjoyable to him, feeling the licking and sucking but now he is reaching his limits, should he explode in/on them or what? is oral ejaculation different from vaginal/anal and hand/titty fucks? ive been experimenting with writing it but im not sure if what I have is right or not. Quote
BronxWench Posted October 11, 2014 Report Posted October 11, 2014 (edited) First of all, once you're past the age of two, there is no accidental grabbing of tits unless you're Mr Bean. Second, this is YOUR story, and YOUR character. He will respond the way you see him responding. If you need to test every single sex scene for accuracy, probability, or sexual titillation. then you are in the wrong genre of writing. Writing erotica, or smut if you prefer, is as much about using what works for you as it is trying to entice and arouse readers. For example, I write sexual encounters between two men. One of the two may or may not be a virgin. I can't use personal experience since I'm not, in fact, a man, but I CAN use what I know of how men have responded during sex with me. I don't need to describe every thrust, every sensation in exhaustive detail to set a mood. Hells, I can make a reader squirm happily without actually saying anything explicit at all, but that's because I'm getting more into WHY my characters are having sex, and what's going on in their heads as well as their bodies. Here is an example, part of which I used elsewhere on the forum. It is not slash, in deference to your tender sensibilities, and it is NOT up for grabs. I don't share my work, even if it's only fan fiction. This is to show how to write sex without actually writing sex: “Perhaps.” Tae'uomi shrugged. “I'm wondering what I'll need to do to make up for this afternoon.” She tilted her chin up, regarding Sand. “That is, if I'm allowed to be just a woman now, and not the Captain.”Sand took the cup from her hand and drank, a long swallow. He placed the cup on the table, and slid onto the bed, his smile widening. “You are most assuredly my woman right now, and I do believe reparations should begin with your removing those offending garments.” Tae'uomi reached around Sand, retrieving her cup and finishing it off. She licked a drop of wine from her lip as she continued to regard the elf. “You do realize, istaramin, that if this is the price to pay for ordering you about, I'm likely to do it a lot more often.” “Oh, I should certainly hope so.” Sand reached over and pulled the singlet over her head in a single swift motion, kissing her deeply while her hands were still tangled in the garment. Tae'uomi sighed into the kiss, arching her back to press herself against Sand. She extricated her hands as Sand's deft fingers dealt with the laces of her breeches, and she tossed her singlet to the side with the now empty cup still caught up in it. Sand pushed her back against the mattress, lifting her hips and sliding her breeches off, and then it was heat and the sweet friction of skin on skin as he claimed her with a fierce passion that left her gasping. It took a few moments for Tae'uomi's heart to stop pounding afterward, and for her vision to clear. Sand was propped on his elbows, looking down at her with an amused expression, and she reached up to stroke his cheek. “Well, that was a good beginning,” Sand murmured, his eyes dark with desire, and he leaned down to kiss the genasi as her fingers slid through his silky hair to stroke an ear. “I'm probably going to need to be able to walk tomorrow,” Tae'uomi said, biting back a gasp as Sand shifted position and nipped her collarbone sharply. “You should have thought of that earlier, vanyacora, before you subjected me to an afternoon of tortured metaphor and labyrinthine reasoning.” Sand licked where he had nipped, and then sucked a rosy mark against her skin. Tae'uomi grinned, toying with the tip of Sand's ear. “I did distract Aldanon with Zhjaeve, ascaredhel. I should get credit for that, at least.” “I do not give credit, iskavanim. You should know that.” Sand's fingers slid down across her belly, dipped lower, and Tae'uomi cried out as her back arched. “I could order you to stop,” the genasi offered, shivering with pleasure. Sand looked at her, the predatory smile back. “Oh, please do. Really.” His tongue traced the edge of her ear, his breath hot. “I am quite prepared to remain awake all night exacting my reparations, since I managed to take reverie earlier while Aldanon was going on about something or other.” It was too much for Tae'uomi, and she began to laugh. “Did Aldanon even notice?” Tae'uomi asked between giggles. “Oh, please tell me you didn't really do that, istaramin.” Sand rolled to the side with a dramatic sigh. “It is impossible to remain passionate whilst being laughed at, nwalka edainme.” He turned back towards the genasi, gathering her in his arms and looking at her. “I like to see you laugh,” he remarked, shifting so that she curled against him, her head on his shoulder. “You do not do enough of it of late.” “There hasn't been much to laugh at, has there?” Tae'uomi snuggled closer to Sand, his smooth skin warm beneath her cheek. “So now you've become my jester as well? All things in one, to please me?” “Is that such a terrible thing?” Sand ran a finger over the mark he had left on her collarbone. “What else can I do to please you, lirimaer?” “I did want to spend one more day at the keep, resupplying before we leave for Arvahn,” Tae'uomi replied. “I'd like to give Neeshka another day with Darmon as well. It's been a while since they had any time together, and I feel a bit selfish since I have you with me all the time.” “A generous thought, but I had been thinking more of your needs.” Sand traced the line of Tae'uomi's shoulder, letting his fingers drift down her arm. Tae'uomi looked at Sand for a long moment, and then grinned. “I suppose I could just walk very slowly tomorrow.” I don't think most readers will have a great deal of trouble figuring out that they had sex, and are about to do it again. And they get to fill in the blanks as to exactly what my two got up to, and I'm pretty sure my readers' imaginations are not only up to the task, but probably a damned sight better than my poor words would be. Edited October 12, 2014 by BronxWench Quote
SirGeneralSir Posted October 11, 2014 Author Report Posted October 11, 2014 you have a good point there. i have read a number of good but mostly bad sex stories (fanfics) so i think i have a good idea of what to do there, but when it comes to BJs, almost every one i have read, reads like a cheesy anime porn where the guy unloads like a firetruck, just like in the first scary movie where the girl is plastered to the ceiling from jerking her boyfriend off. I dont want that, i want to express what the guy is feeling, the wonder, the pleasure and then the release. I know that as a guy, the first time an actual ejaculation happens, it can be just like a cannon, but then i dont know if there is a difference when when being sucked off or ejaculation by other means, i could see it both ways. Quote
BronxWench Posted October 11, 2014 Report Posted October 11, 2014 Honestly, the mechanics of release are the same. I think the key lies in whether or not the person giving the blow job has any experience at all. If not, then while he might not have anything to compare it to, other than his own hand, it might be a bit clumsy. Does she perhaps have trouble going past the head, and will she use her hand a bit? Might the actual ejaculation surprise them both? It doesn't need to be like a cannon going off to startle a girl giving her first blow job, not to mention the taste of semen for the first time. As far as he's concerned, not having anything to compare, he won't notice that a mouth can be looser than a vagina, even with a bit of pressure from the tongue, and there's teeth in there to watch out for. These are the things to work out in your on head before you even start writing. And keep in mind that what goes on in your readers' heads is almost ALWAYS smuttier than anything you can write, so give them the framework and let them fill in the squishy bits. Quote
SirGeneralSir Posted October 12, 2014 Author Report Posted October 12, 2014 good points, the idea is that its 2 women, one licking the shaft while the other is taking care of the tip, their heads are under the blanket so he doesn't see what they are doing just yet, i want him to rip off the covers somehow, haven't worked it out yet. but he would do that just before he cums, but its while both of them are sharing the tip in a kiss to let them both have a taste of his flavor. so hes just enjoying the blind sensation of it all. Quote
pittwitch Posted October 12, 2014 Report Posted October 12, 2014 Close your eyes and imagine the scene unfolding before you like a movie. Describe it. Personally, I can't stand when someone feels like they have to beat me over the head with things as a reader. I don't need a blow by blow. Set the stage. Engage the readers' senses: sight, touch, taste, smell, hearing. Are the girls giggling? Does he hear that? Is the blanket scratchy or soft? Does someone's soft hair tickle against a bare thigh? I don't necessarily need the mechanics of ejaculation spelled out ... we've all seen it, experienced it in some way or other. I agree with BW - sometimes less explicit is far more erotic and sensual. BronxWench, WillowDarkling and Cuzosu 3 Quote
SirGeneralSir Posted October 12, 2014 Author Report Posted October 12, 2014 oh i understand, but i do want to be accurate, as the guy has been a very good boy from my POV, in that hes never even jacked off before, so this will not only be his first sexual encounter, but his first load and thats normally big right off the bat. having 2 women sucking him off, his first load i want to make sure that i get the right effect, no i dont want to spell it all out for everyone, but i do want them to see it as something thats not a cheese anime porn. i know i dont want to give any measurements like *he could tell he filled her mouth with a gallon of cum* but maybe something like *as he unloaded into her mouth, he felt a sense of emptiness as something large left his body* made that just on the fly. humm will have to play with it Quote
BronxWench Posted October 12, 2014 Report Posted October 12, 2014 It's big only if he has an understanding of what it is he's been missing, so to speak. It's bigger to you, as the author, than it is to the character, if you think about it. I know you want him to have one of those perfect first times, but I'm going to be fairly direct. I'm from a large urban area, and came of age before HIV, herpes, Hep C, and all those lovely things that make sex a crapshoot nowadays. The worst thing we had to deal with was a bit of clap, and antibiotics along with a bunch of embarrassing phone calls dealt with that nicely. So, we were largely uninhibited when it came to sex. I have not ever encountered anyone who had two women suck him off as a first time. It sounds like they at least have some clue of what to do, which makes it even less probable. I'm pretty certain that most first times, for a guy, are over far faster than he'd have liked, and are fairly messy, inelegant, downright giggle-worthy affairs. So two women with a clue aren't going to be "playing" with him. They will know with certainty that he's going to blow his load fast, and refractory periods being what they are, even his youthful enthusiasm won't make a second time happen instantly. And "something large left his body" sounds like he either gave birth or had the bowel movement from the hells. Or possibly he has balls the size of an African elephant. Most men's testicles aren't going to hold enough fluids to give that sensation. We're talking generally a teaspoon or two of fluid, maybe less. Go look at what a teaspoon or two of a liquid looks like. It's not something large at all, in terms of accuracy. JayDee 1 Quote
JayDee Posted October 12, 2014 Report Posted October 12, 2014 (edited) The best thing about that line is that you could re-use it if you ever wrote a scat fic. Edit: bah - BW beat me too it! Edited October 12, 2014 by JayDee DemonGoddess, BronxWench and pittwitch 3 Quote
SirGeneralSir Posted October 12, 2014 Author Report Posted October 12, 2014 lol you are right BW, as soon as i wrote it, it did sound a bit off but i had nothing else that i could think of. i dont know about women, but the first time i ever got off, i nearly collapsed in the shower. I had lost all function in my legs and it was more than a teaspoon and did have some nice distance on it, i also felt like ...... you know, i am actually now thinking that anime/hentai has it right when the spirit tries to leave the body after the person comes for the first time or from a really good orgasum. it was like all the energy i had was just released from my body that felt awesome and tried to take my soul with it. in the story, the guy just isnt educated in matters like that, while both girls are very well educated, guy has like elementary level education, but the women have high school or college level if not beyond that. so his mind is going to be blown..... both of them Quote
DrunkenScotsman Posted December 22, 2014 Report Posted December 22, 2014 (edited) FWIW, I also have a hard time writing BJ's. I don't enjoy getting them all that much and find them inherently un-sexy to watch. (I also realize I'm in the minority on both counts.) For your purposes, I'd play up the fact that he can't see what they're doing, so he doesn't really know how the sensations he feels are being produced and doesn't know what to anticipate. It can lead to some interesting, if silly, metaphors as your inexperienced character's narration tries to make sense of what he's feeling. Though he probably shouldn't last too long due to his inexperience, you do have a few options to stretch the scene, if you want. First, the girls could be good enough or inexperienced enough to be more teasers than pleasers, if you follow. Second, not knowing who or what's doing this could be distracting enough to delay climax, especially if he's distracted by the giggles of the girls or the way their hair tickles his legs or whatever, or if they get in each other's way or fight about whose turn it is. More importantly, the mystery of who's working on him could prevent himself from really letting go and getting into it enough to cum, as well as provide impetus for him to pull off the covers. Edit: And I have to disagree somewhat w/ BW above. While she's right that it's not an objectively-large amount of liquid, it can certainly feel like you've turned into a firehose temporarily, especially that first cum. Edited July 4, 2015 by DrunkenScotsman Quote
InvidiaRed Posted July 28, 2015 Report Posted July 28, 2015 (edited) I'll glad to put my experiences to use since I love it and both genders are completely different when it comes to oral sex. Unless I'm accidentally necromancing an old thread in which case I'm sorry. But a blow job has a job in its name for a reason but the results are always worth it even if you don't deepthroat or swallow. If the character is receiving a blow job for the first time. Typically you tend to focus on the aspects of it. A person's mouth is warm and wet. Obvious I know. But the statement is quite different when the genitals are involved since you are feeling it with the most sensitive and nerve rich part of the body it can be overwhelming. You feel the lips being to move up and down. You feel the movement of the tongue as it moves against the glans. The glans (the tip of the cock) is the most sensitive part of a rather sensitive appendage. You are going to feel the saliva coat the cock. As the glans plunges into that warm wet hole. You can feel the throat muscles move. Now depending on how far they are willing to take it is different. A blow job with just the mouth you aren't going to feel the throat muscles move as much. Just the tip will get that particular sensation. The gentle suction on shaft. Receiving it one should absolutely feel the inhale and the exhale coming through the nose on the pubic region. You want the giver to breathe. All this is happening in a symphony of sensation all at once. A proper skilled blowjob you are never going to feel teeth. Since its takes alot of practice to perfectly cover the teeth with the lips. Deepthroating is way different than just a regular blow job. You aren't just going to feel the throat muscles move you are going to feel the inside of the throat like a warm wet. moving tube. This is where you aren't going to feel them inhale or exhale and its a matter of preference if they go down during the exhale or going down before the inhale. Regardless this is where you are going to feel the most of the throat and muscle movement. This is the part where the tongue gets into play caressing, teasing the most sensitive part for as long as they can comfortably hold their breathe and that is the point where they back off and you'll feel the inhale as well as the backward gliding motion. If you are a complete and utter asshole this is part where you force them to stay as giver begins to gag and the throat muscles goes into overdrive trying to clear the blockage in the throat. This mostly happens in BDSM scenes or if the receiver is a utter asshole who deserves to get beat down as painfully as possible. But it can happen in real life. Its not a wise thing to do since you are absolutely going to piss off the one giving you a tonsil message in a blow job you don't want to feel the tonsil that will cause vomiting. Obvious is obvious. One should always remember to be kind to the giver for they are pleasuring you with an orifice that comes with an assortment of teeth. Therefore, There should be trust on both sides. Now an inexperienced blowjob you are going to be feeling those teeth. It provokes an a rather uncomfortable sensation as the teeth rub on the sensitive flesh. If their teeth is too sharp they shouldn't be giving a blow job in the first place. The uncomfortable sensation sensation feels similar as rubbing your cock on a bunch of warm, moist assortment of rocks. A tongue ring or bar doesn't change the feeling too much but it will change how the tongue interacts caressing the shaft. Now at every point in a blowjob the suction will begin to get little stronger.The giver will pick up speed gliding up and down. The warmth will get more warm and the wetness more wet. This occurs right at the moment preceding ejaculation with the climax if you will. This is at the point where the gliding up and down and the sensations of the warmth and wetness and the feel of lips and all the feeling of the throat muscles moving coalesce in the crescendo of a mouth symphony of sensation that is almost unbearable. This is the pointed where you pass the point of no return and the orgasm rips right through you. And ejaculation/ Cumming is unavoidable. As you release that all consuming need into the mouth that gave you pleasure. Where the giver can decide to spit or swallow. That is a blow job. Edited July 28, 2015 by InvidiaRed Quote
Maribelle Posted July 18, 2016 Report Posted July 18, 2016 Invidiared - Thank you! I'm also a woman trying to write the man's perspective on a BJ, so that was really helpful and informative. That was also about the hottest forum post I've read. Wow. I think I'll go see if you've posted any stories. Maribelle I'll glad to put my experiences to use since I love it and both genders are completely different when it comes to oral sex. Unless I'm accidentally necromancing an old thread in which case I'm sorry. But a blow job has a job in its name for a reason but the results are always worth it even if you don't deepthroat or swallow. If the character is receiving a blow job for the first time. Typically you tend to focus on the aspects of it. A person's mouth is warm and wet. Obvious I know. But the statement is quite different when the genitals are involved since you are feeling it with the most sensitive and nerve rich part of the body it can be overwhelming. You feel the lips being to move up and down. You feel the movement of the tongue as it moves against the glans. The glans (the tip of the cock) is the most sensitive part of a rather sensitive appendage. You are going to feel the saliva coat the cock. As the glans plunges into that warm wet hole. You can feel the throat muscles move. Now depending on how far they are willing to take it is different. A blow job with just the mouth you aren't going to feel the throat muscles move as much. Just the tip will get that particular sensation. The gentle suction on shaft. Receiving it one should absolutely feel the inhale and the exhale coming through the nose on the pubic region. You want the giver to breathe. All this is happening in a symphony of sensation all at once. A proper skilled blowjob you are never going to feel teeth. Since its takes alot of practice to perfectly cover the teeth with the lips. Deepthroating is way different than just a regular blow job. You aren't just going to feel the throat muscles move you are going to feel the inside of the throat like a warm wet. moving tube. This is where you aren't going to feel them inhale or exhale and its a matter of preference if they go down during the exhale or going down before the inhale. Regardless this is where you are going to feel the most of the throat and muscle movement. This is the part where the tongue gets into play caressing, teasing the most sensitive part for as long as they can comfortably hold their breathe and that is the point where they back off and you'll feel the inhale as well as the backward gliding motion. If you are a complete and utter asshole this is part where you force them to stay as giver begins to gag and the throat muscles goes into overdrive trying to clear the blockage in the throat. This mostly happens in BDSM scenes or if the receiver is a utter asshole who deserves to get beat down as painfully as possible. But it can happen in real life. Its not a wise thing to do since you are absolutely going to piss off the one giving you a tonsil message in a blow job you don't want to feel the tonsil that will cause vomiting. Obvious is obvious. One should always remember to be kind to the giver for they are pleasuring you with an orifice that comes with an assortment of teeth. Therefore, There should be trust on both sides. Now an inexperienced blowjob you are going to be feeling those teeth. It provokes an a rather uncomfortable sensation as the teeth rub on the sensitive flesh. If their teeth is too sharp they shouldn't be giving a blow job in the first place. The uncomfortable sensation sensation feels similar as rubbing your cock on a bunch of warm, moist assortment of rocks. A tongue ring or bar doesn't change the feeling too much but it will change how the tongue interacts caressing the shaft. Now at every point in a blowjob the suction will begin to get little stronger.The giver will pick up speed gliding up and down. The warmth will get more warm and the wetness more wet. This occurs right at the moment preceding ejaculation with the climax if you will. This is at the point where the gliding up and down and the sensations of the warmth and wetness and the feel of lips and all the feeling of the throat muscles moving coalesce in the crescendo of a mouth symphony of sensation that is almost unbearable. This is the pointed where you pass the point of no return and the orgasm rips right through you. And ejaculation/ Cumming is unavoidable. As you release that all consuming need into the mouth that gave you pleasure. Where the giver can decide to spit or swallow. That is a blow job. Quote
DirtyAngel Posted July 20, 2016 Report Posted July 20, 2016 First of all, once you're past the age of two, there is no accidental grabbing of tits unless you're Mr Bean.I don't know, I seem to accidentally grab Lizzie's breasts all the time Quote
BronxWench Posted July 20, 2016 Report Posted July 20, 2016 (edited) First of all, once you're past the age of two, there is no accidental grabbing of tits unless you're Mr Bean.I don't know, I seem to accidentally grab Lizzie's breasts all the time DA, my sweet pixie queen, you never do anything accidentally... Edited July 20, 2016 by BronxWench Quote
DrunkenScotsman Posted July 22, 2016 Report Posted July 22, 2016 To piggyback on something that's been mentioned a few times, the teeth can end a BJ quick. The less experienced the giver, the more likely the receiver will feel teeth. It can range from an uncomfortable scraping sensation on the less sensitive areas, to an agonizing sharp pinch on the tip, especially around the edges of the head. There aren't many things that can kill a hard-on faster than a sudden, unexpected jab of the most searing agony this side of a rectal exam. Quote
DirtyAngel Posted July 22, 2016 Report Posted July 22, 2016 I wonder if its from the pain or the realization you're one small spasm from losing your little buddy Quote
DrunkenScotsman Posted July 25, 2016 Report Posted July 25, 2016 Pure, unadulterated pain. It's like when you get something in your eye x 10 ^ 10 Quote
DirtyAngel Posted July 25, 2016 Report Posted July 25, 2016 omg, seriously it hurts that bad? You're just teasing right? Quote
DrunkenScotsman Posted August 3, 2016 Report Posted August 3, 2016 I might be exaggerating a bit, but it really, really friggin' hurts. Quote
Ichasennin Posted August 10, 2016 Report Posted August 10, 2016 Writing a blowjob hurts? Maybe you are doing it wrong? warellis 1 Quote
GeorgeGlass Posted August 13, 2016 Report Posted August 13, 2016 Writing a blowjob hurts? Maybe you are doing it wrong? Carpal tunnel can develop very quickly if you do all of your typing with one hand. Desiderius Price 1 Quote
Desiderius Price Posted August 14, 2016 Report Posted August 14, 2016 Does the 'like this' button do anything? Quote
BronxWench Posted August 14, 2016 Report Posted August 14, 2016 We DO need the Like button back, don't we? Quote
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