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Desiderius Price

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Status Replies posted by Desiderius Price

  1. I think we all need to agree that Rings of Power counts as a crime against humanity and amazon sued for war crimes. Episode five… here I come.:yawn:

  2. I think we all need to agree that Rings of Power counts as a crime against humanity and amazon sued for war crimes. Episode five… here I come.:yawn:

  3. I think we all need to agree that Rings of Power counts as a crime against humanity and amazon sued for war crimes. Episode five… here I come.:yawn:

  4. I think we all need to agree that Rings of Power counts as a crime against humanity and amazon sued for war crimes. Episode five… here I come.:yawn:

  5. I think we all need to agree that Rings of Power counts as a crime against humanity and amazon sued for war crimes. Episode five… here I come.:yawn:

  6. I think we all need to agree that Rings of Power counts as a crime against humanity and amazon sued for war crimes. Episode five… here I come.:yawn:

  7. Here’s an existential thought for you.

    What if space is so vast because the divine didn’t want the chance for their creations to look upon one another or them?:blink:

  8. Here’s an existential thought for you.

    What if space is so vast because the divine didn’t want the chance for their creations to look upon one another or them?:blink:

  9. It’s mortgage FREEDOM day!  One less landlord in my life.

  10. In honor of that soulless bleak caricature that is the hell I’ve been forced to watch that is rings of power.

    I kinda want to do a porn heavy, LOTR dark fanfic safe in the knowledge of no matter what I do.

    It will never approach the level of desecration that amazon has inflicted on the rest of us.

    The LOTR stories on this site is lightyears better even the bleak gritty ones and for that they all should be commended and certainly celebrated.

  11. In honor of that soulless bleak caricature that is the hell I’ve been forced to watch that is rings of power.

    I kinda want to do a porn heavy, LOTR dark fanfic safe in the knowledge of no matter what I do.

    It will never approach the level of desecration that amazon has inflicted on the rest of us.

    The LOTR stories on this site is lightyears better even the bleak gritty ones and for that they all should be commended and certainly celebrated.

  12. :pissed: Swimming back to middle earth is on a whole new spectrum of jumping the shark.


  13. :pissed: Swimming back to middle earth is on a whole new spectrum of jumping the shark.


  14. :pissed: Swimming back to middle earth is on a whole new spectrum of jumping the shark.


  15. It’s mortgage FREEDOM day!  One less landlord in my life.

  16. :pissed: Swimming back to middle earth is on a whole new spectrum of jumping the shark.


  17. :pissed: Swimming back to middle earth is on a whole new spectrum of jumping the shark.


  18. :pissed: Swimming back to middle earth is on a whole new spectrum of jumping the shark.


  19. So uh first time I’ve been hired then released within the first day. So either it was a fluke or the economy might not be doing well.:pissed:

  20. So uh first time I’ve been hired then released within the first day. So either it was a fluke or the economy might not be doing well.:pissed:

  21. okay 3 chapters left. I’m going to to try to find a better job so I can nip another problem in the bud. The grand irony of all. Money.

  22. My smartass husband almost doomed us all. He’s eating animal crackers and found a cookie that appeared to be two different critters stuck together. What’s he suggest? ”Hey. Think we can fix this chimera with alchemy?” 


    No, Cold. HAYELL no. We are not breaking the alchemical taboo in twenty-twenty-anything, this is not the decade to risk it! There are two whole anime series about just why we don’t mess around with that! 


  23. Four Chapters left to fix. :tomato:

  24. Still revising, its a good thing I’m going through chapter by chapter and have an outline cause I can tell there’s this weird tone shift I have to solve.

    Anyone else ever look at your own writing go be confused of a weird tone shift?

  25. Revising 100%

    Page Count :527

    Word Count: 76147

    Now I have to read through it.

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