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Everything posted by Rescue25

  1. Am I missing something here? I thought it had already been established that the "David" they rescued was not Max's dad but a rogue agent. B
  2. Bunch of bibliomaniacs. Damn right! But only to the good stuff. B
  3. @angeldust just read your latest on Skylar - I'll say the same to you as to mangus MORE PLEASE. B
  4. Only because he's so good and we had to wait so long for the last one. B
  5. So tell us already. B
  6. I hope she - Cynthia - is who she purports to be AND has not been programed like Hans.
  7. I hadn't thought about that but it would take a level of expertise that may not be available outside of Max to repair it in that short of a time. As much as we guess he will probably take another path EVEN if it's not on the map. Look at his last post just above yours. I think he is sitting there with a evil grin and rubbing his hands together. B
  8. Don't encourage him!! He brags on being evil as far as keeping us on the edge of the cliff. We already know that dad isn't really dad. Suspect sis is a fake also BUT the evil one will let us know in his own good time. The other interaction are going to be interesting reading IF we get to read them this month. B
  9. Already has been! B
  10. I have enjoyed the story so far. I do hope that the "spirit" will move you to write some more. B
  11. OK you just didn't specify WHICH Xmas. Understand some RW came up but hopefully it didn't involve you in looking out. I'm getting the dts with it being 3 weeks between chapters. Hope all is well in your household B
  12. RW sucks at times. Especially in a holiday area. Glad you were able to get it settled "reasonably" quickly. Waiting on the next installment. B
  13. Rescue25

    She is the One

    IF I remember correctly that means tomorrow Wed. 1/7/15?? B
  14. COME ON NOW !!! You can't just abandon the "Sister" story like that. At least another chapter or two and close it softly. B
  15. Well while you are checking you are also being checked. Waiting on the next chapter on yours also. I'm begining to think you and Mangus along with JAshley, Bashful and a couple of others decided to take a hiatus just to frustrate a bunch of us. It does improve your hit count though. B
  16. Can you provide a link? Can't find it on AFF. B
  17. Rescue25

    She is the One

    OR you could go one line in hexi and the next in octal. Either one would discourage those of us who have worked in multiple bases but have gotten too old and lazy to convert them. My hand is raised. B
  18. I agree but: Point to remember BEFORE going off unannounced next time. Monkeys do bite. B
  19. I obviously miss the "child rape" tag. Don't care for rape especially of children.
  20. Momma pregggers from camping trip OK. The girls not so much. Waiting on the next one. B
  21. Short and sweet. Glad you finally had her wake up. NEEEXXXT? B
  22. Except during the season then it's two bahs and a double humbug for me !! When is the next chapter f GITG coming? B
  23. Please DON'T
  24. Rescue25

    She is the One

    Nice stories. Needs some developing. Let's try to get him to AFF.. B
  25. I hope you and yours have a SAFE and MERRY CHRISTMAS. Thanks for the wonderful presents/stories you have given this year. B
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