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Everything posted by pippychick

  1. Advantages to online xmas shopping: Done in an hour, easy, get stuff for cheaper than out in town, get stuff you couldn’t get in town.

    Disadvantages: The delivery. I’m waiting for around thirty items, but today, if I’m lucky, the postman will deliver one or two of them at best. Also, I went back to bed at 8:15 am, then got an email at 8:26 which I didn’t read, advising me a driver would turn up between 9:25 and 10:25. Seriously!? I woke up at 9:45 to find an annoying card. They didn’t even manage to wake the dog up. They must have tiptoed to my door… *growls*

    Right now I officially hate Christmas. And I was doing so well this year. :(

    I can’t help imagining how much worse Scrooge would have become if he’d woken up on Christmas day morning to find cards from the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future saying: “We’re sorry we missed you!”

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. pippychick


      However stressful it ends up being, Christmas is always better with kids around :) They get excited and stuff.

    3. DemonGoddess


      Yes, and whether you have money, or don’t have money, it certainly makes it all worthwhile!

    4. pippychick


      My mother and I have an agreement – we don’t spend much. I am not about to compete with other people; that way madness lies. You don’t need money for christmas, you’re right – just loved ones :)

  2. That’s wonderful news… I’m so glad to hear it! Well, now I have to do it! When that day comes, I’ll take you to Betty’s for afternoon tea…
  3. I’m glad you like the idea, Bronx… these versions of Legolas and the twins will be so much fun to write together, with Erestor in the background, of course. I haven’t forgotten I owe you a tag – so sorry. I am getting on with it. I just had to take the dogs to the vets for the their claws cutting. Emma had another massive corn take off her pad too, bless her. *huggles dogs*
  4. Yay! Thank you so much, Bronx! *helps with fanning* Wow, I don’t know what to say. Thank you for your wonderful compliments! Oh, in the chapters to come, you might find yourself more jealous of Elladan, or even Erestor. That’s the wonderful thing about stories, and about writing them – the opportunity to temporarily be in the place of each character, seeing events from each participant’s point of view. At least for me that’s the case. And the wider the contrast between characters, the more I like it. Erestor is patient and vicious, just as he claims. He has something in mind to make the twins repent of their deception, wherein they will each envy the other and wish to exchange places. That is vicious, and patient, and rather cruel, I might add. But fun. As to the cost, the twins might take some time before realising the price they’re being made to pay… Erestor is quickly becoming devoted to them, in his own way. But as cruel as he is, he does not mean them harm. He has a lot to teach them, really. I’m glad you’re enjoying it, Bronx. Of course, you’ll have noticed Legolas’ stray thought in Prince in Training about one day coming to Imladris to study… I wonder what the twins would make of him once Erestor has them firmly under his thumb? I wonder if they’d ever realise Erestor has fully trained him in the kind of things they go to Erestor for? Somehow, I think not... lol Thank you again (can’t say that enough)
  5. Thank you so much, Bronx! Well… I tend to think Legolas has been dreaming about this in some part of himself since Thranduil hinted at it to him, before he even understood the first thing about what it meant. It’s a genuine compliment to hear how feelings are changing towards Erestor. It means we kind of got his character quite three-dimensional, and that’s good! Thank you! Although of course, the actual relationship between Thranduil and Erestor has been over for a long time now. So long that really, it’s deep love and friendship, but perhaps without as much passion as there was before fate intruded upon them. *nods* Yes, Legolas is learning that Thranduil desires much more extreme domination than Legolas himself. It’s good that he has Erestor to guide him. Thank you for being such a wonderful reader and reviewer
  6. Last month, a part of my filling fell out. I say fell, I was actually reliving my childhood with a surplus halloween Drumstick lollipop. Today, my appointment at the dentist came up. Thankfully, they didn’t need to do anything painful. They just removed my temporary filling, cleaned it and redid it. I feel like I just got a get out jail free card while on death row. Also, my dental hygeine is great and they don’t need to see me ever again (or for twelve months, which is much the same thing). 

    Excuse me while I slump into a relaxed pile of vaguely human shaped happiness. Then I will update stuff. :) 

    I will also think twice from now on before reliving my childhood with chewy sweet things.

  7. And more thanks to you, Joyeuse! Ahh… you are having exactly the feelings for Erestor as we intended. This phase won’t last forever. The twins will own up soon.. then what will he be like? He can’t allow their deception to go unpunished…. I’m glad you are still reading this one too. It’s my personal favourite of the two. I love the twins so much, and I will continue the evil plans we had for them in full. Elrohir will not be pleased about that, I can tell you.. *smirks*
  8. Thank you very much, Joyeuse! I am glad you are still enjoying the story despite the long leave of absence. Legolas’ education is about to begin in earnest. I hope you’ll have fun reading the rest!
  9. I’ve been trying to write Elrond/Celebrian all day, despite frequent interruptions, and I have to say, while she is a dreadful tease, he can really tie her in knots with words when he puts his mind to it… Surprised me when I started noticing it, but then I suppose it makes sense, him being such a diplomat and all.

    Yes, this means I am writing heterosexual romance… hold the press.

    It also means I have broken into your box and eaten your chocolates, CL… I was writing het, I was desperate. I will get you some more ;)


  10. Now that I’ve gotten over my childishness earlier, on this Thanksgiving day, I am toying with the idea of writing a comedy/horror story where the ranks of the ghosts of the working class, past and present, conspire to terrorise their enemies. Wherein the first idiot to say: “Yeah, but they’ve got a widescreen tv to watch Jeremy Kyle on!” will be decapitated by a horrifically angry child in rags. Where London’s biggest Waitrose branch becomes a food bank. And every beautiful old building we’ve got that’s been converted into a luxury anything is immediately reclaimed as a public library/art gallery/place to hang out.   

    Those hiding in the Ritz and Harrods will find themselves in a converted factory, on an production line where they have to sort stones from pebbles as piecework. Forever. The first of them to say: “I’ve worked hard for what I’ve got.” will lose a limb, teaching them a valuable lesson about what they’ve actually got, and how little it relates to imaginary work that they’ve never had to do. Until now.

    1. BronxWench


      :hug: I adore you, do you know that?

  11. Anyone ever have those days where you think:

    “What is the actual point?”

    And then have to go back to bed before you start hitting the delete button all over the place?


    I can never work when I feel like this. Although if I could only harness it… the sensation of being almost completely invisible while screaming into the endless void would surely come in useful for writing Maglor.

    *tries to tempt brain into creativity*

    Nope… :(

    *goes back to bed*

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BronxWench


      Yes, the daft one is working today as well. And tomorrow. And Saturday. Universities don’t close campuses. On the other hand, he’s going to make a ridiculous amount of overtime, which is always good.

    3. DemonGoddess


      Good thing about working holidays is holiday pay!

    4. pippychick


      Ah… overtime. I remember it well. Back when we had good factory jobs and a decent industrial strategy. And a nice strong union. I was happy to work sixteen hour days then. Eight on production, eight on cleaning. My wages were immense. *sighs*

      Mr xxxxx used to walk the factory floor, and everyone used to like him. Then big business bought the company so it was no longer family run. It was crap after that. For all two thousand of us. :(

  12. Thank you for all of these words you’ve left for me this evening! You’re amazing! Both of the twins have greatly underestimated Erestor… they’ll soon find out just how much Their deception is shortly to come to an end. They’re realising they cannot keep it up. Then the fun can really start (as Erestor sees it). He, erm, has several rather wicked things in mind, as you might be able to imagine. He’s been a mere teacher in Prince in Training, but here he will be let loose. If this is one of your favourites, then I shall make certain it gets regular updates. You’re so wonderful, Bronx
  13. Thank you so much, Bronx! <3 Aww… poor Erestor, yes, but don’t forget he has two beautiful, submissive sons of Elrond awaiting him back in Imladris. The Gods only know what they’re putting poor Glorfindel through. We actuallly commissioned some lovely artwork for this, which will make an appearance soon. I talked to TAFKAB a while ago, and she said if I felt inspired, I should write on these stories. At this point, I am not sure she will be back to finish them, and if that proves to be the case, I will finish them myself. I wanted to write something that was entirely Thranduil and Legolas. If I finish these, I intend to continue in this universe with a Legolas/Elladan/Elrohir story.
  14. Somehow I missed this one – so sorry about that, but thank you so much! I’m glad you are enjoying it, niremi!
  15. Thank you, Bronx! Thank you so much for these compliements. While contemplating writing this, I was thinking that Iason’s body wasn’t built to feel pleasure, or experience orgasm. Rather, the genials Iason has been provided with by Jupiter are described in canon as those of “the most advanced sex android.” I’d imagine he has the ability to simulate orgasm, and enough sensors to adjust his performance. But then I realised that all the magic really happens in the brain, and it occurred to me that the brain is powerful enough to make use of what it is given, even if that is a simulated android body with sophisticated input sensors. To paraphrase Jeff Goldblum’s character in Jurassic Park: “The brain will find a way.” You are right about Iason’s cruelty too. He’s spent all of his life in this world where each fulfils his own role. Riki is the first and only exception to that, and it has him intrigued. Something has changed in Iason, but I’m not all that positive it’s for the better either. For what it’s worth, as I’m writing him now, he still feels highly analytical. I am not at all certain that is good news. I could really ramble about this all day. The only way I’ll find out for sure is to write it, lol.
  16. Thank you so much, Bronx! The more I play with these two, the more I find that observing them is a love/hate thing. They’re currently being incredibly cruel to Luthien in libre office. And I agree completely, Glorfindel is in a completely different class to them… a better one. I’m glad you’re still enjoying the story. I can just imagine these two becoming quite obsessed with each other, while continuing to play tricks on each other all along, which will make them more ready to excuse their deeds. They’ve done some really terrible things, and the trick in this is to show all of that, as dark as it is, while still having them as adversaries of Morgoth. You’re awesome!
  17. I appear to be the only one posting lately in the ‘Promote A Story’ thread… weird… *sets to work on The Teacher*

  18. Frankie Boyle. Please don’t ever stop. :lol:


    Trump alienated the Republican base. There are Republican politicians who didn't vote for him. Those are some of the worst people in the world. How can you lose them? There are people who didn't vote for Trump who would have voted for Magneto.




    He said a lot of mad, racist and sexist stuff – stuff that would have got you fired from any other job. Just imagine, you get called in by your HR and they go:

    “We're sorry, Larry. You've said a lot of mad, racist and sexist stuff. You can't stack timber anymore. The only job you're now qualified for is President of the United States of America.”



  19. Thank you, ILoveDexter! I’m glad you had fun with those two chapters.
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