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Everything posted by shinigamiinochi

  1. once again, same exact search, but now it's in the heero/duo section: http://anime2.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600022220 thanks for the quick deletes, btw ^^
  2. I work in a retail job that brings in elderly people like bugs to a light and, though I can see that your job is a lot harder and more stressful, a lot of what you've talked about, I've had to deal with and you're right, the elderly are annoying and very disrespectful. They're like spoiled children who can drive. Of course, I have had the opportunity to meet a few good one, but mostly with this job, it's one asshole after another.
  3. This person will never learn http://anime2.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600022219 same person, same search, same place.
  4. yeah, I don't think I'll be voting for McCain any time soon. It's kind of like Bush saying that birth control is offensive to women. He may not mean to be an ass, but he is. Though, that doesn't have anything to do with his age. My cousin, Trish, thinks the same way and she's only seven years older than me.
  5. I say no because of my cousin's husband's grandmother. The woman is 101 and she takes two hour long hikes, drives for hours to see her grandsons, and generally acts like a fifty year old. My now deceased grandmother however died at 85 and acted like my cousin's granny in law could be acting at that age. I don't really like McCain, but I don't think that people should be using his age against him.
  6. I realize that, but what I'm talking about is people using such designer labels in fiction. It is perfectly acceptable to do so, but the author should understand that not all of their readers are going to understand what they're talking about. If I make a referance to a horror movie, I'm not just going to let it stand. Yes, probably some of my audience is going to get it, but I want all my readers to understand me and, quite frankly, when you read something and don't know what the author is describing, it makes you feel stupid, so I always explain the reference so everyone gets the joke. If you're going to use brand names, assume that not everyone knows what you're talking about. I've seen brand names used in place of actual items, so not only do you not know what the thing looks like, you don't even know if it's a purse or shoe. As an author, you can do what you like, but it would still be nice to get more of a description than 'Gucci'.
  7. there is a fic search in both the yaoi and Heero/Duo section of Gundam Wing AC: http://anime2.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600022215
  8. I agree that brand names like 'Prada' are just a huge waste of money. I understand that such things are mostly used as a status symbol, but I, personally, am not that insecure with myself to need to show off my purse or shoes. I've worn the same sneakers and twenty dollar purse for years, to me it's just a way to keep my feet safe and a place to hold my crap. When describing what my characters wear, I have no clue about brand names or styles, so I usually just write 'blue dress' or 'black t-shirt'. Sometimes when I read fics and someone is describing a clothing line, I'm totally lost and I just don't feel like knowing brand names is important.
  9. like in Final Destination 2!
  10. I've given up on all telltale signs of a fic I might like. I've read terrible fics that have a pairing that I like, a great sounding summary, several hits and many reviews, so I don't think really is a formula. Mostly I read stuff with a specific pairing and bail the second I realize it's bad, but for that only works for people who have a lot of time on their hands. I think that bad fanfiction is like those dime a dozen comedy movies, you see the trailer and you know that it's stupid and a waste of money, but then you find out that it's raking in a big profit because, for some reason, people like to watch trash (like reality shows). I think that there should be a study on that... my sister would rather see some stupid comedy than a thought provoking, incredibly made film. I just don't understand it.
  11. As opposed to McCain, who looks suspiciously like that preacher guy from Poltergeist 2 when he smiles and whose policies make me wince at times and Obama who has a severe god complex and is so idealistic I can't listen to him talk without sighing and rolling my eyes, I don't see how America is going to pull itself out of its Bush-like state. I'm voting because everyone bullied me into it (I'm twenty-one and this is my first time) and back then, I didn't know the candidates very well and thought "well, I might find someone I like", but so far the only person I'm considering is Nadar, which will never happen. Australia is looking better and better by the day.
  12. man, I know you're supposed to 'honor your family' and all that shit, but that's above the line. No one has the right to enter another's home without their permission, family or not. My cousin does some pretty stupid shit, but when he comes over and we're not home, he'll actually camp outside for hours despite knowing where our keys are. I think the closest I've come to a home invasion was a month ago when my parents were vacationing in Alaska for two weeks. My mom told her neighbor, who is also her best friend, that she could come over and swim in our pool, but if I was at home, she would have to call and tell me, because I certainly didn't want strange people swimming in our pool. Well, this neighbor mentioned the fact that my parents weren't home to her son, who told all of his friends. Sure enough, one day I was hanging out with my friend and my cousin and he noticed some splashing sounds, looked out the window, and saw at least five boys in our pool. At first I was going to call the cops, because I only recognized my neighbor's son and I knew that I was within my rights to do so. Also, I was very pissed off that they had the gall to do that. But, I didn't want to create a scene for my neighbor. Enter my cousin's dog, Naoki. She's half Siberian Husky, half Timber Wolf, all white and about the size of a small pony. She's very sweet and affectionate and has this habit of running up to non-threatening strangers, and trying to jump on them to lick their faces (fortunately she's learned that she's only allowed to do this if her 'daddy' says so). So, we just let her out to 'play'. So, my neighbor's son and his lovely friends saw this huge, wolf-looking dog running towards them at break neck speed and scattered. fun was had by all
  13. in a lot of adult archives (not just this one) I've noticed that a majority of claims that another author is underaged and shouldn't be here is based on how that person writes. Now, I'm not here to bash a system that tries to get people to follow the rules, because I love that this site actually listens to its members and follows through with their problems and complaints. I'm just wondering how anyone can say with absolute certainty that all adults can write well and all children can't. There is a stigma in a lot of the people I know, especially my own family, that if you are young and you write something well, then you had to have plagiarized it. I was writing fiction back in the fourth grade and I even have stuff I'd written in Middle School on the net and people seem to think that I wrote it in the past few years, but whenever I showed those things to people at that age, even my parents assumed that I had found it and copied it. Fortunately, since I'm now 21 that doesn't happen so much anymore, but it still pisses me off that people think that good writing can only be done by adults. The opposite is also true. I know thirty year olds that can't write worth shit. If these people were to post to the internet, they would probably be accused of being underaged. I guess it's just a facet of agism. I've made it known in the past that I've never desired to coddle children and I think that they have the same potential in many things as adults. I also know that when I was a child and trying to write, but was put down at every turn because of my age, it got to the point that I probably would have stopped writing if I hadn't loved the actual process so much. If I was one of those people that put complete stock in what others said about my stories, I probably wouldn't be here today.
  14. there is a deep difference between taking stuff from anime, books, movies, ect and using them in your fanfiction and someone plagiarizing from someone else's fanfic: first, if you are taking something from a media, you have to mention it in a disclaimer, like 'I don't own such and such', something that no plagiarist does. These people do not ask for permission, they simply steal stuff because they like it and want some praise for themselves. It's basically the opposite of fanfiction, which is an outlit for people's creativity. Also keep in mind, that you can take someone's plot, just like how fanfiction writers can take the idea of the story, but actually copying the entire media and putting it in a fanfic and then calling it yours is just as dispicable as plagiarizing anothers fanfic, so, no, it's not the same because fanfiction writers actually use their own creativity to delve deeper into the media and use their own ideas as well while people who plagiarize just copy things. Flaming a troll, plagiarist, ect is still trolling. I don't agree that people should outright attack someone like that so viciously, but I do believe that they should be punished. Flaming someone who you think deserves it is like getting down to their level and I think that we are all better than that. You should make the rest of the community know what she did and the mods to try to get the story deleted, trolling just sends the message that it's ok as long as you think that person deserves it, which is subjective.
  15. I rarely ever get a flame with someone's real 'name' on it, it's always anonymous or it's a fake name, which is pretty damn cowardly. If you hate something that much, why are you trying to hide yourself? People who hide they're identity do it because they know that flames are wrong and that people are going to attack them right back, so why even bother flaming? It's just a waste of time, signed or not. It's like a little kid in a store screaming that he wants a toy. He knows that his parents probably won't give it to him and he's just annoying everyone around him, but he does it anyway.
  16. I never have trouble coming up with plots, which is probably my biggest problem. Anyone who keeps up with my fanfiction knows that I have this nasty habit of collecting a bunch of unfinished stories, but continue on writing up new ones. My head overflows with plots and ideas to the point where I have this giant list of story ideas on my computer (some I will probably never get around to writing in my lifetime due to the sheer size of the list). Whenever I watch a movie or read a book or even listen to a song, I have to keep paper and pencil with me at all times. The same is true for dreams. I have these really complex, disturbing nightmares that read a lot like scripted horror movies, and have the potential to become great fics, if I ever get around to writing them. It's actually quite annoying because I get so excited about writing these stories, but I have so many that I still have to finish and I love the written stories as well. My friends constantly ask me for ideas, but I'm so shy, I can never tell them what I would really do for their stories because I'm afraid they'll think I'm psychotic, even if a lot of my readers love my ideas. Sometimes I wish I could just plug my brain into a computer, then read what comes out of it. Whenever I'm in a writing class, I feel like an idiot. The problem is that in every writing class, we're given a prompt and then told to brainstorm for the rest of the class, but by the time the teacher is done explaining the prompt, I'm already writing and have to watch my friends and classmates struggle to find a plot. I often finish the story by the time that class ends and my teacher thinks I'm a slacker. Then people ask where I get my ideas and try to get me to help them and all that bullshit, not understanding that not all ideas are good for all people. I write a lot of crazy, disturbing stuff. In my most recent class, a girl decided to try to copy this disturbing trend, but she failed horribly and even people I didn't know came up to me and said how dumb it was she was trying to copy me. I tried to explain to them that I didn't care, I was just pissed that she had failed so horribly. I don't care if you copy my ideas as long as you do a good job of it. I mean, I can't write humor or sappy fics for shit and I'm sure not all writers can pull off bloody horror pieces. The point is, write what you can write best. If you're having problems writing, maybe you haven't found what that spark yet, or maybe you just need to keep writing until you get your flow back. Not everyone can get tons of plot ideas or know where they're going the second they start writing. The brain is a muscle, too, you know. I just wish mine could get a cramp every now and then. So, in a weird way, I guess I envy you people who get writer's block. Maybe this is just another case of green grass. Or maybe I should just go to sleep. nah.
  17. when my friend had writer's block, she drew a block on a piece of paper, wrote 'writer' in the middle of it, tore it up, then set the pieces on fire. It's some sort of weird voodoo thing, I guess. I've never had writer's block in my life, more like the opposite of that which causes me great headaches. But, you can just write anything at all, get the juices flowing until you've gotten to the point where you can keep writing on the thing you want. Just keep busy.
  18. What genius (note the sarchasm) thought of 'schlong'? Some hentai censors certain words like 'pussy' by doing the annoying bleeping thing and putting stars in the word on the subtitles (as if anyone can't figure out what is being said) and for awhile, this certain anime had Sc***** and I couldn't figure out what it was. I just don't understand how that word got started, but I hate seeing it. It's not even a real word. It sounds more like a comic book sound affect.
  19. I hate flowery terms or euphimisms. I guess I approach literary sex in the same way that I approach dating: I want things to be called what they are, not things that just sound pretty, but that's just me. I don't really find anything nasty in calling things by their real names. I'd rather call a cock and cock and not someone's 'manhood'. I guess it's the English major in me.
  20. if you're saying that 'normal' is something that ins't 'natural', then, well, animals do anal, too (eyes neighbor's dogs). Who cares about 'normal' anyway? Not too long ago, homosexuality wasn't considered normal. Just because something's normal doesn't mean that it's healthy or right. Just do what you like to do. I am more concerned with something killing people than something that people either don't or do think is normal. Either anal sex is normal or not, make up your mind. What you're talking about is an idea in the past (anal sex not being normal) vs. current ideas (anal sex is normal). I think I'll go with the one that's more prevalent to our present and not our past.
  21. well, the gay marriage thing still applies because I'm using it as an analogy and no matter what country you're from, I don't think a non-lethal form of sex is causing problems for your society, unless you're one of those people who thinks that the bible is a manual and we're all going to hell. If you really want to knock something, why non autoerotic asphyxiation, which has actually killed people? You say that anal sex is wrong, could you possibly give us some examples of why you think that, or is this one of those 'I think it's icky and don't have to explain myself' rants? (can't call it an argument, because, as Monty Python has explored, it isn't an argument without reasons)
  22. I'm also pretty sure that the rising gas prices in this country isn't the fault of anal sex or homelessness or war or... actually, there isn't a single problem in this country that can be blamed on anal sex. I know several women who prefer anal to vaginal penetration. I mean, if it's so wrong, why does it feel so good? I don't really see a problem with it. I don't like 'water sports', but I don't go around ranting that it's the cause of all our problems. That's up there with saying that all the bad things in America are because homosexuals want to get married.
  23. We had a discussion about this awhile back, WAFF is extreme sap, romance that so corny that you can't help but roll your eyes. WAFF is to sap as yaoi is to slash, it's just that WAFF and yaoi are for anime stories only. It's because those words originated in the anime fiction world and not in other fandoms, though I think you should be able to use them in any fandom.
  24. I love this site because I've gotten almost no hate reviews, but on other sites, I've gotten angry reviews based on my content matter, but I never reply. What's the point? All that needs to be said is in my warnings. I think a lot of people read my stuff just to flame me.
  25. actually, anal sex is one of the few good things about our society ^^
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