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Everything posted by JayDee

  1. So I posted the info to LL on Jan 28th, but they never said anything in reply. Leads me to believe either a) Didn’t actually care that much or b) didn’t want to be seen to be replying to a writer like JD, even when quoting/crediting others or c) Rude prick.
  2. Flaying Solo is ten years old. I wrote it for Deathstalker who named the character to be used. Deathstalker wrote a story in exchange for me. It was a story exchange, not a monetary exchange. All of the old “New Jedi Order” stuff has been quietly dropped into the Legends bin, and Jaina never existed. Which kind’ve makes Disney worse than me. Just sayin’ Anyway, a decade later I’ve had another review: Thank you for your review! I don’t think this is quite what people mean when they talk about shipping characters, but Deathstalker seemed happy with it way back when. Personal history, huh? I was gonna crack an eye joke, but you probably wouldn’t appreciate the humor. I’m happy you liked it anyhow, thanks again for the review.
  3. Oh, sure, twirling them like a mustache and laughing evilly
  4. Thanks for the input folks, I’d seen the wiki entry with much of the info Melrick has on the reproduction and that was what got me wondering – because if they reproduce that way they don’t really need male or female human style down there… although I guessed they’d have some sort of cloaca for solid/liquid waste down because it feels like it makes more sense for a biped to evacuate downwards rather than having to bring it back up and spew it out. It was specifics I was hoping for- in the decades D&D has been around I knew it had some fairly established canon and widely held fanon, but like Melrick I couldn’t see anything specific. I owe someone a short scene with a Mind Flayer and my lack of detailed D&D knowlege counted against me! I know the fuckers have got hands, I might just rely on fingering and assume they’re closer to GI Joe dolls with some kind’ve shit chute.
  5. What exactly do Mind Flayers have going on downstairs?
  6. Strickly no Robbies. It’s a short step from Robbie to Rabbie, and before you know it you’re up to your neck in witches called Cutty.
  7. My new rule is to only read any work of fiction if it contains at least one character, male, female or other, called “Bob” or “Bobbie”.
  8. I like the old dracula/alucard thing of giving them a backwards name. Hence the demon Eparlegna and his hobby of appearing in the sort of story that Tumblr’s more activist users do not care for. Also, occasional jokey/wordplay names. Otherwise, I just mess around until something fits.
  9. I couldn’t get on with libreoffice. It seemed to freeze up on trying to select words for spell check, luckily I found my old Microsoft office cd today and have just re-installed. Haven’t had time to write for a while again, but fingers crossed soon!
  10. With all the quality recent guides, I’m looking forward to “Writing the Deuteragonist and Tritagonist” with step one being “Look up Deuteragonist and Tritagonist in the dictionary.”
  11. Sneaky little Summerses! That was exactly my issue. First glance, I knew the answer. Glances two through five I grew more unsure. Glance six, I was curled into a fetal ball babbling about the return of the kindly ones. Thanks for this also! As further illumination goes, it’s pretty darn lit up. Although, no matter how serious my writing, I’m gonna let beauty trump technicality. Actually, beauty is pushing it for mine. Readability, say.
  12. Thank you to you both! BW’s suggestion of thinking of it as an event makes sense to me
  13. Over on a somewhat quiet forum I occasionally check through, but won’t link because advertising, and because said forum has a policy that no other sites exist, the author LL asked this question: My initial reaction was that it should only be after Snyder as “Snyder’s Summers Sexfest” because it sounds like it’s really gonna be his sexfest with Mrs and Ms Summers taking part, but when I went to write this reply I found my grammar explanations have decayed to the point where I couldn’t explain this to my own satisfaction as I would be able to if the question were about, say, “Snyder’s House Party.” I checked my own grammar and english usage books (including such helpful tips as “english should have a capital”) and I still find myself unsatisfied. As such I was a) unable to give an answer to LL and b) bugged. Can anybody give me an answer that satisfies me, and that I can then therefore take to LL (with appropriate credit)? Edit: For the cock up in the first line. Thanks for your time
  14. I… I don’t know why I didn’t already try that. Yup, it works. I feel foolish now. Thanks for your time.
  15. Yep, I tried a few times. I’m getting less response than an amorous necrophile.
  16. Hi, Going through: http://books.adult-fanfiction.org/index.php# I click log in, put in my email and password and it just doesn’t do anything? I’m pretty sure my password is right, I haven’t changed it in slightly too long for good security! I’m on latest version of Firefox. Sorry to bother you and thanks for your time.
  17. Any chance of developing seperate Mobile and desktop versions (like how sites have those m. versions that auto-detect a phone)? Seems to work for https://m.xkcd.com/ Wouldn’t have to be implemented right away, just a thought. If it’s a question of server room you could go ahead and delete celeb. I wouldn’t mind, and as a solipsist I think my opinion is more important than y’all illusions. Edit: This isn’t a complaint, just a query!
  18. Honestly, the best option is probably the responsible adult one
  19. The less responsible option is to write a lovingly crafted scene of one of their OTP fucking out the other’s eyes and smearing shit in the sockets. Just for balance there.
  20. I always say you can never trust the moderators of a fanfi… uh… that is, I heard people say that. I wouldn’t. And even then, terrible generalizaton. At this stage though, it seems like walking away from the site might not be the worst option. Not necessarily taking work down, or posting to say why, just disengaging and taking a break. And if you get suspended because of the troll comment, well, if you’ve disengaged and walked away you’d not notice. Also, What the actual fuck!?
  21. Did you ever see Starship Troopers 2? One of those control bugs. Anyway, it’s pretty much finished but I’ll hold off putting it on AFF for a little bit so I can do another check over for typos that my brain* has been hiding from me. Thanks everyone for the assist. *or brain bug? Dah DAH DAAAAH….
  22. Pippychick – Thanks! Desiderus Price – That makes more sense than my assumption.
  23. I… I now find myself wondering the difference between [Abortion], [Abortion+] and [Abortion++] is it like one’s through planned parenthood, the others are wire coat hanger or falcon punch? “Mpreg’s the disease, Captain Falcon is the cure!” So reading through It sounds ultimately that 3plus is probably for the best – while some readers will be a little disappointed there aren’t three people going at it at the same time, and I can see where GG is coming from, the control by the parasite is central to the story and it is self-aware so it’s more than just a voy thing. And I just realised I probably need to throw a Necro tag in there too for the last paragraph or so. Better safe than sorry even if it is just solo over remains. I’m also putting a Rape tag on because it’s clearly rape-by-deception not to explain you’re actually a meat puppet controlled by a parasite. Pippychick – It’s a PWP snuff fic (brain parasites being bad for health) crossover. I’d suggest most forum users and quite a few site readers would be best avoiding it - one of those niche stories! I know you’re great at dark themes yourself but this is on the ponographic filth side rather than the arty atmospheric literature side !
  24. The parasite is certainly self-aware and the species have demonstrated elements of sadism so I guess there could be enjoyment too. On that basis I think then throwing in the 3plus makes sense. The key really is the self-awareness I guess so you’ve got it nailed there!
  25. Hi, Thanks in advance for your time, site staff and any general passers by with two cents. Partly as a little break from wrangling Willow’s psychology that I’ve been working on again lately, I’ve bashed out a short scene for someone else and when it came to coding it I wasn’t sure if I just be adding the 3plus tag. For the sex there’s a man and a woman, but the man has a kind of brain parasite controlling his actions so an argument could be made that there’s three involved even if one of them is only inside another’s brain. Does this need a 3plus tag? I would like to clarify that this story is in no way political and has nothing to do with the new President of the United States.
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