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Everything posted by shinigamiinochi

  1. I'm sorry, but just destroying a huge group of people doesn't stop terrorism in general. Actually, it can cause more terrorism. The real solution to terrorism? Just kill everyone else but yourself. Even in one's own country, you have citizens using terrorism against each other. I think that was my whole point, even if we somehow, through some bizarre miracle, win this war in Iraq and pull out, we still have terrorist attacks by our own damn people! So, should we just decimate ourselves and be done with it? Humans have been creating ways to seperate and hurt each other since the dawn of time; gender, religion, politics, race... While it is true that I didn't see any definite links to John Mccain here and I didn't see that DVD, I don't either were necessary for this attack to happen. Both Obama and McCain have been using scare tactics, a lot of politicians do it, this is not a reason for people to attack each other's children. A note on Bush: doesn't anyone else think it's hysterical that when that whole Russia invading another country fiasco happened that he came out and literally said that in this day and age, NO country has the right to invade another? Honestly, I bust a gut when I heard him say that. But, yeah, I'm in total agreement that terrorism can't be solved anymore than murder or rape or war can. Also, the site did say that there wasn't a solid connection between the DVD and the attack besides that it happened in the same state. However, even the slightest connection between Muslim and terrorism can create panic in people. I'm not saying that it is the DVD's fault or John McCain's fault this happened. People are just stupid and violent in nature and they have never needed an excuse to hurt one another. What I'm saying is that it is very easy, especially nowadays, to influence people through fear. Isn't that a part of terrorism, using fear to motivate people? That's what I think whenever I see one of those ads on TV. It happened to my parents, the second they found out that a group of Muslims didn't like us, they immediately asked me if any of my friends were Muslim and when I said yes, they said 'good'. Now, my parents would never go out and gas children, but they were afraid and still are and are distrustful of anyone they assume could be Muslim. One thing that annoyed me about that site was the lack of concrete information about why that person believes that McCain is responsible for this attack and why the DVD could have been a motivator. If you're going to spout ideas like that as fact, you need something to back it. Other than that, I was glad that my friend sent me the link. I don't watch the news because I know that it isn't really 'news'. Hell, half the time it's about some celebrity I've never heard of! What kind of news is that? I asked my mom, who watches the news religiously, if she had heard about this attack last night. She hadn't. I think something like this is pretty damn important. But, then again, a lot of Americans stopped caring about the truth a long time ago, just ask my current American History professor.
  2. So, yesterday my mom and I were in the car and she was listening to some republican radio show where they were bashing Obama. I'm not a fan of his, but when they kept carrying on about him not being uber patriotic and how great america was and how everyone should feel that way, I got a little pissed off. Yeah, America's nice, but there are some things about us that are pretty sucky, like healthcare. We aren't the best country or the only country that can help the rest of the world like everyone was saying on this show. Sure enough, this morning my friend sent me this link: http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2008/9/2.../697/536/613742 My mom is constantly telling me that the war is a good thing because of the terrorist attacks and how we are preventing them. I say that we don't have to worry about other countries attacking us when we have this shit on our own land. The part that scares me the most was that I wasn't really shocked when I read this. What pisses me off is that this was not made an important story on the news, though, once again, it doesn't surprise me. Personally, I think Obama's full of himself, but if he thinks that America needs some major reworking, I'm in agreement. At the very least, AMERICA shouldn't be some damn full of itself.
  3. http://anime2.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600022298
  4. So, after beating both Fatal Frame 1+2, I decided to replay them to unlock stuff, but I lost my data on the first game, so I have to beat it all over again. As I'm playing the game, I think the thing is haunted or warped or something. The reason is that there are things happening in the game that aren't supposed to happen; ghosts using attacks that they can't use (trust me, I looked it up) like causing earth quakes on only the first night, meeting ghosts that aren't supposed to show up for awhile, just weird stuff. For example, I fought the ghost Tomoe on the first night and she caused the earthquakes that Kirie, the main boss, uses at the end of the game (I can't remember right now if any other ghost on the later nights can do that, but it was only the first night, so I think that it is pretty impossible) and there's a skeletal ghost that you have to beat in a certain room towards the end of the second night, but I met him at the beginning of that night in a completely different room. Also, random ghosts are popping up too frequently. It's just really odd. My first thought was that the game was on nightmare mode (the hardest mode) but you can't access that mode unless you are replaying on a finished data, which I lost and am clearly not doing so. It's just really odd and I can't figure it out.
  5. yeah, I wish I had the financial security to do that. My customers not only abuse me, but each other. A few weeks ago, there was a woman with her very annoying child. This kid was the kind that said no and screamed at the drop of a hat. Her father had to get her out of the store while the woman paid for the rest of the stuff. So, she got her stuff out of her cart and bumped into the woman behind her. She turned and snapped at her, telling her to back up and let her get her stuff out. The woman behind her did so, rolling her eyes. The mother continued to get her stuff out, grumbling about how rude the other woman was being. She continued to go on like that while I rang her up. The woman behind her started to whisper and chuckle about the mother's insane behavior and the mother turned to her and said 'go ahead and laugh, you stupid bitch, I guess someone as ugly as you can afford to laugh!' and stormed out with her things. At this point, all I could think was 'I know where your daughter gets it.' I mean, really, it's hard to believe people like this are out there.
  6. I hate mary sues because when I read a fanfic, I want to read about the characters from the media, not some girl or boy that's better than any of the regular characters. If such a character shows up in an original work, it annoys me because it shows a complete lack of creativity. Our flaws are what make us human and real, a character that is just so great is something that we create when we're little kids, playing with action figures and arguing with our friends about why our figure is better than their figure. I like characters that are messed up. It makes it more interesting to see how they deal with their flaws and if they can pull themselves up. Am I jealous of Mary Sues? No, I don't think so. I've never imagined myself as that character, even as a child. It's partially due to hatred of egoism and partially due to my social anxiety disorder, but mostly my hatred of mary sues is linked to my distaste towards non-creative thought.
  7. The only thing I didn't like about Bible Black was that the third volume of the second testament was't released in America. I can't find it anywhere, but according to the Bible black sites, those last episodes do exist. The main thing about hentai prices that annoys me is that hentai averages about 30 dollars new while anime ranges 20 dollars, however, the typical anime has 1-2 episodes while anime typically has 4-5 per disc, yet the hentai is more money.
  8. sigh, all I wanted in life was all the volumes of Bible Black. I searched online and at every store nearby, but they were always 30 or more (even on ebay!) Some places had it for 40! I ended up spending a fortune just for three dvds, which pretty much proves your point about no elacicity. I won't go online because my computer is a piece of junk and even if I shelled out the money, my computer wouldn't play anything. It has problems with youtube videos, so that should be a good indicator that it's slowly dying.
  9. thank you for saying so! My cousin and his husband have a daughter through his sister using his husband's dna and everyone in the family was freaked out, not because of the process, but because there would be a child in a 'gay' home. Recently, his mother was deemed unfit by the state of Nebraska to, not only have anymore children, but be able to care for the ones she has. He has ten other siblings that were being looked at to care for their five year old sister and twin infants, but he was the only one given the sister because, out of all of them, he was the only one they deemed fit to have a child! Naturally, this created even more screaming between families, but if the state of Nebraska agrees that he is the best parent out of everyone on that side of the family, that should be good enough for my mother and her relatives. That is another myth that needs to be listed. It isn't as strongly believed as it was before, but it is still out there: some people believe that two men or two women cannot raise a child because the missing gender parent would somehow mess up the development of the child. If you're going to believe in that and want to create a law saying that no homosexual couple can have a child, then you must also create the same law for a single parent that has no intention of marrying. A man and a woman can screw up a child and a gay couple can produce well adjusted children. I look at my cousin's daughter and see the truth in that. She is brilliant, kind, and loves her two daddies more than anything. Then, I have to look at some of my cousin's brothers. Raised by a man and a woman, both church going Catholics, they abused and neglected their children until half of them became so messed up, one of them ended up and jail and the rest of that half can't hold down jobs or have families because of their problems. I don't believe that sexuality of the parent has anything to do with how you turn out. As for that myth that gay couples create gay children and straight, capable parents create straight children, that's a myth, too. Awhile back, one of my gay aunts had a child. He is now twenty-three and happily married to a Korean woman, hoping very much for a child. Then there's me who has a mother and a father who are both Republican Conservatives, Christian, and almost died of a stroke when I told them I was a lesbian.
  10. This is probably one of those questions that is so stupid and obvious that I should be smacked in the head for asking it, but why is hentai more expensive than anime? I mean, an anime boxset costs the same as a single hentai episode (that's about ten hours equivalent to thirty minutes) and I can't figure out why that is.
  11. I was aware of what lime and lemon meant when I got into fanfiction, but never there origins, so thanks for the info ^^
  12. I don't have a problem keeping track of where I post my stuff because I develope a daily routine with those sites. However, recently ilovebishonen.com.ar has gone off and I don't know why. I have probles with some archives. There are ones like ilovebishonen where the creator of the site does all of the posting, which isn't ideal for me because I like direct posting. Then there are sights were the creator picks you, not the other way around. What I have discovered about a lot of these sites is that it has nothing to do with how good a writer you are, but if the creator is friends with you or you write a pairing that they just love. I know this, because there are popular authors in the fandom that these sites post for that are excellent writers but they aren't hosted. I like places like this site and gundam-wing-archive.net because there are no strings attached, if you write for the fandom, you can post there. I guess I'm looking for someplace like that, but with the gundam wing fandom, places like that aren't easy to find anymore. Fanfiction.net and adult-fanfiction.org seem to be the best places for fanfiction anyway.
  13. well, I've always been confused about the origin 'lemon' and 'lime' in fanfiction, so I don't see why orange can't be sexual as well. In fact, I've read quite a few sexual scenes where someone's eating an orange, but never a lemon.
  14. After many years, I've finally decided to buckle down and get a beta. I hadn't in the past because I'm an impatient person and like to post something as soon as I finish it, but I've decided that gettting a beta, since my fanfiction is quickly becoming a very serious thing to me, would be a smart move. I am looking for someone with superior grammar skills since I try to be very careful, so my mistakes might not be glaringly obvious. Anyone who betas my story must also be open minded. I write a lot of controversial material (see Gundam Wing Hentai) and I do not want someone who would be uncomfortable since that would hinder the process. I am also looking for a creative mind since I don't just want grammar corrections, but someone who can spy plot holes or be able to give me ideas. The fandom I am looking for a beta for is solely Gundam Wing and all of my stories are yaoi based, so I need a beta who is comfortable with that. My stories are all over the board, but mostly dark and surrounded by sexual themes and many are AU. Currently, the primary stories I need betaed are Gundam Wing Hentai, which is filled to the brim with disturbing themes and sex and the other is The Road to Kindness which is also dark and disturbing, an AU 1x2 work which is very long. Anyone interested can contact me in many ways. There is this forum, of course, but there is also my e-mail, thorperin@pmc.edu and my fanfiction livejournal thegrackelknows. Thanks.
  15. well, that's one way to get your protein.
  16. actually, what I posted was not an insult to Palin for her speech, but to those people who heard her talk and assumed that she had to be a good vice president simply because she was articulate. Obama, too, could be the next Hitler, I don't know. It's impossible to forsee something like that since neither of the candidates have done more than talk about what they're going to do. They may do their current jobs well, but being President is a huge step up from whatever they are currently doing and just because they're good at being a mayor or governor doesn't mean that they would make a good president. Personally, I'm not trusting any of them, because in the end, their job is to make people like them, not to tell the truth. When one of them becomes president, obviously that job will change, but right now, they're just candidates and they have to do whatever they can, even spit in the face of their opponent verbally, to make themselves look good. Look at what happened to Bush. They showed that picture of him in the flight suit and hundreds of people (including my parents) thought that that patriotic picture spoke to how great a president he was going to be for this country. All I'm saying is that, people who think that good speakers are good people, scare me. In the end, I'll have to make up my mind for myself, but right now, I'm not taking anything any of the candidates are saying at face value. I do hate how pompous Obama is and his inexperience in the political field, but I don't go for the conservative view, either, so I don't like either candidate pretty equally at this point. If there is any truth to what people are saying about Palin on this thread, I don't want to vote for McCain, whether or not this woman can change anything, I don't agree with the stance personally and voting for her as vice president would leave a bad taste in my mouth. I guess in the end of this campaign, I'm still going to feel like the most confused person on the planet. But, maybe all first time voters feel that way.
  17. all anyone at this point in the election does is make speeches. I mean, that's the whole point, isn't, to just talk and talk until people like you? There not exactly in positions of power, yet, it's not like they can go out and say "I will change things!" and go and do it. Hell, the most they've done so far was Obama's move of going to the Middle East, but he still just talked to people. Yeah, anyone can make a good speech, but that's the only trick they have until they're elected.
  18. She had her big speech on last night, though I spent that time watching Supernatural ^^ My mom did watch it and said that it was so good, so motivational and well spoken, so she had to be a good vice president. I couldn't help but thing 'Hitler made some pretty good speeches, too, and we all know how that turned out.' people like my mother scare me sometimes.
  19. This is the first year for me in which I am voting and I've been confused about who I want to vote for. My entire family is Republican and they are definitely voting for McCain, so all I here is good stuff about him and bad stuff about Obama, like he's inexperienced and has a god complex, and because of work and school, I don't get to follow the news very much. However, what I do know has me wanting Obama to be president much more than McCain, so thank you for this post, because now it's a pretty sure thing who I'm going to vote for.
  20. To me, fiction is fiction. Whether the character came from the mind of someone else or your own, it still isn't a real person. Sure, it might be easier for someone to swallow, but the concept is the same. I think that it is a tad bit insane when someone writes a fanfic about child rape and people accept it, but when that person decides to make it an original work by simply changing names, but none of the content, suddenly it's offensive. Those characters came from someone's imagination, unlike the entire celebrity fiction genre, but even then you are discussing (hopefully) fictional events. If someone is reading those fictional events and while it is easier to imagine that original character as a real person, in the end, that person isn't real. That theory only works for anime and cartoon, anyway, what about fanfictions like Buffy where there is a real actor? Couldn't you also argue that people would be offended because it would be like it was happening to the actor? Also, people actually find fanfiction about cartoons and anime more offensive because they think that, because the characters are animated, children would be more likely to read it than the stuff based on liveaction media.
  21. So, tonight I decided to work on 'The Road to Kindness' and managed to add another twenty pages to it when my computer says that it wants to restart so it can add new software. This happens every now and then and I usually just ignore it. I closed my computer and got ready for bed when I heard someone instant message me. I suddenly realized that my computer didn't shut down like it's supposed to (which it also does time to time) and that my computer restarted. I opened Word to find that all twenty pages had disappeared. I loved what I wrote and I'm freaking out now trying to find a way to get it back, though I know that it's probably not possible. I went to the Word homepage looking for advice, but you have to pay to ask for help, so I decided to go here where it's nice and free. If there is anyone out there who knows a way (dirty or clean, I don't care) to help, I will love you forever, because there's no way I can re-write what I wrote, my short term memory isn't that good.
  22. Like everyone here, I think these stories are the lowest form of literacy, but if we delete them on the grounds that they are immoral, what's to stop someone from doing the same thing to stories about homosexuality? Just reading a story doesn't make people do things, that's taking responsibility out of that person's hands and it is highly irresponsible for anyone to say that. Pedophiles will harm a child regardless of these stories. Free speech isn't just about what we like to read, it is our right as human beings to express ourselves, even if 'ourselves' is something disgusting, fanfiction is subjective and even something like 'clean sex' can be offensive to someone. We can't say that one thing is wrong while something else is right when they are similar media because that opens the flood gates to a ton of bad shit. Besides, clean sex is boring.
  23. This site doesn't have any rules about underaged fiction with the exception of the author's age and even if it did, I'm sure that that would be acceptable.
  24. yep, still here http://anime2.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600022225
  25. I'm sure you know the drill by now http://anime2.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600022225 I really don't think that this person is going to stop until someone finds the damn story for them.
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