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Becca Star

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Everything posted by Becca Star

  1. Lol.. do it! See what happens! At last see if you can get one more in... that way you know you have one idea that isn't stolen yet!!!
  2. OOOOOO! Now THAT'S hot... My baby actaully can growl... hehehe.. gets me going everytime... though sometimes I yel at him to quit bitching... lol... THe thing is when it comes to you being possessive do you yell at her for wearing the skirt? Because that's when it gets crazy... When you are yelling at her for just hanging out with her friends and for talking to a guy friends that's when you're taking it too far... Other than that... I think it's kidna cute... I think of my favorite doggie boy from InuYasha when guys get all "I'll kill you for those thoughts!" hehehe...
  3. No bush for me on either sex... You want me to go down on you? You best at least maintain that animals between your legs!!! lol
  4. Lol... I'm the same way... I really can't see myself being romantically involved with anyone unless my heart is in the mix... And I too am possessive... I really don't like to share... at least when it comes to people... MINE! lol
  5. Beast which is also a wonderful book of Beasts side of Beauty and the Beast! In this version he's turned into a lion and I believe he is an Indian Prince that ends up in Europe through his travels... It's really good!!
  6. Oh don't get me wrong, it gets me going too... I'll even use it on my baby to get him to chase me! lol... But I'm talking about in a regular conversation... When you are taking politics, or religion, or anything else that isn't sexual, yeah, it's freaking annoying to me. It's like "How old are you?" .... ~grrrrr~ There's a time and place for everything... just not all the time and everywhere.... you know?
  7. I'm the same way with both sexes but for some reason I've found more girls to be cruel than the guys... It's kinda weird in my opinion but then again a lot of ladies have a mean streak that just won't leave!!! I live by the philosophy that you should treat others the way you want to be treated... So when I tease, I basically want to be teased back... Plan and simple!
  8. I agree about the sexual contact thing and the whole thing about having another person on your mind. That to me is cheating. The seeds of temptation start in the mind, grow to the heart, and flourish in reality. But I also agree about the whole doing things with other people with no emotions attacked and coming back to your real love. This is something that my baby and I have been talking about for a while and it really all depends on the couple and how they feel about the relationship. I mean look at all the swingers out there that are happily married and very much in love with each other but still mess around with other people. It really is a matter of what the two partners in the relationship determine to be right and wrong. On a more personal level though I am still not there with my baby and don’t really see how him sleeping with another girl than coming home to me is NOT cheating… I understand his point about not loving another, but it still rubs me the wrong way. You know?
  9. That's one of the problems with writing... I was looking through the stories on AFF and before I ever posted my story "In the Moutains" I made sure no one had anything kind close to it... Well... After posting and about a month later I was looking through some of my commentors stuff and the other works they like when I can across this one person's work... It's complete but was posted a month after mine first went up... It's practically the same exact idea minus a few things and A LOT of details... I was so pissed I didn't even want to write any more! She even went so far as to say that she had been thinking about this story for nearly two years, the same thing I said in my first A/N!!!! I was like WTF! And what is really driving me nuts is that alot of my regular commentors are not commenting on the newest chapter. I think they are dont with the story because someone else stole my idea and made chapters faster than I did!!!! I'm beyond pissed and no matter how much my baby tried to comfort me about it, I just can't seem to shake the violated feeling... ~sighs~ Sometimes I wonder why I write at all when my idea isn't going to be respected... You Know?
  10. I'm talking about in relationships here... I've had many conversations with my baby about what is and is not cheating... He feels that if you are lusting after someone in your mind or mind and heart you are cheating. I tend to agree... But there is so much grey area too when it comes to the topic... Flirting for instance... Harmless fun or is it the ultimate crime in a relationship? I want to know everyone's opinions about cheating and what they consider is cheating. There's no other way to figure it out without making it into a major topic to be openly discussed... So tell me... What is considered cheating and Why or Why not?
  11. LMAO! Well that was unexpected... lol And I really have no idea if that would be considered cheating or not.... hmmmm....
  12. So you LIED to us!!! That's it... Time for punishment! lol... BRING OUT THE PADLE! Bwahahahahahaha!!! lol... I'm one for spanking... both receiving and delivering... lol So is your opinion still the same about the difference about Men and Women when it comes to this particular topic? I'd hope not...
  13. Well... the Chinese New Year is coming up... so you're still kinda right! lol

  14. awww.. that sucks!
  15. Lol!! OOOOO I want to help with the naghty things for not taking care of himself!!! Can I? Can I? Can I? lol... Donuts? You're kidding... though I could go for a dounut right about now... oo and a bagel with cream cheese.... mmmm cream cheese.... I bet it's hard to stick to your diet though with all these tempting fast food places, but you should still try so you're not in so much pain!
  16. Oh yeah... No smokers, alcoholics, drug addicts, or gamblers... I don't mind a social drink all the time but it seriosuly changes your personality too much and I feel like you're so far away... And anything that has to do with you possibly stealing money from me just to get your kicks is NOT cool... I also like natural year long tans which is why I'm perfer hispanics though those that are pale are also very beautiful and handsome... Ummmmm..... hmmmmm... I think that's about it...
  17. Now the female side isn’t limited to how I view other women, but also the standards I try to uphold myself to, which makes it a bit more difficult. So here goes my best shot…. Face: 1. The face should be delicate, but with strong features. I’m not one for a pushover and usually pushovers are those with childish faces, though sometimes they are just plain evil inside. 2. Slightly round faces are more angelic like to me so I like them a bit more than others. I’m not one for square faces though I think mine is. ~sighs~ 3. Again, intense eyes that pierce into your very soul. They are the gates into our very thoughts after all. I’m also more partial to those with paler eye colors. 4. Cute, delicate noses. I’m not one for giant bird beaks, though I feel that mine is more on the large size. 5. Lips are soft and not overly huge or tiny. They are full and always have a rose pink tint that is teasing and makes you want to taste them. 6. Eye brows are neat, but that doesn’t mean that they have to be tweezed or waxed. 7. No fur over the lips. That’s GROSS on a girl in my opinion. 8. Of course they also need to have a killer smile that can melt your heart. I want to feel like I’ve just received the grand prize when I’m smiled at. 9. A delicate chin would be nice too. I have more of a clef chin and feel a bit manlier with it, though my baby loves me just the same. 10. I have no preference with cheeks except for extremely pronounced cheek bones. I don’t want to date a skeleton thankz. 11. I prefer make up that is subtle and soft. Not overly done or looking like a whore walking the streets. I so like dramatic make though too, but it all depends on the girl and how they are carrying themselves and the overall look of the makeup. Hair: 1. I love both long and short hair on girls. Even really short where it’s looking a little on the butch side, but only if they can actually carry it off. I like more outrageous hair cuts on myself, I don’t like looking like just another person in the crowd. 2. I’m not one for any particular color though I am more partial to blondes. As long as the air is vibrant and full of like and not dull and depressing looking I like. On me personally, I prefer unnatural colors like vibrant RED red and purple with high light of bright blonde. I just feel more natural like this for some reason. 3. Curly, wavy, straight, I don’t mind any of them just as long as it is maintained and properly taken care of and doesn’t look like a mess. I still don’t like the corn rolls on girls though, and some afros are actually pretty cute on the ladies, though it really does depend. 4. I like hair both up and down; it’s two very seductive looks when done right. Body: 1. I like the hour glass Amazon look body type. Marilyn Monroe is my all time favorite example of this look. The girl was a size 16 but with her seductive curves was able to make a whole nation and nearly all the world fall in love with her. I’m not for really skinny girls that can break like twigs and I’m not for balloon like girls, though I have seen many seductive plus size ladies like Queen Latifa and Monique. I just wish that designs made better clothes for the larger ladies so that the world can see just how sexy they are! 2. When it comes to breasts sizes I’d like a nice handful and maybe a little extra. Basically a full C or D cup is just my kind of size. Mine though are more like three of my handfuls being a size F going into a G. I’ll get them reduced someday, till then my baby will have his fun. And no fake breasts. That’s just false advertising! 3. There needs to be a butt though an over size wide load is not my thing. I feel that the breasts and butt should balance each other out. I’m not into top heavy or bottom heavy girls. Balance damn it! I want balance! 4. A slender waste, but not where it’s an unbelievable size zero. If I’m going to be dating a girl I don’t want her so much smaller than me that I feel like a butch, I’m more lipstick and with twigs I feel like I’m trying to be a man instead of a woman loving female. Get what I mean? 5. Height should be around mine as well. With females I feel that we should both protect and care for each other and not make one or the other feel like they are the protector. Unless she’s taller than me and wants to be my protector! Hehe.. 6. Soft hands with slender fingers I prefer on a woman. I hate my hands, they look old and are short and kinda chubby. Even when I was at my smallest and lightest they were still chubby. ~grrrrr~ 7. I like long legs on a girl, but they don’t have to be long. Nicely shaped thighs and calves with delicate ankles and small feet are gorgeous to me. I’m not into overly thick legs or really skinny ones. 8. I do like a bit of meat on my ladies too. I’ve always had the philosophy that having a little extra weight meant a better hold from romping around in the bedroom. Hehe. And I don’t want to feel that I am going to break her in half. I’m a tough girl and like to play rough sometimes. 9. I also like a girl that will take care of their body and exercise with me and lift weights. All the girls I’ve met are pretty lazy in this category which is why I mostly stick to men; they help to motivate me more to get in shape. 10. I also don’t want a girl that dresses like a whore. I like them to have things covered up a bit more and actually respect themselves. When they dress like they are twelve I can’t take them seriously. I also don’t like those that dress WAY older than they should. If you’re twenty don’t dress like you’re 60! And ever those who are 60, why are you dressing in such ugly things??? You’re still beautiful and hot! Take a little time and feel good about yourself! GEEEZ! Personality: 1. They have to also love animals and children. A warm heart is one that no matter what the sex, I can’t live without. 2. Also loves music of all kinds and genres and respects my taste in music just as I will respect theirs. 3. Is intelligent but not overly cocky about it. I’d like to be able to hold a decent conversation but also mess around and act like a little kid without being looked down upon. 4. Can have a fun time and act like a kid but is not childish. There is a difference. If you are acting like a 6 year old you will be treated as such. 5. You have to have a great sense of humor and not get all bitchy when it comes to sexual or sexist jokes. It’s JUST A JOKE. If you don’t laugh at it, fine but don’t go off in a rant about how it’s rude and blah, blah, blah. My humor is more like a guys’ which is another reason I stick to men and only admire the female form from afar. 6. Someone who has patience, I can be a bit of a handful at times when my emotions take over and need a steady hand to lead me back to shore. 7. An open mind is also a must. I am into a lot of mythical and legendary things and often will dive full force into books on such things and what I resurface I will want to talk about it forever and a day. 8. They need to know how to be romantic and sweet but also know when to be hard and firm. I enjoy a good debate and don’t want you to cave in, well, at least not RIGHT away. Lol 9. Sensual and sexual, not demanding and forceful. Sometimes it’s enjoyable but a gentle touch is the key to my heart! 10. They also need to love food and a good drink and should know how to cook and bake. I love cooking and enjoy help in the kitchen. 11. They need to know when to be sophisticate and when to be a little tough. I’m a loud mouthed girl at times and will curse worse than a sailor but even I know when to tone it down and act like higher society. 12. They should carry themselves with respect and not dress trashy. I don’t date whores so don’t dress like one, unless it’s requested in the bedroom. That’s another story. 13. Also don’t talk baby talk all the damn time. I’m a full grown woman and not a new born babe. I find it demeaning and disrespectful. I understand playful talk every now and then in the cute voice, but not all the time, PLEASE. 14. Don’t whine all the time. It’s annoying and drives me nuts. I have complaints too ya know. 15. Doesn’t mind my looking at other women or men. Females tend to get more jealous when it comes to this and I don’t want to be nagged because I choose to admire another body. It’s not like I’m gawking or anything so freaking chill out! 16. I’d also like someone who knows how to be a tease but not all touchy feely. I am not a sex toy and should NOT be treated as one. If all you want is sex go somewhere else. I like to cuddle and have happy non sexual moments. For some all the guys I’ve dated have understood this better than the females that I’ve seen around me. GOD. Don’t bite my bob just cuz it’s there!! SERIOUSLY! And I think that’s about it when it comes to females…. I think…. I donno… There might be more somewhere in the back of the mind but I’m afraid I’m going to go into a rant about it. ~sighs~
  18. Alice in Wonderland
  19. Lol.. awww!! Then you must be one who gives out a lot of unexpected compliments just to get those cheeks red! That's SO cute!!!! Yeah... I like bellies too! hehe
  20. Hmmm... OK.. Here's my shot at it... I ALREADY FOUND MINE! lo...j/k... I had to say just becase you said NOT to... lol (I'm a difficult child) I’m only going to do the guys for now because I’ve honestly never though about the ladies much until recently. If you’re really curious though just ask and I’ll post up the ladies side… Face: 1. Masculine but with some soft features. I'm not one for a person forever frowning, though sometime it can be pretty hot. Of course I do love a baby face! Heeee! 2. Intense eyes that show all their emotions and passions. Though I'm partial to lighter colored eyes, I love all colors. 3. A cute nose, and unfortunately it all depends on the persons face. 4. I love slightly chubby cheeks that I can squeeze and bite, though a slender face is also very attractive. 5. NO BUSHY EYE BROWS! I don't like caterpillars on the face! EEEW 6. A killer smile is a must. And I also like mostly straight teeth that are well taken care of. (My mom is a dental hygienist so I know what goes on in the mouth and get freaked out by those who don’t maintain proper dental hygiene.) Hair: I don't care if it's long or short as long as it fits the persons features. I'm also into bald guys too when their head is nicely shaped. Just thinking about John Luke Picard is making me go crazy! Lol... I don’t mind straight, wavy, or curly, I enjoy them all… But I’m not a fan of afros or braids… I donno, it’s just not my thing. Body: I like broad shoulders and strong arms. I like to feel protected in your embrace, but overly muscular bodies are a major turn off. I don’t like body builders, when you’re old everything is going to be saggy!! YUCK! Strong legs and butt and also a plus! Better for those hard thrusts! EEEE! Lol I like a guy with a it of a belly, though I do like hard abs too. But going by my track record if you don’t already have a slight belly I will stuff you full till you do. I like my portable cushions! lol Seductive hands aren’t a must but a real plus. And if you play guitar, play for me always and you’re sure to get laid! Lol I also like guys who are taller than me. There’s just something about knowing that even in heels I’ll never be their height. It’ll piss me off but secretly I’m in love with it! lol Personality: 1. Must love animals and children. I have a soft spot for caring guys. 2. Must enjoy music of all kinds and be able to listen to my stuff because I will sit and listen to your. 3. Is intelligent but not overly cocky about it. I’d like to be able to hold a decent conversation but also mess around and act like a little kid without being looked down upon. 4. Have a great sense of humor. I love to laugh and will fall head over heels for someone who can make me laugh so hard I cry. 5. Someone who has patience, I can be a bit of a handful at times when my emotions take over and need a steady hand to lead me back to shore. 6. An open mind is also a must. I am into a lot of mythical and legendary things and often will dive full force into books on such things and what I resurface I will want to talk about it forever and a day. 7. They need to know how to be romantic and sweet but also know when to be hard and firm. I enjoy a good debate and don’t want you to cave in, well, at least not RIGHT away. Lol 8. Sensual and sexual, not demanding and forceful. Sometimes it’s enjoyable but a gentle touch is the key to my heart! 9. OH, has to love food and drink and know how to cook. I love a guy who can cook a decent meal for me! It’s just so sweet!! Ok… I THINK that’s about it…. Hmmmm…. Yeah….
  21. Bananas in my pants TACOS
  22. Hehehe... I live to torment! lol... not really but from what I am forever told I am a HUGE tease... lol... If ever you'd love evil ideas of the sexual kind I will gladly offer my services!
  23. Becca Star

    Title Share

    Kissing Asphalt (song by The Go-Go's)
  24. If my soon to be in-laws knew about all the naughty pics and other goodies on my computer they would likely burn it and start praying to redeem my soul and go on with a lecture for THREE days about just how bad all those things are... Actually... They'd probably bunr me with the computer to purify my soul... hmmm... lol (they are pastors... ~sighs~)
  25. I've never been one for toys myself... I have them, but they mostly collect dust... They're mostly around for when my babe chooses to be torturous and uses them on me instead of himself. He's so wonderfully cruel sometimes ~sighs~
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