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Everything posted by Praetor

  1. I am guessing an authority figure at the school the tv series is set in. I agree with Gmon1, I would rather have Aunt Cass around as a milf, but there may not necessarily be a reason I can’t do both. The problem with sanitizing Aunt Cass by remaking her on a genetic level so there isn’t an incest squick is that it’s kind of the point, that would remove the taboo. Your ideas sound well thought out but I have no idea what you’re referring to most of the time since I haven’t seen anything from this new show.
  2. It costs you nothing to create an account, and doing so makes simply navigating the forum easier. If you are going to write anything yourself then it’s best to get one started now. You aren’t a bother, this is exactly the kind of thing the threads are for. We like conversation and discussion, the lack of them being a huge mood killer.
  3. There were a few working titles. To Mount the World, Train the Overlord, Lord of Dragon Riders, Dragon Overlord etc. What about How to Train Your Overlord (1)? You know, because when you duplicate a file name in a computer it- never mind. Hiccup the Overlord seems fine. Actually, Zarina was a dust fairy who became an Alchemist after her film. Inventing is done by the Tinkers. I would personally recommend Fawn, Nyx, and Rosetta. Would all of the women get a height increase or only some? I like Amazons but I don’t know how well Belle would do as one.
  4. Not as a guest. I can message him though, but I need to study the lore a little more if I want to implement the new show.
  5. I was planning on formally merging the settings, to where San Fransokio is in the Marvelverse (an oversight from any reality bending event). I feel it’s easier that way and makes more sense. I am not a big fan of multiverse stories, I think they’re silly. Who are these people, what series? Oh, there’s a series now. Great, I need to borrow someone’s Disneyflix password. I am considering the genderbending element. I have done it before, ultimately it would have to be with thebooblover’s permission since it is his challenge after all. As you have noted though, over crowding could become an issue.
  6. Actually, HBO is all about killing people. Most of the characters killed in the last two seasons of Game of Thrones are still alive and well in the books and other shows they make are rife with massacres. I would love to hear the Big Hero 6 idea.
  7. It’s mostly just a legal courtesy to avoid nastiness in the heavily regulated times we live in, though people writing fan fiction on Patreon are clearing a surprising amount of money.
  8. It’s the same as hits or views. Anytime someone opens the page with your fic on it, that’s one hit. You can edit the disclaimer in the story info section of the control panel.
  9. Don’t angst over a lack of reviews. Look, the dragon prints are ticking up, so people are reading. Sometimes absence is golden, most of my comments are from the moderators telling me to fix my tags and disclaimer. On that note, the only real complaint I have, is with the disclaimer. It strikes me as immature and needlessly hostile. Who are you arguing with? I’m just here for a good time, why am I getting yelled at?? It’s literally the first thing a reader will see, just be curt and professional. Beyond that I think we discussed the draft in secret conversations so I don’t really have anything to add. It’s a straightforward mostly exposition chapter with no real big twists or reveals. Don’t write for reviews, just write for yourself and everything will turn out fine.
  10. Saw it, forgot to reply. I completely failed to realize Jasmine was not on the original challenge and had every intention of using her. In one of the earliest drafts, Hiccup eventually modelled his harem after the one he found in the Sultan’s palace. I’d rather use Shantae as the genie if I ran that arc. I am still figuring out the tone for the rest of the story. I kind of want to do a Dark Souls like setting where it’s a crap sack world already and Hiccup may even be a better dark ruler than they already have, with the princesses lost, hiding or captured. Or if there should simply be a war in progress and the princesses still in power and merely need assistance against the forces of evil. Or a more Kingdom Hearts like thing where no one is really in any immediate grave danger and Hiccup is just visiting and helping out. Which one I go with determines specifics on the harem girls’ encounters and role in the empire. Are you suggesting gender flipping the Princes and Villains to make concubines? I was thinking of having Hiccup give the ugly step sisters and other minor villains huge busts and butts and making them be camp followers for his men.
  11. I treat the sex scenes like any other action scene, which can be a short skirmish or a multichapter long battle depending on the circumstances. My chapters run a little long, averaging around 10k words with the sex usually making up 3 to 5 thousand of those words. As mentioned earlier, redundancy can become a problem if there is too much sex (relatively anyways) and this is something I actually fear becoming in my works. Which is why I focus a lot on setting, plot and characters to diversify the scenes. It also depends on what you’re writing, my works are just fap materiel and I know it, so that’s what I provide. Were I to write a high fantasy adventure literotica story, the style would be a lot different. I am writing mostly harem anthologies, which are merely a compendium of sex scenes. In a more traditional story with arcs and such that just so happens to be literotica, the scenes should be stretched out a little better with more time and attention given to the finer points of a story. Ms. Figg was eerily good at having no sex chapters that were still entertaining and fulfilling. I do not yet possess the same finesse with dialogue, pacing and conservation of detail so I stick with smut fests loosely connected with narrative for now.
  12. It’s literally nonsense created by running words through Google Translate. I don’t have the skills in linguistics required to make up a suitably mystical Eldritch language so I just did that. Inde Dotare means something like ‘endow with’ in Latin, ubertrieben meaning ‘exaggerated’ in German, oppai simply means ‘boobs’ in Japanese but usually refers to particularly large ones. Y is used like ‘and’ in Spanish and libidine meaning ‘lust’ in Latin.
  13. It’s poor form only if there isn’t a reason to be slamming doors. Teenagers do it all the time but I once saw a guy slam a door so hard it dented the frame and deafened the dude sitting just outside it. Cliches exist because they are common and are not intrinsically bad, in fact they can be very good if the writer uses them correctly or plays with them. In the above scenario, it was a very dramatic moment to all who witnessed it, but then it became funny when we found out the door got busted and a guy had ringing in his ear. TV tropes has things like playing it straight, exaggerated, zig zagged, parodied, deconstructed, reconstructed etc. How is balling fists less cliched than slamming doors anyways?
  14. Hello, been around for years. I think I’ll try using this for once. Thank you in advance for reading. Author: Praetor Title: Spellbound Summary: Beast Boy finds a magical tome and enlists Raven’s help with deciphering it, managing to accidentally turn her into a bimbo and make a stud out of himself. Harem ensues. Feedback: Yes, please. None of that constructive criticism stuff either, bring on the flames. Half of my comments are moderators telling me to fix the tags anyways. Fandom: Teen Titans cartoon Pairing: Beast Boy x Raven, harem pending Warnings: Hentai proportions, comical functions, porn with a token attempt at a plot Solo story or chaptered story: Chaptered URL: http://comics.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600061512 Review Reply thread:
  15. Starting this challenge. Link to the story and to my thread.
  16. After a lengthy journey of self discovery and lot of procrastination, I have returned! A whole new story fresh out of the forge for my half dozen fans, another thebooblover challenge. Spellbound, a Beast Boy harem fic. So kind of like Omniharem but in Teen Titans. See what I mean? They just feel too alike to me. I don’t feel like it’s my strongest work but anyways, you be the judge. The next update will likely be Naruko’s Pact. Thank you for your patience and thanks for reading.
  17. The angle I was going for was the Kingdoms are already in a sort of Dark Empire headed by the likes of Maleficent and Gothel. Hiccup is mostly restoring the Princesses to their thrones while taking them into his harem, while also taking the evil queens as concubines. The protagonist of T3 shouldn't become cartoonish himself, but he does become a more Captain America looking man and break into their movie industry.
  18. I plan to continue Toon Town Tumble at some point but have nothing laid out. Those are some grade A ideas, got any other suggestions? and is it the same random fan appearing or is it a different one each time?
  19. Elena, Turbine, Frightwig, Ester, an older Viktoria, Charmcaster, Jennifer Nocturn, Helen Wheels, Eight-Eight, Rook Shar, Drew Saturday- wow, I am not nearly as close to the finish as I thought I was-Sunny Tennyson, and Sandra. I may drop or add some as time goes by. I already added a genderbent Vilgax.
  20. Halfway done with chapter one of Spellbound (Teen Titans Beast Boy Harem) and a small chapter of Naruko’s Pact that I want to build into a larger one.
  21. Still figuring out the next step on that one. There’s a few more babes left to join the harem before a finale and I am wondering if it’s time Ben’s harem should come to light in any form. I just don’t know which one I will focus on next.
  22. That gave me a good laugh, it’s too perfect. I was also thinking of doing a thing with Enchantress and Julie Moone having different thoughts at the same time during an experience with it. The next upload will probably still be the first chapter of Spellbound with the next update being Naruko’s Pact. I won’t do the George R. R. Martin and constantly push back ETAs. I just won’t announce them.
  23. A mind breaking rape was asked for Raven but I don’t want her to be the first. Haven’t decided who will be first yet, preferably someone who could more realistically ‘take it’ so to say. I don’t suspect any breeding will be going on although I would like for Barbara to eventually find someone who would be happy to be with her even with the horse cock, preferably even because of it, for a nice (if a little fucked up) happy ending.
  24. Introducing Zatanna or other magical people creates new problems if they can just magically cure the virus. Why cure Batgirl just to give her new magical properties or infect her again anyways? Her having a horse cock is part of the challenge and already sufficiently bizarre for this story. Besides, Mad Love already fills that role. It’s hinted that everyone reacts differently to it because of how it interacts with genes and repeated exposure could induce more mutations. I kept it vague so I could add more things and people later on as the story progresses if it’s called for.
  25. Well that’s unfortunate, unrealistic and highly improbable are my forte. The rules of writing are more like stable observations, everything is ultimately circumstantial. I guess my biggest personal peeve is lack of detail. A lot of internet fiction I’ve read take place in a vacuum, with the setting only vaguely described and characters who lack motivations or identities. Fan fiction tends to be especially guilty of this because novice or lazy authors may just assume we know the characters and setting. Failing to fill in the blanks makes immersing the reader into the story difficult. This makes the story inaccessible to newer readers, doesn’t convey what the author has in mind, and ultimately doesn’t build upon the established lore. Which I think is the whole point of fan fiction, never mind original works that need to be engrossing right out of the gate. Other than that, basic literacy errors that should have been corrected in grade school will turn me away. Such as spelling mistaiks, poorer grammar, missplaced!punctuation, verbing, run on sentances that go on and on and on, and sentences that end before they.
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