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Becca Star

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Everything posted by Becca Star

  1. And hey... why didn't you add me as a friend? Do you not like me??? ~pouts and beings to cry~ I tell you I love you and want to keep you forever and everything... YOU'RE JUST USING ME AREN'T YOU?!?!?!?!? lol

  2. YAY!! New story!!!! BRING ON THE SMUT!!!!

  3. Hmmmm... did you try that strong as nails nail polish? it's clear.... and drinking more milk usually helps.. other than that I have tno idea... My nails are pretty weak too.. ~pouts~
  4. OMG! CLAWS! that's so hot!!! do you stil have them????
  5. lol... aww poopies!! lol That's so cute though! She turns away! AWWWWW! lol... My babe constantly gazes into my eyes.. I'll turn away to0 cuz I feel like he's prying into my soul! lol... and to torture him I'll keep them shut till he agrees to see things MY way! lol.... I'm evil...
  6. I was thinking about my favorite parts of the human body and figured I'd ask everybody what theirs were too!! I'm an addict for eyes...It really doesn't matter the color... I just love them! But I really love defined arms on a guy and nice size boobs on the ladies... And HANDS!! OMG hands... Artists and musicians have such HOT hands... especially those who play guitar... Watching those fingers fly across the instrument gets me totally crazy... mmmmm.... lol
  7. lol... ok!

    but... that last battle we JUST had... that was weird... How did you get all your strength back the SAME time I tried to kill you?... that was SO weird...

  8. Who's the character your using for you main pic? It looks familiar but I can't put my finger on it... hmmm

  9. Prince Kail and the young and lovely Yuri... They are the main characters to "Red River" I'd love to be part of that relationship! lol
  10. lol... i like your name...

  11. I love "Host Club" hehehe...

  12. Red
  13. Ok... so I just reread the tutorial and feel kinda stupid... But I STILL don't think it's all that fair... ~pouts~ There has to be another way to increase stats... What about a kind of practice battle mode within the guilds? To practice on each other? You can increase you HP and STR but NOT your level... just an idea...
  14. Hey... what about our own personal guild weapons? We should think of some.... OOOO... ne could be FIRES OF HELL since we're dragons and all.... just saying...

  15. My dad has always called them RATS instead of dogs... And here's more pics of evil Chihuahuas... and one that's too cute and funny not to put up...
  16. LMAO!!!!! Oh wow... that's precious!!!! The rest seem normal enough... lol..
  17. In reguard to the stats.. I donno if this is what DarkInuLord was talking about but... Why are there people lower of lower levels with higher HP and STR than me? How is this determined? I find it kinda odd and just really wanted to know what's up?
  18. Snoopy... you know... the flying ace... It wasn't a lame word... it's what you thought of... I just felt like we were heading back to all the sex talk... though it's yummy I'm a little worn out from last night with Ginny and Lost_Soul. Poopies... You got to it before me Ginny... Batman ..
  19. I thought you were joining the Roaring Dragons... what happened??

  20. Spades... thank you! I wasn't in the mood for another round of pervy talk..
  21. Member.... didn't we go down this path before?
  22. There... I donated till you were all healthy and alive again so no one WAY lower would kill you with a bat... now... LOVE ME!

  23. "When you love someone, all your saved-up silbuggers start coming out." -Elizabeth Bowen
  24. Sammy Sosa (baseball)
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