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Becca Star

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Everything posted by Becca Star

  1. I love you too!!!! At least you bring me back... though it still feels werid.. kinda like: "HEY!" "What?" ~turns around and gets their head cut off...~ ~you walk over and revive me...~ "Haha... Sorry about that... I was bored..." "Geee... thankz..." ~snaps head back in proper place~ "Well, see you when I get bored again..." ~sighs~ lol...
  2. Wow... That's just... wow... I can't even think of anything else to say... wow..
  3. I think they might be air dolls so I am assuming that's wear to Blow... them up... I'm just guesing though...
  4. Wait!!! What just happened????? I just took at lok at my stats and SOMEHOW I have ANOTHER suicide!?!?!?!?!?!? When did this happen??? THis was a forced suicide I say! FORCED!
  5. Oh that's so funny Lost_Soul... I'm gonna have to read the whole comic... PRICELESS!
  6. Yay! We Friends! ~hugs~ Even if you do kill me every now and then... it's all good!! ^.^

  7. Only in the RPG worlds for me.. ~sighs~ That would be so cool... But I'd probably take out someone's eye.... lol I have never been struck by lightning... shockie shockie!! lol
  8. I don't care about the money though I'm practically poor... I just want more people to attack!!! I mean SURE it's fun having kill buddies and all... but seriously... I've just about killed each other with everything out there... This is getting a bit dull.... Please expand it to 3 or 4 levels in each direction... Especially lower... They tease me so BAD with their stupid blinking red lights!!!! ARUGH!
  9. Well thank you for bringing me back... I do like to live....
  10. I have... My eye sight kinda sucks!!! I have never built a house with my own two hands though I really want to... like Habitat for Humanity...
  11. Wooo!! I like life!
  12. I missed you the last few days... I'm gald everything went well!!!!

  13. I actually have... When I was in Mexico... It was pretty yummy... I have never been overseas...
  14. 6939
  15. Squall-sama killed me... Then someone brought me back from the dead... And then Calanthee up and killed me... I... feel... RAPED!!! lol... Please tell me I'm not the only one.... So... many... scars...
  16. Me neither! I'm all excited!! lol I have never Danced with a chicken.... an actual alive chicken....
  17. Lol... I have never set MYSELF on fire... though I have plucked my own hair and light THAT on fire just to see if it really does burn quickly... I have never had a "friend with benefits" and don't fully understand the whole "no emotions attacked" thing.... (From fun and games to sex stuff... go figure...)
  18. Really now... DO tell...
  19. Aim: Goldeneyesofinu Yahoo: Goldeneyesofinu E-mail: Goldeneyesofinu@yahoo.com I shall be waiting!
  20. You're so mean tempting me with those 17 hps... EVIL! You're evil I say!!!

  21. Hellz yeah!!! I love to travel... I just might have to update my stuff depending on where we're going and so forth.... hmmmmm....
  22. Lol... ummm... I'll have to say I have...... I'm guessing that there are a lot of stupid people in your area then? Or are you just completely and totally awesomely smart? Either way it must be realy hard keeping up interesting conversations... That HAS to suck... I have never gone bungee jumping... as of yet...
  23. Lol... I'll be waiting for my horrible mind exploding yet some how satisfy death... by your hands...
  24. How bout this... we plan a trip... and find some crazy wonderful place... that's a kind of half way point... and see what happens... Sound good???
  25. HAHA! Me too... Oh the elusive sleep... reminds me of a "courage the cowardly dog show" episode... Sleep is for the WEAK any way! And the show "INSOMINA" freaking rules... On with the crazy drinks of caffinee!!!!!
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