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Everything posted by Praetor

  1. The second part of that is since the protagonist merely assumes the role of the lead male in whichever game down to the clothing and even name like in Quantum Leap, it really doesn't matter who the protagonist is and I was thinking of doing something with the Vestibule and Cypher in RER2's Raid mode. By the time I am done, Ben will have like 4 harems (Mortal Kombat, DC, his own setting, the Justice Sluts or whoever if I can ever find pictures of them, and a few of your own Ben 10 challenges I was also looking at) so he'll be getting plenty of action. There are other heroes out there who deserve harems. I'll figure it out later, I may end up doing Ben anyways if I can't come up with another protagonist.
  2. Thank you for the pleasant review Finny94. I am very proud of my fic's length, girth and size. I have noticed my intersex dialogue is lacking and am working on it. I don't know how to make things more dirty and depraved, I mean it's already a graphic futa schoolgirl harem story with gross proportions, a daemon and anal? Oh Ino will be in the cumming chapters, don't you worry your pretty little mind. But that won't be for a little bit. I am mainly trying to get another chapter of Omniharem out next and a long overdue L&PD chapter. I am also making headway on Overlord HTTYD with input from the requester. I will also be retooling the Mortal Kombat fic with the new alternate plotline because the biggest problem I was having with that story was awkwardly trying to fit Ben into the grand scheme of things and the tournament even though the newer game's plot itself largely abandoned it. I also want to take a swing at the Booblover's FanFiction Resident Evil challenge except with a different protagonist because I am getting tired of writing Ben. Then in the distant future some of the striaght shotas but I don't know which. I need to figure out a poling scheme... Anyways, ideas, suggestions, would like to see's, flames and/or quips welcome.
  3. It's not really writer's block. It's that paraplegic sex is awkward to write, awkward to read and I am not yet a skilled enough lemon writer to pull it off as well as I'd like. I don't want to just heal her though because A) that's lazy, B) I am trying to stay true to the source and in the source she is crippled, C) diversity's sake, and B) what's wrong with being crippled? They need lemons too. I might heal her later on now that you mention it though. I'll get there when I get there. I mainly chose her next because I had just watched Your Lie in April and was really feeling pianists and pianos.
  4. Mostly done with the Emily encounter but I'm not thrilled with the end result and I am weighing weather to redraft it now or shuffle it down the line and do a different one next.
  5. Look, I have seen all of Naruto and the English episodes of Shippuden on Hulu, if there was a character named Hanabi who was a little sister to Hinata, I think I would have noticed. Anyways, the next chapter of Naruko's Pact is up. Apparently I had another Julie/Lucy moment and anytime I said Anko previously, I totally meant Ino. Please read if you dare and (hopefully) enjoy http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600105983&chapter=2
  6. First, in response to an anonymous review of Naruko's Pact, I have no idea who this 'Hinabi' person is, have seen no evidence of this character and think she's just a made up facsimile like Naruko herself or Sasuki. As for the straight shota ideas, I don't think I understand the question. What ideas have I had on the topic? What ones were I trying to use? They're not my ideas, I'm just trying to make fics out of them. Namely the Knight, Alien, Punk Gang, and Bully ideas.
  7. Lust and Pixie Dust, Omniharem, and Naruko's Pact are still in production, I am just extremely busy these days. The Big Harem Six, the HTTYD/Disney Princesses and Mortal Kombat challenges are being scratched entirely and rewritten from the ground up. I also want to try some of the Straight Shota ideas, Spellbook and Resident Evil challanges in the future. As well as some unrelated personal projects. Ideas and suggestions welcome.
  8. Haven't even touched it. Still about halfway done with the next chapter. Been extremely busy and when I have been able to write at all it has been for other projects.
  9. It's not that I don't have the means, I have a Hulu, which is also how I do research for Omniverse although the Ben 10 wiki I am finding is as effective and quicker besides. It's a time thing, I don't even have enough to write the stories I have currently ongoing on top of prewriting for others and research. I am halfway done with the next chapter for Omniharem.
  10. Thank you for the support. It's a good start but my biggest issue is that his dad's unfortunate death means he should be a ghost during this fic and I am simply not comedic enough an author to make this as funny as it should be. I also need to actually watch the show.
  11. I think I was mixing her up with Gliss in my head. Anyways, not unless you want to read it. I was just curious.
  12. They're solid. I already have something else in mind leading up to Queen Clarion that I am working with but the idea for the winter fairies can be used. I have no idea what I am going to do with Glimmer though and embarrassingly enough, this is the first time I am even really noticing her. Has she always been on the list? Also, did you have any elaborations in mind at all for the straight shota ideas? Anyways, the next chapter for L&PD has been restructured, I just need to final it out. Also, I know futa isn't your thing, but did you read the Naruko fic?
  13. Halfway done with the next chapter. It's proving to be a some difficult- or at least atypical encounter due to the nature of the character involved.
  14. I don't really like modern AUs either, they seem kind of pointless and the setting is usually the best part. I don't really read yaoi except for the occasional futa on male/futa as part of a longer story or an overeager orgy including one. I don't mind NTR (if it means what I think it does) but the amount of emphasis its been recieving lately is kind of disturbing. As for the saggy tits, I really don't know, guess I should throw in more words like full formed, well rounded, firm and womanly. Thanks for the praise.
  15. Posted the challenge. I had Snake-King editing, which exponentially shortened the writing process. So this was more of a collaboration between us but anyways, here it is. A link to the story and to my thread for future discussions.
  16. Praetor

    high school dxd

    Can you get a little more specific or at least offer up suggestions of things you'd like to see? That's not a lot to go on.
  17. Naruko's Pact is up, the fic writ in response to the Futa!Naruko challange. At 12.5 thousand words it may be the longest chapter I have written. Snake_King helped a great deal in the planning phase and as an editor, which is why I am able to get it out in a week of converted effort instead of months. How that translates into quality, we'll find out but here it is... please read, review and enjoy. http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600105983
  18. I know I already have, like, a bunch of challenges in the works, but I really want to try a few of these. Although there really isn't much to go off of. I am particularly intrigued by the Bully, Alien, Punk Gang and Pirate ones. So if anyone has ideas or suggestions or would like to discuss elements, let me know on my thread or hit me up in a PM.
  19. I have thrown this into the back with the rest of the challenges I have picked up. As usual, questions, comments or suggestions may be addressed at my discussion forum. Any all ideas or suggestions, no matter how minute, are appreciated. http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/60592-praetors-discussion-thread/page-3#entry394387
  20. I am fairly indifferent and it's not stated, but Julie totally rimmed out Gwen off screen when she was prepping her. Nothing is off the table for me but I didn't depict it because I know it's an off putting kink for some. I might sneak it in there later on and see what the reaction is but it will add a tag.
  21. I like the idea of one, or a few, in particular being exhibitionists who are far more overt about their escapades and make it a point to be ready and randy at any moment but they're all going to become degrees of nudists. Julie imports fine silk kimonos for them to wear when answering the door but otherwise they will be wearing sexy lingerie or in the buff when inactive. I'm leaning towards either Emily or Molly for the next addition.
  22. One thing that really does help is discussion. The input from various readers and Rexfan really expedite the writing process, which is a key reason why Omniharem is outpacing L&PD even though that's been in the works much longer. As I indicated, a lot of the issues stem from a lack of direction, so if you have any ideas or suggestions, no matter how minute, please share them here or in a PM. Also, have you read any of Omniharem and if so, what do you think?
  23. None, real life keeps rudely interrupting. The next chapter of L&PD is still halfway done, Ben 10/Mortal Kombat is still in the planning phase. Big Harem 6 is being reformatted. Haven't even touched the HTTYD porn parody. Mounting the World is in need of editing and a better title. I have the first chapter more or less down but have no idea what direction to take from there. I had 6 chapters worth of material for the Haunted House fic that were lost in a tragic hard drive failure that just needed to be edited, I still get all pouty when I try to rewrite it. I am very intrigued by the Resident Evil challenge on your fan fiction forum but am getting pretty tired of writing Ben 10. I am very intrigued by the Spellbook challenge but am obviously overbooked enough as it is. I am also considering doing one or two of the straight shota ideas for kicks. Sorry, I know it's not what you wanted to hear.
  24. I just finished my last class for collage. I should get my useless degree from cracker jack university in the mail by the end of the month. Then I need to figure out how to build that into an actual degree. Anyways, short chappy for Omniharem is up. My second foursome and first drawn from the ground up as one. At 4300 (approx) words, it is a decent length lemon with no story, so basically a usual chapter with out the plot. Please read and review and hope you enjoy. http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095130&chapter=4
  25. It's not nagging, it's encouraging really. Nice to know my work is appreciated (it is really hard to take pride in writing smut). As long as you're not mean about it. I'm probably going to post the foursome with anal as a separate stand alone chapter whenever I finish editing it because it is too long to be awkwardly merged with the next one. Work will commence immediately on the next chapter that I optimistically hope will be done by end of next week.
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