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Everything posted by shinigamiinochi

  1. if it was meant to be humor... bravo! Well done! If it was meant to be serious... um, no. While it did make me laugh, it was totally nonsensical and had the grammar and writing style of a first grader. To answer your question, no, nothing is so bad that it's good unless it was made to be intentionally bad, then yeah, maybe.
  2. I read the novel 'Scar Tissue' in Japan (my cousin managed to get a translation for me) and when I returned to the states, I decided I wanted my own copy. Turns out it was banned and isn't sold in the U.S. I thought, well, it does deal with the issues of child rape, prostitution, war, racism, and homophobia. But, no, I discovered that it was banned because, and I quote, 'shows America in a bad light.' *blink* Apparently, whoever decides these things thought that the futuristic war discussed in the novel with citizens of the earth versus people that have decided to colonize in space was an analogy for World War II, specifically Japan versus America. Uh, no. Sorry folks, even if it WAS, in the end, Earth and colonies live in harmony with each other and the main couple, one of the them is from Earth and the other is from space, so I don't see how it could be bashing America. And the best part of all? The main character... is Irish American!! Yeah, we're gonna show the main character as a beaten down, but still very strong and dependant character who, for the most part, does what is right and helps out his friends and the one he loves though he knows he's gonna suffer for it, but just because he's an American living in Japan, obviously they must be bashing Americans in some way, now if only we can figure out how... *sigh* If anything the book is about how all societies and races can live together and be mutually beneficial with each other. The main couple is gay, biracial (the other one is Japanese-Russian), and hell, bi-world, yet through a war and social repression, their love survives! I was reading a manga the other day and someone said 'you're reading that book the wrong way.' Usually when someone walks up to me while i'm reading and says something stupid like that, I ignore them. But no, I decided to take the high road and explain to this person that I was reading a japanese manga, to which they replied, 'so? it's still wrong.' 'no, it's how it was originally printed.' 'that's stupid.' and they walked away. So, no, people were not stupid in the 80s, they have always been stupid.
  3. sorry, but the Gundam wing/Bambi/sleeping beauty crossover I read a couple months ago trumps that just on orginality.
  4. I'm on both sides, actually. There is a difference between cynicism and apathy. You can be too whiny and you can just not care about anything anymore. Some things need to change, yes, but you have to draw the line between what realistically can be changed and what cannot be. What we have been discussing is a personality difference in people, something you cannot change. And the reason there are so many sluts and fools? Its not because we live in a society that breeds more of these people than before. We live in a society where these people can behave that way in public without shame. There have always been people like this, we're just more aware of it now. Yes, I do have a very nihilistic view of humanity, which shouldn't surprise people because I'm a nature freak. That is not to say that I think that all of humanity is a waste of space, but realistically, as a species, we don't serve much of a positive purpose. To those of you out there trying to do what you can to make the world better for the environment and you're fellow humans, I tip my imaginary hat to you. But, percentage wise, you're in the minority. There a lot of people out there that just don't care about helping people (just look at Dennis leary). Being apathetic and irresponsible has become as much of a trend as being a bad ass. My younger cousin (he's only a year younger, holy shit!) thinks that its 'cool' that he doesn't have a job and just sits around and smokes weed all day. No honey, you'd be a lot cooler if you got off your ass and actually did something with your life instead of wasting your mother's money on food and utility. Nowadays, when you talk about the environment and trying to make things better for people who are homeless and poor, you get called a hippy or a bleeding heart. Since when did it become 'weak' to want to help people?? I guess my disillusionment with the supposed 'good' of humanity started with my very abusive uncle. I quickly learned as a child that 'there's a good in all of us', 'no person is born evil', and 'everything has a purpose,' these ideas are all lies. But that doesn't mean that everything's hopless, it just means that we shouldn't be surprised that their are people out there that make us want to scream and beat their heads into the wall. It has nothing to do with our generation or time period, we're just more aware of their presence then previous generations. I'm just glad my grandparents are dead so I don't have to hear them say 'well, in my day!' Well, grandpa, in your day people got lynched and none of the lynchers were caught. Why? Because put a person in a crowd, and they'll do unspeakable things. Racism isn't dead, its in hiding and in certain towns, people get congradulated gay bashing. It's not totally our fault, as mammals, we're predisposed for violence and psychology to do these crimes.
  5. I have to ask what time it was because my friend and I went to CVS late at night and holy shit are there weird people. I'm not talking tattoos and mohawks, because I don't consider those people weird. Hell, that pretty much describes a bunch of my friends. No, people who look slightly normal, but you know that there is something off about them and then they look at you and do something, be it stare at you for ten whole minutes without blinking or just start to run off the second they realize you've noticed them, that send off warning bells in your head. Yeah, late night shoppers must be a whole different breed. Maybe they don't get out much. But, what does that say about me, then? I rarely leave my dorm room, especially if its the weekend.
  6. as for books, look for h.p. lovecraft. He had some really neat ideas of future societies. Try the 'Shadow Out of Time.'
  7. Once again, if you listen to the words that people are offended by or just don't like to read, we'd have to make up NEW words just to write a full sex scene *rolls eyes* when you get down to it, it doesn't matter what we right, it's going to bother somebody. I am never offended by a word, because it's not a word that is ugly, its how its used. Like the word 'cunt'. I'm a girl, but that word doesn't offend me when used in a sex scene because I know the author means vagina. Now, if I was walking down the street and someone called me a cunt, oh, it's on now! Same thing with bitch, say that to me in the right tone of voice and I will punch you, but if I hear it in the throws of passion, it doesn't really bother me as much. Nothing really offends me anymore, I'll get pissed, but disgusted, no. I'm an English major and I love words, they all serve a purpose and I'd never be as immature to stop reading something on the basis of a few words. Now, if the entire story is rife with grammar problems and incorrect spelling to the point that I have to pause just to understand it, then I'll probably have to stop reading, just because I'll get a headache. Me, I like the literal language. I like saying what it is. Semen can be called cum, because that is the vernacular of the word. I have never heard a conversation in which the term 'man juice' has been used. 'Cum' is a noun. 'Come' is a verb. He came. The cum. Not 'the come'. Not 'he cum.' That just doesn't make any sense. So, if you're going to use the term 'come' in place of ejaculation, use it correctly. None of this 'the come' shit. Also, in a sex scene, vulgar is good. Vulgar is great, bring on the vulgar! Now, if you're writing a romantic, sappy love scene, vulgar words might ruin the tone, but in a 'we're really horny and we just need to fuck' kind of scene, vulgar can actually improve it. Personally I don't like sword imagery because of hentai I've watched with mutilations and it gives me flashbacks to reading Shakespeare ("unsheathe your sword"), not necessarily a bad thing, but it makes me wince a little. When it comes to anal sex, we seem to have deleted all acceptable terms. Can't use 'butt' because it's immature, can't use 'channel' because it sounds wrong, can't use 'entrance' because it grosses you out, and can't use 'anus' because its too clinical. As a yaoi writer, I'm stuck at what is deemed acceptable. And I refuse to use the term 'love hole' in any sentence on personal grounds. As for writing out moaning as dialogue, I find that sexy. Really, there are only so many ways to say 'he/she moaned, groaned, cried out' ect and I have a personal issue of repeating myself. I agree that there is no such thing as love at first sight. You know absolutely nothing about this person so it's impossible for you love them. You can lust after them, but love is literally impossible. And I have never used the word 'dude' in a sentence because, according to my cousin, he has never heard it used outside of surfer movies. Same thing with 'beyotch' or 'hatin''. Unless you can explain that your character comes from an area where these words would be used, don't bother putting them in. In my home town, they were never used, but here at college I hear them all the time and I understand that it is a regional thing. So, yeah, language, if you're going to use it, use it correctly and don't stress about sex language, everyone has their own personal hates.
  8. I think the reason why numbers are so creepy is that there is not grey area for them. Numbers simply are and there is only one answer, so when something that abides by such a rigid system of rules starts acting in a way that defies its nature, its creepy. I mean, look at the Cube movies. They're really just survival situations using mathematics, yet you get freaked out when watching it. 'Hell is repitition', sayeth my man Stephen King, so for any other aspiring horror writers out there, create a theme and stick with it. I've gotten several reviews lately saying that my constant use of crows and the time 3:02 have creeped them out and they can't figure out why. Once again, repitition, and it can't hurt that I give absolutely no explanation for these things (ok, the crows have been slightly explained in chapter 2, but apparently they still freak people out). It's like The Mist. At the very beginning of the movie, the camera stays on the open door of the pharmacy for several seconds, which is strange and it stands out. At that moment in the film (unless you read the short story which also mentioned the door at the beginning in a subtle, creepy way) you don't know why that's important, you just DO. I love moments like those ^^ 'course, I guess I'm just weird like that.
  9. lol. Some people would say that since a child does not understand what sex is, any sexual act involving them counts as rape. I, however, am not one of those people. I mean, what if a kid masturbates, that would be, what, self-rape?? Jury duty is coming up and I wish I would get a case like that...
  10. I was thirteen when I read my first original print manga and all it took for me to be able to read it was common sense. I saw that the panels didn't make sense the way I would orginally read it and fixed my reading accordingly using my sense of logic. I didn't even have to read that back cover page showing you what to do. If that is too complicated for people, I think I just might lose whatever faith I had left for America.
  11. I believe that there are sluts and fools, but i believe that they have been there since mankind took its first bipedial steps. People say, 'this is the worst time to raise a kid', but that's bullshit. It's ALWAYS the worst time! Every generation has a war, clothing problems, sex problems, drug problems, life is like a never ending circle. Life will always suck, but it will also be wonderful if you let it. I agree that there are sluts and fools, but I try not to let that drag me down. This world is always going to have apathetic youth and parents who just don't understand. It's like little kids that say they will never be like their parents when they grow up, but sooner or later, they do grow up and a lot of them turn out exactly like their parents.
  12. Normally I don't like to tattle unless it's something really harmful and I rather liked this challenge, but since I've never seen one of these in the Gundam Wing section, I felt the need to report it. I have already told the person that they should repost it in the appropriate section, so maybe they'll move it on their own, but if not, here is the link http://anime2.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600021984 I was annoyed because, not only is it in the fiction archive, its in ALL of the subcategories, so it sticks out like a sore thumb.
  13. So, Solstice has been updated in the same fashion as always and guess what? The reviewer hasn't reported me! Gee, I wonder why... I hate people who try to bully you into what they want. Besides, this person didn't use a real signature. This tells me they are either a lurker who does not have any stories on this site or is too much of wimp to put their real name down. But, I'm not going to disable anonymous reviews because of one jerk.
  14. I've never deleted a review, even a flame. Partially, it's because I'm lazy, but mostly because of my OTHER reviewers. The last two times I was flamed or snubbed, my other wonderful reviewers rose up as one and started to yell at the flamer. Nothing like watching readers defend your work with such passion to make you feel all warm and gooey inside (see reviews for Solstice on this site or The Definition of Love on gundam-wing-universe.net for very good examples)
  15. personally, I think that the gundam wing archive only needs yaoi, yuri, het, and general. I don't know about the other fandoms, but subcategories like AU aren't necessary. People keep uploading their fics to those four categories even if it is us AU. There are a ton of AU's in the yaoi section, but only one in the AU section. As for the pairings, there are only four fics any of them and it is just Heero/Duo. I don't think its necessary for the pairing categories to be there because once again, very little people seem to be using it and a lot of people just write the pairings in the summaries like the good little doobies that they are. I don't think that any of the deleted categories were necessary as we have sections in the forums for the same thing. Though, deleting the 'looking for a fic' category might make the number of people posting searches into the fic archives increase, which would be just annoying. Still, I have absolutely no problems with the subcategories that have been deleted. Keep up the good work ^^
  16. Once upon a time, I dared to go to the grocery store with my cousin (Yuki) and his three year old daughter (Inoue). She was bored and went to look at the books. She picked up a romance novel and just stared at the cover. My cousin immediately went over to her and their conversation went a little like this: Yuki: Honey, I don't think that you should be reading stuff like that Inoue: Oh, I'm not. The cover alone is incorrect and highly improbable, so I don't think that the inside is going to be much better. -.- that child...
  17. i just got a request for my gundam wing hentai story. Now, the entire anthology has a huge amount of crack pairings, but this pairing made me twitch: 'could you write a story with father Maxwell and Duo? It doesn't have to be in the Gundam universe' *twitch* and yet it does follow the challenge guidlines of the story and if its AU, I can probably write it without squicking myself out. Mostly I want to write it because its a personal challenge. I'd never thought of that pairing in a smut fic, but since it will be AU, I'll have total control, so why not? Though, I draw the line between Duo and Sister Helen. Its not a religious thing at all, it's a 'Sister Helen is like the mommy that Duo never had' type thing. I was accused of writing a crack pairing of Solox2, but really, if you can ignore the fact that Solo died when Duo was 7, it is as nearly canon as Heero and Duo and in my defense, it has been done before, just not as much as I would like.
  18. On his wedding night, my cousin and his husband did it eight times. Sure, he was eighteen and his husband was twenty one and they took a couple minutes of breaks in between, but according to him, they'd been dating for three years but had never had sex, so they were just in a 'I can't believe that this day has finally come' kind of mood. They both don't drink alcohol or do drugs and haven't had a night like that since, but sometimes they will do it 3 to 5 times a night just for kicks since they're both still in their twenties and my cousin is the biggest pervert in the world, so he easily thinks of different ways to keep their sex life fresh.
  19. all they have is a way to send a letter or fax and I don't have a fax machine.
  20. I watched Gundam Wing on Cartoon Network, but I started several episodes in and needed information on the series, so I went online and got more than I bargained for, but I never shyed away from it or was disgusted, I thought that it was awesome and a week later, I wrote my very first 1x2 gundam wing fic and I've been writing slash ever since.
  21. Three weeks ago, I ordered a bunch of books from Jlist.com. I've ordered from them before and I have never had any problem. When you order something, they send you an email about what you ordered and then 24 hours later, send you another, usually to tell you how long it will take or a shipping code. I recieved the first e-mail, but not the second though I have never had e-mail issues with them before. I let it go for about five days before e-mailing them about it. There were other issues, I entered in a coupon, but the money was never taken off the final price and on my account page, it said that it was 'beginning processing' which it still says three WEEKS later. Naturally, I was annoyed as I am leaving my address on April 30th and won't be back until August and told them that it was a priority that I get it before I leave. I have e-mailed them five times now and not only have these issues NOT been resolved, they haven't even responded at all!! I am getting severely pissed off at them and, worst of all, if they're not responding, there's no way I can think of to resolve this. I can't even ask for my money back! I know this site is not a fraud because I know a bunch of people that buy from them and I have bought from them and this is the first time this has happened. I really don't know what to do and need help.
  22. Just got this review for Solstice: please stop editing to keep your story at the top. It's very annoying and it even made me stop reading your story. If you don't stop I will report you. -sky my response: if you let something that tiny stop you from reading a story, I don't think I'd want you reading it anyway, I prefer readers that read for the joy of a story. Go ahead and tell the admin, the way my week has been going, I need a good laugh. If this 'reader' had bothered to read my author's notes, they would know I'm not doing things this way to get attention, there is a method to my madness, but no, they'd rather whine about it. And I'm not editing, as another reviewer stuck up for me, I'm posting a few pages at a time since the structure of the story is this: there is supposed to be five chapter, three character back story chapters and two plot chapters, therefore, the chapters are very long and I wanted to stay true to the oringinal structure. At first, I was just going to post the chapters once I was done with them, but since they are so long, this would mean I would be posting a chapter every four months or so. However, I got quite a few e-mails saying that readers wanted me to update quicker, so I did it at a four page average. I understand that this can be annoying, but it's not like my story is replacing another by constantly updating it. If you don't like the fact that it's always at the top, just scroll down, it's not THAT difficult. *rolls eyes* I wouldn't be annoyed except this reviewer was the first and only person to complain about this process and if he/she had just said to please not do that anymore, that would have been fine, but they instead threatened me and that just pisses me off. Am I over reacting about this or does this person have a legitimate reason to report me?
  23. I can only read one of those comics once a week because my brain starts to hurt after awhile.
  24. I got an e-mail from a reader today stating that they believe I have multiple personality disorder. She says that she reads my Gundam Wing Fanfiction and thought that my original fiction would be just as smutty, but she read Solstice and was SEVERELY disappointed that there was only one sex scene and it wasn't kinky or weird. I really don't know what to say in response to this. Um, I'm sorry you thought that all my writing was porn, but my original fiction is kind of different than my fanfiction...
  25. I balance my new ideas with my old ideas. If there is a way to encorprate them into the story without destroying the original flow of the story, if not, it goes into the recycle bin of my brain. Painful, yes, but necessary, otherwise Solstice would never be done and would make no sense whatsoever
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