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Everything posted by Praetor

  1. I was just going to do a poolside session with Jessica and Holli Would but if you want character study, I guess I can work that in. As for advice, I guess I could try. Keep the perspective consistant, develop a ‘voice’ unique to you, and avoid repetition in verbiage.
  2. I think it’s pretty good. Probably my best narration wise anyways despite it being unstructured- oh, you meant how’s it progressing. Haven’t gotten anywhere. It’s flow is a little less preordained like my other works. Still working out what the best lemon will be for another chapter.
  3. I need to start editing earlier in the day. It is simply the circumference of the hips. The circumference of the hips is supposed to be measured under the bony protrusions and around the thickest part of the butt. Seriously, that’s how it’s prescribed. So it’s essentially an ass measurement. It’s useful for determining height/weight ratios and is the third number you see on a female model’s measurements, the first two being bust (chest) and waist (thinnest part of the abdoman). I.e. actress Scarlet Johansson apparently is measured at 35-26-36. A lot of Japanese video games like to include this information for some reason, along with blood type and deserts. Kasumi from Dead or Alive is 35-21-33 and type A in case you ever wondered. 44 inches is the supposed, or at least marketed, measurement of Alexis Texas hips/ass back in the day. In conclusion, fairly bubbly.
  4. Next chapter of Spellbound is up. Came out a little shorter than I had hoped but I do kind of overdo it usually. About halfway through, I realized that I was writing from 3rd person limited from Raven’s perspective instead of omniscient or limited from Beast Boy’s. Then decided to be lazy and just finish it that way instead editing. May even be more consistent that way. Not to sure what I’ll focus on next. I need to figure out a poll system or something.
  5. I have an intro and a garbled first half that has to be rewritten or scrapped for consistency. Plus there is apparently a TV show now that I have to get up to speed on.
  6. The beginnings of a chapter for Omniharem with his aunt and mum and an idea for Charmcaster. I have a half chapter for Naruko’s Pact I will post as a ‘chapterette’ as the next full chapter nears completion but that won’t be for a while. I have nothing for the next Mad Love, still figuring out the direction I want to go. The focus will likely be on Horsecock Girl finally getting her dick wet and Raven being captured. The next big step for How to Train Your Overlord is landing in Ariendel and meeting the first Disney Princesses. Or at least that was the idea, I am trying to figure if there are any more HTTYD characters I could add from the show now that it’s complete and upcoming movie before branching outward. I have a mostly done chapter for Spellbound I will try to post shortly.
  7. I think that was a general request for a Ron harem story. I am not currently writing anything for it since it is a low priority and other works have been more requested but it isn’t discontinued.
  8. Not particularly, the women have already been laid out by the parameters of the challenge. I did briefly consider a gender bent Beast Boy and futa Raven for irony and exploration but that is beyond the challenge I am writing for.
  9. It would have to be a different spell but I don’t think so. Since it’s AU already, I’d rather just have any genderbends already be bent.
  10. The references listed are the likes of Coco Austin, Nikki Minaj, Kim Kardashian and Cherokee d’ass.
  11. Magic? It helps to actually have the right bra and be fit. The way boobs work and the impracticality of having huge ones is poorly understood. The emoticlones is an interesting idea, I’ll see if I can do anything with it. I thought about lactating but am not to sure how, if at all, to implement it. It was specifically asked for in the Omniharem challenge, which is why it’s featured so prominently there. If I do implement lactation, will it be for everyone and all the time like in Omniharem or certain women and on specific occasions.
  12. Those run a little small. She’s supposed to be comparable to Beshine/Myra Hills. Just google it, you’ll see.
  13. Pregnant sex is specifically prohibited by the challenge and impregnation is something I usually avoid. The prospect may be mentioned but will not likely be shown.
  14. Either he goes clubbing with the girls that leads to clubbing with Argent or consoles Jinx after things with Kid Flash don’t work out.
  15. Still on the drawing board, been taking care of real life matters lately. The most likely next chapter is either the family fun time at a spa or Ben, Gwen and Charmcaster in the mirror void world the wizards in Dr. Strange fight in. Although the next chapter of Spellbound will probably hit first. If you have any suggestions or ideas, post them. That’s what this thread is supposed to be for.
  16. Haven’t really figured out a how yet. They will be in his Great Dragon Army but weather he beds them, adds them to his harem, creates a mini harem of occasional bed warmers or starts a camp following for the men (and inclined women) in his army, I haven’t decided. They may just be added to his army and their hooking up within the force implied or referenced. Argent will be in the harem later, I am also thinking of having Raven join the fun with a dark magic strap on.
  17. Her original New 52 design.
  18. I was thinking of ending it with Joker somehow getting infected with a heavy dose of the Mad Love virus and getting turned into a genderbent bimbo that Harley would then dominate, maybe as a futa too. I don’t know, I’m not there yet. Anyways, next chapter of Spellbound is up. Probably one of the purest lemon chapters I have ever written. Raven’s costume idea is modeled after a Wilko fanart. I’ve also started on the Resident Evil VR idea, so if you have any suggestions or ideas for that then just comment them here.
  19. I don’t care for Harley at all so have no problems putting her in this situation. Originally the requests were for Jessica Nigiri and that was a solid no because she didn’t do anything to deserve that. The logic behind her being a great character when written well is circular because anything is great when written well, that’s the point of writing well. I find her similar to Deadpool in that I don’t think she was ever supposed to be taken too seriously and his since been bastardized so much that it’s hard to get a grasp on how effective the character really is. The key note for Harley that I think most people miss is that she’s not a gender bent Joker for people who feel weird about crushing on the Clown Prince or even his love hate girlfriend. If anything she’s a champion to rising above abusive or neglectful relationships, then the recent movie and cosplayers completely forget this aspect and flag ship them. Now the purpose of Mad Love is to explore the darker side of perversion… is there even a light side? Consent is played with because that’s what the Joker does, warp and distort things, but it will become ever more apparent that this is wrong and he needs to be stopped. It also goes beyond Harley Quin and she isn’t even in a couple of chapters. Naruko’s Pact is another high school translation with erotic elements. Not trying to reinvent the wheel here, just make a good one. I really do feel like these two are my lesser stories, which is ironic because they’re second most reviewed and discussed. Naruko’s Pact lacks the emotional depth I feel like I’ve managed to inject in the others and I’m struggling with the thematic elements of Mad Love that will make it something more than dark literotica for its own sake.
  20. Never read it. Wow, those are unerringly alike. My prose isn’t as nuanced though and more heavy handed in the description. The spell is portrayed more permanently in my work though and has a harem goal. If anything, I am ripping off myself by echoing previous fics.
  21. A friend was watching that while I was in his house playing with a Switch. I remember thinking it wasn’t as good as Log Horizon. For heroes, if you’re shooting for younger ones, Link, Beast Boy, Dipper, or Marco. Marco, in particular, I think is worth exploring since he is technically in his 30s. You could also do a futa lead, or even a woman, which I was thinking of doing for a similar fic. She usually cross plays in game as the opposite gender and so, in either male or futa form, goes to town now that she has a penis of her own. Could be a serious analysis of gender roles, sexuality, penis envy, and double standards; mostly en excuse for a character to swing around a whale dick with reckless abandon.
  22. You can have one or the other, and if you have both then you can link them. That’s what I would do anyways, have a young Cass for a little bit and then age her up again a little once they’ve bonded.
  23. Lack of an overarching story line is why that project stalled out. It opened with the group repairing the teleporter that malfunctioned and trapped Abigail, somehow linking them to teleporters being used by aliens in the middle of a fight with the Avengers and Shield, pulling them into it. Then an accident happens in the lab that modifies Hiro. Alternatively, it could just be a class field trip to Stark Labs that starts it off. Are you getting a forum account?
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