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Everything posted by GeorgeGlass

  1. Hey, weird is what Gravity Falls is all about. Glad you like the story!
  2. One idea (borrowed from the Hollywood playbook) would be to follow the smaller party for a little while and then cliffhang them (ie, leave them in a dangerous situation that there’s a good chance they won’t survive). Then, when they pop up later, it will be a surprise, but not a deus-ex-level surprise.
  3. From DebbieCync on August 07, 2018 Encore! *holds up lighter* Thank you! I can’t take a bow yet, though; there’s still one chapter to go.
  4. Thanks! When I write in first person, it’s usually because I want to show something interesting going on in the main character’s head—in this case, the dad’s unusual libido. Hope you’ll enjoy it. It may not be soon, though, because I’ve got a lot of other stories in progress. Hopefully you’ll like some of those, too.
  5. Thank you! Thanks, Dan! There’s just one chapter to go; hope you’ll find it satisfying.
  6. I’ve been crazy productive in the past couple of days. As a result, some news: --Chapter 2 of “Little Rose” is now posted! Rose is feeling better but still needs some help bathing, so she and daddy have some fun in the tub. --Chapter 2 of “The More, the Merrier” went off to beta yesterday. It’s a pretty long chapter (over 5,700 words), so it could be a little while before it comes back. I also made decent progress on a couple of original one-shot stories. One of them, which is close to completion, is called “The Happiest Place.” It’s about a creative meeting at a Disney-like company in another world where “children’s entertainment” has a whole other side to it. There will be one more chapter. We still have the swimsuit and talent competitions ahead of us—not to mention the crowning of the winner.
  7. Not going to happen in this story, I’m afraid. But have you read “Whoops”?
  8. Thanks for the plug for “Pony Dearest”! More importantly, I’m proud of you for going back to fix “Twinpregnation”’s overpopulation problem. When two or more reviewers point out the same issue, that tends to suggest that it’s worth addressing, and it’s awesome that you are that responsive to feedback.
  9. Chapter 5 of “The Miss Cutie Patootie Pageant” is posted! Next up, chapter 2 of “The More, the Merrier.” This story just got it’s first review, so I have created a review reply thread for it.
  10. This is where I’ll post replies to any reviews of my Phineas and Ferb story, “The More, the Merrier” (sequel to “Hot Yoga”). The orgy of B-list characters continues! More is coming soon! I hope to have chapter 2 off to beta this week.
  11. Re: “Auntie’s Home” Wow. That blows my mind, considering that I have NINETY stories posted. You must be a voracious reader! And, of course, I am deeply flattered. I will have to check out fanfiction360’s work. Thank you for reading and the comment, and I will indeed continue!
  12. I’m pleased to say that chapter 5 of “The Miss Cutie Patootie Pageant” has just flown off to Betaland. I also made good progress on chapter 2 of “The More, the Merrier” tonight. This is going to be a long chapter—probably 5000 words or so. All of the remaining chapters will probably be about that long. I made the decision to change the “Hot Yoga” formula slightly, in that the perspective-shifts are not quite as frequent. More time is spent with each pair or trio of characters before we move on to the next. I think this will add to the erotic intensity of the story. BTW, for anyone looking for a hot incest story, I recommend JayDee’s “Twinpregnation.” Hot incest sex and romance, with girl-twin getting knocked up...it checks a lot of my boxes. Oh, and SWP1...you’ll just have to wait and see.
  13. Re: “Impulse” Re: “Excuses” Thanks for commenting on these two stories. I’m glad you liked them. These two stories are somewhat different from all of the others I’ve written; whereas most stories take me months or years to write, the bulk of each of these was written in a day. In both cases, I just started writing compulsively and couldn’t stop until I was finished. I haven’t had that happen since, but I suppose you never know when the muse will body-slam you next.
  14. What happens when I make my grocery list in Google Docs on my phone:
    I start typing “bread”; phone suggests “breasts.”
    I start typing “half-and-half”; phone suggests “half-assed.”

    Have I mentioned that no one should ever borrow my phone?

    1. FairySlayer


      Yikes! I hope you keep it locked, but if someone was looking over your shoulder you could just blame it on Facebook ads or something.

      My problem is that while most people worry about their web history, I’m always terrified someone will get hold of my custom spelling dictionary. The horror!

    2. BronxWench


      I’m planning on borrowing George’s phone every chance I get. :lol:

    3. CloverReef


      Jeez, I’m lucky I don’t write on my phone. Just a lot of F bombs and the word Peen. They’ll probably just think this phone belongs to a 13 year old boy. 

  15. It sounds like you have a pet that is very sick or has died. If so, I’m very sorry. I have four cats, and I love them all. They are quirky, goofy, irritating, wonderful creatures, and I will remember them all (and miss them terribly) when they’re gone.
  16. I guess I should ‘splain my motivation for starting this thread. I’m working on turning my story “Eddie Forever” into a legitimate novel, and at one point, the MCs hear a song by the villain (who moonlights as a hip-hop artist) on the radio, which helps them figure out who the villain is. Because the hero and villain only interact a few times during the story, I thought it might be useful to actually write and include the lyrics to “Burn It Down” as a way of giving the reader a little more insight into what’s going on in the villain’s head. But I don’t want to do that if it’s just going to end up being a mental speed bump for readers. I wrote a couple of original songs for my Loud House fic “The Miss Cutie Patootie Pageant,” and a couple of people mentioned liking them, so I feel like maybe it can work. Or maybe there were a hundred other readers who didn’t like the songs at all but didn’t want to say so.
  17. Yesterday, I had another one of those decision-paralysis moments in which I couldn’t decide which story to work on, so I decided to do another cycle through them all. That usually takes me at least a couple of days, but I’m nearly through the list now. The next thing I’ll finish will probably be the penultimate chapter of “The Miss Cutie Patootie Pageant.” The next chapters of “The More, the Merrier” and “Little Rose” are likely to follow. Howdy. My weekend was uneventful, but that was fine; I really needed to relax. And yours?
  18. So I recently read Patrick Rothfuss’ The Name of the Wind, and I noticed that although the main character is a bard (among other things), there aren’t any song lyrics in the book. The author sometimes describes what the songs are about, but we never see the actual words. That got me thinking: Is it a good idea or a bad idea to write song lyrics for a fic? Unless it’s a “sung to the tune” of kind of song,* the reader won’t know how the melody goes. But maybe readers will make up their own; I don’t know. Thoughts? *Or, in the case of the Hogwarts school song, a “pick any tune you want” song
  19. This sounds like something I might like. Will you give us a heads-up when it’s posted?
  20. Oh, yes, Dr. Hirano definitely chose those tight yoga pants to be appealing as well as functional.
  21. Re: “Mia: Confessions of a Dickgirl” Glad you’re liking it.
  22. I initially filled in the chart with what each character was wearing in “Hot Yoga,” just to give myself a place to start with regard to their wardrobe choices. Then I looked at the Phineas and Ferb Wiki to see what Pedro and Sally wear. (Being typical cartoon characters, they always wear the same outfit.) Roger always wears a suit on the show, but he wouldn't wear that to “yoga class,” so I just made up an appropriate outfit for him. Clothing is a little bit important in this story because it shows how the situation has evolved since the events of “Hot Yoga.” In that story, everyone was dressed for an exercise class; they didn't know it was going to turn into an orgy. This time, in contrast, everyone knows what they're getting into (except maybe Sally and Pedro), so although they are still dressed for the exercise class that everyone else in their lives thinks they are going to, what they have on underneath may not be merely jockeys and sports bras.
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