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Everything posted by shinigamiinochi

  1. i have a secret love for futanari (dick girl) and I have yet to see any stories/manga/hentai ect in which a guy has a vagina, but I would be very interested in it.
  2. consider all of the rules for making stuff plural or all that i before e nonsense. It's no wonder why kids have such problems with grammar, there are too many rules and a lot of things don't make sense. When my three year old second cousin asked me: why is ox=oxen, goose=geese, mouse=mice, but almost everything else I just have to put an s to it? I really didn't have an answer for it, because I didn't understand it either and when I asked my teacher why, she had the same blank look I gave my cousin..
  3. personally, I only have three type of stories: Gundam Wing, Scar Tissue (of which I seem to be the only one writing and I'm not so crazy that I'm going to have a forum discussion with myself), and my original works. So, it's hard to have a discussion about fandoms I am not only not involved in, but have never seen the show/anime/book. I like going to these aimless babble forums because I find the psychological and sociological discussion stimulating and I don't have to worry about references that I don't understand. That, and I don't really have any good advice for fellow writers, I just don't have that particular skill and I'm sure that other authors are like that, they can write a fic, but just can't get involved in some of the discussions in the writer's corner. There is also a group of people who write but just don't like going to the forums, I know that I am one of those people on ff.net and gundam wing universe, and I know I probably should take the time to at least visit.
  4. well, it sounds more like general anxiety disorder than schizoaffective disorder, which basically means you're bipolar and schizo at the same time but that doesn't sound right from what you've said unless you've left out some stuff. There's meds like Zoloft that you can take, but you do need a prescription for them, unfortunately. Though, what you've described can also be attributed to physiological problems and my best advice would be to get a CAT scan just to be safe, but you're right, medical insurance sucks. I'm not in school anymore, but I don't have a job yet so I don't have medical insurance anymore so I'm scared that I might do something stupid and get sick or hurt. I have hypothyroid, am anemic, and have social anxiety disorder, so a lot could go wrong, not to mention I'm a bit clumsy. So, I'm sorry that you are feeling that way and I hope that something helps you out.
  5. I have no problems with eating cloned meat as long as it doesn't kill me. We do so many different tests and spray tons of shit on our fruits and vegetables already, I don't see a problem with clone meat, but I can see how some people can't trust science to do it correctly and there is the whole psychological issue that you aren't eating natural meat, which would probably be the only thing that bothered me about it.
  6. um, actually, pedophilia is a mental disorder, it's even listed in the Diasnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, which basically means that, while it's pretty damn sick and wrong, that person didn't just wake up one day and say 'gee, I think I love children', it was either a. a long build up, maybe their dad molested them or other triggers are in place, or b. they were just born that way. It doesn't make it right, but we can't cure pedophilia which is why getting rid of child sex material is completely useless. If you're going to bash me about a psychological fact, please do a little bit of research.
  7. I've never paid attention to it and I update the second I finish a chapter, though that tends to be at night that isn't always true. I imagine the reason why more people read fics on Friday and Saturday is because they have more time on their hands.
  8. The problem with designer babies is the theory that if we can pick and choose what our babies will look like will bring about another eugenic type issue with only 'perfect' ideals. Like blonde hair and blue eyes and stupid prejudices like that. Yeah, having babies without diseases would be great, but having everyone looking the same isn't so good, either. I'm on the fence with the issue. I think it's a great idea, but I don't like some of the ideas and actions that would come from it. It's one of those things that I think we just need be careful with it.
  9. Yes, pedophilia is a mental disorder and pretty much uncurable at this point in time, which is why getting rid of fiction involving children as sexual objects is pointless. It isn't going to solve the psychological disorder just by taking away an outlet, it won't change anyone's thinking. And it isn't all pedophiles writing the stuff nor is the purpose of all the fiction to get off on it, some people write that material as an outlet or because they are confused about it. Just because you're interested in it does not mean you're going to go out and rape some little kid. So, I don't really see the point in getting rid of that type of fiction.
  10. yeah, there are some things that we try to do using science that we shouldn't, but my point is that we just need to use that technology for something else. There is no 'playing god' just people with different opinions. I mean, some asshole will probably try to use that 'engineering babies' to become the next Hitler, but that technology could also be used to try to fix deformations and serious problems that babies have, so I don't think that scientists should stop pushing the envelope, I just think that they need to be careful with who might try to use their tests for stupid things. Yeah, having the technology is an encouragment to do those stupid things, but that is kind of like saying that child porn is an encouragment for pedophilia. I don't think that the technology is going to make a difference in people's ability to be idiots or prejudiced. Yeah, it'll make it easier, but taking away the technology won't stop the problem. People have been able to hurt others way before it, but the same technology that might create these problems might also create solutions to other problems. What I am saying is that science and the path it has gone cannot simply be labelled as black or white and I think that science should continue to probe and test every facet of our world, it's our responsibility to use it well and not for prejudice.
  11. it's not science or scientists that are the problem, it's people who decide to use the science to do stupid shit. For example, my cousin just gave birth to a girl yesterday. Her doctors told her that there was a very good chance that the baby was going to have downsydrome. Her mother wanted her to abort the baby because she didn't think she could handle the stress of raising a baby with disabilities. The science that enabled the doctors to tell her about the possible disability is not at fault, it is my aunt's fault for being an idiot. Of course, the girl is fine, she has some lung problems, but she doesn't have any mental disabilities that they can tell so far. Science gives us facts and choices, that's all. It's up to us what we do with it. Just because a test might seem to cause a lot of bad things, like screening for homosexuality, it doesn't mean that the science can't be used for good. A lot of people say that stem cell research is 'playing god' but that stuff isn't alive and can help people that are alive, so in many cases, playing god is a good thing. Knowledge is power and all that crap.
  12. once again, goro. Ew. Anything else, I can tolerate, maybe even get into at least on a psychological level. Proof that I can force myself to enjoy almost anything if I think about it long enough. I scare myself sometimes.
  13. yes, but because it's my parents, I would be pretty shocked that my dad managed to get off his computer long enough to achieve it and since my parents pretty much hate each other anyway, not much would change.
  14. your cochlea is crying right now.
  15. So, basically the evil that is ff.net inadvertently created the good that is adult-fanfiction.org? How... ironic. *waves aff.net flag*
  16. dammit, I've accumulated a ton of naughty points, but have no need to spend them since I don't play forum games or update my account in any way.
  17. Late one night, I got an awesome idea for a fic, one of those ideas where you can't believe no one has thought of it since it makes a lot of sense. Unfortunately, I fell back to sleep. The next day, I had to go to a job interview and right in the middle, I remembered that I had an idea last night, but I couldn't remember what it was. So, I spent most of the interview not paying attention and just thinking: what the hell was that idea? Then it hit me while the other person was talking, so I couldn't write it down in a journal or anything. Instead I ended up writing it on my wrist with a pen. I'm sure that the interviewer thought I was crazy scribbling on my skin, but I got the job anyway and kept my fanfic idea. Why is it that I can remember a random plot bunny when I was half asleep but I can't remember what year the civil war ended and important shit like that?
  18. actually, the one I was talking about was created by Reiko Momochi who also made the Confidential Confessions manga
  19. sounds like my uncle. He was a poor ass farmer in Nebraska, cliched but true. He had eleven kids, but instead of using the money to make life better, he bought a shit load of alcohol and cigarettes. He also beat up and raped his youngest son because he's gay. Three years ago, my uncle died and no one went to his funeral. My mom got really angry at my cousins for this and told them that he was their father and he didn't matter what he did, they should respect that. I beg to differ. My cousin (the youngest one) told me that if he had been in charge of the burial, he would get him cremated because his dad believed that if he got cremated, he would never get into heaven. I'm pretty sure that, if heaven according to the christian ideal exists, he's not getting in. So, yeah, just because you're family doesn't mean you have to like, love, or even respect each other. Especially is said family member is an asshole.
  20. ok, so the majority consensus seems to be that we don't want religious people telling us what to do. But, what about the other way around? how about it religious people, how would you feel if you're goverment told you what to worship? Not such a good thing either way.
  21. i'm a lesbian writing yaoi smut, I don't think labels apply to me anymore.
  22. Every time I hear this argument, I think, hey, here is the possibility of a law being passed that is telling me what to do with my body. What's next? A law saying that all guys have to be circumcised? I'm a lesbian and have no desire to have kids, but the mere possibility that I could get pregnant and someone will tell me 'tough luck', scares the shit out of me. My mom says that once I get older I'll change my mind. However, whenever I see a pregnant woman, I think of the chestbuster scene from Alien and the zombie baby scene from the new Dawn of the Dead. I highly respect any woman who decides to go through with it, i don't know how you do it, but personally I'd see it as an alien parasite that invaded my body without my permission. What you do with your body is your business. If think abortion is murder (which I seriously think that it isn't), then fine, don't get an abortion, but leave the rest of us alone.
  23. I did nanowrimo and succeeded. yes, quality is important, but my nano work, Solstice, is my favorite thing I've ever written and I'm still going at it. 110,000 words strong and according to my small fan base, it doesn't suck! Now, that, my friends, is an accomplishment, though I'm sure in the month I wrote the first two chapters, my friends were annoyed that they had to jump through hoops to get my attention.
  24. gundam wing/sailor moon x-overs make me twitch. I don't know which ones are worse, when the boys fall in love with the scouts or when they become scouts and have to wear the sailor outfits. I especially hate Duo as Usagi or with jUsagi. Ick. I've been considering doing a Gundam Wing/Scar Tissue crossover or perhaps fusion? Only problem is, Scar Tissue has such a tiny fanbase, so I doubt anyone would read it, but Shix2 would be interesting or Cree if I wanted to do something with tentacles. I might do it just for me. *waves Scar tissue flag*
  25. or an evil music teacher with the violin from hell or the Necronomicon... on second thought, probably not the second as summoning Cthulhuesque elder Gods is hard and they seldom go back when you tell them to.
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