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Becca Star

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Everything posted by Becca Star

  1. I use to have a problem with it back when I was dating this other person because it would consume his life and he'd compare me to who ever he's watching... With my baby though it's all good. We'll watch it together, or seperately and enjoy our selves. Sometimes we'll even make it a compition between us and whatever pron we're watching.. Or steal some of the moves they do... There are times too with our old roommates that we'll set up a "Cake N Porn" night... We'll get some crazy porn movie with a plot and just make fun of all the crappy acting and comment about how that orgasim was SO fake... lol... it's a lot of fun.... "Pirates" is a god one to watch for your first night of "Cake N Porn" if ya do it....
  2. Currently I am a 38 F getting into a G... I hate it... though in my own way I love them too... Becuse I'm a little bigger than most girls its fits my body type, but the indentations on my shoulders are horrible. I'd love to get a reduction after I have kids and breast feed, shrinking them down to a nice D... And whn it comes to other females I'd say they have to be properly porportioned. When you have tiny boobs a a big butt... YUCK... When you have HUGE knockers and a tiny buttt... YUCK... I love the hour glass and that's what I look for... Oh... and from what I've found out they can continue to grow into adult hood... My Aunt's didn't stop growing till she was 36 and it's looking the same for me... ~sighs~
  3. Born in Medford NJ Lived most my life in Orlando Fl Currently stuck in Greenwood SC ANd it's 3:30 in the afternoon
  4. no no... not the stinky kind... I love me some COby JAck... ^ Isn't very fond of stinky cheese?
  5. Becca Star


    I went to a site to double check all mine... http://www.ticklishsubject.com/varietyfetishes.html Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Fetishes to Specific Items: Acousticophilia Adolesecentalism Altocalciphilia Doraphilia Exophilia Hyphephilia Iconolagny Pictophilia Fetishes to Specific Environments Acrophilia Actrasty Agoraphilia Agrexophilia Albutophilia Amomaxiz Antholagnia Barosmia Melolagnia Thalpotentiginy Undinism Fetishes to Specific Body Parts Acomoclitc Alvinolagnia Genofact Mastofact Oculophila Fetishes to Specific Bodily Functions Acmegenesis Hygrophilia (Sweat ok...) Idrophrodisia Sexual Paraphilias Agonophilia Algophilia Allopellia Amychesis Basoexia Bondage Bunding Candulism Chorerophilia Cratolagnia Defilement Ecdemolagnia Ecdyosis (To an extent) Hodophilia Inspetionism Juvenilism Knismolagnia Merinthophilia Odaxelagnia Osculocentric Parascopism Peodiektophilia (to an extent) Rhabdophilia Sarmassophilia Sitophilia Tantalolagnia Telephone scatophilia Transvestophilia Tripsolagnia Triposophilia Vicarphilia Vincilagnia Wrestling Other Sexual Actions and Attitudes Frottage Gynonudmanic Harmatophobia (All I want is to please!) Hedonophilia NIddah Olfactophilia Organofact Osmolagnia Ozolagnia Pathophobia I looked at some other sites with lists too... but after typing it all... I felt really dirty... I'm not a whore! I swear! I've only had three partners and they have all been long term relationships!!! I just like a lot of different things... And a lot of those mentioned are actually repeats under different names...
  6. Since I keep getting killed and it takes FOREVER for me to be revived... Why not set up a thing where you can come back as a zombie for like maybe two kills... Or just one... to try and kill the person that just killed you???? Just a thought....
  7. It was more like an extremly early breakfast... but in a way yes... I love me my late night meals... G/NG: Laughed so hard and for so long the entire room started to laugh with you?
  8. I've just fallen in love with Zero and Kaname from Vampire Knight all over again!!! I love me some boys with teeth!!! SO SEXY!!! ~drools~
  9. ^ likes Mr Depp as much as < WOO.. he's sexy! < wants some Dr Pepper and a big ol burger... with lot of cheese... i wuvs cheese...
  10. Becca Star

    I Am...

    I am craving my baby's sweet swet touch I am wishing for my sore throat to disappear I am also hopeing something interesting happens in the next few min for fear of death by boredom....
  11. I'm wondering if that question has to do with cat food or chinese food... ~ducks under flying tomatoes~ I HAD TO SAY IT! What does cat tate like any way?
  12. KWANZAA Kooky Warlords Against Neo Zoological Anti Agents P H O T O M O S A I C S
  13. What the freak????? ~examise dead TV~ Well this sucks.... ~starts bashing in TV so it can never be saved and takes out all unwanted aggression~ Ah.... Much Better! *Chucks baseball bat used on TV below
  14. As long as ^ remembers to bring the film so we can take many blackmail shots... >.> <.< < Needs to get into her sexy attire and find something to get rid of this damn sore throat... V will be < date for the crazy party
  15. Stup - relating to those who are not speical or important enough to be called the full word stupid... you know who you are!
  16. Super Brothers In My Pants
  17. SO very guilty.... ~sighs~ G/NG: Used to make mud pies and actually eat them as a child....?
  18. ~pouts~ I bought the stuff but I can't seem to use it to heal!!!! ~cries in a corner~ Insane amount of extra keys of key ring when only ONE works!!!! (OH NO!)
  19. Hmmmm... Interseting... I didn't think they made hermaphrodite blow ups.... >.> <.< ~Hides blow up doll in jacket for later~ * Pokes person below her with nail clipper
  20. If I stop dying I might be able to FINALLY level up!!! CANDY
  21. "Another release of all that damned energy, Wyss?" His roommate Nya watched him slowly enter back into the house with the solemn look of boredom and concerned depression. "Yeah, I'm really getting sick of all this crap. I have to get the hell out of here before something bad happens." "Nothing a good romp in bed won't fix." "Does your fiancé know you're making sexual remarks to me." "He don't care." Continuing further into the house, Wyss flopped down on the tired grey couch to ponder how he'd get off this God forsaken planet and actually do something with his life. (How's that?)
  22. Sudden amusement at the challenge that is the current post topic. Excessively under goes examination of said topic to further decipher if adequately responding and reviving post within the site.
  23. Diane Keaton
  24. InuBaka's Lupin... damn he's a sexy dog... (an actual fiction dog... not like InuYasha half human half dog... but an actaul dog... yeah... I'm special...)
  25. (Damn you! You not only kill me ALL THE TIME you took the word I wanted to use..... ahh.. you're still cool) underbelly insane society
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