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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. So, this one figured by using the original poster's birthday (only month and day), that maybe, people would think they were the same person. Guess what? The original writer CAUGHT you. Yes, you were caught. Stealing. Someone else's work. Archive profile
  2. I'm going to tinker with the config file after work today, and see about the extra line spacing. From what it looks like, what it's doing is adding a line before and after a paragraph, not just after a paragraph, which is default in most apps. For the speed issue, there are two factors at work here. One is outdated java itself. If your java is not current, you will have this issue. The other is where the files were uploaded after a Word export to html. Most of these inserts are so full of garbage html, it just takes awhile for the editor to strip it out. Because that's exactly what it's doing. Is CLEANING all the garbage out of the html insert. Something else I've found, is that in some of these for instances, there's so much garbage inserted before you even have the first line (often 10 lines of html code or more which do nothing), that it slows it down even further. If you find it doesn't load at all, let me know and I can look at the record. I remove those first ten plus lines, and the chapters load without issue. I know, because I've checked. But, to do this, means I have to go in to the db record and strip it out.
  3. You have to wait a bit, for it to catch up to what the RTE is doing. Have a question for you though, were all your chapters added as Word exported html? If so, there may be something I have to do before you can properly pull up the chapters. Let me know, and then I'll look.
  4. Review responses- hp subdomain I expect we'll be seeing a fair bit of that throughout the archive, as the authors edit their word html exported chapters. With the addition of the real text editor, what happened is, that stories like that, where the chapter was uploaded using a file generated by Word especially, the chapters now show parts of the illegal html function calls. So, in order to FIX that, the authors are having to go in to their stories, open the chapter, and then resave it. This preserves their formatting, without them having to actually completely delete and re-add that data. The author you're speaking of is having to do this with almost every single story she has added to the archive. I expect many other authors will be in the same boat and this will be something seen throughout the site as authors do this.
  5. to do- make dinner, make this week's prompt graphic, recheck all of books where I repaired, etc etc etc bbzzzzzttttt

    1. ApolloImperium
    2. Shadowknight12


      *brings in the metric ton of coffee* All ready, DG.

    3. DemonGoddess


      hahaha SK, I need more of it..

  6. Entirely different set of IP addresses it looks like this time. Unfortunately, THESE are not static IPs like the last batch were. So all we can do now is monitor, and when you see it, I fix.
  7. Going by what you're describing, I can already tell your html uploads were generated by Word. To fix this, you edit the story, select edit chapter, open the chapter in the editor, and then click edit chapter. This strips out all the extra garbage word inserts and fixes the problem. You may need to wait a minute or two while the cleaner function does it's job, depending upon your chapter length. Do this for each chapter of the affected story. As you can see, there's actually no real editing involved, just opening up the chapter and resaving it.
  8. By adding the rich text editor, we relaxed certain restrictions within a core file. By adding back a plain text editor field, we would open up the archive even more than it already was (with html uploads) to malicious code injections. So, no, we can't add that back.
  9. KNOWN issues Word document exported as html file, then uploaded. This is an easy fix. Select edit story Select the story you need to fix Select edit chapter Select the chapter or chapters (you will need to do this for each chapter) Open the chapter in to the editor. Click edit chapter. Copy/pasted from a document where it retained formatting Select edit story Select the story you need to fix Select edit chapter Select the chapter or chapters (you will need to do this for each chapter) Open the chapter in to the editor. Place your cursor at the beginning of each paragraph, and press enter Click edit chapter
  10. Unfortunately, all of us who had banked money, lost it. I'd left maybe 80,000 unbanked. That's all I got for the conversion points too.
  11. For anyone else who used Word and exported as html - Select the story in question- Select edit chapter- Open the chapter in the rte- Click "edit chapter" This fixes most of the issues automatically. However, it's best if you doublecheck, and tweak where you may need to. You'll need to do this for each chapter that was uploaded as a Word exported html file.
  12. You used MS Word and exported as html, from the look of it. Word, when exporting to html, adds a bunch of garbage tags. Check your pm as well pls.
  13. *ahem* the db is 7.8GB...
  14. Okay, what we've done is re-enabled uploads for text files ONLY. To format, yes, you'll still have to hard code in the html tags which are allowed.
  15. Hi there, Emailed you about this as well. Does your software need to have java enabled for each address you go to? The RTE is a java program, which is something used extensively in the forum as well. The forum also defaults to RTE for posting, editing posts, and etc. I'm going to look at your software a bit more extensively and see if I can't find a solution for you
  16. It's an embedded rich text editor, and if you use the insert buttons, it preserves your formatting. There's no real coding involved for the end user. Makes it much, MUCH simpler.
  17. From Word documents, it actually REDUCES the raw file insert size by at least half, if not more. This is much better for the database.
  18. LOL, that's okay. Just remember that the jump menu is in your profile, as well as your user panel. You can use it to navigate between subdomains. There are also the main menus towards the top for navigation as well.
  19. Are you talking about this story? I just now deleted the crosspost to the movies subdomain, as the one I've linked to, is in the correct place.
  20. First of all, BIG thank you to manta2g! She offered to get this done for me, so we all wouldn't have to WAIT the rest of my natural life for me to find time. Now, when a user wants to add a word file, there is a function, where you insert from a word doc, in the rte menu. When you just want to use the text area, you can now format with a WYSIWYG editor. The edit chapter part of this is still being worked out, and something for the Non English archive that will be added in the VERY near future, is multiple language support. Finally, users no longer have the ability to upload files.
  21. Here's one from Warsaw, Indiana Full statute Got from this site
  22. eh, no apologies necessary Cal. You simply made me curious as to what got you upset.
  23. So I have power back for a time...we'll see how long this lasts.

    1. BronxWench


      Crossing everything for you!

    2. Shadowknight12


      I offer my bioelectricity if there's another power outage.

  24. Well, the problem was that much of what you're referring to went well beyond rude, and fell more well within the lines of flaming, flame baiting, and flame wars. That's something that is just flat out unacceptable in ANY forum setting.
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