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Becca Star

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Everything posted by Becca Star

  1. O.O Seriously??? That's actually pretty cool... I don't even know how much sugar it would have to take to get me bouncing of the walls anymore... A guy that works at the coke company actually told me that VAULT has ... what was it... like... 3 times more sugar than Mt. Dew... Yeah... And now a days I won't stay awake unless I have like 4 Vaults.... it just doesn’t affect me all that much… sometime I’ll need 6! I'm not so shocked any more when people tell me my blood tastes sweet... hmmm
  2. Hehe... That's how my room looks!!! I really feel that I am one of the few that don't pay attention to the lines of stereotypes of the sexes... An organized mess is not a mess... It's organization on another level.... hehehe And I understand the whole modesty thing... There's just some people out there you DON'T want to see naked... ~shivers~ eeeewwwwwwwww...
  3. That doesn't exactly make me feel any better... in case you were wondering... And who knows... perhaps ONE day... when I least expect it... I'll be close enough for you to blast to tiny lil bits... Some day... Or of course I'll just probably try and attack you on even ground and commit suicide once again... lol
  4. wow.... you must... never sleep with all that... juice in your system... Personally I'm not much of a Full Throttle kind of girl... I prefer my VAULT! specially those commercials... ~snickers~ they're funny... You know... ONCE... for a WHOLE day... I survived off of one bottle of vault and three flavored tootsie rolls.... That was a very crazy day for me... very...
  5. Hmmmmmm.... I like that.... and there's nothing wrong with man whores... I just find there to be a need to equality in the world of seduction... I personally would love to have two guys to.... well... that's another topic... And I do love the pics you have up! Hmmm... thinking more on this... I'm feeling kinda... extra dirty... lol...
  6. YES! Finally.... Though... You only had 5 hps... I feel like I cheated.... >.<

  7. Nearly 75% of the time I try and fold clothes... I give up and just throw them in the drawer... Though most the time I'll just throw them into a corner I labeled "clean" I have little patience for clothing that doesn't want to cooperate... There are the few times though that I actually get them right... or so I think... As soon as I'm done with all the clothes and smiling with pride at my wonderful accomplishment someone comes by and says "You didn't fold it right." I hate that... Makes me want to scream "FUCK YOU!" and run out.... Personally.. I'd rather run around naked... or at least only in my underwear deleting the whole need to clean and fold clothing... That would be nice... ~dreamily sighs~
  8. Awwww... I'd go camping with you... And hang out at random times at night.... And do crazy shit at the spur of the moment..... Even if I do live in America.... and am an American... though I want to get the hell out... I hope that wouldn't affect our friendship! Crazy fun time in the woods! WOO!
  9. Sorry bout that... you only had 6 hps left... and it was JUST... SO... TEMPTING!!! i wuvz u? don't hurt me!

  10. lol.... yesssshhhhhh~ o.o
  11. OK... I have THREE fics I'm trying to find... (I know I'm a pain) I honestly cannot remember if they were on AFF or another site and I really don't remember the EXACT pairings for one butt I'll tell you what I DO remember.... The first one involves InuYasha, Kouga, and Kagome... I'm not sure if Kagome had agreed to be Kouga's mate or not but in one of the chapters she does something to make him look bad in front of his pack and has to punish her... The way he punishes her is by trying to rape her in the doggie position... I don't remember completely but I do believe he was able to actually rape her in the middle of the forest with his pack watching.. Any way his claws are digging into her flesh and she's crying and InuYasha comes to save her... That's all I remember from that one... The Second one wasn't complete yet (this was about two or three years ago though) and it was an AU/AR... It starts off with a pack of male demons storming a village for it's human women because for some reason all the youkai girls have disappeared.... InuYasha and Sesshomaru are kind of CO leaders of this pack and one day InuYasha goes off by himself... THis is when a demon Kagome and Rin come into the picture. Apparently the women have been hiding because the guys are too brutal... Anyway, the two of them are following InuYasha because Rin is curious.. Kagome puts up a kind of barrier to make them invisible but of course InuYasha can sense them and touches the ground and puts a spell down that captures the two girls and then he takes them to his village... And that's all there was to the story... then I lost it... The LAST one was over 50 chapters... Another InuYasha Kagome thing... Anyway.. InuYasha gets Kagome pregnant before he leaves to go to hell with Kikyo... Kagome goes back to her time and has a cute little hanyou baby with his daddy's doggie ears... Sesshomaru and Rin make an appearance to help Kagome out with the difficulties of doctors telling her to get rid of the ears saying it's "a family trait"... Back in hell InuYasha is thrown from it's fire and Kikyo is punished because he wasn't supposed to be there... He finds Kagome and his kid... and a bunch of stuff happens... I remember scanning the last chapter (I had saved this all to read on a train and then lost it... the computer died...) In the last chapter one of Kagome's high school friends are talking to her and I think cheating came up and I think it was Emi asked InuYasha how he could be so true to Kagome... he said "Why wouldn't I be faithful to my mate... er... Wife?" She also makes a comment about how he looks like he's hasn't aged a day since she last saw him... So yeah... Those are the three I'm been trying to find forever and a day now... If you have any idea what they are called or where I can find them.... Please let me know... Also if you know for sure that they were deleted... Please tell me so I don't have to keep wandering around aimlessly.... I really hate doing that.... It's bad enough I keep killing myself.... I don't need to bash my head on the computer too!!! lol.. ;p THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Ahhhh!!!! ~runs at you with a butchers knife, falls, and stabs own leg~ DAMN IT! Not again!!! I'll Get you Amber Rose!!!! lol

  13. Lol... yay! but I was down to the 7th slot!! Now I'm up to FOUR! ~SIGHS~ And I feel the urge to go fight someone higher than me... AUGH! lol
  14. OMG!!! Now I'm at 7!!!! What's wrong with me? Why can't I stop killing myself?????
  15. I was checking up on my favorite lil squirrel, Foamy, and found one of his new rants/list of rules about the conventions... I thought you'd all enjoy... And be sure to pay attention to Germaine in the back ground... That's where my personal photo icon came from... Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MDynzLBXd0 Tell me what you think... lol
  16. You're lucky... When I was younger in the whole GRUNGE stage of life I wore a lot of flannel and my dad thought I was lesbian... though he mostly called my butch... I hated it... made me have a slightly slutty looking stage after that until my bf and guy BFF of the time told not I looked like an OBT whore... I really did too.... ~sighs~ In middle school I was asked out by the leading Lesbian and though I thought she was really cool I didn't really think we'd click romantically.... She came back around in High School and asked again... I said no and then I never saw her after... On opposite day during spirit week I taped down my boobs, pulled back my hair, wore my favorite dark green cargo pants and my dad's old "want woman" shirt with Animal from the Muppets... I received so many devilish and "mmmmmmmm" looks from passing females I practically raped my boyfriend to feel like a chick... He didn't exactly help though saying that I looked to much of a guy to make him feel comfortable kissing me.... -___- He left me for a butch too... go figure... In college I had this one really cool girl friend that was lesbian... we met in our drawing class and her best friend was this cute little gay guy... We all clicked and tried to hang out as much as possible but it always felt like she was trying to convince me to leave my boyfriend and turn lesbian... It was weird.... When I was working at Chipotle I had a lesbian manager and the last week I was there before leaving to return to school she kept... hinting... things... Like this one time I was cutting some avocadoes and one of the girls was passing out the tips and didn't know how to give it to me so I said.. "Just put it in my back pocket... I'm comfortable with my sexuality." she laughed and put it in my pocket but then my manager yelled out "Are you sure???" With a gleam in her eye and smirk on her face while raising her brows.... Even my boyfriend said she had a thing for me and so did one of my cute coworkers! She was a great person and I loved hanging out with her... but... not like that... Also while I was working one night another manager was flirting with a girl and for some reason she wanted nothing to do with him. When he didn't have her pay she insisted but I told her no because it's management orders. She looked at me with a smile and tried to give me the twenty she had... I told her to place it in the bucket for everyone bt she said she only wanted to give it to me... I said it was a group effort to make her food so wonderful and then she grabbed my collar and threw the twenty down my shirt with a smile... it was weird... We also had a continuing customer from a neighboring store that I would talk to going down the line. Sometimes I'd even make her food the way I knew she liked it and if there were no more chips I'd make her a fresh batch since that's one of the only reasons she ever came in and she loved them so much... I'm all about customer satisfaction... ANYWAY my last day of work I went over to her store and we talked and I mentioned my Boyfriend and she became all serious and angry... Her eyes even looked a little hurt... I didn't know that I was leading her on or something! That's what my boyfriend said I was doing! I didn't know!!!!! And from what my boyfriend told me about how a female teacher was acting toward me in College she might have had a thing for me too… I was so close to her and confided in her about personal… I looked at her as a best friend… I think he was just jealous… "No teacher asks to have lunch sometime with just ONE student alone…." Whatever… -__- Now... now I believe I'm bi... I guess everyone just finally got to me.... hmmmmm
  17. OOOOOOOh...... my goodness! That had to suck! In my school gay guys were idolized... same thing in College... I'm sorry things didn't turn out so nicely for you... But at least the slut left you alone... You know what? You should have gone with "I'm Asexual." That would have been an interesting look on her face... hmmm...
  18. I don't feel awkward.. I feel old and so.. So.. SO far behind in life... -______- Basically everyone I know is engaged, married, has kids, or is married with kids... I have very few friends left from High School, Middle School, and even Elementary that are single or in a long term relationship without kids... Shoot... Even in my family practically everyone neat my age is married or has kids... Though the only other one without should have kids... she's kinda... >.> easy... from what I hear... ANYWAY... Yeah... I feel very old... By the time I FINALLY get a ring, married, and have my kids... All their kids will be entering Middle School... maybe even High School.... O.O It sucks... >.< MARRY ME YOU BASTARD!!! ~yelling at long term boyfriend… we’ve been together over 4 years now... If that’s not love I don’t know what is…~
  19. Why can't I kill you??????? lol

  20. Crap.... I just killed myself trying to take donw DarkInu.... 5!!! Only 5 HP left but NOOOOOO I couldn't do it.... Now I have 6 suicides... and I was recovering really nicely....
  21. AHHHH!!!!!!!!! I love it!!! Use your mom to your advantage and if you and your girl don't make it... well... let's just say us girls don't fantasize about gay guys for NUFFIN!!! "I'd turn straight with you... I know it!" Ah hahahahahahahahaha! I'd so do it if I was a dude.... On a serious note though, that stuff doesn't make you gay... It makes you an art student!
  22. I HAVE! wait.. no... yes? no... did that count?... Let me go ask... I have never been able to finish the whole song "Bottles of beer on the wall" ... It could be because I start at too high a number... ~sighs~
  23. Lol... I found this picture to be both shocking and hilarious... I found it on a Google search for sexy blond anime... go figure... How this pic got mixed up amongst the anime??? I have NO idea...
  24. Aww!!! That's so sad! I'm going to take a look at it though... One of my favs is "Darkside of the Zodiac" It lists al your character flaws in a kinda humorous way... Well... I thought it was funny...
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