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Everything posted by GeorgeGlass

  1. Thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed the alternate ending. I should be more open-minded about dark endings. They’re fun to write.
  2. Glad you’re liking it. At this point, I’m planning to write 3 more chapters for “Auntie’s Home.”
  3. Re: “Auntie’s Home” Well, that’s not ALL that’s left...
  4. Reply to Star wars player 1’s review: Thank you! On the show, Melanie is generally portrayed as a bored office drone, and I thought it would be fun to write about what might lie beneath that blasé exterior. Then I decided that in her heart of hearts, she's into young boys (and, to a lesser extent, teenage girls), and that Jenny's special incense was going to set those impulses loose in a big way. I hadn't used shifting perspectives much before then, so I thought that would be fun to try. Also, it would enable me to better describe what the characters were experiencing. Thanks! Part of why I chose Dr. Hirano to include in the story was because of my "mother's duty" fetish (ie, I'm into moms who teach their kids first-hand about sex). She has a sultry voice (courtesy of Ming-Na Wen, who voices her), and I could easily imagine her using that voice to instruct her daughters and Coltrane in the finer points of lovemaking. And I wanted Coltrane to have a role because we don't see much of him on the show even though he is ostensibly Stacy's boyfriend. Yeah, I'm into that too. I don't have plans to continue with that, but there's a forthcoming scene in "Auntie's Home" that that brief scene with Dr. Hirano and Baljeet inspired. Yes, we'll get a good look at the evolution of that four-way relationship in this story. I figured, this is the girl who went on a "Save the pigeons" campaign, so she's got to be an animal lover. Plus, she's a total granola with lots of far-out ideas, so it's pretty easy to take her in crazy directions sexually. You too! And thanks for the review.
  5. SWP1, because this is a review of “Hot Yoga,” I’m going to respond to it in my review-reply thread for that story here.
  6. My streak of productivity continues: I just posted chapter 4 of “Auntie’s Home.” What is more, I’m making good progress tonight on the next chapter of “The Miss Cutie Patootie Pageant,” so I expect to have that off to beta in the next few days. Made a bit of progress on “The More, the Merrier,” too. I’m having a lot of fun with Adyson and Gretchen in this story; in chapter 2, they’re going to do something that may or may not be physically possible. But, you know, they’re cartoons, so physiological correctness be damned.
  7. I just saw a quote from fantasy writer Scott Lynch that made me think of “The Man in the Tree”: “Elegant worldbuilding is the act of using little things to invite big inferences. When you tell us that a woman in a fictional world has bought an apple from a vendor, you have also told us (if we care to make the inferences) about farmer, orchard, tree, and seed.”
  8. A forensic psychologist once told me about a psychopath (back when psychologists still used that term) he interviewed who was imprisoned for life after having been a hit man for the mob. The prisoner had no remorse about any of the murders he had committed, but he also argued that everyone he killed was someone the world was better off without (because they were all criminals from rival organizations). So even a person with no conscience may feel the need to justify their actions.
  9. Not at all. I'm happy to get any length of review from you, at any time. Oh, no, I've accidentally written a "journey of self-discovery" story, just like I inadvertently wrote a "coming of age" story with "Quiet." I might as well just move to Europe and make indie movies. Once you read chapter 10, I'll be interested to find out what twist you might have been expecting. Thank you, and you too!
  10. Re: “Mia: Confessions of a Dickgirl” Ah, you’re quite right. I hate having factual errors in my fics (inadvertent ones, anyway), so I went back and fixed this. Thanks. Thank you.
  11. Spent 45 minutes hanging out under a bridge today. Note to self: Check the friggin’ forecast before you decide to take your bike to work. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JayDee


      I literally clicked it for the billy goats and now I feel like I have been the victim of a troll!

      So that’s actually worked out ok. But, honestly, the next user along will be bigger and meatier than me and make a much better…

    3. FairySlayer


      Just be glad the Troll Trace guy wasn’t there for you. ;)

    4. GeorgeGlass


      As I was crouching under the bridge – where at least a little of the rain was still able to reach me – I thought, “If a billy goat comes along, I’m frickin’ eating it.”

  12. Re: “Mia: Confessions of a Dickgirl” Thank you, for that and for the beta! *blushes* These sex scenes were really fun to write, particularly the whole strategy of Mia seducing Lorraine without revealing what she's really got going on down there. So glad you enjoyed that. Thank you!
  13. My stress-writing continues to be productive. Last night, I posted chapter 1 of “Mia: Confessions of a Dickgirl” (beta-read by JayDee, who has my gratitude), and just now, I posted chapter 7 of “Country Summer.” I also expect to have chapter 4 of “Auntie's Home” ready for beta in the next day or two. I realized today that I now have nine incomplete multi-chapter stories in progress (not including the ones that don't have any posted chapters yet, most notably “Wishful,” which I'll be starting on soon). So I made a list of them and the date on which each story last had a new chapter posted. 4/18 Auntie’s Home 5/10 The Miss Cutie Patootie Pageant 5/17 Make It All Better 6/10 The More, the Merrier 6/16 Little Rose 6/18 Delta Delta Delta 7/02 Multiversity 7/11 Mia: Confessions of a Dickgirl 7/12 Country Summer So I'm going to be working on new chapters in roughly that order. (I say “roughly” because I'm always subject to the whims of inspiration or lack thereof.) I'll be adding “Wishful” to the rotation at some point, but I won't start posting any other new multi-chapter stories until at least a few of the ones on the list above are complete. Also: With the one-shot “Imaginary Tokyo” now completed, a new one-shot story has leaped out of the “ideas” file and onto the List of Twenty. Its working title is “Tension,” and it's about a single mom who gets sick and tired of her teenage son and daughter’s constant bickering. The mom realizes that her kids’ feud is the result of unresolved sexual tension between them, so she makes them *cough* resolve it. Finally: Indeed, SWP1, Gretchen will not be the only female who gets DPed in TMTM. There’s a reason why I added two more male characters to the ensemble.
  14. Whereas some people stress-eat, I stress-write. Between dealing with my parents’ deaths and some nasty stuff at work, the first thing I want to do when I get home is throw myself into my imaginary worlds. As a result, I’m finishing things left and right. I’ve just posted “Imaginary Tokyo” (in which a man describes his travels in a land where anime tropes come to life), and tomorrow I expect to post the first chapter of “Mia: Confessions of a Dickgirl.” And I think the next chapter of “Country Summer” will be ready very soon after that.
  15. Thanks so much, SWP1. Hope you’re having a good day, too. News: Both “Imaginary Tokyo” and chapter 1 of the story tentatively titled “Mia: Confessions of a Dickgirl” are now in beta. “Imaginary Tokyo” is mainly satirical comedy about anime, whereas “Mia” is porn with doses of character development.
  16. The ratio of dragon prints to reviews varies massively by author. At one extreme is BronxWench; for most of her stories, the number of dragon prints is in the hundreds or the low thousands, yet virtually all of them have multiple reviews. Just eyeballing it, I would guess that her average ratio of reviews to prints could be as high as 1 to 100. I’m at the other extreme. Most of my stories have print counts in the thousands or tens of thousands. But the absolute number of reviews is relatively low. Again just eyeballing it, I’d say that my average ratio of reviews is probably lower than 1 to 1000. I would also add that for those stories that I post on other sites as well as AFF, they tend get more reviews on sites with smaller readerships. So I have come to conclude that there is actually an inverse correlation between readership size and reviews. My theory is that when readers feel that they are just one of a great many, they are less inclined to leave a review because (1) they don’t feel that it will have much impact on the author and (2) they figure there are plenty of other readers who can leave reviews, so why should they bother? In contrast, readers who feel that they are part of a smaller readership may feel more of a connection with the author, or at least that they are not shouting into the void when they leave a review.
  17. My mom died this week. She had been on a downward spiral since my dad died a couple of months ago; she missed him terribly, and I think it was more than her limited mental resources (she had multi-infarct dementia) could handle. But she told me years ago that she had done everything really important that she wanted to do in her life, so whenever death came, she would be all right with it. Knowing that makes me all right with it, too.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BronxWench


      I am so very sorry, George. You are never truly prepared to lose a parent. :hug:

    3. GeorgeGlass
    4. Melrick


      Damn, I’m really sorry to hear that.

  18. As with most of the stories on the List of Twenty right now, progress on the next chapters of TMTM and “Little Rose” is slow but steady. Here’s what currently appears to be closest to being finished: --Chapter 7 of “Country Summer” --Chapter 3 of “Auntie’s Home” --”Imaginary Tokyo” --Chapter 1 of an as-yet untitled dickgirl story
  19. I’m glad. Writing an alternate ending was an interesting experience for me.
  20. I think you’ve just helped me realize why I have absolutely no fics outside of the Cartoon and Originals domains. Writing porn/erotica (which is mostly what I write) about real people is uncomfortable for me, and so is writing about characters played by real people.
  21. The alternate ending of “Splinter” is posted! I think readers who were hoping for something darker are going to like it. I certainly enjoyed writing it. Of course, as one story drops off the List of Twenty, a new one leaps on to take its place: “Wishful.” My friend Jomahawk, who has beta-read for me for years and has asked for very little in return, offered to commission me to write it, but because I don’t do commissions, I’m doing it as a thank-you.
  22. Nope, no minors in this story. This dickgirl likes ‘em fertile.
  23. Well, it took me 6 months to get past my mental logjam regarding “Multiversity,” but chapter 9 is finally posted! Thankfully, I think I’ve now got a pretty good handle on how the rest of the story is going to go, so I won’t need another half-year to get out the next chapter.
  24. Oh, you know there is. Dipper ain’t done with her yet.
  25. Re: “Pony Dearest” From JayDee on July 02, 2018 This was actually my first-ever futa story. Not the last, though; I've got another, multi-chapter story in the works about a (human) futa whose sex drive is such that she has had to build her life around finding women to fuck every day. *blushes* I don't really know anything about MLP except for what I see in porn drawings on Inkbunny. I believe it was one such drawing that inspired this story. Yes, wire hangers are about the last thing Mother wants Raema to have. I like the whole concept of cocksucking-as-nursing, so I had to work some "cockfeeding" in there as a follow-up to the regular breastfeeding. Thanks! I figured these details would really drive home the point that although Raema has a small amount of control over her situation, it's nowhere near enough for her to escape being her mother's perpetual breeding slave. It's the next big thing. I read that in Forbes. Yeah, the furry thing kind of takes the edge off. But it also creates endless biological possibilities. Thanks for the review!
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