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Becca Star

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Everything posted by Becca Star

  1. Becca Star


    Lol... so VERY true!!! Go Janet... you dirty girl!!
  2. Is it lonely at the top? must at least be a little boring... when do you even get a chance to kill???? geeez... so high... lv 42... geeez

  3. Emit a Flash in my pants
  4. Yeah... I've come across some fics that need a little better vocab when it comes to the smut scenes but for the most part it doesn't bother me though it does interrupt the flow of the story... What really gets me is when there's just TOO many grammar and spelling problems.. It's to the point where if it's saved on my computer to read later on I start editing it as I read... When it's that bad no matter how much I try to continue on I just press the back button and forget about the story completely... These of course are the reasons why I look into an editor/beta of some kind... With my Boyfriend even though he too has problems with spelling and grammar, when we read it out loud together we'll find the problems with wording and grammar and so forth, correct it and thus making the fic just a little bit better. I really wish others would take the time to do the same! They'd get more reviews, hits, and ratings if they did!
  5. WTF was that about??? She must have had a stick lodged so far up her ass it was messing with her brain!!! My god.. Stupid people... Sometimes I wonder where Wal-Mart finds some of their employees... I usually dress kinda goth/punkish and a lot of people in stores give me looks and prejudge me... I hate it... But usually when that happens I'll wait for that one AWESOME person that is all about customer service and make sure I buy at least 100 dollars worth of whatever they are selling and go on a rant about how people sometimes can be so rude and how stealing is such a stupid thing to do... Ahhh.. the pissed off faces of those who refuse to service me brings me joy... They didn't only make themselves look like an ass, they missed out on their commission! HA! But seriously... You should have asked for a manager... They sell freaking alcohol to parents with their damn baby in their arms and even those with a 12 year old holding their hand... Freaking idiots! I'm sticking with the stick lodged up her ass theory...
  6. AWww! I'm sorry StoryJunkie! I wish I could help with the whole breathing under water thing but I have yet to master it myself!!! lol... And heee ~blushes~ You always make me smile Lost_Soul... Thank you for you compliment! And MY GOD! someone REALLY pissed you off!
  7. For all those times I've killed you before... I just revived you and gave you full HP and STR... FEEL LOVED!

  8. You're red light was driving me nuts... And because you're too far away I refilled your stats... BE HAPPY!!

  9. OH my!!! Now I wish I could have seen that!!! Hehe... And you're such a cute Height! I'm about 5'6"... not that much taller... but hey... You're still shorter making it so cute!! lol When I'm angry my strength goes up too... I'm able to lift my babe off of me if he's pinned me and he's like... omg... i can't remember... maybe 230 or more... And usually I can't do that on normal terms... Any way... A lot of people love eyes here... Must be an art thing... seeing as we are all writers or artists of some kind... hmmm
  10. Seriously??? o.O That's so cool... I'll have to look into that... And spanking ah? Hmmm.... That must be most enjoyable for you... ~devilish grin~
  11. Try to convince her to get something that is a bit bigger... Even if it's just by 15 pounds... I have a dog that's a shi-poo... a shitzu poodle mix... She's very smart, acts like a BIG dog, plays fetch, sits in your lap, loves people, LOVES attention, isn't Yappy and though she has moments of spazing out like her mama is realitivly calm... But yeah... no more rats... Focus her attention onto something else... even a kitty will be more fun and loving!
  12. OMG that's so mean!!!! Funny.... BUT MEAN! The little buggers are annoying but still... death? lol... I guess I'm too much of an animal lover to want to see them get hurt...
  13. In the InuYasha world... Which pairings do you disagree with and what characters do you usually stray away from?
  14. Awww!!!! You added me!!! I wuvz you!!! ~hugs~ I added you too! WE FRIENDS! lol... (I'm not THAT crazy... I promise)

  15. lol... I r wuvz u 2!

    And I just commented on your men/women thingie... GO READ! Are you feeling any better at least???

  16. OMG!! ARE YOU OK? DID YOU GO TO THE DOCTOR YET? THERE'S MORE THAN JUST FOOD POISONING IF YOU'RE HACKING UP BLOOD! WHY ARE YOU BITCHING ON THE FORUM INSTEAD OF SEEKING PROFESSIONAL HELP?!?!?!?! Ok... now that the mother side of me is done with... I would not say "now you know what cramps feel like"... that's just rude... Nope I'd say something like the first thing I said to you in this... And I'm really sorry for not noticing this topic earlier! I had no idea you've been so sick!!! And here I am bitching to myself and boyfriend that I've been sick with the flu or something for a freaking week... Seriously... go see a doctor and figure out what's wrong... you might have a whole in your stomach or something else that’s also very major and needs surgery to fix!!! DON'T DIE ON ME!!!! YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO DIE!!! IF YOU DIE I'M RESURECTING YOUR ASS, KICKING IT, AND THEN KILLING YOU AGAIN!!!!! Ok... I've said my peace... DOCTOR! NOW!
  17. I love your name... Blue Eyed Fox... Sounds so seductive... At least to me any way... Of course... Naruto is rather yummy...

  18. And yes.. It really does mean a lot to me... Thank you!!! ~hugs~

  19. You have no idea how much I want to revive you just to kill you... But you finally admitted that we are friends so I won't be cruel like that... lol

  20. Lol... I thinks that totally cool though! And no one can say they didn't know you were pissed off!!!! lol
  21. OH wow!!! They turn BLACK??? That's awesome!!! My eyes actually change colors from green hazel to a grey blue and all the colors in between. I have yet to determine which means what with my emotions though. In my youth (god I sound old saying that) I was actually able to control my pupil movement and the changing of my eye color. One day I got so pissed with my cousin I moved my pupils and the little bitch ran creaming from me... lol... With my BF Will just to mess around I changed I think he said from green to a deep ocean blue and nearly closed my pupil to which he started screaming like a little school girl shouting "EEEEEEWWWWW!!!!!" lol... it was funny...
  22. Just because you've revived me so much I went and bought you the revive thing, used it and donated HP to you... FEEL LOVED!

  23. I miss you so much!!! IT KILLS ME NOT TALKING TO YOU!!!!!! ~pouts~ I hate not having the net working all the time... ~sighs~ I MISS AND LOVE YOU!!!!!

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