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Everything posted by shinigamiinochi

  1. No, I definitely don't plan on putting all of my thoughts into Solstice. It is for that reason that I wrote up a timeline/plot sheet before I tackled the book, so I wouldn't go off into a direction that I could never get back from. My brain seems to be babbling. It makes me hyper and all the ideas that are left over give me crazy ass nightmares.
  2. actually, I've gotten more reviews on my PWPs than my 'normal' fics, so I don't think that theory has merit where my fics stand. Maybe it's the fandom.
  3. After turning out 100,000 words for Solstice, I feel like my brain is exploding. Words and scenarios and ideas are attacking my brain at a frightening speed. This isn't even a joke, it's a serious problem. I write to get this shit out of my head, yet the more I write, the more ideas I get... it's a never ending cycle! I WISH I had writer's block, but nnooooo, my brain won't bloody shut up and it's one in the morning.
  4. >.> I live with a bunch of conservative republicans who love Bush with a passion and are pissed that I've claimed that I'm voting for Nadar.
  5. Previously on this thread, I mentioned that I would never post to FF.net because of moral reasons, well lately I found that my morals have always been questionable. Yes, you guessed it, I am now archived on Ff.net. Why? Because I am a review whore. It makes me keep writing and gives me the energy and spirit to not get frustrated with my writing processes. It's a sad fact, but more people review on ff.net than several of the other sites I've been on. However, I have found a way around the censorship thing. I have posted my very controversial fic 'The Definition of Love' there. It has incest and a few other dark subjects, but since it doesn't have any sex in it, it's not against the rules and quite a few people seem to like it there. I have considered posting Gundam Wing Hentai as the ultimate screw you, but the site has not stopped being useful to me yet. Maybe in the future, I'll see if I can get away with it. I mean, do the people running the site read every fic for contract violations or do they rely on the readers tattling on each other?
  6. I am guilty of using burnt once in a story, but I don't think that I've used it since. I have this thing about so-called ghetto speak and surfer vernacular. Like reading 'bodacious', not in dialogue, but in the actual narration of the story. Unless your narrator is first person and is a surfer, like if you have a third person omniscient narrator, it's innappropriate and stands out too much. It's like hitting a sudden sharp in a minor scale, when it comes to writing, you want your narration to flow.
  7. I'm actually worried about this. In the book I'm writing, my main character falls in love, gets seperated, thinks the boy was a figment of his imagination, but half way through the book, they find each other again. I really like my main character and the two boys are like puppies together, so I'm not really sure that I want to seperate them for a second time or have them go through some terrible relationship issues, but perhaps the tension would be good for the story? I really don't know... I think the part of the problem is that both characters have been so abused that at this point, their relationship is really doing them some good and I don't think that they would let some dumb argument screw with that reliance they have with one another. That, and considering that one of the characters is a werewolf with dissociative identity disorder/ptsd, they don't have the luxury of having these little arguments or a big blow out. Some of the best romance stories are those in which the pair are kept apart for so long, you just have to read the whole way through for a little bit of gratification, but Solstice is part Romance, part Action, part Horror, so I don't know if I can do that or if I even need to do that.
  8. thanks ^^ I do remember that you've reviewed by stuff and I'm eternally grateful *bow* my friend and I have started to call horror movies 'comedies' which confuses people, but it makes sense to me. I have a very weird sense of humor and so I don't write a lot of comedy, but then again, Sweeney Todd made me laugh, so I think it's just that people don't get my sense of humor. Though, I have somehow managed to freak myself out with my last few additions of 'Solstice'. Well, if one day I disappear from this site, it's because I'm probably locked up in a mental institution somewhere, but hopefully in writing the really dark, disturbing stuff, that won't happen anytime soon (unless my mother suddenly finds this site *shudder*) But, a panel of my peers can't be wrong, right? I mean 'Rats' just got published in my college's literary journal, so that means that I haven't gotten to that point where strangers are trying to stay off the same sidewalk as me, and that is my accomplishment of the week. I used to wonder how Stephen King comes up with his ideas, after the writing and dreams I've gone through these last few days, I now know.
  9. well, let's see, one day he'll say something and a few weeks later say the opposite, oh, yeah, and he wants to put the definition of marriage in the constitution. Don't really hate him, more like severely annoyed at the guy. Also, he says shit like birth control pills are offensive to women and has spent more time defending the war in iraq (which at this point I'm not even sure we have a legitimate reason to be there anymore if we ever did) than trying to come up with ways to help our country, like, I don't know, a decent energy bill?
  10. hentai is used both for the acutal material and for someone who is perverted or addicted to hentai. So you're a hentai who loves hentai.
  11. some medication can you help you. my zoloft helps me a lot with my social anxiety disorder and I take meds for my hypthyroid which keeps me, ya know, alive, and neither have hurt my writing. But there are also some medications that seriously mess with your brain chemicals. My cousin is schizoaffective and has PTSD and it got to the point where he was taking so many meds, not only could he no longer write or draw, he was having 'minor' seizures. But now he's off all but one anti psychotic and is doing much better. The morale of the story is this: you have to make a choice, your well being versus what you love to do. Yes, being bi polar might suck and is not a good thing, but neither is a med that messes around with your though patterns and hobbies.
  12. yes, I'm a lesbian writing yaoi *sigh* and after being called a 'fag hag' all through middle school and high school for writing homosexual fiction and living with three gay guys, I've decided that I deserve the right to punch the next person that calls me that in the face. To answer the question, yes, fan boys exist. My cousin is gay and not only writes yaoi fanfiction, he draws doujinshi for it as well. His husband thinks its 'cute' but doesn't do it himself.
  13. half the people that flame me assume that I write the stuff that I write just to piss people off or shock them, when it was never my intention to do so! >.< my reaction is always: you were shocked by that?! I mean, incest doesn't shock me, yet a lot of people review like this : I don't normally read incest and your story was really gross/disgusting/shocking or Heero and Duo aren't brothers, get a life. Do people actually READ warnings anymore??? I know I do. I wouldn't mind getting flamed if the person had something intelligent to say. I mean, is it a requirement for flamers to have the IQ of a fifth grader? And yet, I posted my incest story on ff.net, and shock, though I have gotten very few positive reviews, a ton of people have signed up for updates or put it on their favorite stories lists. Makes me wish we had that on this site. There are people like me that have a hard time writing a decent review, but if I saw that my fic was put on favorites lists, I'd assume that was because the person liked it. I think that is a better system for some people than reviews. Hits are great, but they don't tell you much. Someone could have hit the link for a look see, then found they hated it. Just because you have a thousand hits doesn't mean that a thousand people liked your story, especially since the hits aren't designated by members. What I mean is, the same person can look at a fic a bunch of times, even though they're signed into the site, so that number is pretty misleading. I could hit a link for one of my fics twenty thousand times and people would assume that the hits meant that I was popular. I think the favorite author/fic/fic update are the only things I like about ff.net. I mean, seriously, the people that run it must be super uptight with the rules they lay out. It would help me out a lot if their rules weren't so opinionated. I mean, what exactly counts as a 'mature' theme? Just sex or rape or what? Also doesn't help that their formatting sucks. Here I am looking for just yaoi fics and I don't even know what I'm reading cause nothing is categoried like it is here. And some chapters are blank or links don't work/illegible. Yet, even on such a censored site, a large amount of people seem interested in an incest fic. I guess that's a pretty big 'fuck you' to the establishment, especially since they can't ban me for it as there is no sex yet. If I really wanted to say 'fuck you' I'd post my fic Violence+sex=love or Gundam Wing hentai. 'Course, I'd be banned and that would make me cry as some really good authors rec on that site, but damn, it would be funny. It would be even funnier if I didn't get caught >.> but alas, I am a coward. That, and I like certain authors too much.
  14. My cousin already wrote to them when he read this article, even though he lives in Japan, he's a full time artist and the thought that artists in America were being threatened pissed both of us off. I'm not really an 'artist' but I do draw every now and then and the thought that one of my drawings that I have on this, and a few other sites, could be stolen from me, gives me an indescribable feeling of both rage and nausea. My first thought when I read that article was : That's it, I'm moving to Australia! Sigh, I love America, I really do, but every now and then (this has been getting more and more frequent) I can't help but be pissed off at my own country. I seriously don't blame my cousin for leaving Nebraska at age thirteen.
  15. that's a snub. A flame is when someone is bashing you instead of your story. Now, if they said that you were boring for writing the fic, that could be a flame. "This story is disgusting!" = snub "You are disgusting!" = flame.
  16. personally, I would like a seperation of 1x2 from 2x1 as many of us get upset about the other pairing. Some fics, however, have so many pairings that you might want to create a 'various' section for any fic with more than three main pairings. Just a suggestion. I know that I have fics that have more than five main pairings. Also a 'minor character' section might be good since there are Solox2 fics out there or they can just go under a various heading. It might be too much work since some fics are so complex and the pairings aren't so easy as to label them 1x2 or 3x4. I also think that there should be a key for what the pairings mean for people knew to the fandom. A lot of people are spelling characters names wrong or not understanding that 2x5 means that Duo is the seme. Some folks are under the assumption that the pairings have to be in numerical order, not seme/uke order.
  17. actually, you can believe that there is an afterlife without a god. And, not to bash christians, but I have had religious people try to force their faith on me many times, and they've all been christian, but I don't think that means that all christians are like that, it upsets me when it happens with any religion. To get back on track, I think that Bible fanfiction is ok. I think its a lot like incest or yaoi, if it is against your belief system, don't read it. The bible is a work of literary fiction and is under the same free speech rules as any other book and no one has the right to say that some one doesn't have the right to write it (illiteration, sorry). If people can print out those 'zion' pamphlets about why the jews are trying to enslave the world, which is actually harmful, than I think that people can write bible fanfiction, which isn't harmful, simply because its not being forced in your face, its something that you have to go looking for.
  18. this, only gundam wing fans will get, but when I read 'potter porno' I couldn't help but think of 'perfect peace people' and thought that there should be a cult out there called 'potter porno people'. P cubed!
  19. I've watched so many horror movies in my life that I can no longer close my eyes in the shower. I am also afraid of medical procedures and am currently hitting myself over the head because I volunteered for a blood drive next week. Mannequins also freak me out and dolls 0.0 I blame that on my mother cause she put these creepy ass dolls in my room as a child and they would stare at me all night long. Snakes are my comfort animal, I can usually make my fears go away if I think about them, especially pythons. Apparently, according to family and friends, this is weird.
  20. yes, I am terrified of people who are scared of homosexuals... prejudice is a terrifying thing.
  21. I'm C34 personally. Big boobs are a turn off for me, when I say big I mean bazooka type boobs. When I watch hentai, I can't get into it if the girl's boobs are too big like in 'Blue Eyes'. My friend had I boobs, I kid you not. Eventually, she had to get major reduction because of back problems and is now an E cause they couldn't take off anymore tissue. I like boobs that can fit in your hands, not ones that can smother you in your sleep.
  22. afraid of clowns, spiders, open closets, mirrors, unshaded windows at night, cigarette smoke, the beach, heights, men, children/babies, small dogs, bees, large crowds, the T, people in general, social situations, spiral staircases, ice, and homophobes.
  23. my friend is planning on becoming a publisher and since my cousin is a manga-ka, he knows tons of publishers, so mwahahahaha ^^ that's the only reason why I'm not freaking out about my novel right now. But, seriously, just keep trying. Hell, even if I didn't have those sort of connections, there's no way I'd give up!
  24. *glomps Stephen King* I luuuuvs you! (despite the fact that I'm a lesbian. Let's call it a man crush) I just updated my very dark, BDSM ridden fic, The Dark Side of the Heart and in less than 24 hours I got over 100 more hits. ^^ Gotta love the fans. It makes me wonder if they're there for the angsty, abusive sex or because they actually care about Duo's fate. =3 What can I say, I like both. Dear reviewers, please do not start with: I do not usually read this sort of thing. On the plus side, it makes me feel special that they liked something that they usually don't. On the bad side, this makes me feel paranoid. If you don't usually read it, what made you read my fic? The other bad point is that it makes me feel like I did something wrong, like the content I'm writing about is sick but because it's written well, it's ok. How about 'this fic is better than the other fics I've read like this' or something along that vein?
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