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Becca Star

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Everything posted by Becca Star

  1. Oh... so you're one of those border peoples... lol... Yeah it sucks being right on that line and from what I've found it's a five day gap in both directions... Also too they say that when you're on the live you have the tendencies of both signs… All that means is more fun for you!! YAY!
  2. Just out of curiosity and sheer boredom I got to thinking... What is everyone's sign? Both Chinese and Astrology? I tried to see if their was another topic about this already so I could revive it, but I didn't find any... In my opinion and from the research I've done you can actually find out a lot about a person just from knowing those two little bits about them... SO... Tell me... What's your signs? Mine are Chinese - Ox Astrology – Scorpio
  3. Wow... you haven't been on in... FOREVER... I like your furry though!

  4. I love so many shows.... here we go!!!! Invader Zim!!! Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends Power Puff Girls Witch Hunter Robin Wolf's Rain InuYasha *************** so much Scrubs Star Trek... all of them though I'm in love with Baldy... GOD HE'S HOT! Firefly Supernatural Cowboy Bebop Home Movies Lucy Daughter of the Devil Family Guy Futurama American Dad And that's all I can really think of at the moment....
  5. OMG!!! It's ALWAYS Denny's!!!! LMFAO!!!! I've never done a one night stand before either... but my baby and I are planning on faking it with each other.. one of those role play things... hehe... I have never understood why so few people use common sense..... seriously...
  6. I'd like to join.... but I think we like killing each other too much !! X3
  7. Lol.. awww!!! I haven't either for the same reason... I fear for my children... I have never skiped out on a check (not paid and ran...)
  8. Same here! At least I'm still a virgin with something!!... wait... alcohol is excluded from this right...? I have never made my own clothing though I want to...
  9. While on newgrounds.com I checked out any updates in the foamy series and found this little beauty... check it out! http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/346457
  10. did i ever tel you I loved you? O.O

  11. Becca Star


    I think the picture will speek for itself...
  12. OH NO! You got me!! What did you use to take off my head?? just wondering...

  13. OK.... So my friend on Myspace just sent me one of those funny chain comments and I just felt the need to share it with everyone here since we're all a bunch of sexies!!! lol Warning... I've just F*cked ya!! lol YOU HAVE BEEN FUCKED! Spread the legs and go at it! Pick any of your friends and FUCK THEM! This is for any one you think is hot! RULES: 1- You can fuck the person who fucked you, of course. 2- You can fuck the same person as many times as you can (c'mon, ENDURANCE)! Be creative!* 3- You -MUST- spread the sex! At least 1 fuck is fine and dandy! 4- You should fuck in public! Be adventurous, damn it. Paste it on their user page so they feel slutty! 5- Random sex is perfectly okay! 6- Please, don't worry about same gender fucking, it's HOT. 7- You should most definitely get started fuckin' right away! This is about showing everyone how much you care for them and HOW BAD YOU WANT THEIR ASS! Make everyone feel a little loved (and roughed up!). Please don't take this too personally, BUT I JUST FUCKED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> F.U.C.K Stands For: Friends U Can Keep. So promise me we'll F.U.C.K forever! Send this to 10 people & 1 back to me. To know who your true F.U.C.Ks are ""9,675,000,000 people in this world && yet i ended up with your crazy ass as a friend?Damn,Im lucky!-lol-Send this to everyone you love. Get 1 back-ppl feel sorry for you Get 2 back-You have a couple true friends Get 3 back-You aight Get 4 back-Your loved Get 5 back-Your adored Get 6 or more-Damn your a celebrity!"""""" And if this doesn't go here or affends anyone... I'm really sorry... I just had to spread the love!!
  14. I feel a little dirty saying it... but Ireally think that if the price was right I would compromise my original idea and story just to try and make it big... My Pride is yelling me right now but survival is cheering me on... The hardest part about becoming a professional author, in my opinion any way. is getting your work in the door... If someone is willing to pay you to change a few of yours things or characters, sometmes you jsut have to do it, no matter how much it kills you inside... Think of it this way... Now that you have a book deal and money coming in, you can fund all your other works and be an independent author... And later on when another publishing company comes along or even the same one and notices how well you're doing, you'll be picked up... YAY! Any way... that's how I look at it...
  15. Shoot... I'm almost afraid to answer this considering all that I've found out about my self with some of the other topics.... Let's take a look at the seven original sins.... Lust Gluttony Greed Sloth Wrath Envy Pride Well... I'm very lustful... desiring just about everything around me I love my food and even when I'm not hungry I'll probably be munching on something I am very money oriented seeking jobs and career that can get me rolling in the dough... though I have most recently tamed that... just because my fiancé may become rich... go figure... I can be VERY lazy doing nothing all day if I could... sleep and eat... that's it and I'll be happy... I am VERY vengeful and find any way to seek it against those who have done me wrong even if it takes 5 - 10 years... And I won't hold back from a verbal fight if it comes down to it... And I am perhaps one of the most prideful people you may ever meet. Even when I know I am wrong I refuse to step down from a fight... I'll even try and convince you that the sky is actually PURPLE if that's what I thought... it's bad.... I'm obsessive, stubborn, a little too sexual at times, always forever bashing myself about lack of talent, looks, personality, anything.... I'll curse like a sailor just because... And I'm very much OCD... If it's not done a certain way I get a little on the edge... I feel bad... Here's the thing though... I'm very considerate of other people taking their feelings and needs and placing it above mine. I'll also bend over backwards for you just to try and keep you happy... Even if I don't have the money I'll still find a way to try and take you out to get some fresh air and have some fun to forget about whatever is bothering you... When it comes to animals and people who really need help I have all the time in the world and patience beyond that of any one you may know... sticking with you till the problem is done and socializing the animal so it can live a happy life... I share my food with others when they don't have anything unless I know you ate something before and you're expecting me to stil share... that's when I'll attack for my food... I'll give strangers money because I truly feel they have a need for it more than I do... I'll go to extremes to help out organizations and fellow peers ignoring my own duties and responsibilities just to help them out... I'm very polite and can actually be apart of higher society without any ever guessing I wasn't born into it... I bite my tongue when the situation calls for me to remain calm... And I donno.... I might tap into all the sins and then some... but I really am a good person.... I swear... Oh damn it...
  16. The most awkward moment that I can think of wasn't my awkward moment but I guess I caused it??? Just listen.... Ok so I had this really close girl friend of mine who was starting to hang out with the "most popular" girl in school bitch of a whore... Anyway one of this girls little lap dogs came an sat at our table and was going on and on about what a nice caring, and friendly girl she was... saying she was the greatest friend anyone could ever ask for... Not really she's the biggest most self centered bitch I've ever met… Purposely hurting her "BFF" just to look better and even abused her little adoptive sister... she was evil with blond hair and a cheer leader... go figure... ANYWAY... when her lap dog said this I couldn't control myself and started bursting out laughing on top of my lungs... If you all were to hear my normal laugh you'd understand... My laughter rang through the entire cafeteria silencing everyone's conversations and having all eyes turned to me... After a good minuet I said... "Oh you're so funny... That's priceless..." She was so mad and red in the face she grabbed her stuff and moved to another table... LMAO.... Just remembering makes me laugh al over again.... lol When I finally remember my own moment I'll let you know...
  17. That would be so cool!!! Wooo... But I guess I would say that... How are you going to find all the guys though? They're gonna end up man whores since we out number tham practically 10 to 1.... There's gotta be a better way to find the dudes if we have the yummy way of battle...
  18. Little Busters in my pants
  19. Dirty....
  20. OH! and there was a time in the parking lot of a church right before service... and in a crowded pool... both at a hotel and a friends house... and once while closing the store in the bathroom I was attempting to clean with customers still wandering around and the manager... I hope I don't remember any more... Yeah... I'm dirty... I'VE ONLY HAD THREE PARTNERS!!! HOW AND WHEN DID ALL THIS HAPPEN???????
  21. Ummmmm........ let's see Behind a skeleton tree to a kids park.... In two different classrooms of my high school WITH students, janitors, and teachers walking around... Driving down I-95 at about 75-80 miles an hour (we were the ones driving... it was odd) In the Hallway of a hotel in Canda that had windows to the outside... On the balcony of my rent a house with the neighbors I do believe watching... pervs... lol In the car with it being full of family members... On the couch watching TV with everyone there... family, friends, pets... On the roof of my house... that kinda hurt... And... ummm.... On the jungle gym of my old elementary school... Maybe I am dirty.... (see the kinks post)
  22. When I was little and before we had a fenced in backyard we'd put our dog Travis out on a REALLY long rope which he's always tangle... Because my dad wasn't home much and my mom had little patience it was my job to un tangle it for him... I donno why, but for some reason I loved sitting out there with him wandering around pulling at the knots and unthreading the whole thing. I had such a sense of accomplishment after it was straight... I donno... Am I weird for that? I might be thinking about this job though too because Travis just recently passed away… I miss him a lot…
  23. I decided to take a look at your other sites... Yay... your artwork is AMAZING! Just thought I'd let you know!

  24. I feel the same way... I never know someone is actually reading my story until I get a review... I mean, I love reviews and everything but I don't think I'll hold out on updating for just one... well... maybe i would... I donno... Me personally as a reader I perfer to read stories that are complete just because I can't stand when an author never returns to finish a story or I'll forget to story and author and never finish reading when they update... I get forgetful at times basically... I will try and comment on others work whenever I read, though I don't always get a chance to...
  25. ^ is apparently thy own date.... no one loves me.... ~cries~ < Feels very unloved.... V Will bring lots of chocolate to < during the crazy party to help her with the empty feeling
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