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Everything posted by JayDee

  1. But we all do kinda want to hear about the Christmas party where they got really drunk, mind. I can’t believe how old it is now. Another five years and AFF’ll have users who weren’t born when it was created.
  2. https://fanlore.org/wiki/The_Sparklypoo_Comic
  3. You know, if it wasn’t for Mary Sue we wouldn’t have had the glorious creation of House Sparklypoo.
  4. I’d say I mostly hate Mary Sue because of the eyes. Yup. Them eyes.
  5. If could do, if someone wrote it!
  6. I know it might seem like I have some kind of obsession with water spirits, but family legend has it that Grandmother’s Grandfather was a stream. And It’d be awesome if you did, The Price came out brilliant so thanks in advance if you do.
  7. If you’re ever writing a Hatoful Boyfriend fanfic, pretty much constantly for the cooing.
  8. A user asked for some prompts in another thread here so I’m just going to link to the prompts there in case anyone wants to use them. I’ll throw out some more ideas I’ve had that I’ll not get on to writing due to not being able to write: A truck stop where the lot lizards are actually lizards. ** A pro-wrestling promotion where the ring rats are actually rats ** A parliament where the members are actually weasels. Wait, sorry, that one isn’t fiction. ** In 1312 Wat meets an elf along the road from Yoxford and instantly falls in love with him. The elf is capricious and cruel but inadvertantly ends up loving him back while supposedly messing with him. ** A delusional vampire thinks she’s a werewolf. ** A dog is given the ability to talk by a fairy. The owner regrets all the bestiality. ** The (fictional!) President of the United States of America is revealed to be an Oompa Loompa. ** A factory owner starts illegally polluting the river. The river spirit takes revenge by polluting him. ** An internet troll who spent all his life attacking furries dies and gets yiffed in hell. ** A DNA test reveals that a long married loving couple are not brother and sister in “Jerry Springer’s Alabama Special.” ** Enraged residents of Alabama lynch a former fanfic writer for all the inbreeding jokes ** A man can only come in Iambic pentameter ** An internet troll meets a real troll beneath a bridge. ** A gamer loses on COD and goes upstairs to find the guy who killed him fucking his Mom.
  9. You get to be Mayor of McDonaldland.
  10. If I could remember, and it still applied, I’d start again!
  11. That’s what I was shooting for! Do you think I got the tone a little off?
  12. That Outline: So KYBCLM are out in the snow. All semi naked and shit. There were more of them originally, but giggles cause avalanches. They toss a few snowballs and talk about the innate sexiness of frostbitten labia. Or whatever the point of the specific fetish is. Is that right? A solid six or seven minutes in which their skin begins to take on lovely blue tones. Wind chill’s minus 30 or so. Numbness begins to spread. They stumble inside and get hit with pins and needles as nerve endings start getting blood supply in surrounding tissue. Groans, moans, squeals. The odd detaching extremity. Then, play time. Out comes the Trivial Persuit. Kim wins because she’s like the best. [/Scene]
  13. Hopefully they’ve come up with a decent and non-addictive pain management program as well! At least non-life threatening.
  14. Clearly the headwaiter was not a necro fetish fan.
  15. Taken by Surprise was one of three short request fics I did as thank yous a good while back, forgot to post for ages, and then finally remembered to post. Or something. It gets a little hazy tbh. Thank you for your review! I appreciate it and I totally understand how the lore points not being quite right can harm immersion. Unfortunately with it being a topic I’m less knowlegable about I kind’ve had to ask the requester and the forum here for some points but obviously made a few errors anyway! Actually, I sometimes made stupid mistakes in fandoms I do know. Like the electric shock incident in Five Women. One Night. But thank you again I’m glad you got something out of it and thanks for further educating me on Drows.
  16. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that it is all alright for you. At least the greyhound’s come through her visit ok!
  17. I suspect you can’t block ‘em simply because no part of the site is behind a password wall for viewing, so any blocked account could just log out and use a proxy or whatever and still view your stories/profile. If someone is harrassing you or plagiarising you then your best bet is to just raise that in the TOS Violations subforum. The site’s staff come down firmly against that sort of thing. They’re not keen on it at all. I’m sure a mod’ll be along to give you a proper answer anyhow, bit of a quiet time of day usually right now but certainly at some point!
  18. People have been asking this about me for ten years,
  19. My characters better not if they know what’s good for them.
  20. Based on the name Gabe Ugliano this would be for the Percy Jackson series of books.
  21. That one gave me a little chill and I’m not even moving home.
  22. No, I don’t have any prompts for Wat. As fine a name as it was for many a medieval commoner. Most famous being Wat Tyler.
  23. Some prompts: The last Angel in a universe abandoned by god and overrun by demons goes on a quest to find a really good taco stand and falls in love with the woman running it. ** A woman finds using Tinder finds herself. She gets in contact thinking it is someone pretending to be her, and discovers it’s connected to a parallel universe. She has phone sex with herself. ** A redheaded witch gets gangbanged by… wait, no fanfiction. And it’s not my prompt anyway. ** The (fictional) world’s shortest woman meets the world’s tallest man at a world record event and has sex somehow. They’d probably need lube. ** A nerd goes to fuck his mom’s vacuum cleaner. When he kisses it, it turns out to have been an elven princess under a curse. She mocks him for trying to fuck a vacuum cleaner and then fucks his sister. ** A Dwarf, an Elf and an Amazonian warrior walk into a strip club. ** A woman with vagina dentata meets a man with a regenerating penis. ** Man picks a woman up in a bar and she turns out to be an IRS Agent. ** A woman can only come in haiku. ** A man and/or woman engages in some form of sexual contact with a man and/or woman. ** A werewolf accidently gets knotted into a glory hole. ** The spirit of Lake Chaubunagungamaug has sex with the first person in history not to laugh at her name.
  24. No worries! Was just curious. Edit – I thought I’d seen it before! – – So I can see the advantage of making it about HP instead of original, a more popular fandom might make it more likely to take up right? Good luck anyway!
  25. “ the thing that John ask is a night of sex “ “ he want to make Jane suffer in every possible way.” Gotta ask, was this request originally about other folks?
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