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Everything posted by Praetor

  1. I’m not against author avatars, I just didn’t know that’s what we were shooting for here. That makes things easier. As for the Beast, I really want him to be an ally but I also want to have the prophesized fight and can’t figure out how they can be on the same side when Belle is also in his harem. I guess we’ll just see how the story starts shaping up when we get there. Are there any other women we missed that could be in these stories?
  2. I can’t think of a male porn star I would want to cast in the lead though. Next chapter of Overlord is up. Comparatively short, no new tags. What’s with all the interest in Belle anyways? She’s just one of the many princesses and that’s way down the road. Going to take a short break now and then work on the next Omniharem, Naruko’s Pact and try some prewritting for other challenges I demonstrated interest in.
  3. I might throw it in anyways with magic. As the story evolves it is only going to get weirder and it’s not going to be a permanent thing. Those kinds of things fall under what I like to call ‘The JayDee Stuff’ and I try to avoid that ‘genre’. Not that there’s anything wrong with that kind of stuff, don’t get me wrong. That author does great work and is a huge inspiration who I can only dream of imitating but I try to avoid the hard kinks unless that’s the point of the fic or specifically asked for. I also looked over the porn star island challenge. Again, I have a slight problem with celebrity works. The proportions are the extreme end of extreme, I almost want to draw cantaloupe sized balls and tits bigger than Beshine’s just to see what that looks like. I also like Amazon works. If I did it though, I’d have an all or mostly female cast that use the bananas to become hung futa’s temporarily. It also doesn't make that much sense to me to super size the proportions of already mega busty stars.
  4. When it comes to the order, I go by whatever makes the plot flow better. In the case of L&PD, I went out of order to add characters and move a few around, the only definite thing being Tink was last before the orgy. I realized when writing Omniharem that putting the capital ship at the end makes the plot fall in line on the way. Since Ben took Gwen and Lucy in the opening chapters, there isn’t much to build towards besides Kai. So that’s more of an anthology piece now, each chapter being its own arc. I’m trying to do something similar with Pact but even I don’t know where that’s going to wind up. With Overlord, I am trying to make an over arching plot line again. I’m working on the Heather chapter now, then there will be a short orgy piece in a mostly plot chapter. Then he’s going to pick up Mala and, I guess, conquer Arendale first. As for the second cock, I don’t know. Is it the beast form’s dick? What’s that look like? Does it have a knot? Where would it go on Hiccup? Does he have it all the time or is it retractable? I guess there could be other spells in his book, extra cocks, tentacles, even futa spells. I fear that’d be beyond the scope of what I am trying to do here and besides, I have a separate work for the harder, kinkier things like that.
  5. I dunno, that just sounds like NTR with extra steps. No way, that is not what they’re called… ha, way to go Disney. I am never opposed to throwing in busty girls and wouldn’t mind having them for a fun filled short chapter.
  6. I thought that was obvious, but to reiterate. Booblover, if you have a preference, is there any women in Hiccup’s harem, current or future, who you would particularly like to see get analized, usually hard and often, to their pleasure? Do you have a stance on NTR and the level of it that is acceptable or ideal for this story? Or on the ultimate fate of the various princes that, by the nature of the story, are not going to get their happy ending with their princesses? and do you have any work arounds for the Beast and how he factors in? Regardless, next chapter will likely be Overlord, with maximum effort on the next Omniharem and partial work on Naruko’s pact. I will also try to fit in one of the one shot projects I have toyed with the idea of taking. These are going to be kinkier, less mainstream ones like Mad Love.
  7. At least once, trying to figure out a system of some kind as a compromise between total NTR and just pretending the princes don’t exist anymore for later scenarios. Ultimately, as this is a Booblover challange, he has final veto power regarding these things.
  8. When viewed from the side, the Eiffel Tower is two curved edges that are joined in the middle by a straight piece. So if you bend a woman over and have two men (or futas, or women with strap ons, whatever the case) on either end, you have an Eiffel Tower. It’s not gay if they high five (completing the tower), it is if they kiss.
  9. But he looks so good in the black robes. I kind of like piltheser’s idea, I get to write steamy beastal sex. But I don’t like NTR that much either. Maybe they could just Eiffel Tower the bitch and split her? Man, this writing thing is hard.
  10. Working on it. I kind of bashed out the glimpses into the future and figured I’d write around them when the time came. He’ll probably be cursed to his beast form in a feral state and made to occupy a ruined castle as punishment for dissent and made to fight The Overlord on the vague promise his Belle will be returned to him. Haven’t decided if he falls then, joins HIccup and falls later, returns to human form but has to let Belle join his harem or is beaten and never heard from again.
  11. I think when I first did the incredibly broad overview, I put in a note somewhere that the forces of evil already won by the time Hiccup arrives to the mainland and the princes were either killed, missing, hiding, exiled or in revolt and most of the princesses are in dungeons or also exiled or in revolt. That way he was merely taking over the dark kingdoms and making an evil empire out of them, adding the women to his harem as collateral to keep the regional nobility in line. I also thought about him making them into eunuch bodyguards for his harem when they get their own palace but I think I was drunk and watching Game of Thrones when I jotted that down.
  12. For Omniharem, I’ve narrowed it down to Nocturn, Kai, or Charmcaster. After that will be a scene with Attea and Looma, which will be another one of the particularly long chapters. Why can’t it be both? There’s no set limit. Although upon closer inspection, I found that Belle isn’t on the list of girls in the harem outlined by the challenge. Which is a huge oversight on my part since a castle top fight with the Beast is in the montage of things that await Hiccup when he takes the mantle.
  13. Not in the very next chapter but definitely in the coming installments. Still trying to designate an anal whore for that harem. Meanwhile, the next chapter of Omniharem is all about anal action. It’s also one of my longest works, about a week’s worth of effort went into this one. I also finally got around to moving it to the Ben 10 Omniverse section for easier finding. Please read and review, happy faping.
  14. Due to the similar request and a fit of boredom and desire to write something excessively dirty for a change, I took the Harley Quin Mad Love challenge. I’m not super proud of this little hobby of mine but it’s times like these where I have to look at my hands in alarm at the havoc they can bring. As usual, hard kinks inbound, body modification, beast, and others. You have been warned, please review if you read. It’ll either be another Omniharem or Overlord after that. Then I kind of want to write something with Ivy in it but it will probably be another Naruko installment.
  15. Got bored and was asked a similar request. So I bashed out this little short story.
  16. Kinky, so we’re talking inhuman T&A sizes now? How much dumber are we talking? How does Ben feel about all of this? Is bimbobification really a thing? What’s that all about? Is Gwen actually ten or eighteen?
  17. Updated Omniharem. Short chappy, as Ms. Figg would have said. Wrote it all in one sitting, first one in a while without a time skip or perspective change. More milf action to come in later chapters. Working now on the next chapter, Overlord, and a few others.
  18. So I’ve been told but what makes them hot? Is it the excessive details?? I know some of the other unannounced works will have a lot harder kinks and those ones will be controversal but that’s for a later date. Yes, I don’t know how integrated into the harem they eventually will be but he will definitely be fucking them often.
  19. I’m not rushing. I learned my lesson with the last Tinkerbell chapter, which I feel was rushed but really I just couldn’t do much with the character and setting. Fortunately, I literally had nothing else to do the past couple weeks but play video games, watch movies and write. It actually helps to know there’s a continued interest since I dread redundancy infiltrating my works. If I might ask in general, are there any specific things or quirks I have that make my works stand out more than others or at least more memorable? Or anything I tend to not be good at or do that you’d like to see explored more?
  20. It’s going. Ben and Natalie binge watch some Netflix and they end up having sex, Gwen walks in mid way and joins. Yeah, rifles aren’t even this standard issue; but plots are for anarchists. Then there’ll be a bike race with Ben and Rojo’s gang, finish places determines sex order and acts performed, If Ben wins he gets to analyze Rojo while the gang watches. Really, this one is more about my love for motorcycles than the gratuitous sex in the mountain range. I need to start adding proportion sizes for new or added characters not part of the original challenge for visual reference. and maybe even butt sizes. There will be a final orgy chapter for Lust and Pixie Dust, possibly featuring Christa, but like Naruko’s Pact, the amount of effort that will have to go into such a lengthy project is deterring. Also seriously considering that DBZ reverse harem project now, as well as the Harley Quin body mod fic. But those will be in the distant future.
  21. These parameters seem familiar, almost like they were in a Harley Quin challenge previously. Which I actually did consider doing at some point in the distant future. My main issue with a Jessica Nigiti fic (aside from not really knowing who that is) is that she, actually… what’s the word… exists? Writing about a real person is kind of weird compared to a cartoon or a video game, especially since there will be some very hard kinks here and I already steam role the lines of what is traditionally acceptable in smut fics. So I especially don’t want to do a Nigiri work in this context for the same reason I want to do a Harley Quin one in the exact same circumstances, I hate that character. While I am bumping my own thread, quick update. Working on the next chapters of Overlord and Omniharem, as well as some personal projects. One of which is a work too kinky and controversial to discuss as an aside and the other is lengthy high fantasy romp. I also want to try something different in the near future, thinking of doing a reverse harem set in the Xenoverse DBZ games with a female OC in the lead. If you have any ideas or suggestions, let me know. I am pretty open to all considerations. I’d also like suggestions for any well endowed women that should be in my line up.
  22. Ivy is (clearly) my favourite. I plan on adding more at some point.
  23. Chapter 3 of Overlord is up. Just spitting these out now, don’t know if I can keep it up. Beware, incest inbound. If that’s okay then please read, review and enjoy. Especially the review part, I am a sad and anxious writer in need of constant reassurance. Went a completely different direction with Valka’s costume, as it was drawn from Julie of the Heavy Metal fame per request. Honestly, I have no idea where the disgruntled townspeople conspiring is going, I swear I’ll figure it out at some point. and can someone comment on my profile cover photo bar? That’s custom- I worked very hard on that, like... 30 minutes while watching Smackdown.
  24. My email should be listed on my profile page but I communicate primarily through the on sight messenger. My earlier comment was a play on my use of the word front (meaning battle lines), I am in no way done with the story. Work has begun on the third chapter for Overlord, as well as the next installment of Omniharem, with prewritting for the next chapters of Naruko’s Pact under way and currently untitled Ron’s Harem project in the works, along with a few other nameless one shots.
  25. The front collapsed, next chapter of Overlord is up. Sweeping up remnants and moving onto secondary objectives. Wrote the whole thing in a single sitting, now I am way ahead of schedule. I think this is the highest concentration of smut in a primary story chapter, less than a thousand words perhaps dedicated to advancing the plot. Which is a little weird since the lemons themselves are typically my least favourite part of the writing process. Anyways, it’s also one of the hardest, with some very mean name calling and hair pulling. Let me know how that sits. As always, thank you for reading.
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