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Everything posted by Rescue25

  1. Another WOW chapter. Christoan1040 called it. Good job. Now Max still has to get his wounded butt out of there. And we now have another thriller with Charles and co. I'd have to go back and reread the transition between BITG and GITG but at this point it seems like it was a seamless switch. You have done such a good job that I really have a hard time separating the two. Too damn immersed in the whole story to remember some pf the details. KEEP IT UP !! B
  2. Such a pussy/
  3. AMEN !!! A lot different here vs other venues. A lot of supposedly good "normal" people close aboard here. Not good if the fireworks gets out of the building. B
  4. Don't like kamikaze. You know how they ended up in WWII. Guards usually pretty easy to take out the troops not so much. Some of the toys should be very interesting. Notice they are now in armor. B
  5. While some might think too much sex we are dealing with multiple story lines that have a common theme. It seems to me that you are letting the story go where it will with some guidance. This is your story and this is a "sex" site. Tone it down too much and someone will complain not enough sex. This is YOUR story and I think many of us will only complain when we don't get chapters fast enough; sex or no. @That one Guy: that would bring guards and troops down too fast. Having some things done to him like he was responsible for would be fitting. Also consider possibility that he was not the one doing it but someone highly placed in his office. As always waiting for the next one. B .
  6. Just saying ! B
  7. Rescue25

    She is the One

    At last we see at least one of her "friends". If she is not on the pill she may go preggers. Talk about a blow up at home. Are all the nukes accounted for?? B
  8. IF you are not in recovery mode.!!! The past being the best predictor of the future. B
  9. I love it. !!!!! B
  10. Are we going to get a chapter or 2 before you leave or do we dangle for several weeks?? B
  11. If it wasn't dangerous YOU wouldn't be needed. Unless I totally misread your occupation it is, by definition, dangerous! B
  12. No. Retractable lets you go too far. I would vote for the leash - fixed length (short). B
  13. I agree. But let's encourage him to NOT die. The crap he does is dangerous. B
  14. Seems like the girls are going to have to get a little physical with him. Broken foot or something to keep him close to home. B
  15. Thought the Dr. said, and you did, give this crap up. Teach the newbies - field work too dangerous especially as you get a little mileage on you. B
  16. Scratches DON'T get stitches!!! B
  17. Rescue25

    She is the One

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours. B
  18. Rescue25

    She is the One

    Excellent series by "magusfang" on this site. It is a lead in to the current series "Girls In the Grass". Try it. Many folks here love it. B
  19. If memory serves, and it doesn't always, your last 2 "babysittings" led to recovery time for you. Wear the vest. At worst you'll get it salt stained from sweat. Otherwise have fun AND keep "us" posted. We worry as much or more than your "real" family. B
  20. Excellent. My 3 yo grandaughter has been shooting for a while. Start em young, teach them about safety and supervise closley. My son takes her to sport goods store and she chooses what gun she would like to have. . Saw on shout you are going to Jamaica. Business?? B
  21. Yeah but many of us prefer GITG if we have to make a choice. Nice chapter on North. Again kudos to you no hangers on this one. B
  22. It will probably take a long one for everyone to get up to speed on the characters again. I know on the last one I had to go back and reread a chapter or so to figure out who was doing what. B
  23. Thanks again!! I hope you are having fun writing these last two chapters because I damn sure enjoy reading them. The interaction and story back fill with the family love are magnificent. I hope we can have some more before Max has to go take on some more of the religious order. B
  24. OK "awww man!". You did it again.( as usual). Again thank you not only for another chapter so quickly BUT also for not having another :"hanger". B
  25. I'm wondering if the Twins managed to stow away with Hans and really are close by. Dying to read what comes next! Hopefully he won't leave us twisting in the wind for too long. B
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