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Everything posted by shinigamiinochi

  1. I think I might have mentioned it on this thread, but I reviewed my only story once, only I did it to contact my only real reviewer to answer some of her questions since you can't reply on this site and very few people read my author's notes.
  2. erotic fiction, general fiction, doesn't matter, everything is decided by the author. readers can make suggestions, but not demands. I mean, no one in their right mind would walk up to a painter and say "hey, that painting with reds and blues you did was great, but next time I want to see more green!" Yes, stories fit into certain genres and styles, but putting limits on a writer's head is not only painful, but disrespectful. It's all about telling a good story, but I guess that some people need those guidelines to function, but if anyone said to me: your fic is in the erotica section, but there isn't enough sex! I'd be annoyed. Of course this applies both ways. When writing PWPs, I have often this kind of review: stop writing so much smut and focus on the plot. But, PWP stands for Plot what Plot? Or Porn without Plot, so that review annoys me, too. >.< Please just let me write my story!
  3. ^^ thanks, but I'm a girl, but that's ok, because apparently my icon is misleading. =)
  4. ummm, actually, you totally just read Monsterking's post wrong. It said that Monsterking thinks that ALL reviews are good EXCEPT for those that are useless babbling or flames, not that all reviews are useless babbling.
  5. I've said it before, but... the japanese have thought of everything! just go onto jlist. They have 'jelly holes' hidden in ramen cups. http://www.jlist.com/IMAGE/mjx2x Breast paper weights. http://www.jlist.com/IMAGE/y8s6t Knee pillows. http://www.jlist.com/IMAGE/618ag some of this stuff really scares me.
  6. actually, I was going to mention that song, but I couldn't remember how to spell it and I was too lazy to look for it on my itunes, but damn do I love Avenue Q.
  7. in a more realistic sense, it's that scene in hentai where a girl (or many girls) are having sex with a lot of guys, but can only 'service' a certain amount at a time, so the rest jack off while watching the act and end up coming on her (usually her face), however, the term can also be used in the realistic scenes where it is just one guy that gives off waaaaay too much cum for one person and the girl (or boy in some yaoi based hentai) gets covered in the stuff. This has become the butt of many food commercial and japanese merchandise jokes, like certain drinks that look like semen. Yeah, it's a weird industry, but fun.
  8. I've only ever watched hentai, so it's normal to me. I can see how some people would get really turned on by it. My only problem is that it's really hard to write in fanfiction without sounding insane or repetitive.
  9. o.0 my cousin's 6'2. We can't figure out why he keeps getting hit on by straight guys! He says it's his curse in life as a gay guy, to which his husband responds by using his ponytail as leash. And yes, we both laughed our asses off at the jerk's face.
  10. unless you have a panic attack, doesn't exactly count. Apparently when you faint at school, they have to give you a med release. Apparently that med release is still good even though I fainted in the seventh grade. I had panic attacks before then, but there's nothing like a violin solo performance to make clonk out. It is actually a paradox, having a med release, because the teacher announces to the class that I won't be doing my presentation like everyone else, which makes people stare at me like I'm some freak and demand why I'm so special. Until that moment in seventh grade, I thought that that kind of intense fear was normal. All kids hate talking in front of class, right? But I guess panic attacks and being scared of people in general is abnormal. My mom still doesn't believe that there's anything wrong. She says I'm being melodramatic and that I just need to keep doing it and get over it. Been there, done that, went to therapy, hasn't helped yet. Actually, its made it worse with the whole failure thing. I love having my cousin around because I can say to myself: my friends are normal, I'm the only one who has this stupid mental block, but at least I'm not like yuki and have schizophrenia! Yeah, it's really easy seeing the bright side in life when my cousin's around. I'd feel bad about thinking that, but when I told him that, he said: "Hey, no harm. Whenever I have a really bad remission, I go to my dad's grave and say "hey, at least I'm not a dead, rapist bastard!" Then I spit on his grave for good measure and give myself a pat on the back. Whatever makes you feel better." So, I guess the secret of happiness is finding someone else whose life sucks more than yours.
  11. once again, social anxiety disorder. It makes it very hard for me to argue with people and to say no to people I don't hate. For example, my friend is coming over this weekend. I do not want this person here. I have finals and fanfiction and she's going to eat my food, use my computer, drink my water, and want to go out to dinner despite the fact I have no money (hence me not wanting her to use my stuff because it has to last me for at least another week). I know all of this, yet she's still coming over because I can't say no. A pipe burst in my room over winter break and all my stuff got wet. My Res Life person told me that they would reimburse me for everything, but as soon as I talked to her face to face, she said that I should have home owner's insurance for my dorm room and they weren't responsible for anything. I didn't say anything. Didn't yell, didn't scream. I wanted to, but I couldn't. Then, my mom got involved and they gave us 250 dollars (big deal). I recently discovered that the girl above me had the same problem, only her mom brought lawyers into it and the Res Life lady not only replaced everything that was damaged, they gave this girl two thousand dollars to placate her! I was totally pissed about this, but still couldn't say anything. The girl gave me her mom's phone number though, so my mom is hashing it out with her as we speak *crosses fingers* Really, I've been debating getting my cousin involved. He's a sweet, great guy when you get to know him, but he's 6'2 and also pretty imposing when he's angry (he can swear in over fifty languages!) and I'm sure that if Res Life heard that he's a (heavily medicated, but I won't tell them that part) schizoaffective with post traumatic stress disorder, this issue might get resolved reeeeeeally quickly. But, yeah, total inability to say no or fight back whether or not it is in my best interest to do so. Just the thought of standing up and saying something makes my heart beat really fast. Fucking disorder. My sister and I had this little converstation: sister: so, you don't have to do oral presentations ever? Gee, I wish I had social anxiety! Me: Ok, I'll trade you my social anxiety for.... oh, wait, you don't have any mental blocks, do you? >.> I really wish she would get a brain. My friend said the same thing yesterday when we had to give a presentation and the teacher just let me give handouts, only, she knew how tough it is for me and I know that she was just kidding. My sister was not. Cause she's an idiot and half the time doesn't realize just how stupid what she just said was.
  12. my eyes water and burn almost constantly. Whether this is from my not so great vision or the fact that I spend so many hours on the computer (though the watering sometimes happens before that) I don't know. I know they tell you not rub, but it drives me crazy if I don't. It gets so bad that I have to take off my classes and close my eyes for a good ten minutes before I can see again.
  13. writer's block is exactly how it sounds. It's when a writer wants to write, but nothing comes to them and they just can't do it. Apparently it's very frustrating and is the leading cause of fanfiction writers not updating. As I said in that thread, I've never had writer's block, but I know people who have and it seems very painful. Frankly, the idea scares me.
  14. My cousin has really long blonde hair and is at times confused for a girl. One time we were at a mall and some guy grabbed his ass. So, he grabbed the guys hand before he could pull away and licked the palm of his hand and said "Merry Christmas". The grabber, realizing that my cousin was not a hot girl, freaked out and ran off.
  15. I have social anxiety disorder, so even my friends hugging me freaks me out and I think that everyone should have that personal body space. But, if someone is ok with it, it's fine. I mean, I'm not going to get into a sexist rant about breasts because there is no harm there, as long as the person has given their consent. I've been labelled a feminist and I know a lot of girls would get pissy about it, but I don't see a problem. I wish I had that sort relaxation with my body.
  16. Hm, Gundam Wing has thusfar only had one such of these incidents, yet Harry Potter seems to have so many. Maybe its because Gundam Wing caters to a different crowd or because the fandom is so old. Be glad that all of those were labelled as looking for a fic. I once stumbled upon one that was labelled 'Purple Roses' and it even had warnings and pairings. Boy was I annoyed.
  17. um... wow. Up until the third paragraph it seemed fine, but after the second, it seemed like everything was just phoenetically spelled. At firt I thought that it was street/slang since that was how Robin was talking, but I am now convinced that this person must have little to no knowledge of the English language. The English major in me shuddered just reading one of those paragraphs.
  18. How can one tell if a person is a troll? A few days ago I got a review saying that if I didn't stop editing (if this person had read the story at all he/she would know that I was updating/adding not editing) to keep my story at the top of the list he/she was going to get the admins to delete me. There was no real, linkable signature on this review, just a name, but shortly after, I continued to update as I had been doing and this person never reported me which leads me to assume that this person just threatened me to get their way or was just there to annoy me. I mean, even if this reviewer didn't read my author's notes, he/she had to have seen that I was constantly adding to the story, not just uploading the chapter over and over to keep my story at the top of the list like they claimed. The only good thing from all of this was that another reviewer went out of their way to stand up for me. So, troll, or just a really lazy argumentative person?
  19. woo hoo, let's all write disney bashing fics! I'm already done one... go Gojira!!! (this message has been brought to you by Cloverfield, which I bought today. I know its not Godzilla, but it is one of the better 'giant monster appears out of nowhere and start attacking large cities.' Go, Darwin (see 'movie in 15minutes to understand the reference).
  20. How do I find good fics? The only way that is fool proof: I read as many as I can get my hands on and decide for myself. Fanfiction is a lot like the horror movies that I love, just because some old fart critic says that they're terrible, doesn't make it so. I have read fics that no one knows about and were absolutely brilliant. It's all a matter of personal taste. If a fic has me hitting the next chapter button and immediately reading it instead of going to the next chapter, not reading it and going to play mahjong, then returning several minutes later to finish reading it, then it's a good fic.
  21. I've got a question: is necrophilia only sex with corpses or the dead in general because I once wrote a pwp fic involving an animate mummy and got yelled at for not labelling it as necro, but I consider the living dead to be different from sex with an actual dead body.
  22. btw, to all you people that say that we should stop people writing child porn in fanfiction, guess what? Children have been shown as sexual objects for a veeeeeery long time. It even exists in our so-called 'children's stories'. Now, at the risk of getting my head loped off, I bring to your attention the tale of snow white. I don't mean the disney, everything is puppy dogs and rainbows snow white. no, I 'm talking about the Grimms fairtales, back before cartoons even existed version. I don't know if its the original version since the stories were told verbally most of the time so finding the orginal would take some time and effort, but this version is very old, so who knows, it could be. Anyway, in this story, Snow White was only nine years old and yet the 'happy prince', a man that was much older than her, like in his twenties, came to her castle to woo her. Then, when she was living with the dwarves, seven repressed, menial laborers stuck in the middle of the woods, she did their laundry, washed the dishes, made their beds, cooked their meals, all things that a wife would for her husband(s), and then at the end, the child gets married to the 'happy prince'. It's because of stuff like this, and because I'm no bleeding heart for children, that when I read fanfiction showing children as consensual sexual objects, it doesn't bother me. Oh, yeah, and Beauty and the Beast was about bestiality, which was not quoted by me, but a small child when I was forced to go see Beauty and the Beast the musical. Oh, well, Disney was an insane racist anyway. I guess the only thing that really squicks me out anymore is goro and bad writing. Writing for Gundam Wing Hentai and having people from all over the world e-mail me plot bunnies has completely destroyed what little morals I had left. Still can't write a Sister Helen and Duo fic despite the fact that sex of religious figures and incest doesn't bother me. There's something about that pairing that makes me twitch...
  23. So sayeth Momochi Reiko, author of Scar Tissue: "I am amazed that my manga has made it to America where my novels have not. The preconcevieved notion that my literary works portray Americans as cruel or lazy is incorrect. Rather, I have poked fun at my own country and have discussed things that had been going on in Japan at the time. For example, bullying, prostitution, and corpral punishment. Yet, these books were not distributed in America simply on the bias that I am Japanese and writing novels that are explicit and have American characters. The only work that shows Americans in a bad light has an American man soliciting a teenage girl and this manga can be found on many book shelves in America. It is perplexing to me." Amen, sister. One day I shall buy a bookstore and her novels WILL be there, goddamn it! BTW, her manga rocks. Kinda dark, though, but she wouldn't be Momochi if it was vanilla and had fluffy bunnies.
  24. The fic I read was crossed over with Kingdom Hearts, Bambi, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, and Fantasia. It had the Gundam Pilots going through black holes into different worlds and taking the roles of characters. For example, the pilots were wolves in Bambi, and Heero was prince charming and Duo was the evil witch in Sleeping Beauty (it was yaoi, so you can imagine what happened). The first time I read it, I thought that the author had to have been on crack, then I read it a second time and decided that if it was meant as a screw you to Disney, it was brilliant and very, very funny. My own screw you to disney is more dark than funny... but, hey, have you ever read the original stories???
  25. in my defense, I read a Gundam Wing fic on ff.net once in which the grammar and spelling and just everything was so bad, I was shocked that it hadn't gotten deleted. But, since I took it as a humor fic, I reviewed and told them how funny it was and they e-mailed saying how I was an idiot, it wasn't a humor piece. So, yeah, there are people on the web who just can't write. I should know, I have one of these people in my flash fiction class and everyone agrees that peer editing her stuff is painful. How this girl got into college, I don't know, she either had the devil's luck or someone who writes her stuff for her.
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