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Everything posted by pippychick

  1. I am building a small solar-powered toy robot. 

    At this point, I’m assuming the “educational” aspect of this toy for children is the eighty page assembly booklet, in Chinese.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GeorgeGlass


      Well, they say one in six children born is Chinese. Any chance your kid is one of them? :)

    3. pippychick



      Well, they say one in six children born is Chinese. Any chance your kid is one of them? :)

      I have no children, for which I am genuinely grateful.

      My love of cute little toys and things to build is well known amongst my friends, however… *g*

    4. GeorgeGlass


      Hey, I don’t judge. *goes back to watching DisneyXD*

  2. Now, more than ever, we need to establish that AFF writers’ commune/Guild HQ/Union somewhere that won’t see any action. Then, in years to come, documentaries will be made about the written pornography that was circulated during WWIII. Which not only lifted spirits, but also caused a crucial delay in the activation of nuclear strikes, since the soldier with the job was waiting for just one more chapter, hereby averting total catastrophe and saving the world for future generations to slowly rebuild and enjoy.
  3. Write something I can get paid for. Find a future that doesn’t involve street homelessness. Go to the local Labour party meeting and use the ‘thirty minute topic’ to explain to the right-wingers why they’re all twats. Watch the slowly approaching Brexit/War in Europe/US Presidency with a sense of creeping horror. Just the usual, really.
  4. 2016, how I hate you. Several days ago, we were watching a modern take on A Christmas Carol, and checked to make sure Liz Smith was still alive as she has been in three versions of that story. Today, when I was showing my mother how to use the voice activated google search on her phone, she asked it first about Liz Smith, since we already knew she was all right (or so we thought).

    RIP Liz Smith, who died on Christmas Eve. :(

    Seriously, I can’t even… *sighs*

    1. BronxWench


      I want to curl up somewhere and pretend 2016 never happened. Seriously. :(

    2. pippychick


      I was only checking on her because I wondered why she’d never been made a Dame or something like Judi Dench. I wondered if she’d refused it (because I always respect those people). No chance of that now. So sad.

    3. Melrick


      She was a good actress.  I used to enjoy watching her in The Vicar of Dibley. 

  5. And RIP Richard Adams, author of Watership Down. :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BronxWench


      I’m heartsore, and so tired of the never-ending stream of sad news. :(

    3. Melrick


      The only positive about Richard is that he was 96, so at least he was able to live a long life, unlike pretty much everybody else that’s died this year.

    4. DirtyAngel
  6. Oh, I still like that he’s bisexual, even if there’s no explicit content in it. Pastor Mark and Imam Ozer are reminding me of that new advert for Amazon, lol. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ouu6LGGIWsc I should tell you, though, I noticed that the link in your Promote thread leads to a different story.
  7. COUPLE OF KIDS LAST WEEK AT WORK: We’ve never heard of BlackAdder. What is it?


    KID AT WORK TODAY: I didn’t know who George Michael was until I saw the news this morning.


    Clearly, these kids live on a different planet to the one I inhabit.

    1. Melrick
    2. BronxWench


      We’ve been doomed for a while. It’s horrifying how little they know.

      ::wanders off to pet collection of Blackadder dvds::

    3. GeorgeGlass


      Exactly what the previous generation said about us. :)

  8. I’m using Libre Office and Google docs for writing collaborations. Libre office works just fine for me. If you want all the functions of word, it has them, it’s just a case of finding your way around. Though Google Docs doesn’t have as many useful bits and pieces, it’s got a big advantage in that your work is stored for you. You can’t lose your work.
  9. For anyone in the uk who’s seen the John Lewis ad this year… take a look at this boxer dog… sweet!
  10. Ah… *blushes* I am glad you like it – thank you I used to write a lot of these birthday things, then fell out of the habit for some reason. I had originally planned to have Erestor notice guards lingering about Glorfindel’s door (especially after the way he torments Gildor), but this seemed to fit better. I also had what amounted to a couple of hours, with distraction, so I’m sorry if it seems bare and that there’s no NC-17 content. But I’d imagine Erestor wouldn’t have been interested in the twins at five hundred… even though they aren’t children, they would seem so to him. But, that aside, I hope you had as good a day as possible, and that you feel better soon. If not, you’ll have to have two Christmas’s as well as two birthdays, and we’ll all have to start calling you Ma’am, or Liz
  11. Food shopping commenced at 0700 hours. Food shopping completed at 0900 hours.

    A dog ate my mince pies while I was putting the shopping away.

    *tries to wrap things*



    Status at 1100 hours: Panic.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. pippychick


      Yes… unfortunately, I have never been the kind of person who knows where their towel is. And I should… I went to church today, and the vicar was kind of hot with his intense scrutiny, which means I’m probably going straight to Hell. A towel would definitely come in useful there.

      Thank God there’s no God.

    3. BronxWench


      There is something intrinsically unfair about hot vicars. On the other hand, Hell has potential. :)


    4. JayDee


      “Hey come on Vicar, I’m already on my knees. Make with the come unto me already.”

  12. And again, thank you so much, Bronx! Lol… that has sat there a long time, and though it’s changed a few times, eventually I just had to leave it in. And of course, now I’ve left it in, it will have to be used I’m sure Elrohir will enjoy it very much. Yes, I think Erestor is very glad to hear them talk together like that too. He has no wish to really hurt them in such a way, only dominate them utterly You are not the only one who is curious about Glorfindel – I am not quite sure myself how it is going to play out. What I do know is that quite soon (probably a few weeks), Erestor is going to receive communication from Galion, whereupon he will leave the twins in Glorfindel’s “care” so I think there will need to be some kind of fun and games before then. He’s being very gentle with Glorfindel, and I’m not sure if Glorfindel even realises it. If he did, I think this Glorfindel would back away fast, so it might require some deviousness on Erestor’s part. And I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again: Happy Christmas and all of my best wishes for the new year. To you and to all the family… and of course to a lucky cute little Corgi. *g*
  13. Thank you, Bronx! I hope you are feeling a little better today… I am so glad you like this chapter. As far as extremities go, this is probably the worst this story will see, so I’m glad it reads well. (I always do end up writing these whipping scenes, don’t I?) Erestor will soon leave now – his work is done, and he has been away from his own world for long enough that he’ll still be telling the twins off for playing up well into the next century… But for me, now is the point of this story, where Legolas gets to put all of these lessons to use, and we see how he and Thranduil will work together. It’s easy to write a story with a submissive Legolas, but I feel Thranduil really does need this amount of character development to get him there. I only hope I can do the rest of the story justice, and that I can emulate TAFKAB’s narrative voice well enough that it doesn’t jar.
  14. Thank you, Joyeuse! Your comments always make me smile… Oh, Elrohir… I believe he is bearing the brunt of the punishment, really. Perhaps because he is the one who hid his identity. But you are right, he is lovely, and I know Erestor thinks so too. I hope you enjoy the new chapter too! And have a wonderful christmas, Joyeuse, with all the good things. <3
  15. Thank you so much, Joyeuse! We are of a similar mind… I peronally love this chapter, and I’m glad you do too!
  16. Thank you, ILoveDexter! I am glad you’re enjoying it so much! Oh, you are right… poor Riki indeed. I suspect things will be different again in the next chapter. After all, Riki just woke up with a massive opiate hangover, and Iason put him off a bit with that trick. But it’s the calm before the storm, and if Iason thinks Riki is that easy he’s deluded. He’s going to have a desperate fight on his hands. After all, what has Riki got to lose in this situation? Not much, let’s be honest.
  17. Thank you so much, Bronx! Oh, you are quite right in your thinking – there are going to be some heavy chapters ahead. Iason’s belief in his own superiority is unshakeable. I’m afraid he considers Riki’s current rebellious state of existence to be unnatural, almost to the point of religious fervour. As for the things Riki will endure… it’s probably best not to think about them all at once. Of course there’ll also be a certain element of trial and error involved, after all, Iason has never done this before. But I expect him to learn quickly, like a machine, never repeating the same error twice. As for mercy, if Riki ever dares (or lowers himeself) to ask for it, it’ll be an erroneous concept to Iason, and he will be very willing to logically explain it to Riki in nice simple terms, including his wish for “freedom” which Iason considers utterly pointless. In his own weird way, he really believes he’s saving Riki from a wasted life. At the time of writing, I’m not sure how much this will conform to normal BDSM conventions. I don’t feel like Iason is going to approach Riki’s training in quite that way. The use of toys for punishment feels inefficient, though restraints are going to feature heavily, I think. We shall see! I really do enjoy writing Iason. His mind feels so clean and unfettered by the everday human detritus the rest of us have to deal with. Happy holidays to you too, Bronx!
  18. Chapter Six – Riki finds out exactly what he is. Oh, dear…
  19. Hey, ILoveDexter… you’ll be glad to know a chapter is on the way. More than likely by the end of the day. It’ll be a long one, currently it’s just over 3000 words.
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