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Everything posted by Rescue25

  1. Amen brother Amen. Now gotta go read 52. B
  2. Way to go! If momma wants to freak then let her. My wife is not a gun person but she has shot one m I won't go into how many decades ago BUT our kids were brought up around LOADED guns. Never had a problem with them and guns. In my opinion having a familiarity with them keeps bad things from happening. Kids are not always in our houses and things do happen on the "outside". When my boys had friends over they knew to keep them from the guns that were around. Nice to look at on the shelf but no touchee. Suggest you put "momma" on the range and let her see that used properly they are not "bad". B
  3. Sorry to bring you to the real world. Especially bad if kid is female!!! Watch out if you take her to sporting goods store. I like "that one" second or third trip in and she still points that item out you gotta get it!! Mine is drawn to the pink ones. One for her then one for sister who is 1 that is one yr. Then one for mommie. Next I expect one for youngest sister who is now 5 weeks old. You gotta realize the "she" here is at the ripe old age of 3 and shoots regularly with her dad. B
  4. That's what uncles/granddads are for. B
  5. Very nice tribute. B
  6. Monkeys take naps so fangface can write !! B
  7. Well into the hundreds would be my take. I like where he has taken this. MANY sub plots can go from here. Don't think this site has a limit on how many chapters to a story. Those that don't like the little nuances should go to the nearest big box store and lay in supply if duct tape to wrap their head in. B
  8. Is that what they call a cup of coffee there?? Portable swimming pool maybe? Turn the monkey loose in it?? B
  9. This is a good thing 53+. B
  10. The only thing that fits this is "OH SHIT". B
  11. You already did. You are there. Sometimes a "little" safer in CONUS. But you like the danger. B
  12. Not a joke here - real world. B But you LOVE it. That's why you keep going back. B
  13. I'm not the only one yelling WOLF !! And how are your girls going to take you going for the night life? This has all the makings of a bad outcome. B
  14. Sounds nice. Read my post #1995 on YOUR main site. Have fun with the family. B
  15. If the job was a cake walk you wouldn't be there. Cake walks are where you get hurt BAD !!!! Vest on - head on a swivel !! B
  16. With baited breath we are waiting B
  17. I see why you like the tropics. I had more than enough in Nam. B Let's hope that if it hits the "rotating wind machine" that they won't try nerf guns. B
  18. Question is 'which boys" ?? B
  19. Oh the school board ought to be FUN! I am assuming you are talking about the old board. Are you going to have a couple of ALS squads standing by when they tell them that the population of their school in going to be reduced not only in students but some of their premier teachers? The action is nice but the story and closeness of the characters is what makes this special. B
  20. Thanks for that chapter. No major cliffhangers. But is this a lead in for things to come?? . Legion was very protective of these people, his hosts, his wards and they would find out just how protective, and just what he and the nanites were capable of and willing to do to protect this family; it would be some time before that revelation would come to light however. B
  21. And the twins started at 6. Good to know the monkey can shoot. Assume the older ones are proficient also. Excellent skill to have. B
  23. Don't know about that. I get the feeling that a LOT of the story is based on real life with some imagination/wishful thing thrown in. Somehow doubt that any of his RL girls go on mission with him though. He might do some training for protection in his absence. Unless I misread his RL work it may make him unpopular with certain unsavory people. B
  24. Sort of like the tale where ber rabbit says "please Mr. man don't throw me in the briar patch" And it might be good for us as you get to write and we get another chapter. B
  25. They ARE your family. Just have a different name here. . B
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