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Everything posted by Rescue25

  1. There are swift ocean currents like the Gulf Stream to name just one and they don't stay in the same place all the time. Believe they move like the jet stream does in the air. B
  2. How did they get there in the first place? B
  3. Rescue25

    She is the One

    - First, no sex in this chapter. Again, it would feel out-of-place and I hate trying to force a sex scene into the story. I think I've realized, since moving here from xnxx, that I am writing not a 'sex story' but a story that happens to have sex in it, since it's a big part of the characters' lives. So this next chapter will be more story. Apologies if that annoys anyone but that's why I wanted to let you know beforehand. OK no sex. I think many of us follow you for the story AND you writing skills. B Great observation. B
  4. Oh shit !!! Now we have the FBI recognizing something going on. You did NOT disappoint. Just didn't know how you were going to pull Max through. Now having the moles in the FBI computer system is beginning to make sense. Interesting interaction with the AI. The trip home should be interesting. After the VW are the girls going yo be content with the real world? They have been raped so many times it's going to be hard for them to experience loving sex. As always we see the the masters hand at work. B
  5. Don't think fresh water is as important as O2 in the short run. Can't you use seawater for electrolysis? B
  6. BUT you will find a way to make him good again ala freezing snow storm. B
  7. Old saying - monkey see monkey do - so true. Also monkey hear monkey say. B
  8. OOOOOOOFFFF !! And no bad language allowed. B
  9. Not another cliffhanger. Don't know what your plans are BUT I hope that elimination of the main character is NOT among them. I won't say more to give others time to read. Good job on the quick posts. All kidding aside I, for one, would prefer the posts quicker even if there are some misspellings etc. I think most of us can fill in the occasional blank. Just don't work yourself sick. B
  10. HELL YES!! Just as long as it was done quickly. Want my cake and want to eat it too. B
  11. I have to agree with BigMan. Most especially the last paragraph. B
  12. Not planning on watching the super bowl?? Thought that would be a highlight for you.
  13. THANK YOU. Really is very nice to have another chapter with out a long wait. Very nice chapter. Explains some things and leaves a few more dangling. Very nice hanger at the end that was resolved in the chapter. Though the air alarm, while silenced, has NOT been dealt with. Scrubbers can only do so much without being regenerated. Come on thin ice! Will be interesting to see where you take the FBI folks. Seems they have seen enough to realize they are not dealing with some kook. B
  14. Some excuse is better than none. B
  15. Isn’t that called literary license? B
  16. Isn't that what this is about dreams and fantasies? Maybe the bad guy is Rick?? That would be evil. And yes in the case insomnia is GOOD. That is as long as you are keeping the keyboard going. We are hungry for more. B
  17. And another hanger !! Where are all the bad guys getting the hardware? Does Nick have a destination or are they just circling around and trying to draw attention? Seems like the baddies have good intel even in the middle of the ocean. Surprised Nick doesn't have visual sat. coverage to let him know when & where the bad guys are.. B
  18. Kind of wondered about that. BUT book 3 should be a long way down the road. Another 250 or so chapters to go on this one?? I HOPE. B
  19. OH I LOVE IT !! Chapter 300. 2 to 3 chapters a week I might make it to the end. 41 just had to be another cliffhanger. What major problem has set her,Amy, off now?. What is the consenquesnse of Cynthia not really being who she says she is? Is she an evil plant? Maybe the drugs Joanne has been using on Gerald should be used on her. Drive her off the deep end and she takes care of herself - no nanites. The black box has the potential to destroy the whole thing. Only problem with Northstar is the characters are similar and it takes me quite a while to shift gears again. I like Northstar but GITG is by far my favorite. I have a feeling you already have planned the next sequence of events. I "we" are patiently waiting Impatiently for the next one. B
  20. Let's not forget the question of what really happened to Max's dad. B
  21. Seems like Joanne always has been a bitch. Don't see much to redeem at the present. The FBI thing shows a lot of promise. Maybe the can get the agency to do some of the heavy lifting in the US but don't think they can do much outside of CONUS. Thanks for getting 40 out despite the bug. As always waiting on the next one. B
  22. But that would take the fun out of it. Unless you, "I", get a little of it in each chapter I loose track of the players and relationships. B
  23. How about they work with Gerald and get him enough balls to tell Joanne her "fun" is over and she gets mad and bails on her own? Only problem you have to solve is here memory of some of the "secrets" she has been exposed to. B
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