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Becca Star

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Everything posted by Becca Star

  1. Because people are greedy and more often than not will cheat each other when bartaring in common society. WHY????
  2. Then maybe you should ask him to join you when you masturbate... Have him tell you what to do and where to touch, how hard or soft and so forth... Maybe he's just upset about being left out! And yeah, you're probably the physical touch love language... Seriously, pick up a copy of the book and read it together, it'll really help!!!
  3. Cheeks??? That's an odd one... What makes you love cheeks so much????
  4. I feel so LAME! I just tried killing Squall-sama... I could have done it... BUT NOOOO! The computer hates me today... I now have 9 suicides... I feel kinda cheated! ~sighs~
  5. Neither have I... That's just rude to do that... I have never rode a motorcycle off a cliff... o.O that was random...
  6. Haha... have you ever seen the jiggly butt one??? OH that's so good!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QneoRfRqtbE lol... watch the jiggly!!
  7. Yeah, I'm not for one night stands. But just the thought of trying to seduce my baby and have him chase me around the club to "get my number" is to hot for me to brush off... We might be playing like it's a one night stand, but it's no where close! Hehehe.. OH TO BE CHASED... how I love it... Sometimes I'll get into this little kid mod where I'm all giggly and blushing and we'll play a silly version of "tag" which he ALWAYS wins and get a yummy little prize at the end... Hehehe... Oh I'm getting all hot and flushed just thinking about it... How his eyes stare at me with the emotions of a hunter and that smile of lust!!!! ~shakes~ OH I WANT MY BABY!!!!!! lol
  8. I might feel a little better... but I'll still be suspicious! BRING ON THE CARTWHEELS!
  9. Awwww! What happened???? Why are you depressed? That was so random! lol... Or is the nevermind, I'm depressed you actaul I have never...??? I'm so lost, but don't be sad!! what's wrong? I have never understood why some people just don't care about their fellow humans... what ever happened to the love in this world?????
  10. Oh I am SO kicking your ass if we ever meet! ~grrr~ ~sighs~ If you're so tired get some rest and don't strain yourself. I can't image what might be causing you all this pain but I hope for you stubborn sake that it isn't anything major... WE LOVE YOU DARK! AND WE WANT YOU TO TAKE BETTER CARE OF YOURSELF!!! ~hugs without squeezing too hard for fear of your spilling more blood~ Get better soon... Ok?
  11. And look... look at that! Two other people that care about you without actually knowing you are asking you to take better care of yourself! Cu-kid is right about the milk productions and acidic too, they’re most likely to mess you up more than make you better. Avoid sugars at all costs, your tea has natural sugar and might not be helping all that much, you might have to cut back and only drink water. Also, you might have an intense allergic reaction to some of your more common foods and that’s why you’re couching up blood. You might also have a weak stomach to which you need to take pills… Hell, what if your stomach for some reason is creating too much acid and is eating itself??? You need to go to the doctor! People that don’t really know you care! That shows you something... NOW GO! I want to see some kind or receipt or perception thingies or something a proof, of I'll never leave you alone about it!!! And Greenwizard… Are you taking pills for your condition? It sounds so painful! You have to be taking something…
  12. You're so full of shit... Unless you have a video up and I KNOW it's you... no "does cartwheel" crap is going to make me feel any better! Stop being "manly" and go see a doctor!! Geez! It's like pullin teeth with you!!! lol Here's a question for ya... Are you STILL throwing up blood? YES? Than that should be your answer to "Hmmm... Should I go to the doctor?" GO.... NOW! Before you die!!!
  13. Bring Back The Wind i my pants
  14. Every time I think I got it someone comes around and tells me its something different... Why can't people make up their minds and stick to one kind of system instead on manipulating it for their on devious plans!!! augh! I have never gone skiing... ~sighs~
  15. Before when I didn't have such a satisfying lover I was masturbating almost constantly... My kinks were also more in control and just reading sexual talk made my hands wander to my breasts and pinch... ~sighs~ It really sucked because it got to the point where no matter how much I tried and masturbated I just wouldn't get off... AT ALL... Even when I was finally in the act with whom ever I was dating at the time, I just wouldn't release and had to fake it so they would leave me alone, though a lot of times I didn't have to because it was all about their release. Fucking bastards. Any way, now, even with my baby being thousands of miles away, I no longer find a need to touch myself, for some reason it's like by body repulses my own hands or something. The only time I actually perform solo now is when I'm desperate and know that I won't be able to see him at all in the next few days. Of course when we do see each other it's practically a sex marathon doing each other or at least tease 4 times a day. It would be more, especially with his sex drive, but we have things that actually need to get done during the day! lol... In all technicality, you're practices and how long and how many a day vary between person and person. For instance, before my baby and I got together, he would NEVER masturbate and had NEVER released a day in his life even with all his tries at masturbation. Nothing worked for him and he kinda gave up. Porn, books, people, pictures, nothing would get him aroused until me, which might explain why he refuses to keep his hands to himself after so long of not seeing me. Also, have you ever read the book "The Five Love Languages"? It's all about what makes a person feel loved and how it varies between person and person. One of those languages is physical touch, where unless they are embraced and have some kind of flesh to flesh touching they feel completely unloved and fall into depression. These people may be considered Sex-aholics though not always. In short, you're not going over bored. In time you might mellow out like me but that all depends. Tell your babe to take a chill pill and that they're not being replaced by the toys, which might be a problem for them. I've known some people that were upset about their lovers using toys, "Why do they need toys if they have me?" Yeah well, sometimes when you're not dishing out the sex and foreplay enough you go a little crazy. You might have to sit down with your lover and have a little heart to heart chat. Who knows, maybe they are bored with sex or have some under lying issue that is prevent their libido from kicking in and screwing your brains out. You might even have to seek professional help from a counselor to figure out just exactly what might be holding you both back from being sexually satisfied. Invest in some Karma Sutra books, have more foreplay, tease throughout the day, go and have romantic date nights, take up dancing (god that's so hot: hearts pounding, sweat dripping, passion a blaze, IT'S SEX ON THE DANCE FLOOR I SWEAR!), role play as if you're strangers and are picking each other up for a one night stand, do sensual massages before, or a long relaxing bubble bath together. GET CREATIVE! Sex isn't supposed to be boring, do something wild and crazy if only once to see what happens. You might find you have more kinks with your partner than without!! I hoped that helped at least a little!
  16. ^ Banned for not putting up more posts in this topic becoming the forth person always on here... you know you want to join the madness! lol
  17. What do you mean by "it" exactly??? ~smiles~

  18. Are you serious??? That's kinda over kill don't you think??
  19. OooOoOoOoOooOOoOoOOOOOooooOOoOoo!!! I'd like that! lol ~winks~
  20. Be thankful I don't know where you live because I'd so kick your ass for that statement... You should SERIOUSLY see a doctor about this... There could be something major that could be life threatening... Don't mess around with you life Dark... Just don't... I know I hate going to the doctors and really don't even when it seems serious... but BLOOD? Even I would go and see... For me atleast... and your girl... And everyone else that loves you in the Forum and every where... Seriously consider going to the doctor... PLEASE You need money... I might be short but I'll find a way to send it to you... I don't care... You just really need to see a doctor... PLEASE
  21. My affections for Kags hooking up with characters is all over the place... I love her with just about everyone! Maybe it's because I just love all the sexy demon boys taking off their cloths for her... Claws, fangs, puppy ears, tails, natural tats, oh I could go on and on... Mmmmmm.... I wish it was me they were stripping for... ~sighs~
  22. OMG... Fatkins... That RANT is BEAUTIFUL!!! If you're a fat bastard, be a fat bastard! lol
  23. What? Seriously??? Those bastards!!! I know it's hard to even get your money after pay day with all your checks bouncing but that sink even that low???? And Wal-Mart is the killer to all our mom and pop shops too!!! Corporate America needs to stop and come back down to earth!!!!
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