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Everything posted by GeorgeGlass

  1. Well, that IS kind of the point of them. Besides, this is meant to be as much an adventure story as erotica. Plenty more danger, drama, and gettin' it on ahead.
  2. And things have only just begun to go wrong! Glad you're enjoying it so far. As for character death...no comment. Thanks! When I decided to do a sequel, this seemed like the storyline that would most easily carry one.
  3. "There's a New Seraph in Town" won the People's Choice Award in the AUTUMN HARVEST contest on Hentai Foundry! Big thanks to Gabriel, whose review of this story gave me a lot of confidence in it.
  4. Thanks! Short and sweet was pretty much what I was aiming for. Well, that and fulfilling my pathetic fan-fantasy of those two finally getting together, for crying out loud. (Whenever they decide to end the series, I really hope Phineas wises up in the finale.)
  5. Thanks! Yes, after "Danville, We Have a Problem" is complete, next up is the Candace-centric "Tri-Date Area" (that's the working title, anyway), in which Candace attempts to kindle a 3-way romance with Jeremy and Stacy. Nothing strange about that at all! I would certainly consider a Candace/Linda thing if I could think of a way to make it happen, but as I told another reader who wrote to me on that very subject, I would have to have a really plausible explanation for it. I'm good with that rating. And with Candace and Stacy getting it on. Thanks! I realized that because Candace got her new body from the Thing-I-Want-inator, the only way she could get her own body back would be not to want the new one anymore, so she eventually had to discover that it carried some major disadvantages.
  6. I'm glad you like the way the new Phineas/Isabella dynamic is shaping up. I figured that, given that Phineas is utterly clueless about Isabella's attraction to him on the show, he'd probably be equally clueless about what to do in a relationship with her. Likewise, her frustration with his not noticing her romantically has translated into frustration with his total ignorance about dating, sex, and relationships. I had a feeling that someone would reference Gravity in reviewing this story. I haven't actually seen that movie (although I want to), so this story is not influenced by it at all.
  7. Should reviews appear, I'll respond to them here. (Hey, that rhymes.)
  8. Ouch! That's really rough. I've heard a couple of other stories like that, which is why I back up my "Fic" folder pretty regularly these days. Well, the twins HAD just showered, which might have helped some. In any case, thanks very much for reading and for the review.
  9. The general lack of both writers and artists for Phineas and Ferb. Even rarer are the ones who don't have some sort of obsessive fetish that consumes all of their fic or fanart.
  10. I didn't expect everyone to like that one. I actually wrote it years ago and posted it on InkBunny (and Thunderotica, a now-defunct Yahoo group). I ended up posting it here for a rather petty reason: I had posted an original story here ("There's a New Seraph in Town"), on which I had worked very hard to make it heartfelt and sweet and genuine, and it was getting very little attention. In fact, in the 10 weeks or so since I posted it, it has gotten fewer hits and far fewer reviews (one) than "Thunderkittens: Passion" got in its first four days. So I bet myself that even my nastiest fanfic would get more hits and reviews than my nice original piece, and sure enough, it did. Not everyone remembers that, as at least one reviewer has shown. And I'm glad you liked the story. The Cheetara/Tigra thing was just something I dashed off; it could just as easily have been Cheetara and Panthro. I figured, given how few ThunderCats were left and how lonely they might be in a romantic sense, Cheetara would probably have had a short-term dalliance with at least one of her same-age male counterparts. I never read the comics; I only watched the series (and not even all of the original--just the first few seasons, after which they stopped showing them in my area). But I don't think I would have liked that story direction, either.
  11. That's a valid criticism, and it jibes with an observation made by a reviewer on Hentai Foundry (where this story is also posted): that all of the stories I've written to date are about the characters getting together and having sex for the first time. He suggested that I try writing a sequel to one of my stories to explore how their relationships develop after that. I thought that was a great idea, so I'm doing in that the upcoming "Danville, We Have a Problem" (which is a sequel to "Truth or Dare 2.0"). What really makes it work is Vanessa. She's a much edgier character than most of the others, so including her in the story gave me a lot to work with. I don't have plans for a sequel to this one, mainly because I found this story very difficult to write (for an explanation, see my response to Jomahawk2694, above). But I'm glad you liked it overall.
  12. Thanks! The adult ThunderCats are, of course, very upset when they eventually find out what Kit and Kat have been up to, but they quickly realize that they have only themselves to blame, because each of them has been avoiding the responsibility of teaching the kids about sex. Kit and Kat also remind the adults that there are no other Thunderians their age, so what are they supposed to do when it comes to having a romantic relationship? Ultimately, the adults let them continue to explore their feelings for each other. You and me both.
  13. Thank you! That's exactly what I was trying for: to show the kids doing what they could manage to do on the basis of instinct alone, without even a decent "the birds and the bees" lecture for guidance. And yes, there will be more.
  14. Tell me how you really feel. Seriously, there will be more very shortly.
  15. They did have fur, actually--it was just rather short fur. If you watch the very first episode, there's a part at the beginning when you see them without clothing (their clothing is given to them by Jaga before they arrive at Third Earth). They don't look naked, though, so their fur is clearly covering all the bits. In any case, I'm glad you enjoyed the story. Glad you liked it. There is a second part, but it's pretty much all kittens. I'll get it posted soon.
  16. This response thread is for "Thunderkittens: Innocence" and its soon-to-be follow-up, "Thunderkittens: Need."
  17. There are plenty of sites that have nothing BUT furry stories and art. I post my furry stories on Inkbunny.net.
  18. I believe you're thinking of CONTACT, starring Jodie Foster.
  19. It's true. My first response to the "to find out why, come to us" message might well be, "They want to sell the nukes back to the highest bidder."
  20. Some people, fearing an invasion, would go survivalist and begin stockpiling guns and ammunition, building bomb shelters, etc. A smaller number of people would look to the aliens as potential saviors. Attendance at religious services would rise, both because of fear and because the appearance of intelligent extraterrestrial life would shake many people's worldview. Many people would be desperate to find any scrap of information about the aliens. Governments would do anything possible to get hold of alien technology. Fashion and design trends would emerge that would be inspired by the aliens' apparent aesthetic. That's all I can think of for the moment.
  21. Thank you. Not sucking is what I strive for. Seriously, I'm glad if you think I did justice to Ferb and Vanessa. Ferb is so below-the-surface and Vanessa is so hot and dark that they ended up being really fun to write--a big change of pace from Phineas and Isabella. Thank you! As for everyone else's dreams, well, a story about dreams has to leave a LITTLE mystery... I will confess that this story was harder by far to write than any of my P&F to date. I've always believed that rules and limits enhance a writer's creativity, but this story taught me that the opposite is also true--having NO rules or limits can be crippling. I had massive "option paralysis" trying to figure out what would happen in each chapter, because potentially, ANYTHING could happen in the dream world. It's like having an all-powerful genie give you ONE wish, and then spending weeks agonizing over what to wish for. So while I loved having all that freedom, I also found it to be weirdly stifling. Next up: Romance and disaster in space in "Danville, We Have a Problem"!
  22. Recently, they had the "Mission Marvel" episode of PHINEAS AND FERB because Disney now owns Marvel. But what if Disney had bought DC and had a P&F/YOUNG JUSTICE crossover instead?
  23. Thanks! I didn't want to have to pull a coitus interruptus on Phineas and Isabella to cut to Ferb and Vanessa, and I didn't want to write a chapter that was twice as long as the others, so I decided to let the couples have their own chapters just this once.
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