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Everything posted by GeorgeGlass

  1. SWP1, thanks for the nice comments about “Dil-Drones.” I don’t have plans to add anything else to the story at this time. Oscar and Adele were my favorite characters, as they were really the only ones that I spent any time fleshing out (other than DelNet, although “fleshing” doesn’t seem quite appropriate for an AI ). So I’m glad you liked them.
  2. Re: “Curfew” I think this is one of those stories you mentioned that attracts readers, but not ones who necessarily want to identify themselves. I once read a story in which a woman had some kind of pear-shaped leather thing forced into her mouth that she couldn't get out without help, and that made me think of it. Thank you! And I really appreciate your taking the time to read and review this story and knock it off the "zero reviews" list.
  3. I think you’re right about this one having had reviews, because I vaguely remember reviewing it. I might have made some comparison between your version of Valerie and Foxy Brown. It’s actually a really fun little show, about a brother-sister team of professional adventurers. (One of its working titles was Dungeons and Dayjobs). It started life as an internet cartoon; you can find a bunch of the shorts on YouTube. Yeah, the distribution of effort was about the same in my case. Clearly, I need to spend some time on Reddit. I had to visit Wikipedia to figure out what that was about. And it’s not grammar Nazis; it’s actual Nazis. (88 is apparently used by some neo-Nazis as a code for “Heil Hitler,” because H is the 8th letter of the alphabet.) And JayDee, thanks so much for reviewing “Curfew”!
  4. Like JayDee, I have an awful lot of stories posted, so I’m just going to list the ones that have received no reviews. Fanfics: Cartoons > Phineas and Ferb > The More, the Merrier - Dragon Prints : 1800 I’ve only posted 1 chapter of this so far, and said chapter is pretty much all setup, so I’m not completely surprised that there are no reviews yet. Cartoons > Mighty Magiswords > The Princess Hire-ees - Dragon Prints : 683 I’m guessing that Mighty Magiswords doesn’t have anywhere near as large a fan base as the other fandoms in which I write. Cartoons > ThunderCats > Brides of Evil - Dragon Prints : 8317 I’ll be honest: This fic just isn’t very good. I co-wrote it with somebody on Inkbunny; our collaboration wasn’t a great experience for me and did not result in a great fic. Originals: Erotica > Het - Male/Female > Little Rose - Dragon Prints : 2750 This story is only 1 chapter in, so I’m not too surprised by the lack of reviews thus far. Erotica > Het - Male/Female > Curfew - Dragon Prints : 7106 Now this one’s lack of reviews surprises me. This story, about a young woman who is raped by a pack of specially trained dogs, was partly inspired by the popularity of one of my earlier stories, “Caitlyn’s Punishment,” which was about a woman whose sadistic husband forces her to have sex with a series of animals. (That story has 13 reviews, which is by far the most that any of my original stories have garnered.) Maybe the appeal of that “Caitlyn’s Punishment” had more to do with the sadistic husband than the animals, I don’t know. Erotica > General > Pony Dearest - Dragon Prints : 6120 I'm not totally surprised about this one. My furry stories don't tend to be big hits on AFF (unlike Inkbunny, which is exclusively for the furry crowd). What is more, although this is a story about anthropomorphic ponies, it's not an MLP story, so it may not appeal to a wide audience. Original - Misc > General > A Perfect Mismatch - Dragon Prints : 2661 Well, it turns out y’all did me a favor by inspiring me to make this list, because in doing so, I realize that I put this story in the wrong place: “Original – Misc” instead of “Erotica.” I have just moved it. In any case, this story is part of an anthology series titled "Tales from the Glory Wormhole." Although authors can post their stories anywhere, the “hub” for the story is located on Hentai Foundry, where people can read the intro to each story and then click a link to go to the story itself. So reviews get posted on HF and not AFF. Erotica > Het - Male/Female > Dear Hazel - Dragon Prints : 3750 This story takes the form of a letter written by a man to the woman he desires. For that reason, nothing actually happens in this story, and maybe that’s why it hasn’t attracted any reviews. Erotica > Het - Male/Female > The Small Hours - Dragon Prints : 13625 Underage furry incest PWP clearly draws readers, but maybe not the reviewin’ kind. Also, it’s a very short story, so maybe people don’t feel like the time they spent reading it justifies writing a review. Poetry > Free Verse > Twins: An Incest Poem - Dragon Prints : 4941 If anything is less likely to attract reviews than underage furry incest PWP, it’s probably underage incest free-verse poetry. Erotica > FemSlash - Female/Female > The Single Mothers' Support Group - Dragon Prints : 24128 Erotica > Het - Male/Female > Keene's Really Good Week - Dragon Prints : 24042 Erotica > General > The Playground - Dragon Prints : 12998 All three of the above stories are furry stories, so there we are. Erotica > Threesomes/Moresomes > Satisfaction - Dragon Prints : 24595 I’ll confess that I’m disappointed by this one’s lack of reviews. I think it’s some of my best work in the feel-good incest genre. Erotica > Het - Male/Female > A Day at the Beach - Dragon Prints : 59977 More underage incest getting plenty of hits but no reviews. Erotica > Het - Male/Female > Everything She Needs - Dragon Prints : 20904 This one I understand, because it’s a sequel (to a story titled "Wild Side"), and sequels are never as popular as the original. (The exception is when the sequel has the word “Daddy” in the title and the original does not.)
  5. I had a dental appointment yesterday morning, and honestly, there’s nothing like having to sit still and not speak to get you doing serious mental work on stories. I figured out a bunch of stuff about the next chapters of “Multiversity,” and as a result, I made a lot of progress on chapter 9 yesterday and today. I might have it drafted and out for beta this weekend. In other news: The Loud House fans who like the idea of some Lincoln/Lucy romance (6 years in the future, when Lincoln is 17 and Lucy is 14) should check out “My Angel, My Demon” by Trillhouse. It’s very well written, especially Lucy’s poems. And the sex.
  6. Earlier this week, I made some decent progress on a couple of stories, mainly the next chapters of “Country Summer” and “The Miss Cutie Patootie Pageant,” and a one-shot, “Imaginary Tokyo,” which is a diary-format story about a guy who visits an imaginary version of Tokyo where all of the tropes from anime are real. After that, I started having decision paralysis about which story to work on, so I decided to do a cycle through all 20 of my stories and make a little progress on each. Some notes from that: --One particularly good result of that was that I figured out how “Little Rose” is going to end. Yeah, I know I should really work these things out before I start posting chapters, but “Little Rose” wasn’t meant to have too much of a plot arc, so I don’t think it’s a big deal in this case. (I still have no idea how “Country Summer” is going to end, or how many more chapters there will be before it does. That one was really meant to be an open-ended story.) --I don’t know how soon the next chapter of “The More, the Merrier” will be ready, but boy, when it is, it’s going to be intense. Because the majority of the characters have been attending “yoga club” for a little while now, they don’t pussyfoot around anymore once they’ve breathed in enough of that incense; they just get right after it. Especially Adyson and Gretchen. --One project I’ve had in the works for a while now is a series of short stories collectively titled The Power Arcane: An Erotic Anthology. What I’d really like it to be is a series of self-contained stories that tell a larger story, like World War Z (the book, not the movie). So although I’ve got some text written—in fact, the first story is nearly complete—I some serious plotting to do before I’ll be ready to start posting.
  7. The answer depends heavily on the fandom. The Star Trek universe is so thoroughly fleshed out that you could write an engaging story without using any canonical characters (CCs); as long as you include familiar alien races, technology, etc, and otherwise follow the “rules” of the Star Trek universe. (But you couldn’t do that with, say, Brooklyn 99, because that show is all about the characters, not the world it’s set in. ) The broader point here is that readers will probably accept a fair number of OCs in a fic as long as they are engaging and fit in with the fandom and its characters. I included several OCs in my Star Vs the Forces of Evil story “Star’s Crossed Lovers,” and readers generally liked them because of the way they interacted with the CCs.
  8. Re: “Delta Delta Delta” Thanks! Makes me realize how many chapter 1s I’ve been posting lately. But I hope you’ll enjoy the future chapters.
  9. Well, I got on quite a kick writing the alternate ending of “Splinter,” so I just finished the draft and sent it off for beta. Given that I have posted chapter 1 of three different stories recently, it will be nice to move one story into the “Finished” column. Of course, even as “Splinter” is nearly ready to fall off the List of 20, a new story waits in the wings. My friend Jomahawk, who has been betaing for me for ages without my returning the favor, has asked me to write a story for him, so I’ll be getting started on it soonish.
  10. You know how people say that you should write for yourself? Well, I have one story for which that is literally true, because I started writing it for my own entertainment years before I ever thought of posting stories on the Web. It's called “Delta Delta Delta,” and it's the story of a cute, busty college freshman who pledges a sorority that accepts only well-endowed women as members. I started writing this story close to a decade ago, but I only wrote two chapters out of an intended five. But I always knew I would get back to it eventually--it's been a permanent resident on my list of 20 stories--so now, I am. I’ve just gone through the first chapter, made some edits, and posted it. I’ll be doing the same with the second chapter some time soonish. I figure posting what I have might give me some additional impetus to finish the other three chapters. Yes, the story will definitely have the same rotating perspective as “Hot Yoga” had. Yes, there’s going to be more kissing in general, because everybody is a little calmer this time around (Jenny has learned just how much incense to use) and can ease into the activities more than they did in “Hot Yoga.”
  11. Ah, that clears it up. Thanks!
  12. Yes, the problem is with all text on the site, not just with what I write. I’ve tried messing with the font and text size settings in Chrome, but doing that doesn’t seem to have any effect on how the text in these Forums appears. For now, I’ve switched to the “Black Chrome” theme for this site, which makes most text a nicely readable white-on-black. But for some reason, it also renders the controls at the top (Archives, Browse, Activity, etc) nearly unusable; when I try to click on Activity, I get Calendars or something instead.
  13. I got a review kind of like that on one of my stories just yesterday. My feeling is, if someone actually takes the time to tell you in detail what issues they have with the story, that means that they actually felt it was worth their time to do that. If any of it seems like useful feedback, great; if not, then they’re entitled to their opinion, and you’re entitled to disagree with it.
  14. Here’s one I should have asked years ago: What’s the difference between the “Dom” and “D/s” story codes?
  15. Sometimes, when I’m not sure what to write next, I go through my 20 in-progress stories and make myself write a few paragraphs for each one. Worst-case scenario, I make a little progress on all 20. Best-case, inspiration strikes when I’m partway through the list and I make a lot of progress on one. Since yesterday, I’ve been cycling through the 20 stories, and I discovered that there was one for which the first chapter was nearly finished, so I finished it. It’s an unabashedly pedo-riffic father-daughter incest story titled “Little Rose,” and I just posted the first chapter last night.
  16. Is there some setting I can change that will make the default text color in the Forums something other than light gray? It’s really hard to read against the white background. I tried the other themes available, but each had its own problems.
  17. Glad you liked chapter 1. As for chapter 2, I really can’t say when it will be ready. As I’ve probably mentioned, I literally have 20 stories in progress at any given time, and I never know which one I’ll be inspired to work on when the opportunity arises. Earlier this evening, I spent a little time on the alternate ending to “Splinter” and on an original story titled “A Sweet Little Girl Like You” that I’m writing for the winner of a raffle I did on Inkbunny. Last night, I worked a little bit on chapter 2 of “The More, the Merrier,” chapter 4 of “Auntie’s Home,” and a diary-style one-shot story titled “Imaginary Tokyo.” Which will be finished next, I can’t say.
  18. I love my pets, but I think it's creepy when people start acting like their pets are their children. On my commute this morning, I saw a car with a sticker that read, “My child has four paws.” I found myself wondering, if this person were in a burning building and had to choose between rescuing their dachshund or a neighbor's child, which one would they save?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GeorgeGlass



       I mean, suppose it’s your child vs a neighbor’s elderly grandparents?  Similar choice,

      No, “save this human or that human” is not similar to “save this human or that dachshund.” I’m sorry, but in my book, human lives take precedence over animal lives. 

      Of course, this isn’t a hard and fast rule. In a burning building, I would choose to save one of my cats over, say, Larry Nassar. But then, I’d probably choose to save my toaster oven over Larry Nassar, so...

    3. CloverReef


      In most peoples books, human lives take precedence over animal lives. But not all, and I really don’t think there’s something wrong with that. I can’t tell you to see human lives and dachsund lives as similar, and you can’t tell me not to. We favour humans because we are humans, so there’s that obligatory loyalty there, and most of us have been taught that we as a species are superior. If you relate more with humans of course you’re going to value their lives more. That doesn’t mean their lives have more value. Unless you define value as in how they contribute to human society. 

      For example, I believe life is valuable and that belief isn’t conditional to how I relate to other species or how those species can contribute to human society. But if there was a dog or a potted plant in a burning building, I wouldn’t save the potted plant over the dog. I don’t relate to a potted plant. I don’t understand how their suffering functions the same way I understand a dog. But a child vs a dog would be a much tougher choice to me, because I understand both. I’d probably choose the child, but I would not be able to live with myself – that dog’s death would haunt me. 

      I do see my pets as my children. I don’t think they’re the same as human children, of course human children grow up into human adults, and trumps or cosbys so there’s a smidge more responsibility involved in shaping their minds and teaching them respect, and if they bite somebody, the neighbours can’t have them immediately executed. But I love them unconditionally. I value them. I am responsible for their lives, their happiness, and I am the only loving, nurturing authority they know. And I work at a shelter so I see what abandonment does every single day. I worry often about what will happen to them if something happened to me. 

      As you can tell by my rant, I feel very strongly about this.

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      After I lost my cat, I cried, I really cried; it was the first time in decades that I had.  I knew he meant something before, but I didn’t realize until afterwards exactly how much he did mean to me, still means to me; I even have his urn on my desk here; not sure I’ll ever be able  to “part” with him.  So, I understand the sentiment behind that bumper sticker, really understand it, and I’d probably be one who’d rescue my (remaining) cats over a neighbor’s kid (if I was in an apartment). 

      Of course, that’s more hypothetical, because I’m in my own house, with some distance to the neighbors, thus if their kid were in danger from my burning house, well, either the kid is rescuing *me* (and I won’t be in a position to object), or started the fire.  And in a fire, I would most likely try to make sure they made it out safely, even if it puts me into danger.  Hopefully, fingers crossed, I’ll never have to know the answer to this what-if.

  19. Chapter 1 of “The More, the Merrier” is posted! In other news: I’ve started writing an alternate ending to “Splinter.” I’ve never written an alternate ending to a story before, and when a reviewer suggested it, I thought it would be an interesting challenge.
  20. Most character deaths in my stories are planned well in advance – sometimes when I’m first conceiving of the character. Thus, even if I become attached to the character, it’s okay when they die, because the way they die is part of who they are. I couldn’t change my mind and save the character from death without changing who the character is. Of course, this only applies to characters that I myself created. I don’t think I’ve ever killed a canon character in a fanfic (although I’ve killed off OCs in fanfics).
  21. Re: “Dil-Drones” Thank you! And thanks for being the first person to review this story. A while ago, in an online discussion about sexbots, I wrote a goofy post about how the Sexbot Uprising was coming. And that led to the idea for this story. I imagined a version of Skynet that formed its view of the world on the basis of the contents of the internet, ie, largely pornography. Seemed just as plausible as the computer wanting to wipe us all out.
  22. I hope to finish up the chapter and get it off for beta tonight or tomorrow. My beta reader usually gets back to me within a week, and unless he recommends major changes, I should have the chapter posted shortly after that.
  23. Re “Auntie’s Home” I liked the idea of a mother training her son to be a dom, and that’s where the idea for this sequel story came from. Glad you’re enjoying it.
  24. So, the latest: --I’m nearly finished with chapter 1 of the “Hot Yoga” sequel, “The More, the Merrier.” The first chapter will be short-ish, because it’s mostly setup, and this story doesn’t require as much setup as “Hot Yoga” did. After that, there will be four full-length chapters. --A reviewer may have just inspired me to write an alternate ending to Splinter that would be darker than the “canon” ending. Will have to give it some thought.
  25. *Spoilers below for events up to “Sadie Killer”* Given that the story takes place before Lars ends up in space and Sadie quits the Big Donut, not ending it that way would have made the story incompatible with canon. And canon-compatibility is kind of a thing with me. However... You know, I’ve never done an alternate ending for a story before, and I have to say, I’m intrigued by the idea. I will consider this.
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