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Desiderius Price

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Status Replies posted by Desiderius Price

  1. Well, having failed all conservative treatment options, I’ll be setting up for chemotherapy for this oddball immune system of mine.  Wish me luck!

  2. So, the post-Halloween trick-or-treater tally:

    • At least one kid dressed as an internet meme -- check
    • Multiple Elsas and Harley Quinns -- check
    • A whole family in themed costumes -- check
    • A hot mom in a borderline-inappropriate outfit -- checkity-doo
  3. Welp, I can say for a fact now that intubation sucks really mfing bad. Other than that my surgery went well and some tall dude nurse got to help me put my panties back on...wasn’t in my prime tho.

  4. So, the post-Halloween trick-or-treater tally:

    • At least one kid dressed as an internet meme -- check
    • Multiple Elsas and Harley Quinns -- check
    • A whole family in themed costumes -- check
    • A hot mom in a borderline-inappropriate outfit -- checkity-doo
  5. Only 74k left to go to meet my November goal!

  6. I absolutely cannot wait until I get this surgery done on my hands and am incapable of doing anything for myself! Said no one ever.

  7. I want my money back!  Third COVID shot so far, no super powers.  :(

  8. I want my money back!  Third COVID shot so far, no super powers.  :(

  9. So, is eating a rabbi considered Kosher?  (Asking for...a friend :) cause ‘tis the season for questions.)

  10. I had a very close relative die in the summer and it’s kind of broken me too, as self-centred as it sounds when they’re the one who died, but I gotta try and move on a bit. Hoping to catch up on reading soon, especially the new halloween story jam you’ve got going on.

  11. Went to a toy store to buy a birthday present for niece, paternal unit asked if there were any spiders there. Went to the grocery store, found plastic spiders and bought them for the paternal unit. He’s 69 years old and walking around with a plastic spider on his finger.

  12. Ye gods I need applicants where I work.  Arrrrghhh :bash:

  13. Last night, I was adding "heavy cream" to my grocery list, and the two words my phone suggested after "heavy" were "breasts" and "balls." Phone, you know me far too well.

  14. Not fiction, this happened in my house recently--

    It was a dark and stormy night, in a great big house.  Thunderclouds had swirled down from the north and were dumping the rain.

    On the phone I had just talked with Jenny--who, with our son, was out-of-state on their road trip to see a massive museum.

    I was in my recliner sitting quietly a moment because I was ready to go to bed.  The dark filled every room, all but disregarding a few puny battery-powered candles:  Left the only soul in the house, I was downshifting for sleep.

    Power briefly flashed out. The kitchen clock winked--otherwise I wouldn't have missed power, since I'd already had the lights out.

    But over the din of the pounding storm, I made out some grating noises and then--footfalls.  In our bedroom, over my head.

    In my mind I inventoried what had caused this big house to creak like that from time to time.  Creaking I could explain, yeah.

    But there were also the little dull impacts.

    Unmistakably, movement upstairs. It sounded exactly like Jenny getting out of bed and walking across the floor--a sound I knew well from repetition, having heard it here above my head-- sometimes every morning in a week--yes indeed: footfalls !

    But with Jenny in Ohio, then: who?

    The noise was, beyond my doubt now, a presence upstairs.  I froze to stone not wanting to be detected—trying to reassure myself thinking:  It’s the noise of the storm—that’s nothing upstairs  ! 

    And when would that Nothing--responsible for what almost was starting to sound like distant angry bangs and thumps--descend the stairs, coming this way?

    Starting to hear my heart in my ears, I mentally rejoined the presence by trying to reduce it to some mundane cause I knew--finding it nuts--

    Because nobody--especially in a pounding storm--breaks into the TOP floor, while rain slides off the roof and sheets down windows.

    Over the roar of the storm, I finally caught a distinctive sound: A plastic case, wheels on an axle jarring with an impact. 

    Our vacuum 'droid was loose.

    I'd been petrified by what I found to have been the noise of his slamming into furniture like a drunken bad actor who hadn't rehearsed his action scene.

    The power spike had jolted his dumb plastic butt right off the battery charger.

    And in the dark and fury of the storm, he was--


  15. Not fiction, this happened in my house recently--

    It was a dark and stormy night, in a great big house.  Thunderclouds had swirled down from the north and were dumping the rain.

    On the phone I had just talked with Jenny--who, with our son, was out-of-state on their road trip to see a massive museum.

    I was in my recliner sitting quietly a moment because I was ready to go to bed.  The dark filled every room, all but disregarding a few puny battery-powered candles:  Left the only soul in the house, I was downshifting for sleep.

    Power briefly flashed out. The kitchen clock winked--otherwise I wouldn't have missed power, since I'd already had the lights out.

    But over the din of the pounding storm, I made out some grating noises and then--footfalls.  In our bedroom, over my head.

    In my mind I inventoried what had caused this big house to creak like that from time to time.  Creaking I could explain, yeah.

    But there were also the little dull impacts.

    Unmistakably, movement upstairs. It sounded exactly like Jenny getting out of bed and walking across the floor--a sound I knew well from repetition, having heard it here above my head-- sometimes every morning in a week--yes indeed: footfalls !

    But with Jenny in Ohio, then: who?

    The noise was, beyond my doubt now, a presence upstairs.  I froze to stone not wanting to be detected—trying to reassure myself thinking:  It’s the noise of the storm—that’s nothing upstairs  ! 

    And when would that Nothing--responsible for what almost was starting to sound like distant angry bangs and thumps--descend the stairs, coming this way?

    Starting to hear my heart in my ears, I mentally rejoined the presence by trying to reduce it to some mundane cause I knew--finding it nuts--

    Because nobody--especially in a pounding storm--breaks into the TOP floor, while rain slides off the roof and sheets down windows.

    Over the roar of the storm, I finally caught a distinctive sound: A plastic case, wheels on an axle jarring with an impact. 

    Our vacuum 'droid was loose.

    I'd been petrified by what I found to have been the noise of his slamming into furniture like a drunken bad actor who hadn't rehearsed his action scene.

    The power spike had jolted his dumb plastic butt right off the battery charger.

    And in the dark and fury of the storm, he was--


  16. Not fiction, this happened in my house recently--

    It was a dark and stormy night, in a great big house.  Thunderclouds had swirled down from the north and were dumping the rain.

    On the phone I had just talked with Jenny--who, with our son, was out-of-state on their road trip to see a massive museum.

    I was in my recliner sitting quietly a moment because I was ready to go to bed.  The dark filled every room, all but disregarding a few puny battery-powered candles:  Left the only soul in the house, I was downshifting for sleep.

    Power briefly flashed out. The kitchen clock winked--otherwise I wouldn't have missed power, since I'd already had the lights out.

    But over the din of the pounding storm, I made out some grating noises and then--footfalls.  In our bedroom, over my head.

    In my mind I inventoried what had caused this big house to creak like that from time to time.  Creaking I could explain, yeah.

    But there were also the little dull impacts.

    Unmistakably, movement upstairs. It sounded exactly like Jenny getting out of bed and walking across the floor--a sound I knew well from repetition, having heard it here above my head-- sometimes every morning in a week--yes indeed: footfalls !

    But with Jenny in Ohio, then: who?

    The noise was, beyond my doubt now, a presence upstairs.  I froze to stone not wanting to be detected—trying to reassure myself thinking:  It’s the noise of the storm—that’s nothing upstairs  ! 

    And when would that Nothing--responsible for what almost was starting to sound like distant angry bangs and thumps--descend the stairs, coming this way?

    Starting to hear my heart in my ears, I mentally rejoined the presence by trying to reduce it to some mundane cause I knew--finding it nuts--

    Because nobody--especially in a pounding storm--breaks into the TOP floor, while rain slides off the roof and sheets down windows.

    Over the roar of the storm, I finally caught a distinctive sound: A plastic case, wheels on an axle jarring with an impact. 

    Our vacuum 'droid was loose.

    I'd been petrified by what I found to have been the noise of his slamming into furniture like a drunken bad actor who hadn't rehearsed his action scene.

    The power spike had jolted his dumb plastic butt right off the battery charger.

    And in the dark and fury of the storm, he was--


  17. Oh no !  I think I've joined one of those companies where they'll expect me to like--DO STUFF for that wage.

    That must mean I didn't make the c-suite.

  18. Tis the season to eat a bulb of garlic every day to keep the vampires at bay.

  19. Tis the season to eat a bulb of garlic every day to keep the vampires at bay.

  20. Oh no !  I think I've joined one of those companies where they'll expect me to like--DO STUFF for that wage.

    That must mean I didn't make the c-suite.

  21. Oh no !  I think I've joined one of those companies where they'll expect me to like--DO STUFF for that wage.

    That must mean I didn't make the c-suite.

  22. In an hour here I report to work, first day new job--maybe I'm a tad tense.  Mind going a hundred miles an hour.  Random story chosen to channel my energy--

    So in Austin I was a college kid walking the nude beach (yup, literally miles of beach in the heart of Texas.  Hippie Hollow).  I was passing a cluster of camped-out folks.

    Some bubba in a power boat zoomed closer for a look--and his engine stalled--with him drifting broadside fast toward our promontory.  He could get beached, or his hull could take an unforgiving poke from the terrain.

    Guess what made me grin at this memory is--awww, all us naked people scrambled to the edge of the knee-high cliff to help, humanly buffering the gap and giving a shove so he wouldn't end up with his favorite toy scuffed.  

    Well, he'd wanted a look !

  23. Fasting turns me into a fucking Tinkerbell! I only have space for one emotion at a time, and it’s amplified tenfold because my body wants food!

  24. Tuna juice over canned cat food, cat’s now happy :)

  25. Fasting turns me into a fucking Tinkerbell! I only have space for one emotion at a time, and it’s amplified tenfold because my body wants food!

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