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Everything posted by Praetor

  1. If you think you can help, that’d be great.
  2. Unfortunately not, still very busy. The only thing I have made significant progress on is the boob lover’s drnedzed challenge on fanfiction.net.
  3. I don’t know where we’re all from but Static is the kind of hero the United States needs today. Ultimately it comes down to how it’s written. You have to remember, it’s talentless hacks and sad bitter people who write things like that. This is the Praetor we’re talking about, you know I’m good for it. You already know before you open the fic that the leads will be sporting cartoonishly large dongs, race has naught to do with it. I’ve written horse hung whites, fairies and asians- heck, I’ve even written a horse hung asian woman (or whatever Naruko counts as). I think the only time race came up was a quip from Iridessa, it’s ultimately not the point and therefor not discussed in any great detail. The meat of my stories (nudge nudge) besides the lemons are that they are character driven and situation orientated. Besides, I’m going to thoroughly invert, spoof and play with the size thing in one of those side projects I mention.
  4. The Static Shock IP was absorbed into DC when they bought out the company that made the comics. He’s been on the Teen Titans before.
  5. Eh, I was just going to do the monster house challange as the Halloween special. You could just swap the lead with someone like Raziel or Kain, or even Static Shock. I’ve been wondering about writing a black male lead.
  6. Need more info on the barbarian idea. So, like Ben, Danny Phantom, and Juniper Lee fighting off the Bride of Frankenstein and Succubi’s monster minions like heavy chested Echidnas and half woman giant spiders?
  7. No, that’d be shocking and repulsive. It’s about a boy who cross dresses as a girl super hero. Originally passed from mother to daughter, he ended up inheriting a magical power ring that bestows upon him the powers and costume of the famous She-Zow. It’s all spelled out in the intro theme song and is on Netflix if you want to watch it. It’s an affectionate parody of super hero cartoons and has magical girl elements.
  8. Eh, that plot was stupid anyways. Gods in Elder Scrolls are very real and have very observable and undeniable effects on the world that we live in. Even if outlawed I doubt the empire would actually prosecute violators. It just made me wonder why I was fighting dissidents in Skyrim instead of the Altmari. In the afterlife Ulfric even realizes that his conflict was both futile and a disservice to Skyrim and the Empire, admitting it was to no end. Granted, he was talking about Alduin but the point remains, he played into the Thalmore’s hands. Anyways, I’ve got an even weirder challenge. A harem with grown up versions of various magical girls staring She-Zow.
  9. Lucy could stand in for the High Queen or whatever her name was. Attea could fill in for a gender flipped Ofrig Stormcloak. Sunny the matriarch of the Dark Brotherhood.
  10. Like Piltheser’s video game challange? Or like Kai playing Alia the Huntress and Looma as Mjoll the Lioness?
  11. I would love to do that. If you have any other suggestions like that, sound them off.
  12. The protagonist in Final Fantasy X is a dude named Tidus. The game inverts the Is This A Dream? Trope by revealing that he is a Dream, conjured by the trapped souls of the world destroying monsters in the city that they also make up and pushed into the real world to destroy the monster and free them. It's more complicated than just that though and a lot of backstory to explain.
  13. It’s called story context. It has to make sense within its own context. This is a setting where magic and aliens are definitely real, just role with that. Don’t make it silly if it doesn’t have to be. The best way I find to add realism is to add detail. The easier it is to understand the world and events, the easier it is to believe and feel real. You don’t necessarily need to add character death to be realistic, people don’t always die in real life. People die all the time in cartoons and anime, doesn’t make it more realistic. Conversely, you don’t need character death to be dark. Princess Tutu was dark as heck and no one really dies in that anime. A great marriage of dark and real with fun would be Metal Gear Solid 3. In general it was a grounded and realistic game, with heavy themes when they applied. It was funny and light hearted where if felt it could be and powerful when it needed to be.
  14. and I get that, we’re talking about effective villain over destructive potential. Still, I feel like Frieza represents what anyone can perceive a monster to be where as The Major is just another war monger. History is littered with them. Which is more is up to the reader. Radiation was very poorly understood back then and even today. For all we knew back then, it could have made super powers. The trope is Sailor Earth, which is any kind of vaguely outlined system that allows for easy generation of a character. Need another super character? Hyper radiation exposure. Named for Sailor Moon, for which there can theoretically be as many scouts as there are Celestial Bodies (although Tuxedo Mask holds the actual Earth crystal). The symbiote is an alien, it was just modified for military use in a second Captain America project. Flash can sometimes loose control of it and it reverts to a more chaotic classical Venom form. My point was that by some means they could try to harvest a form of the alien symbiote for various reasons and use it.
  15. The Major looks like a wannabe King Bradley from Fullmetal. Just do an Agent Venom. The military used a modified version of the Venom symbiote to create a more stable and controlled super soldier that’s essentially Venom with wounded warrior Flash Thompson as the host.
  16. You know, given that he’s like the most iconic anime villain in league with the likes of Naraku and Orochimaru and numerous members of his species have shown up since his debut, you’d think there’d be a little elaboration on their species traits. I gather they’re some kind of asexual given his fantastic racist disparaging remarks about the Saiyans and mammals. Regardless, I’ve seen enough big tit hentai of Frieza to lead me to suspect otherwise.
  17. Just seems too contrived and even if insane, to blame Spider-Man for that specific kind of accident is kind of a stretch. Like I said, Punisher vs Marvel did it better. Castle’s family is killed as collateral damage in a fight between the Avengers and X-Men against aliens in Central Park. There are direct actions and inactions that resulted in the deaths in that instance, versus hit by a cab with a distracted driver and having a still born. Those things are circumstantial at best. Then we get a glorious full page print of Castle shooting Cyclops in the face. So tighten up the correlation between Spider-Man and the family’s death and it’d be fine. How sure are we that Frieza is a male? I always thought he was a female until I picked up on the use of male pronouns.
  18. I’m annoyed by the lack of females in DBZ. I have no one for my female OC to fuse with to fight Mira and Towa the second time!
  19. Yikes, good thing. That back story blows chunks. Punisher vs Marvel wrapped up the whole indirect consequences theme a lot better than Civil War. Venom ultimately can’t have a gender anyways due to him being an amorphous blob of black goop composed of rapidly multiplying symbiotic cells that merely takes on characteristics of a host. Whoever has the symbiote is ‘Venom’. Genders in comics is a fluid concept anyways since there are gender flipped versions of every hero and villain imaginable somewhere on print.
  20. Eh, they're Vikings. Floating around in barrels is kind of what they do. They've served their part in the story. They'll probably wash up on shore in time to see Hiccup’s dragon army destroy an outpost and run back into their barrels and set out to sea again.
  21. I dunno. Probably sealed in barrels and flung by a catapult into the sea never to be seen again.
  22. Maybe? I haven’t planned that far ahead yet. Still on the fate of the dissidents and how he presents himself to the village. More likely she’ll make it contingent on being a bride or something which leads to the lemon for the chapter.
  23. Hiccup comes out of the closet as the Overlord, they decide the fate of the dissidents and go to see if Queen Mala wants to join their horde.
  24. Not much, just busy in real life. Progress ground to a halt on fronts. I got a little bit of the next Overlord and that’s it.
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