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Status Replies posted by JayDee

  1. I love my parents.

    I’m at work late. I turn around and the arizona rain hit. Its raining sideways the wind is howling and moaning and my car is in the farthest reaches of the parking lot.

    and my parents of all people drive up and help me to my car.

    I don’t deserve them. :happykitten:

  2. For financial reasons (some self-inflicted, some because of my mother-in-law’s medical expenses), I am giving up cable TV. Will have to find some other way to watch The Loud House and Craig of the Creek. Or else my cartoon fanfics are going to be taking a Netflixy turn. 

  3. It’s been over seven years since RUSH released Clockwork Angels, and nothing has changed. I still fall into an all-encompassing, skin-prickling, lung-stilling, and soul-rending state of ecstasy every time I hear “The Wreckers.” The problem? My hubby has crazy-narrow tastes in music and can’t comprehend how I can love that song so much. It’s true, but I feel like telling him “it makes my ears jizz themselves” would be poorly received by someone who only enjoys music with screaming in it.

    Seriously. My ears need a smoke after the song’s over. It’s that freakin’ good.

  4. Wishing our Foeofthelance a very Happy Birthday, and many more, lad! :bday: :cheers:

  5. So I’m working on Part Nine of The Woman in the Statue (the goal is to be done around the 18th), and I wanted to describe the lobby of the Van Dijk building, but how big is it?

    Now I could just bullshit this...but you all know I won’t.

    So the building is about 300 meters tall and is a regular octagon in cross section (meaning all eight sides are the same length).  If the lobby in which Chloe, Luzurial and the assault team fight hybrids takes up one entire side (“edge” in geometric terms), how big across is it?

    Well, if we assume the building has a base diameter of one sixth of its height, then it’s 50 m in diameter and thus has a circumradius (the radius of the circle connecting all eight vertices/corners of the octagon) of 25 m.  Each eighth of the octagon can be described as an isosceles triangle with two sides 25 m long (since those “sides” are the circumradius) meeting at an angle of 45 degrees.  So now I have to find the missing side.

    Just to remind everyone that I am not a math major, I literally had to use Google to be reminded that an isosceles triangle is just two right triangles smooshed together, which I really should have remembered from 9th Grade Geometry.  Anyway, since the sine (0.3826834323650897717284599840304) of one angle (22.5 degrees) of a right triangle is equal to the length of the opposite side divided by the length of the hypotenuse (25 m), and then we multiply that result (9.56708580912724429321149960076) by two to get the end of the isosceles…

    So the lobby is about nineteen meters wide.  Why do I do this to myself? :rolleyes:

  6. finally got back on here and the pit just to delete some more stories. *sigh* i wish i knew where my motivation for writing went! or if i will ever get back to it

  7. A very Happy Birthday to pippychick, a dear friend and brilliant writer! Hope the day is incredible, and perfect! :wub: :hug: :birthday: :congratualtions:


  8. Why have I never met a female electrician? I get that carpentry and plumbing require a certain amount of upper-body strength, but does electrical work? Or is that profession just an impenetrable boys’ club?

  9. Why have I never met a female electrician? I get that carpentry and plumbing require a certain amount of upper-body strength, but does electrical work? Or is that profession just an impenetrable boys’ club?

  10. The latest firefox update has added “firefox monitor” that gives a notification message about adultfanfiction and a data breach in 2018. Hopefully won’t deter too many users!

  11. Penultimate chapter of Ghoulneedle completed.

    *crosses fingers* Please let the finale flow

  12. The latest firefox update has added “firefox monitor” that gives a notification message about adultfanfiction and a data breach in 2018. Hopefully won’t deter too many users!

  13. The latest firefox update has added “firefox monitor” that gives a notification message about adultfanfiction and a data breach in 2018. Hopefully won’t deter too many users!

  14. The latest firefox update has added “firefox monitor” that gives a notification message about adultfanfiction and a data breach in 2018. Hopefully won’t deter too many users!

  15. The latest firefox update has added “firefox monitor” that gives a notification message about adultfanfiction and a data breach in 2018. Hopefully won’t deter too many users!

  16. Ugh… no sleep again. I swear I sleep one night and the next I can’t… I’m happy to say that one such night produced my current story… but that’s all its good for. I’m a little shocked I completed a chapter or really the intro with over 9k words

  17. Ugh… no sleep again. I swear I sleep one night and the next I can’t… I’m happy to say that one such night produced my current story… but that’s all its good for. I’m a little shocked I completed a chapter or really the intro with over 9k words

  18. Wooo! I hit the 5 chapter mark! Since that’s my I-Got-This-Far-So-Pretty-sure-I-Won’t-Drop-This-fic-Like-I-Did-The-Last-Fifty-Yay line in he sand, you know what that means, don’t you? Tiiime to unleash this porny beast upon the world!!!! Mwahahahaahaha! 

    Well… Soon as I edit and wrangle me a beta… BEWARE and so forth. 

  19. Wooo! I hit the 5 chapter mark! Since that’s my I-Got-This-Far-So-Pretty-sure-I-Won’t-Drop-This-fic-Like-I-Did-The-Last-Fifty-Yay line in he sand, you know what that means, don’t you? Tiiime to unleash this porny beast upon the world!!!! Mwahahahaahaha! 

    Well… Soon as I edit and wrangle me a beta… BEWARE and so forth. 

  20. Am back in a “can’t finish anything” phase. Which may be for the best after finishing Pregnant in Alabama.

  21. Am back in a “can’t finish anything” phase. Which may be for the best after finishing Pregnant in Alabama.

  22. Keep yer fingers crossed that we get staffing issues finally settled for where I work.  It has been BRUTAL.  Sixty hours worked since Saturday.  And I’m not done.

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