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Everything posted by Praetor

  1. What's wrong with gorillas? Humans are basically smarter monkeys, that's our kin. The next chapter if I do one will probably be focused on Soldier 76 anyways. The problem I am running into is I did the research for Big Harem 6 a few years ago and the comicscape has radically changed since then, wirh many of the new comics being failures and old ones getting ruined. So I need to get up to date on things again.
  2. I mainly do harems because that's the most in demand thing. I have done a smaller foursome like fic. Primal Rage, I'm pretty proud of it because I did it in one sitting. I've only gotten one comment about it, making it my least recognized work.
  3. Little progress on L&PD, redrafting Big Harem Six, I'm trying to figure out a tone for the next Omniharem. How hesitant should his mom be, or should she be just as hyperzexualized as the rest of the setting? Haven't touched Naruko yet. Started drafting the next chapter of Overlord. I know they're going to go to Ariendale but I don't know what they'll do when they get there. Got the prologue for the Link Soul Calibur project down. I think the next chapter of Mad Love will centre around Starfire and Harley Quinn popping Horse Cock Girl's cherry and Robin capturing another heroine. Don't have anything for Ron's harem yet, although I had Luna pinged for the next girl. Thinking of doing another chapter of Primal Rage and adding Brigitte and Pharah with D. Va and Soldier 76. Figuring out the next step in Toon Town. Also working on the Resident Evil VR and Shazaam challenges.
  4. Strong no on the nipple sex, that's just gross and looks painful. Maybe using a particularlg big and pointed nipple as a phallus for sex but that's it. I am trying to ultimately deconstruct and reconstruct the mind breaking aspect. Or at least subvert it. The only one who is too far gone is Harley because she starts off broken but I am aiming to have everyone eventually rebound and retain themselves, or at least a more perverted sense of it. They're still heroes and Joker is still the villain. I may do a different story that is heavier on the rape and abuse spectrum to explore that fascet of the kink sphere. I am also thinking of one day doing a megacrossover where Gwen accidentally creates a magical singularity or something that draws Ben, Terance, Naruko, Hiccup, Hiro, Link, Horse Cock Girl and any other male leads I have by then into a single place with 2 or 3 of their main or most popular harem members for a huge orgy.
  5. I do not understand what is being asked.
  6. I am alrite with PMs. Mew Mew Power? Really dating yourself there. The only web comics series I follow is Terminal Lance, which isn’t that kind of web comic.
  7. The Spider-Man Korra story is frankly too good a premise and well thought out idea to waste on erotica. Doing so would limit the audience to adults looking for smut fiction while it could appeal to significantly larger population. One challenge was issued based on the Spectacular Spider-man series that I liked but I am already overstretched. I plan on doing the Booblover’s Avatar challenge in the distant future, which will cover Aang. Megaman is interesting but I don’t have a sufficiently sci fi setting for him. Fry could be interesting, he already got huge buffs from a gas station sandwhich before. I want to do the Link/Soul Calibur crossover but I also want to do a more traditional Legend of Zelda erotic romp, possibly with harem. Or at least a one chapter story with Urbosa or series of Gerudo Link accidentally trapping people. Don’t know who half of those characters are. Adrian is okay but for superhero cartoons, I thought about using a grown up She-Zow. For those who missed the obscure Canadian/Australian cartoon that only got one season, it’s about a guy (even named Guy although it should realistically be pronounced closer to Gi) who finds a magic ring that belonged to his aunt. Uttering the words of power (You Go Girl) grants him the power and costume of SheZow, who his aunt was the latest incarnation of. So he’s a crossdressing superhero. I was thinking of doing some kind of harem of magical girls like the Sailor Senshi or RWBY or something. If I do a monster girls type fic, the hero I am leaning towards would be an older Dipper Pines. I didn’t care much for Alladdan- put the scimitars away people, it’s just an opinion. Hercules could be good, but the setting would likely be ancient Greece or mythology, where I would rather just use an OC who is a demigod descendant of Priapus. Google him if you don’t know, it’s amusing. I’d rather use Luigi because he’s funnier and usually overshadowed by Mario. Major Nelson? That’s pretty niche. The only reason I even know about that show is the porn parody with Lisa Ann and because I had a desk job a while ago and only three channels on the TV there, one of which was an old timer network that showed I Dream of Jeanne. What webcomics are you thinking about? What are the groups of women you had in mind?
  8. I am averse to Luffy for many reasons. He’s supposed to be an asexual hero but aside from that, I think he’s a lame character with an eye gouging design who is poorly drawn. One Piece as a whole I find to be excessively long, aimless, over indulges in angst, asinine, and just not a good show. Also, with shapeshifting abilities, there is no reason for him to always sport the massive muscled donkey dick my fics thrive on and he could adjust its size as desired. Ranma is an odd one, I wouldn’t know how to factor in the whole gender swap thing except for changing it entirely to he fell into the Lake of the Drowned Horse, although crossing it over with Street Fighter is interesting because I was considering a Fighting Games harem story of some kind but can’t figure out how best to get them all in the same setting or a proper hero who can mesh with all the lore. I don’t know anything about Kid Icarus or RWBY. Ash is interesting but I don’t think a good fit for anything I am writing. Shazam is kind of done for me because he’s 15 in the latest rendition of his origins. Which is young enough to appeal to the straight shota crowd but not in the squick area. I also think there’s room for social commentary on sex among teens since it’s becoming a prevalent issue. For point of fact, in Japan, the age of consent is technically as low as 14, because it’s tiered with the age of the partner until a certain point. The whole 18 or older absolute minimum is actually only legally enforced in the United States in California (of all places) and there’s a lot of Romeo and Juliet type clauses such as in Texas that blur the age of consent age lines. Anyways, I am considering the Phantom harem story Booblover laid out earlier so there’s that. I already have a barely started harem story with a dude named Ron and I didn’t watch Kim Possible so I don’t have the knowledge of the lore to make it involving, I also don’t know if there’s a lot of room for a harem without crossing it over. I want to do something with Spider-Man since he’s one of my favourites but don’t know which route to take. Wolverine I am not too keen on just because I don’t think I can make it interesting. I don’t know anything about a Lincoln Loud.
  9. I wrote fanfiction before I even knew it was a thing. I was huge into the Star Wars novels and, naturally, as all kids do at some point, wrote Mary Sue self insert stories. Mostly in the Young Jedi Knights era and Old Republic when that game came out. But in the beginning, when the world was unformed, before cell phones could go on the internet but after Personal Computers became primarily for web browsing (so 2006ish) I found that there were whole communities of people who also indulged in this hobby. I actually found AFF before regular FanFiction, but I considered quality on this sight substantially superior to FF, which I don’t suspect is moderated. Harry Potter dominated the fan fiction circuit at the time and I found an OG known as Ms Figg (RIP) who wrote amazing stories that made me realize how good fanfiction could actually be. It helped that AFF has an easy to navigate and well maintained forum, which I would visit from time to time. I didn’t sign up and start creating content until a few years ago when I saw all the challenges that weren’t getting taken and decided to try my hand at writing, figuring it would be good practice for becoming an actual novelist. Turns out smut fics are a lot easier to write than cleaner stories because they typically have a lemon that is the meat and potatoes of the story and everything is support, so there’s not really a holistic outlook in reading or writing them and they can be serialized easily.
  10. Audience for the Deprived? No, the Dark Souls novelization is something else. The only thing more tedious than a harem story is same sex sex. Mad respect for slash fiction writers, pronouns can get very confusing. Also, the huge honking dicks are a defining characteristic of my fics, often times the protagonist is a secondary character and his or her monster cock is the real star. I don’t know what I would do without them. I usually work around the monotony by trying to inject character depth and emotional attachments to the plots so they’re not just interchangeable blank slates and each encounter feels unique but this is getting difficult as I write more fics that get longer. The tv trope is Power Perversion Potential and something I seek out each time, I don’t get the point of writing superhero lemons if they don’t feature the powers in some way. I was considering gender bends for one off encounters or something. I want to start adding temporary futas tot he bigger harems as time goes on, either through magic or strap ons, but that’s pending. In my Resident Evil demo, I am considering making it a more traditional erotic story where the male characters still get some action in and not just the hero, who still builds a harem over time, but we’ll see how that turns out. It’s mostly in the prewriting for other unreleased fics that I have a problem with redundant leads because Ben 10 is in like 4 of them and Omniharem is already my longest fic. So I am looking for different heroes besides maybe using a younger teen Ben for one of them. I know the challenges call for an 11 year old but that ventures deep into squick territory and I don’t know how popular straight shota considering how unpopular and illegal pedophilia is. Which is why I am considering Link for a Soul Calibur harem fic since that’s coming out in a couple months too and he already crossed over with that game. If anyone has any other boy heroes they think deserve a harem, or heck, futas need love too, just chime in with that. I was also considering, almost as a troll move, writing some kind of harem story with a substantially older male lead as an inversion of my usual stuff. Someone like Old Snake or Jay Garrick Flash.
  11. Woah, and blow clean past Labour Day and Columbus Day? Can’t forget the Assumption of Mary and German Unity Day either. My plan for Halloween is the Haunted House challenge Booblover laid out years ago but I lost the file and haven’t summoned up the will to rewrite any of it yet. I was also considering a series inspired by the Nazi Zombies minigame from Call of Duty and various JayDee type horror land fics that would be more along the lines of Mad Love in terms of depravity and tone for Halloween but don’t know if there’s an audience for that. I was also did a demo for the Booblover’s Resident Evil VR challenge for the Halloween season but it’s definitely a WIP right now. I don’t tire of adding girls, if anything I tire of the leads because they’re the only ones that don’t change between chapters. I got a few pages on Lust and Pixie Dust but I lost the outline I had for it so I have to figure out where I’ve been and where I am going on that one. Orgies are the things I kind of dread as they approach because of how much effort has to go into them. Interim orgies are something I always plan but never find time to write because they’re very taxing projects. I was supposed to have one for Spellbound by now and have started on one for Naruko’s Pact. I don’t know if I am going to add another girl for Spellbound or an orgy or at least threesome next. May compromise and do Blackfire with Raven and Starfire in attendance. I have also been inspired by the new Shazam trailer to take up a Booblover inspired challenge based on that hero so I can have that out and established by the time the movie actually drops.
  12. All very valid points. I was thinking within the context of it being a simulation, Beast Boy not understanding the significance of the mask and kink value. I was also trying to establish them as switches, being into both domination and submission in equal measure.
  13. Got it. Ben and Gwen are going to fight Charmcaster and go to a mirror world like in Doctor Strange, where they defeat her. Gwen will attribute her victory to Ben’s cock and cum and take him in a public place but still out of sight, enticing Charmcaster to join her. May have Sunny present already or work her in another chapter. Before that, I am still on the Sandra/Lily chapter. Trying to pick a tone, with them being flirty and seductive out the gate or if the mom has reservations that they need to dispel first. I am trying not to write another Spellbound next since I am still waiting on feedback from the last chapter but I know it will likely be with Starfire, Black Fire and maybe Raven.
  14. Great ideas, I will consider them as that story develops. I was about halfway done with the next omniharem, a threesome with Sandra and Lily, but couldn’t decide on a tone so it needs to be edited for consistency. I’ve prewritten a Charmcaster and Gwen sequence but nothing for Sunny yet.
  15. New chapter of Spellbound. I don’t know why these are coming easier to me but I am starting to fear I am compromising quality for upload rate. This is one of my longer chapters and has one of the highest concentrate lemon in a chapter. It’s also dabbles in spectator sex and dom/sub, something I usually avoid. Let me know what you think. Still looking at Mad Love, Omniharem or another Spellbound for the next upload.
  16. Bass is just a name picked out of a hat, the implication being that he was a friend who perished in an unfortunate and grizzly accident involving a military vehicle. The experience, and others like it, numbed him to sci fi action and cartoon violence. I was experimenting with a more lucid style of prose and I guess I wasn’t clear enough. I kind of caved near the end. As much as I like focusing on characterization, pacing and setting, this is still primarily a smut fic. While not Porn Without Plot, it’s at least a Porn Guided Plot.
  17. All right, new chapter of Spellbound. I don’t know if Spellbound fatigue is setting in but I am definitely feeling a flow on that. Started on the next chapter of Mad Love, but I also have the beginnings of another Omniharem and Naruko’s Pact. Which one I double down on is up in the air, provided I don’t power through another Spellbound. Please read and review, and chime in with thoughts.
  18. That could be the lemon for the next chapter. I am leaning towards Wonder Woman eventually being her OTP but haven’t gotten there yet. I am halfway done with the next chapter of Spellbound. I know, my last two updates have been for that but the ball is rolling and I don’t want to stop it. Besides, the Teen Titans Go movie just dropped so I feel like I should put something on the shelf to siphon some popularity.
  19. More than likely. Is there anyone in particular you’d like to see?
  20. Her standard outfit from the cartoon.
  21. I planned on having Raven create a dark magic strap on during moresomes so I guess Argent could do so as well.
  22. Well that was quick. Got another chapter of Spellbound out. Sometimes everything just flows easier. At around 18 pages, half of which is the lemon, it’s also one of the longer ones I have made recently, oddly enough. So much for the ‘burned out’ excuse. That sounds like too much, too quickly to me so tell me what you think, if you found any mistakes and what you want to see next.
  23. The flesh giving nature of the spell is an interesting angle but it’s set after the events of Things Change so the Terra statue has already disappeared.
  24. It’s not a bad thing, it’s just the nature of the beast. Enthusiasm and a good idea will only get you so far and there comes a point where you really have to start working at it. I’m actually glad I got this far, fan fiction sites are littered with the graves of promising fics that never got more than one chapter despite author insistence that there will be more to come (like my Overwatch and Harry Potter fics).
  25. Well, I am well past the point where enthusiasm and love of the craft is enough to motivate me and every project just feels like a chore. So the technical answer is none, I just want to watch Hulu and play the new God of War game I got months ago and haven’t touched. But, as Mark Twain once said, everyone wants to have written but no one wants to write, so I persist through the tedium. Which is also why I am partially dependent on reader response to direct my efforts. It’s also why I run several projects at once, to jokey whenever I get bored but I fear I have become too dispersed and really need to focus on a couple. Incidentally I started on the next chapter of Spellbound and accidentally wrote half of it in one sitting ,so I guess that.
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