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Everything posted by Praetor

  1. Man, I really fell behind. Since Mad Love actually has an overarching story, it's harder to write. On top of it just not exactly being my favourite work. Also because of that, I can't give too much away. I am still trying to structure the chapters around lemons since that's the point of the story. The next one will probably be Harley and Starfire getting Horsecock Girl more comfortable with her new body and role (nudge nudge wink wink). Then after that, the integration of a Kryptonian. May do that one first since it's shorter. Yeah, I'll name the chapter Bechdel Test. Since the relationship dynamic of the harem will probably never be a factor, much less a focus, of the story, I don't see it as particularly conductive to build it up and flesh it out. Unless I exponentially expand the scope of the story to accomodate that, which would tripple its length, quadrouple its width, de emphasize the lemons (which are kind of the point), and make individual chapters take even longer (writing the dialogue and interactions is what takes forever). It's why I accuse One Piece of being an inefficient show. It goes on forever, none of it is skipable, and there's only so much to actually care about. But if you all want it, I'll do it.
  2. I want to integrate more teasing from the women and am considering making it part of Hiccup’s policy for administration and diplomacy. Having the women be the appealing face of his regime and maybe even exchange political favours for sexual ones or loaning out harem members are rewards for loyal service. Dunno, haven’t decided yet. Probably either Overlord or Spellbound. I have the next chapter of Spellbound planned out already and I feel like I owe an Anna chapter for Overlord since Merida was kind of a swerve bordering on bait and switch.
  3. I did, thank you for that. I am glad Merida’s character got over, it was refreshing to write a bolder character. My only issue is I realize now that I missed an opportunity to have the Loch Ness Monster appear in the lake. I don’t think there’s enough reaction from others about Hiccup’s going ons. This kind of makes sense on Burke, where I am sure most of the denizens there are just like ‘Oh that’s just Hiccup and his friends. They’re always doing weird things.’ but the Disney kingdoms are new to all this.
  4. Queen Elizabeth the Onest was unmarried, which I don’t interpret to mean ‘never took a lover’ but that’s neither here nor there. Next chapter of Overlord is up. I kind of meant to do Anna next but wrote that concurrently with this episode and it ended up getting done far sooner so I awkwardly rolled it into the next one. Who cares right? The order doesn’t really matter as long as the story continues. I did so much research for this chapter too, like so much random history and culture of Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and other vaguely Celtic stuff. Then hand jammed stuff in wherever it would fit, often awkwardly. This one is also a little exposition heavy to explain the geopolitical situation and plot threads with the princesses. I suppose if i really put my head to it I could make it more gradual and natural by having characters find this information out over time but that would take a fair bit more effort, the story is written in increments and it’s all ultimately besides the point since the lemons is what we’re here for. I’m right in thinking that right? No one here showing up for the zingy one liners and because there are just so few good Konoha High stories that Naruko’s Pact will just have to do? Anyways, tell me what you think, what you’d like to see, or anything that comes to mind really.
  5. Maybe it didn't come up at all because there were far more pressing matters at hand. Elsa was kind of going through a lot. I don't get this 'Gay unless proven straight' Tumblr mentality. Like the rampant speculation that Poe is gay for Finn. Especially when gayness seems to only be confirmable with some sort of consummation. I imagine Elsa's love interest will be the subject of the next Frozen movie. I don't really like filler, it feels like just filler. Scooping up Anna will be the focus of the next chapter and maybe introducing one or both to anal. Realistically, it's part of the same arch and more like pt 2 of this act and I probably could have combined them into a super chapter but that'd be long and extend the development time. Don't know what I'll do chapter after next. Merida is next on the list and that's a good springboard point but I'll see what else comes up.
  6. 'New' meaning unpublished stories I've been kicking around or aluding to, such as Big Harem 6 and Link in Soul Calibur. There's a partially built up Resident Evil project Booblover laid out, a Crash Bandicoot thingy meant to celebrate the remasters, and an MK fic possably starring Captain Marvel (Billy Batson).
  7. Thanks for reviewing. Haven't thought that far ahead yet, Anna is the most obvious choice though, and I don't like doing the obvious. I couldn't just not have some reference to Let It Go because it's so iconic of Frozen, rivaled only by the shopkeeper with the funny accent and impaling Olaf (both of which I also included). Anecdote, I was living under a rock when Frozen Fever rocked the world and the first I ever heard of it was part of the song on a comercial for the DVD. So it's what I think of first and the lyrics bizzarely matched her transition into a member of the harem. As well as maybe her sexual awakening, I always thought Elsa was asexual. Or at least chaste.
  8. Thank you all for visiting on your holiday, sorry I didn’t respond earlier. I was so close to completion that I didn’t want to make another post until it was ready. Happy Belated New Years to all [party poppers], may 2019 be a good one. New Overlord chapter. A bit more plotty than usual, with extended dialogue and some action. Don’t know how I feel about that yet. Beyond that I don’t have anything really near completion and haven’t decided what I’m going to focus on yet. Leaning towards Spellbound or something completely new. As usual, would love to hear your input.
  9. I actually typed 'the ceiling?' but decided to refraim from replying until I had something more substantial.
  10. I figured as much. It’s totally justified, you can’t have rapscallions like me making a mockery of our terms of service. We have rules here, and enforcing them is the difference between us and Tumblr. From SinfulWolf on December 29, 2018 This was an interesting one for me to read, and if I'm honest not sure how I feel about it to be honest. There's a Hell of a tonal shift half way through into that silly campy porno style of sexing that some people enjoy (as evidenced by some of the other reviews here), but isn't my own cup of tea, so certainly will try to keep that in mind when writing this out. But the opening of the story started plugging away at some heavy issues, many of which hit a little bit too close to home for me to be in the mood for a good silly fuck story. I did learn some stuff though. Thought that Kabar knife was for Marines only (I was wrong), and didn't know the U.S. Army still had any kind of swords, especially for NCO's. Once again thought that was a marine thing. So that was pretty cool to learn some things. And there was a bit of jargon scattered throughout. I've learned to be careful using that, especially with the acronyms (FOB, QRF, etc). Sure I know what they mean, but not all the readers do. Though it seems that might not have interefered with many people's enjoyment of this particular tale. Also, FOB really should be capitalized, and not lower case. Last point, try to keep the reader aware of where the characters are. When they initially fell there was no mention of the couch until it started creaking and I had to back away to find where they'd ended up on the couch. So, either I missed it or it wasn't mentioned. Little things like that. Like I said, the campy style of smut isn't really my cup of tea, but you did have that style going quite well for yourself, and it seems a fair amount of others enjoyed themselves. So well done, and good entry to the anthology overall. I don’t even know how to feel about it, and I wrote it. It feels like two halves of different fics awkwardly welded together. If I waited until I was completely satisfied with it, it’d be just in time for next year’s Holiday special. The heavy issues are addressed but I didn’t have the time or skill to really pull it off. Since they’re integral to the song the fic is inspired by, I couldn’t just ignore them. Kabars were made for and primarily used by Marines but are popular among all branches of military, knife enthusiasts and outdoorsmen. The swords are purely ceremonial and nonstandard issue. Most of what I know about them comes from a Terminal Lance comic. I’m wary of jargon and when not to use it but I figured this was a good time to, in order to highlight his dissonance. I don’t really like the camp smut story either, but that was the only way I could figure out how to spin out of the complex subject matter and still deliver a Christmas themed lemon. The alternative was a nosex, dramatic talky scene that’d be long and not terribly interesting, although would be closer to the source material. But it’d also run contrary to the high concept of Santa being re-imagined as a busty descendant. Thanks for the critique, I will work on keeping the writing tighter and handling complex and weighty issues with a little more tact and care.
  11. Take your time, it’s not going anywhere. From BronxWench on December 28, 2018 What a wonderful debut! This is a refreshing take on Santa coming down the chimney, especially with the reactions for a combat veteran to any intrusion. But gift-giving is certainly a two-way street, and I so think they descovered how much more fun it is to give than to receive. Thank you! Original community challenge anyways. It’s a strange experience for me to get a moderator review that isn’t telling me to fix my tags or disclaimer. Thanks for the warm reception. From Desiderius_Price on December 28, 2018 A Most Peculiar Burglar by Praetor Enjoyable piece of PWP holiday smut, which is what I think you were going for. One strange thought I had while reading it.... what if she suffocated during the blow? Suppose that'd be a fun way to start a Halloween story. That was mostly the intent. I like to at least pretend that I’m doing something more in my works, but going into a prolonged discussion on veteran affairs and the nature of Christmas could take up an entire fic and probably be divisive. The lemon was the focus and I was trying to keep it short. I imagine Santa doesn’t leave behind a corpse when he dies, he just explodes into magic Christmas dust. Still a messy clean up, hopefully there isn’t a Santa clause.
  12. PlagueClover writes "My first impression of this was that it read a bit like a recruitment ad, though a well-written one. I'm not throwing shade. It's not a bad thing. It suits this character and reminds me of a lot of people I know, though not soldiers, farmers and oil workers in Saskatchewan have pretty much the same crotchety attitude and unwavering pride in their controversial livelihoods. So it was believable. So it starts off with that serious political rant, and then it kinda devolves into this campy, flirty porno. It was a fun shift in mood, and I'm grateful for it. Nice little addition to the party, thank you. Have a great New Year." Thank you for taking the time to guide this fledgling author. I started writing the fic after hearing Soldier's Silent Night on the radio but quickly realized I didn't know how to handle the weighty topic and material. I wanted to keep it short because I couldn't guarantee it'd be good. The rant was written as a list of talking points to frame a conversation, but I suck at dialogue. So it was either make a conversation on the matter the focus and ditch the lemon, or change the subject like a teen caught in a lie. I went for the latter since the challenge is supposed to be fun and festive.
  13. I said it was going to be an unrelated Christmas one shot. Sorry if I was missleading. I just realized the next Overlord chapter could have been retooled as a Holiday, or at least winter, special since it dabbles in Frozen but that wasn't the plan.
  14. Well that was weird, got the message upon posting again (for the first time?). Conclusion, I suck at computers. Anyways, it’s up now for reals.
  15. I noticed. I imagine there’s some kind of review process before it gets posted and the moderators are doing Christmas stuff. Alternatively, it could just have not posted for whatever reason, server crash or something. I haven’t heard anything yet, I’ll give it a little more time before asking annoying questions.
  16. Thank you all, I am touched (and kind of alarmed) that you took time out of this most precious holiday to share with me and the community. I sent my Christmas story up, please swing by and say high to AFF moderators and co, they’re truly lovely people. Have a Merry Christmas.
  17. Tonight, Praetor joins the hunt… That intro made more sense for the Halloween special. Anyways, I am ready to elevate my status from one of the nameless lurkers to worst of the contributing bunch. Behold! The product of a Monster fueled writing session late in the night, inspired by a Christmas song I heard on the radio, research done hastily in the process on reddit, while also watching anime on Hulu. Questionable and weighty issues are brought up, and then ignored because this is ultimately a senseless smut fic of dubious quality with a Holiday filter. It was unasked for, it is unearned, and now, it is ready (as it’ll ever be) for consumption. Title: A Most Peculiar Burglar Summary: Santa, re-imagined as a busty descendant, visits the home of a soldier on Christmas Day. Tags: MF, AFFO, Challenge Fic, HJ, Oral, One Shot
  18. I thought about doing an orgy with all the girls up to and including Mala but that'd take for ever and be of dubious quality while not advancing the plot in any meaningful way. I think we all can assume it happened anyways. So the next chapter will continue on from there and see Hiccup with a dragon riding Viking vanguard landing on the main land in Ariandel since tis the season with all the snowing and being cold, where he'll treat with the local ruler, a certain silver haired frost mistress.
  19. Wow, has it really been a year? I really let that schedule slip. Thanks for the feedback, I am about halfway done with another Overlord. I am also working on an unrelated one shot Christmas special. I have also figured out the direction of Spellbound and Mad Love. No promises on deadlines though.
  20. How good is the business? You've heard the adage 'No such thing as bad publicity'.
  21. It's ultimately besides the point. There's usually far more pressing concerns in a story than the romance sub plot, hence the 'sub' part. The story typically runs its course and ends with the ship officially starting as part of the climax. The story doesn't go 'they live happily ever after, and then the next morning started to make pancakes but realized they didn't have the anti stick spray so they went to Denny's.' One of my headscratchers is when a romance progresses but there is nothing in the narrative to suggest that the relationship will work out. Part of the action/adventure formula is the hero gets the girl, but how do we know that'll turn out well for all parties involved? Unless the narrative focus is on maintaining a relationship, there isn't a point to delving into it. Maintaining a relationship is more of a passive process, it's something you do day by day. Stories are about active processes, things people are deliberately instigating and tangibly achieving. Maintaining a relationship is also an infinite task, it ends either in failure or when someone dies. There's no satisfying 'conclusion' or achievable goal. All especially when there are other things going on competing for a viewer's attention.
  22. Still slow going on all fronts. I don't like the way the next Omniharem turned out so that's being put on the back burner. Now I am scrambling to see if I can make some kind of Christmas special. Kind of a poll, what do you all want to see most of next? Omniharem, Naruko's Pact, Lust and Pixie Dust, Overlord, or Mad Love? Or the Overwatch fling or Ron's Harem, or the Toon Town project? Or some other project I may have mentioned. And what most in them?
  23. She seems to be the red headed girl member of the Master Blasters (results from the wiki)
  24. Sure, post the challange. It's not like I own it.
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