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Everything posted by pippychick

  1. Thank you, Argleena! I’m glad you’re enjoying it – more to come soon. Heh… I’m doing a pretty good job of not giving anything away on this one. I’m quite proud of myself.
  2. It’s definitely Christmas now…

    *sings along to ‘A Spaceman Came Travelling’*

    You can sing this even if you’re an atheist.

  3. Thank you so much, Bronx! Haha, Elrohir is a handful alright! Luckily for him, Erestor has very capable hands, and lots of firm guidance at the ready. I am quite sure he’ll get exactly what he needs, once Erestor has finished with this first little lesson about the twins and their capacity (or not) for being “interchangeable”… I actually don’t feel as though Erestor has a favourite. I think he intends to appreciate their differences, despite their identical physical appearance. Elladan is a lot more serious about this adventure than Elrohir. He knows Erestor has something quite out of the ordinary to offer; something that runs much deeper than a little playtime. Elrohir will observe Elladan soon, and at this point I am not sure what his reaction will be. Will he seek to protect Elladan, and therefore court Erestor’s displeasure? Hmm… it might be a good thing if Elladan assures his brother of his consent in advance. I am glad you’re enjoying it! This really is one of my favourite stories to write at the moment. Though it is some time off yet, I really can’t wait to let the two stories merge a little, and show the letters Erestor is receiving from Glorfindel and the twins while he is in Eryn Galen. They are going to be hilarious!
  4. Thank you, Bronx! Ah, Legolas… he has learned his lessons well. And Boromir, almost completely clueless, lol… he did earn that – you are right! But Legolas is kind, and forgiving to a fault… I think it’s hardwired into him, because nothing he endures anywhere seems to kill it off. As much as Erestor is enjoying himself, I think he will soon long to be away. His twins are currently tormenting the life out of Glorfindel somewhere in Imladris, running wild! I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter. I really love this one myself, because it really does show how far things have come.
  5. Thank you so much, Bronx! Well… all will become clear later! As for what comes next… Legolas cannot hide anything for long, not from Thranduil. This Thranduil is a lot more predatory than the other versions I write. And of course, the dreams are going to get more and more extreme… poor Legolas, though it’s his enjoyment of it all that will upset him the most, I think. *g*
  6. Lol… lucky Erestor! Indeed… thank you, pittwitch! I rather think Erestor is going to teach them a lesson, before their “real” lessons begin *giggles*
  7. My christmas gift shopping is now completely done! Down to a silly bobble hat for the dog, and a collar with bells on for the greyhound. Next week: Food, Glorious Food!


  8. Hi Argleena, and thank you! lol… I think it’s going to go exactly where Erestor wants it to, or else But I’m sure the twins will get a great deal out of it too.
  9. Thank you so much, Bronx! If Erestor’s plan works, they’ll both find this a trial. They’ll each want what the other is getting so much they’ll probably be drooling over each other. In Elrohir’s case, that point might come sooner. Elladan is really quite calm about it all. But I think you are right about Elrohir – seeing Elladan like that will affect him deeply. And I do believe Elladan will be willing to beg for Erestor to have him… poor sod. He isn’t going to get what he wants. Not yet, anyway. I’m so glad you enjoy this story! If I am honest, it is my favourite of the two. Dark!Erestor is kind of nice to write. *g*
  10. Thank you, Bronx! I am glad you like the new side to Legolas… I feel it makes him into a much more rounded character. Plus, it allows us to play with Thranduil, of course! Ha… nothing good for the man, that is true. Legolas might find himself suffering a bit of a flashback, lol, but this time Erestor is there too. And that is all the hinting I will do *g* You are such a fabulous reviewer – thank you for all the encouragement you give me!
  11. Right! Celegorm is coming across as the Noldo version of Nigel Farage… I’ll have Curufin take his mind off of it for a bit. Perhaps he will mellow a bit.
  12. Gifts wrapped this evening = 1

    Gifts waiting to be wrapped = [in the style of Edward Woodward in The Wicker Man]: Oh, Jesus Christ… Jesus…. Jesus Christ… [WAILS IN TERROR AND DESPAIR]

    Total Gifts wrapped = 1


  13. Thank you, Bronx! Oh, things will move along a little more speedily now, meaning I’ve no intention of showing Curufin’s eeny meeny miny moeing *g* Having said that, I don’t believe his chosen is going to find herself securing much of his attention once they are married. I suspect Curufin and Celegorm’s frequent trips to Caranthir for “hunting” are just a cover story. And while Curufin is going to be quite dismissive of his Sindarin wife, I think Celegorm’s temper will cool a little, since he’ll now have what he’s wanted for probably ages. That, and I think the upcoming real visit to Caranthir will kick him into touch a bit. They’re a fine pair, aren’t they? I don’t think any of the females they encounter are going to have much of a good time in this fic. But despite their canon cruelties, I feel as though the pursuance of their desire for each other is going to require a kind of fanaticism that will lead to real obsession. There isn’t a single one of us who can resist that kind of love, no matter who we are. Even if we were harsh and warlike Noldor elves from the First Age…
  14. I think all writers and artists feel this way from time to time, and I don't think it necessarily correlates with how many views and reviews, or how much validation you receive… Wait, hear me out I mean, I got this way the other day myself, even though I have a small handful of wonderful consistent reviewers whom I adore. Similarly, I've listened and comforted people feeling like this who have hundreds and hundreds of reviews for their work. Sometimes I wonder if Stephen King doesn't sit around in his house lamenting that people aren't responding very quickly to his latest novel, and if this means that all along he's been wasting his time. Then, like the rest of us, he wakes up and moves on from the feeling. When JK Rowling released “The Casual Vacancy” under a pseudonym to see how she'd be received, I knew she wasn't in earnest. If she was, she would have ventured into fanfiction for an obscure fandom, where she might have been completely ignored. Only an idiot would court this feeling. Writing is different to engaging in fandom, and different to networking or self-promotion. I really, truly think if Charles Dickens was reincarnated, and knew exactly who he was, and worked away at some Blake's Seven fanfic without engaging with anyone, no one would ever notice his work, no matter how concise and accurate a portrayal of societies’ ills it was. I've seen too many frankly amazing stories, well beyond the standard usually published as novels, where the author had just a small handful of reviews. Similarly, I've seen atrocities typed in text speak garner hundreds. It's a popularity contest in the main, just like everything else in life. Talent is often overlooked and disregarded. I have no idea what the answer is. The only advice I can give is to wait it out. You will stop feeling like this in a day, or a week, maybe even a few hours. Then you can happily go back to writing again. I know saying that doesn't help when the feeling is upon you. It feels completely awful, and I'm sorry to see it in anyone. Also, never write for reviewers, even if you're writing a request. Write for the characters, and you can't go far wrong. Reviews will come, sooner or later. Also… it’s worth noting that a couple of times people have indicated they were afraid to review me, like maybe I’d bite their head off or something, and I think that can be a factor too. Not all of us have english as a first language, and it takes a certain amount of confidence to show up on someone’s review board and actually give an opinion, especially if you don’t already know the author. Sorry… I don’t know if any of that rambling has helped. I hope so.
  15. I seem to have embarked upon cross stitching. If anyone would like a christmas card with a little cross stich picture on it of a robin, a snowflake, a reindeer or some such silliness, please pm me. :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. pippychick


      French knots were invented by Satan.

    3. Melrick


      Okay, I have my order.  I want a 6 foot by 6 foot dragon.  I want it red.

    4. pippychick


      I will replicate something in miniature… something like these:




  16. There is no mead in the mead shop. Not a single drop. Not until after Christmas, anyway. In desperation, I walked into the ASDA earlier to ask if they sold it. They’d obviously never heard the word before in their lives, and insisted on pronouncing it as: “Meeeeeed…?” That is what I call a wasted youth, and *waggles finger* it’s a sign of just what has gone wrong with this country since the time of King Arthur.

    Let’s make Britain great again. Let’s make mead! We could employ at least… ten people! And thousands and thousands of bees. That will give the bees work to do, and stop them from dying all over the place from worklessness. We have lots of bees, all doing nothing for most of the year. Hiding in their homes with the curtains drawn while the rest of us go out to work in the morning.

    We all know China is making cheap mead on the side, flooding the market with it. That was a fantastic day… but anyway! We will install a giant net over the UK, keeping our bees safe, and foreign bees out!


    Tip! To make this parody for yourself, mix equal parts Donald Trump and Iain Duncan Smith. Full recipe details can be found on any mainstream news outlet.


    Oh, but sadly I wasn't kidding about the mead :(

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Make those foreign bees pay for the net!

  17. 2016 is not done with us yet. Goodbye, Andrew Sachs, and thank you for making me laugh.

    “I know nothing!”

    1. DemonGoddess


      This year needs a do over.  Or something. <_<

    2. Melrick


      Yep, yet another sad loss.

    3. BronxWench


      Oh, my goodness, I know… it’s heartbreaking, how many we’ve lost this year.  

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