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Becca Star

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Everything posted by Becca Star

  1. I am no longer allowed to keep my favorite books in the house becasue they "bring in the evil" ... whatever...
  2. Neither have I.... and it's not in my future either... Though a WEDDING is!!! YAY! I have never stuck my finger in a light socket on purpose or by accident...
  3. ^ Doesn't want to battle and also needs a beta/ghost writer... < Thinks we should be able to attack as zombies when dead... just an idea...
  4. I'm a Patterned Ferret... Someone gave me the title when I first started posting on the forum... I'm an official member of the Ferret Army! WOO!
  5. Shiroi Ryu by Joe Hisaishi (I think)
  6. It means I like talking to you... you make me laugh... and well... I'd love to keep you forever! lol

  7. yous knows whats? I want to keep you FORZEVAS! lol

  8. Awwww You think I have pretty eyes?? ~blushes~

  9. Lol... I think I want to keep you...

  10. Hey everyone! I just thought I should let you all know that chapter four to my first fanfic is finally up on AFF... I'd love for you to check it out and leave some reviews... Title: In the Mountains Author: Becca Star Summary: Inuyasha and Kagome go after a jewel shard up a mountain and get caught in an avalanche. Between talking in ones sleep and confusion on true feelings, tensions rise complicating an already complicated situation. Can love reign supreme? Language, UST, WAFF, WIP Rating: Adult (For now) Pairings: InuYasha and Kagome Feedback: I really want some critics on my writing technique, style, what may need improvements and of course any and all love you have for it... URL: http://inu.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600092561 Thank you for checking out this post!!!! Much Love, Becca
  11. I love your artwork! And YES I want to buy!!!

  12. Hey! Hey you! You need to update on AFF!!! GO DO IT!

  13. OK... let's see if I can be of any help... For me it all depends on the last time I was active and if I was left satisfied or unsatisfied... Most the time though it’s my hormones that drive me to "pounce" on my baby... It starts off like this... My senses increase and I'm engulfed with his smell. Even if we're in public, he’s the only thing I can smell. I'll usually get real close to him and lightly brush against him in various ways to let him know what's going on. If he doesn't get the clue I'll go for something a little less subtle and basically out of no where slowly bend down in front of him with my butt in the air and wave it back and forth. Once he gets the idea he's usually right behind me and being the little devil that I am, I'll bend down into a crouched potion and slowly rise with my butt pressing against every bit of him... During all this my heart starts to slightly increase and I sometimes become a little flushed in the face, though usually I’m calm and mask my condition fairly well… I also get this strange feeling like I’m a little school girl with WAY too much energy. I’ll want to play tag just to be chased, running around between cars, booths, trees, tables, rocks, rooms, it all depends on where I am at the moment. I’ll get real giggly too (if he’s actually chasing me instead of waiting for me to settle down so he can pounce). I’ll rub my nose under his chin and play a little game of grab my lips too. Heeee… During this my whole body starts to get a kind of sun kissed warmth and I can’t help but smile every second for no good reason at all. Then my mouth will start to water, craving his taste and I’ll try and bite any bit of flesh I can: lips, cheek, shoulder, and arm, whatever. Sometimes it’ll hurt but mostly it just gets him going more… hehehe… I’ll start to feel anxious too not wanting to wait any longer for him. Touching and grabbing at myself and anything I can get to on him. It’s like all my muscles are spazzing out and jittery as if I’ve had WAY too much caffeine. I’ll get to the point where if he’s not paying attention to me and letting me bite I’ll just jump on him and force him too… Also during that my breaths will become heavier and slightly quickened. My eye lids will start to feel heavy and a tension will start to build from my chest and my genitals will generate a tingling warming sensation that slowly consumes my body. By this time my whole body is heated and I start to “glow” as he says. I think it’s more like I become flushed allover. Every part of me he touches will feel on fire and then as if iced over, sending goose bumps all over. I become more sensitive to temperature and textures, and any difference adds to the sensations leaving me wanting more. Even if he blows gently on my heated skin I’ll move to get more, as if it was the best thing he’s ever done to me. My breasts will peek with the tips feeling cold and the rest of my breasts tingly and warm. Just waiting for his touch makes the peeks looks like mountains. (He laughs when he watches them grow… grrr) The anxiousness increases and there feels like there’s a lump in my through making it hard to swallow and take deep breaths. My heart rate increases more and it’s hard to do anything but let all the emotions take over. My toes begin to curl and I’ll constantly be rolling my ankles as my hands grab at the sheets. (This is all while he’s just roaming my body.) When he finally enters it’s like a light burst from behind my eyes and I give in to the sensation of him filling me. There’s a moment then that settles over both of us as we stare into each other’s eyes loving the moment and savoring it as if it were our first time all over again. He’ll cures my face, give me kisses down my neck and I’ll do the same to him. When he starts to move the lump in my throat dissolves and a new tension starts to engulf me. Each thrust will send wave after wave of a kind of warm tingling feeling starting from my genitals and going out ward. Breathing is heavy and the need to arch my back into him pushes me closer to his burning body. In this moment I can feel everything but see only him. When the pleasure increases to a higher level my eyes will close on their own and I have to force them just to stay open. My mouth usually stays slightly agape as each breath leave me in a huff with each thrust. Now things start to blur as I only feel the pleasure that he’s causing me. I’ll start to become dizzy, with a hot tension in my vagina. My walls start to contract grabbing hold of him as if I were eating him alive. My arms grab hold of him and start to claw at his back and shoulders. I’ll start to bite at whatever bit of flesh is near me at full strength leaving marks that last hours. My eyes roll into the back of my head, my heart beat is most likely around 190 bpm, and my contracting is at it’s strongest. Then the wave of release takes over as my whole body goes into a kind of contraction and slowly relaxes, loosening all muscles and my head feels light. My heart is still beating at full strength and takes a few minuets to even out (because I don’t really do all that much cardio work except while heaving my fun…) My walls are still contracting during this and my clit is extremely sensitive. The slightest movement against it or temperature change will make me jump away. It’s kinda like after a male releases and their head is still sensitive. But yeah, that’s the average arousal for me… Oh, at the beginning of all this with the hormones driving me to pounce I start to get wet. Throughout the whole seduction thing I’ll become more wet to the point where it’s like “there’s a river between my legs.” (As he likes to say)… If I’m not clear on anything let me know.. I know this was more of a description on the act more so than the arousal but hey… give me a break… my baby is nearly 1000 miles away and it’s been a while… I didn’t know how else to get the emotions out than to go through the whole process on paper... So yeah, I hope that helped you out some…. And I’m sorry to hear you really don’t like the act all that much.., but don’t worry about it… it’s just because you haven’t found the right girl yet… My baby was the same way till he met me. He actually had tried masturbating many times before and never even once released. He just wasn’t satisfied and porn never did it for him either. Nothing could get him going. Then… he fell in love… AWWWWW! And I can’t get him to leave me ALONE! AUGH! ... Though I wouldn’t mind if he was home now… ~sighs~ Much Love, Becca
  14. I really don't want to believe this to be true! He was doing so well and DAMN was he sexy!!! I keep hearing that it's by accident, suicide, blah blah... I think it was murder... Why would he take his own life and as far as I know he was realy healthy... I hope they catch the bastard that did this to him... I cry for the acting communities loss.... T-T
  15. I envy you, shinigamiinochi and you too Terri! I hardly ever get the constant flow... At least recently any how... But you know what? I'm gonna try and draw that stupid block on paper and burn it up... Most likely I'll end up laughing at its ashes uncontrollably... with it's ghost haunting me... ~sighs~ Yeah... I'd say I'm just a bit nuts...
  16. ~touches back to figure out what just poked me~ what the... Oh.. Oh god... It's everywhere... why is it every where? And SO sticky... is this... is this GOO? It won't get off... ~rips action figure off shirt and examines it~ ~sniffs air~ What the... Is that smell coming from this little thing??? ~sniffs the object~ OMG! ~strips and runs to take a shower~ ~screams~ EWWWWWWWWWWWWW! *pokes person below her with the horridly smelling clothes*
  17. Yay! I like your examples and I'll be sure to check out your work! I feel that evil writer's block running away in fear! BWAhAHAHAHA! lol
  18. Thank you for the meditation help... your discription is really going to come in handy... I actually think The writer's block is fading away! WOO! lol
  19. LOL... thankz... I'll have to do that...
  20. Well the fight scene is more like battle training between two friends... Later on there will bemore intense fights and combats which I'll probably need a lot of help with... I guess I would have to post up what I have to get any help with that scene... ~sighs~ Are there any stories I can look to for a good example or anything like that? Any suggestions?
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