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Everything posted by Praetor

  1. The manipulated every aspect of their lives to suite some vaguely outlined scheme cliche. That's the one.
  2. I read a Harry Potter fic with that premise, stopped reading immediately. The ‘best’ face heel turn hero villain story I read was Paying For his Pedastal, a novel length work that ruined fanfiction for me because I know it will take a herculean effort to match, much less exceed. Sonic’s Harem doesn't have a consistent or deep enough plot in any of its episodes to even fit a bad writing cliche trope. Two thirds of the women straight up say they’ve gone a good while without sex before taking the hedgehog to their hotel room and jumping his bones.
  3. I have only the most passing of familiarity with Sonic but I am pretty sure he is out of character here. Sonic is the lead and each chapter features a babe from something else that is so poorly stitched together I don’t even see how the settings are still merged. Rogue was in the first one, Ivy showed up somewhere else, he did all of the Overwatch girls, Tanya I think was the latest.
  4. Nope, just horrid. No perverse entertainment value at all, you get better fap material from a car manual. It’s not even good enough for me to feel insulted by the bastardization of my favourite characters.
  5. What do you mean Diablo Ex Machina was a far left radical satanist? That’d be like finding out good ol’ Praetor Maximus was a firm believer in central government and territorial expansion for veteran lands. Anyways, Sonic’s Ultimate Harem didn’t even start out good. It sucked when he started writing it like five years ago and after 250+ chapters, has somehow not gotten better in any conceivable regard. Horrible grammar, nonexistant plots, poor characterization, Mary Sue qualities in the lead, redundant framing device, insistence on writing in the meat of the story in italics, little to no use of setting or power perversion potential, excessive use of the word shaft, unrealistic even for the settings, it’s a mess. I recommend reading it precisely because of how dreadful and long running it is, it’s a great counter example for a good work of fan fiction. I seriously think I could bash out better half drunk with one hand. Also the flame war in the comment section are the stuff of legends.
  6. There’s also Sonic’s Ultimate Harem on fanfiction.net but that one is an inspiring level of awful. Its rip offs are actually better. Not the same kind of awful that JayDee type stories are either, just drivel so appalling you feel bad for even being a part of this culture. I was actually so inspired I almost stopped everything to write my own parody.
  7. http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600089178
  8. Best dimension hopping harem I've read was Shura’s Futa Adventures, which sadly only spanned 4 chapters.
  9. Too much dignity? We write erotic fan fiction about a cartoon character. I don't think the show would have benefited from a tonal shift besides returning to the more serious though not necessarily dark format of the original series. They should have just kept it going after Omniverse, we already know how the story ends.
  10. Progress on all fronts ground to a complete halt due to a sudden matter that requires my complete attention. I’ll see what I can bash out in the near future but the only things I got anything substantial for are an Overlord and a couple of the one shots.
  11. I am still interested but can make no promises as to when I can get a completed project out.
  12. I personally do not like nipple insertion, but then it wouldn’t be a challenge if I stayed in my comfort zone. I’ll work on it a little later.
  13. I wrote it as a one shot flash fic kind of deal but left it open ended in case I wanted to add more. I started writing another chapter based on what obviously comes next but I don't have any kind of plan for future installments. Anything you would like to see?
  14. I find the set up to be unlikely at best (Aang dying so young, his grand daughter becoming the new avatar, the whole Republic City in general, surprisingly little post war hate for the factions involved etc). The setting was a bizarre attempt to make a quasi steam punk world that just didn’t click with me. The characters just weren’t compelling although I will admit some were attractive. It did weird things with the lore. I couldn’t say ‘Republic City’, ‘Satomobile’ and ‘Equalists’ out loud without feeling stupid. The only reason I watched it after the first season was because I was that starved and desperate for Avatar stuff and I still haven’t seen the last season.
  15. I got nothing for the Spidey/Korra story. Again, really didn’t like Legend of Korra.
  16. She'll probably be next. Dragons have to come from somewhere. I need to assign proportions first. It'll probably be Elsa after that.
  17. Next chapter of Overlord is up. No new girls, just some stable sex with a captive audience. So if you don’t like small penis humiliation or cuckolding, I recommend Soul Urge 2. That’s it for everything I currently have in the prewriting phase. Now I need to figure out who’s next and where I’m going with Omniharem, Overlord, Naruko’s Pact, and Ron’s Harem. Or pick up a one shot challange somewhere. I’ll figure it out later. Questions, suggestions or flames, leave them here.
  18. This thread maybe, they go up into the hundreds.
  19. They’re pretty good about enforcing that here. Which is why enterprising fan fiction writers mainly go through Hentai Foundry or some other outlet.
  20. Back the day you’d launder it through paypal but this sight is very stringent on the whole commissioning thing as it’s illegal to make money off of fan fiction. But now we have Patreon for that kind of thing.
  21. I thought about getting accepting donations but really, that's just getting paid for commissions with extra steps. I actually like writing though and don't mind bashing these out between schools and jobs, usually while binge watching things on TV and while games are loading. I'm also trying to build skills and a repertoire for when I start really writing original literotica and eventually published work.
  22. This is not a very well trafficked site and even then, most of those who do are readers, not writers. It's also not that easy to find specific challenges and actual writers who are good are rare and even then, how many of them will work for free?
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