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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. Hmm….Halloween story, where the happy ending is the tragic ending. Not sure how to pull that off in the original universe I tend to write in.
  2. Why did my mind jump to R/C dildo being used as a torture device?
  3. Explicit version does trample large swaths of “non-conformity” type of encounters (ie, not simply M/F). Though, ironically, did write a M/F scene this morning.
  4. Got an alternate ending to my potter fanfic that’ll tie into one of my originals… in this same theme would be a “send-off” of sorts.
  5. Smutty version version only, and not guaranteed there’s anybody on the receiving end of it. Sometimes it’s slipping it into somebody’s food, and next thing the person knows, Snape can’t wipe the grin from their face as it gets rather sticky beneath the workbench in Potions.
  6. Well, I’ll caveat that it’s the characters I’ve grown to love that I’ll do that to. Others… toss ‘em in the woodchipper.
  7. IIRC, that capability is still disabled. For tag changes, stick them at the top of your story, that’ll cover you until they re-enable it.
  8. Have to admit, June was bad for writing….maybe 5k total?

  9. Yeah, if my main/major character suddenly has a very good/happy day, beware, usually my attempt to “bargain” with their impending tragic demise.
  10. Well… the nice thing with my potter story, multiple orgasms aren’t restricted to women. There’s potions & spells that can get around that limitation
  11. Your writing motto should be… “No orgasm left behind.”
  12. Happy July 4th (to those that celebrate) 🎆 🎇 🧨 :fthrower:  🚒

  13. Concur with @BronxWench Most definitely think of Star Trek. So, no @Wilde_Guess I don’t think it’s something that gets flushed down the Captain’s head.
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