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Everything posted by Rescue25

  1. I did enjoy !! You are really rolling. Hint, hint Mangus. B
  2. Rescue25

    She is the One

    I'm glad he made it to AFF. Enjoy both of you. Now if about 2 others would make the move no reason to go back there/ B
  3. Yeah. Was getting death threats.
  4. Just found that he is here now! BashfulScribe that is. http://original.adul...07539&chapter=8 Take a look. He was chased off xnxx. B
  5. So far. I would suspect that your RL is somewhat like Max. Your "occupation" not withstanding. B
  6. Take a look at BashfulScribe @storiesonline.net. Not up to your level but not bad. B
  7. We certainly hope so - to an extent.
  8. Very good chapter as usual. Bet there are some armor mods coming up. How did Max's unit fail. Thought the armor would stop all small arms fire. Can see the back wounds if main protection was focused on the front. Family reunion is going to be something else. Not only the "family" but 50+ new ones. Thank you for no serious cliffhanger. Do you think there will be another chapter before Christmas? B
  9. WHY would you need permission for that. Local LE might like to have an explanation though. Just another baddie out of their hair. Just don't let the media get a hold of it if the skin color wrong. B
  10. Sorta like seeing an officer in uniform or a marked patrol car and "assuming" they are after you for no good reason. Real world unless you do something to call attention to yourself they basically don't notice you. B
  11. Trained or partially domesticated? B
  12. Thanks for the link. Have you bookmarked. I have read somewhere that when you take a dog to the trainers YOU are the one actually being trained. B
  13. Chap 3 short and sweet. Of course the next question; where is chap 4? B
  14. NO, NO. GITG should go for a LONG while. Put some Northstar an start another if need be but GITG needs to keep going: It's that good. B
  15. It appears to me that Magusfang's forum is a good meeting place for a lot of folks. There are MANY stories that I, for one, would not have found were it not for mention and comments on his site. Don't mean to take anything from any one but it does seem to be a good meeting place. Sort of like a nice friendly neighborhood bar. B
  16. OOPS how do we explain the pregnancies? It was just a thought - making things seem "real". '
  17. Isn't that the name of a series. "Are we training the children or are they training us" B
  18. Yes but that is some of what makes them so loveable. A little training from uncle Fang may ease the chase. won't happen overnight but the younguns catch on quickly. B
  19. Your stories have enough sex in them to keep them "behind the counter" BUT I think several of us have commented that the sex is just the icing on a VERY good cake. I like the way that you make the girls seem like RL to includ normal body functions. The only thing I have not seen mentioned even in passing is the monthlies.. Keep up the good work. B
  20. I like it. When is chap. 3 coming? B
  21. OK but how about some GITG before you start reading?? Doing daddy daycare should give you more keyboard time. B
  22. Assuming your daughter is around the same age/size they can trade clothes etc. Since you have some grown ones you already know what to expect. B
  23. Are your stories patterned after real life or are you pattering your life after the stories? B
  24. Posted 11 December 2014 - 01:07 AM Just helping out a friend, nothing overly dangerous but I knew they would have a fit so like any good coward I snuck out Ended up bringing a stray home so that mediated the beating I was due B
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