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Becca Star

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Everything posted by Becca Star

  1. Why not? At this rate we'll never get to infinity... Besides I thought we weren't suposed to go number by number... I mean it started at 888 not 1 ... you know? 9589.. is that better?
  2. ^ just made < very happy! YAY! And sorry about all the bright colors... I'll tone it down so you don't have to hide... Though I don't know how well that's gonna work... I WUV COLORS! lol
  3. ... ... ok... ... my bad for asking? Guilty Ten fold... As long as the movie is done well and actually has a purpose beyond gore I get freaked out... Otherwise if it's just about the gore, I'm bored and grossed out... G/NG: Met your idol/person you inspire to be like? (A famous writer, director, artist...)
  4. Currently I'm writing a fic and I've come to a part that I need to write a fight scene… I think it's OK but I want to know what other's have to say in regards to tips on how to write a great fight…. I'm not going to put up mine because I don't want anyone to write it for me… I just want some tips… How to portray a good fight scene WITH dialogue that isn't boring… And make it flow and feel natural… Can anyone help me…. Please???? OH… And I'm stuck on a meditation scene… One of the characters is trying to teach the other how to properly meditate… I myself am a beginner and don't know much about meditation… What guidelines are there to writing a scene like this?? Or any helpful tips besides research -which isn't helping me much- that I can use to finish this chapter and FINALLY post again? I can visualize both… But getting it out of my head and onto paper is driving me nuts!! PLEASE HELP! If you have tips for both or just one of the scenes please post them… I'll even give you credit in my fic!!! Please help me… ~begs with puppy eyes~ Much Love, Becca
  5. Lol... That's the truth for anyone... all artists of all forms... I personally hate the sneaky moving blocks that pop out of NO WHERE! You know what I'm talking about... You'll be in the zone and your fingers are moving with godly speed and you're practically screaming "YES! YES! Oh GOD YES!!!! THIS IS IT!!!" and than BAM! "... I lost it.... $%#&@#$%*!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!" At least that's how I get...
  6. 22 over here... Though I'll probably stay till I'm six feet under adding to the 61-70... hopefully...
  7. "Fight me" by Xandria (she has sure a gorgeous voice...)
  8. Ummmm... no... it doesn't count... though I've been there before.... Not Guilty... But my Fiancé is... G/NG: Ever pleaded the 5th with an actual reason to Plead the 5th?
  9. ^ has a really cute icon and agrees with Araneola that I'm scary... < doesn't want to be scary... ~pouts~ At least tell me why I'm scary... please...
  10. Guilty, but only once... Even dressed like a chick he was hot... WHY!?!?!?! G/NG : Been in a three way relationship... (any combination and not just sex but actually dated)
  11. ^ just made me a little sad... I'm not that scary... Am I?? And how would that be a good thing??
  12. ^ Likes their artwork a little too much... I'll help you find someone! Releave your tensions!!!! ~smiles~
  13. FruitS I love my fruits! (Piña Coladas Anyone? hehe)
  14. WOO! but awww... seriously? no suit? ~pouts~ lol... Much Love, Becca
  15. 9683 (bottles of beer on the wall...) Sorry... I had to do it...
  16. Not guilty... Unless dreams count... ~sighs~ G/NG: Ever had sex while driving at top speeds on the highway?
  17. Really?????? Do I wear a ferret suit? And what's my weapon?
  18. Most all my ideas come from music... I don't write songfics... it's more like the music takes me to another world and I see the characters interact... And so... I begin to write... I also get ideas from my editor... For instance he said to me "What ever happens to so-n-so?" ... So I thought a moment and BAM! another story was born... OH... from personal life too... It's not that I'll write stories about myself with other characters, it's more like I understand better what a character is going through and can write them more three dimensional... Do you get what I mean? Another way ideas are born in my head would have to be pure hentai thoughts... I've never written a PWP or one with plot yet, but there are LOTS os devious ideas swimming in my head... Hehehe... Much Love, Becca
  19. Hey... I'm Becca... My Pen name is Becca Star... I'm still new to... basically everything here... ... I'm a Ninja! lol... I try... Look me up... I love to chat... Much Love, Becca
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