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Becca Star

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Everything posted by Becca Star

  1. ~Gets thonked in the head with nail clipper...~ What the hell... I just... ~stares at nail clippers~ Are you magical??????? *Pokes person below her with deck of cards with no Ace of Spades
  2. That's like asking the ocean to not be so wet!!! What do you take me for? NORMAL!???? lol
  3. Beautiful Morning With You In My Pants!
  4. I really thought I could take them!!!! Geeez! I didn't know any better!!! Lol.... And before Ifound out how to actually heal myeslf (the blond was coming out I swear!) I'd just jump into a batte I'd know I'd die so I could get my stats back up.... Like I said... SPECIAL!!! lol
  5. Sadly, I have... It was a short period in my life (a week I think) I had a horrible living situation and well... life just realy sucked!!! I have never drank so much alcohol that I blacked out and have yet to remember what happened... (excuse any spelling problems.. tonight I'm a bit off with a cold )
  6. Hehehe... I want to read it!!! But that's not what I mean... OK... like the InuYasha Second movie.. where Inuyasha and kagome kiss... basically someone would rewrite the whole movie and replace Kagome with Sango.... That's what I'm talking about...
  7. Squirt! hehehe...
  8. Pleasure!! hehehe
  9. YES! Serveral... I hated it so much when they first went on air... but... i donno... maybe boredom took over... because i just could take my eyes away from the screen!!!!! lol G/Ng: Singing along to a song you didn't know the lyrics to but pretended just to fit in and not have veryone look at you like "omg, what's wrong with you?" ?
  10. Butt floss
  11. I really say it all depends on the person who's writing mainly because I've seen work that took an episode and just rewrote it to what they wanted.... That to me isn't much of a writer... It's still writing... but it's practically stealing... Does that make any sense? I mean I understand as a fan fic writer that I am in my own way also stealing, but I try to come up with original ideas or enviroments that are not always seen in the series or book... Get it? I hope someone does...
  12. I've honestly never stoped to think about it.. I'd probably have a problem with canibalism, some rape, and ummm... I donno really.... I'm gonna take a look at request that are kinda out there and see if I can actually write what they want without a problem... I know one thing I have a problem with is keeping my own feelings out of my work... though I've been doing really well with it... as in NOT putting my own emotions in the work and keeping characters true to themselves...
  13. If you're really concerned about it find a beta who can help you out... You can bounce ideas off them and they can help you any way you might need them to so that the story flows and sounds right...
  14. I've had this one person that's really hard to please on my fic too... Yours sounds to actualy want to help you out and give a real critic, though some of it seems a little trivial... I donno how you should respond to it, but do be nice about since they took the time to actaully review... and be sure not to take their words to heart oo much on the negative side... Focusing on the negatives realy mess up your writing flow... I know it has for me... I've never been a HUGE fan of A/N but recently I've grown to respect them. I personally respond to al my reviewers to let them know that I appreciate the time they took to read and review. Whenever I've commented I'll get really upset that no one cared to even say thank you, it's like the writer is ignoring me or something... You know? Now my A/N is getting a bit long, specialy for my last chapter, but I'm not going to take it off... And I know it can mess up the flow of the story, but that's why I put ~End Chapter~ at the end of the chapter with a few returns after to give the A/N it's own area away from the actual story... I hope that helped you out some! Much Love, Becca
  15. Black Coffee by Yoko Kanno
  16. Lol... You make me laugh...

  17. LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG.... I was SO not expecting to see that... lol... Jockstrap
  18. ARE YOU SERIOUS???? No offense but your girl has PROBLEMS!!... After I read everyone's responses I'll give you a better comment than this....
  19. No... Though i did baby sit two of them for a friend back in the day... they're somuch fun.. though a little stinky! I want to get one but I also want a bunny... and ferrets are natural enemies to bunnies... So I'm kinda stuck....
  20. Yesh! You can have me... though my baby might have something to say about it... lol

  21. Ok.. Well... For some reason I just seem to LOVE to kill myself... So I was wondering... How many suicides do you have?? I have 5!! WOO! I'm special... lol
  22. BLUE!
  23. actually it's the edited version they took out all the major stuff and left a few boob shots... My baby said it was even funnier... They took a four hour porn and turned it into a hour and a half movie... or was it two hours??
  24. Just check it out... IT's funny.. hehehe
  25. Wow... we seriously need some more men in here... This is getting crazy!
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