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Everything posted by Praetor

  1. Scrolled past a completely unrelated Overwatch request where a bagel falling on Tracer’s head is a plot point. Okay, I like a challenge… as you have requested, so it shall be done! Primal Rage, Tracer becomes part of a hilarious botched experiment by Winston and Mercy.
  2. Next chapter of Overlord is up. I can only ask for your continued patience with these works, they take time and don’t make any money. I like to think about the distant future in these regards to make me feel better and hope that they’ll still be around on the web by then and even more popular once I gain a reputation of some kind. All discussions and comments are appreciated, thank you for reading.
  3. I’ve been getting that a lot. That was originally a one off gag sequence but due to popular request I am thinking of a spin off sequel later on where Naruko converts Haku into a futa through the imaginable means and makes him her first Leftanant, sending him off to create his own harem elsewhere in the world in the name of Kaguya.
  4. Aww, I have a fan? Halfway done with the next chapter of Omniharem. I am shooting for a weekend release. I think of L&PD, Omniharem and Naruko’s Pact as my flag ships (two Iowa class battleships and an Illustrious class aircraft carrier) and the bulk of those stories are done. I just need the orgiastic finale to the Tinkerbell fic and Omniharem has largely run its course with only a few of the less popular women left. Naruko’s Pact has an orgy up next and then a second batch of popular side characters. Overlord is an up and coming flag ship that will get more attention once I finish out one of the other three. I am also working on some side projects, battle cruisers if we use the nautical terms still, two of which are already posted. I started the next Mad Love chapter but Ron’s Harem has been a complete failure to launch as I haven’t figured out what the next step will be. I began work on the Jessica Rabit fic and a Ben10/OC fic is technically done with the first chapter but I am seeing how the second shapes up to see if they can be merged. There are some other projects under wraps until they are more substantial.
  5. Thebooblover has a challange fic on the other fan fiction dot com with Ben and OCs by one Drnedzed on Furaffinity or something.
  6. Like, in the same story? I’m planning on eventually doing a DC fic with Rex and a Mortal Kombat one with Ben, as well another Ben harem with another’s OCs.
  7. In a separate work or Harley as she appears in Mad Love? Is she a futa? I was going to do the horsecock futa Bat Girl idea eventually. Anyways, next chapter of Naruko’s Pact is up. Snake King helped a lot with the editing and conceptualizing. Overlord should be next but I don’t have any definite time frames.
  8. Unfortunately not. One is another Booblover challange from Fanfiction.com, another is a JayDee type work and the third is semi serious spoof of harem fics in general. My biggest problem with the Jessica Rabbit fic is I actually have to write dialogue that is persuasive, since he has to seduce her first. Which is not something I am currently capable of doing well, which is why I usually resort to things like magic and super science-ie pheromones or something to make the lead unnaturally attractive and negate having to write that stuff.
  9. I just picked chicks at random. I’m indifferent to who ends up with Bulma because they can just fuse into Yamta. I thought about Gohan but since he’s supposed to be like top 5 heroes in the show it makes more sense for him to go after the dragon balls with the rest of the heroes. Yamcha is left behind because he is a capable enough warrior to defend humans from bears and hoodlums and such but not exactly ready to exchange blows with the likes of Buu.
  10. Man that was a long way to go to get to the punch line. Okay, got it. Majin Buu succeeds in destroying the Earth in an alternate timeline and the heroes whisk away as many survivors as they can to an alternate Earth. The dragon balls were then scattered across the galaxy and the heroes depart to gather them, a prospect that can take many years even if it succeeds. So they leave behind some stronger heroes to protect the womenfolk as they search. Each is assigned a certain number of women to care for and begin the re-population as it will take several wishes to right the world again even if they succeed. So Yamcha is left behind with Bulma, Launch, Rias, Sonya, Cassie, Seiko, Storm, Power Girl, Korra and I dunno, Sailor Jupiter.
  11. Is it a lemon harem fic somehow involving nazis, communists and cold war era policies?
  12. Indifferent. Is this for general discussion or does it pertain to a challenge fic somehow?
  13. I saw the film clip of the one dude riding the nuclear bomb to destruction like it was a rodeo?
  14. Boom, surprise offensive! Sorry for the long and unannounced hiatus. The next chapter of Omniharem is up. A completely unrelated and new fic is in the editing stage of the first chapter and the next Naruko’s Pact installment is 2/3rd complete. Also working on some unannounced side projects and the next chapter of Overlord is under way. Thoughts, complaints or any kind of notes are encouraged.
  15. Working my way back to it. Mostly done with the next Naruko’s Pact and another Booblover project. Some of the Overlord chapter has been written. The plan for the next Omniharem is still the threesome wedding type deal with Looma and Attea.
  16. They’ve mostly resolved themselves. Slowly getting back into the projects.
  17. Welp, I showed my age just now. The leads from Legacy of Kain (AKA Soul Reaver and Blood Omen), which were mostly old playstation games. Kain is a vampire overlord dude, Raziel is a vampire ghost thing, there’s a gothic horror vibe and a time travel plot, the dialogue alone makes it one of the most well written games ever even if the puzzle mechanics get old. It’s cool, look up the intros and TV tropes. Anyways, Kain is this Machiavellian vampire overlord, Raziel is the first born of his sons and lieutenants, he is killed and turned into a wraith, it gets really complicated. Series ended on a cliff hanger. The corrupt Elder God is defeated and Kain is purified but Raziel is stuck in a sword and hell is literally breaking loose. For this story idea, though any male or futa vampire will do.
  18. Okay, I think I got one. Ya ready? Kain (or Raziel) starts a harem with hot vampire babes to create a new breed of vampire after the Hylden Invasion. Members can include Umah, Vamperella, Nitara, Rayne, Saraphim (Is This a Zombie?), and- I dunno, the chick from Rosario Vampire.
  19. Got it, ‘ass play’. I’ll see what I can do.
  20. Sure can. Anything you’d like to see specifically? I can’t promise when it’ll be but eventually.
  21. I never gave up, the data is just sitting on a hard drive somewhere. I keep meaning to try and excavate it but it’ll probably be better to just rewrite it by now since my style has changed. Naruko has Tsunade give her, Ino and either Hinata or Sakura or both detention. Locked in a classroom after school, Naruko reveals the nature of her plight and the orgy ensues. Which I think diverted in some ways from what we discussed earlier. The key notes were two others listening through the door masturbating before coming in and joining and Naruko utterly dominating Ino and sporting a larger, monstrous looking cock.
  22. That seems to be the case, I can’t find the sliver I wrote for it a while ago.
  23. I have it saved to a notepad somewhere.
  24. It’s mainly I don’t have a lot of time to sit down and actually write these days.
  25. Everything is on hold due to personal matters. I have managed to get some work done on plot elements of Omniharem and Overlord. Trying to figure out the direction for Ron’s Harem. Started another chapter for Harley Quin and have a 3rd planned. Also working on a couple unreleased projects.
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