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Everything posted by GeorgeGlass

  1. Thanks! What's Halloween if you can't visit horrific death on the deserving? Thanks again!
  2. Who was the third girl?
  3. Thanks! I figured if there were going to be satyrs, then the story ought to have a Greek (or at least Greek-esque) setting. Glad you liked the ending.
  4. I've already decided what to write for next year. Working title: "Day of the Deadly."
  5. FYI, I’m un-abandoning this story idea. It occurred to me that this story would work even better if Bobby and Ronnie Anne came back to Royal Woods for a few weeks during the summer. That would put a limit on Lori’s time with Bobby and increase her desperation to make (out) the most of it.
  6. From BronxWench on October 22, 2018 High praise, coming from you. Thank you! Gracias. She’s a clever girl, and she’s learned to play her cards close to the vest. Thank YOU for such a nice review.
  7. Thanks! Part of the reason for making “Apprentice” the title was to get the reader wondering how the title relates to the story – until the title gets paid off at the end. I don’t know where that idea came from, but once I had it, I couldn’t let go of it.
  8. Thank you! I guess Sofi did turn out to be a dark Cinderella. BTW, Acantha and Kacia are Greek names that mean “prickly” and “thorny,” respectively, whereas “Sofi” means “wise.”
  9. Oh, she did indeed. As Sofi implies in her conversation with the witch, Sofi deliberately made her bug-repelling ointment to repel changelings, too, and she deliberately made a perfume that attracts them.
  10. No problem at all. I'm always happy for your comments. Egad! *dives under sofa* I mean, thank you. I figured if Pacifica can develop an interest in Dipper, then anything's possible. Besides, it's not like Dipper is unattractive or unmannerly -- he's just kind of a nerd. Blame Frozen and other movies where it turns out that romantic love is no more important than other kinds of love. I just like that message (as you saw in “Star’s Crossed Lovers,” too). He remembered Nat on some level, just not consciously. And thanks for another nice review!
  11. Re: "A Sweet Little Girl Like You" Thank you! For me, part of the fun of writing is being able to tell a lot of different kinds of stories. Thank you again. Wow. I am glad to be in the company of any of those people. Lots of stuff in the works, as usual -- chapter 2 of Wishful included!
  12. “Apprentice,” my story for the 2018 AFF Halloween Party, is now posted. You can find it and the other entries here. The List of Twenty is now down to 16, possibly for the first time in years. I’m trying to focus more on finishing my in-progress stuff before beginning any new stuff, even though I have a long list of stories waiting to be started.
  13. Re: “Wishful” Snowdrift and more! (That doesn’t feel like too much of a spoiler.) That scene includes several elements that aren’t usually my thing (eg, the footjob), so I’m glad you enjoyed it. We shall see. Thanks for reviewing!
  14. What’s the magic word?
  15. Glad you liked chapter 1 of “Wishful.” I’m making progress on chapter 3 of “The More, the Merrier,” but this one may be even longer than chapter 2. A whole lot happens. Yeah, that's never been an issue for me. One of the story ideas I've been kicking around -- even though it involves a “mad science” gimmick -- is Lisa somehow randomly switching around the ages of all the Loud siblings. Lisa ends up being Lori or Leni's age and finds herself with an unexpectedly voluptuous body. Luna, on the other hand, becomes Lily's age and rediscovers the joy of playing the triangle. I'm still contemplating that. Also, I don’t know if you’ve read my story “The Loud House After Dark,” but it gets into the whole “they get it from their parents” thing. Not 100% sure I agree about Ms. Johnson being a MILF (which is by definition a subjective term, as the I stands for, you know, “I”). Nonetheless, if I were ever to write a “Lincoln Loud: MILF Magnet” story, I'd probably include her. Hmm, I forgot about the Santiago/Casagrande women. Who is that?
  16. “Apprentice” is posted!
  17. Thanks! I'm not big on aging up characters unless it's somehow vital to the plot. Generally speaking, when I want to write about adult characters, I choose characters that are adults in canon. Lisa certainly plays an important role in “Whoops,” which you might check out if you haven’t already. I haven't considered doing a story that focuses specifically on Lisa. I'm also trying to resist the temptation to over-use Lisa's mad science as a plot device. (Not that I'll never use it again; I just don't want to rely on it too much.) I hadn't really thought about it, but now that you mention it, The Loud House does have a couple of adult female characters who are straight-up hotties (Ms. DiMartino and Nurse Patti). I'd certainly consider having Lincoln fool around with one or both of them. I also wouldn't rule out some incest action with his mom. Thanks for the comments!
  18. Thank you! I hope my future stories live up to your expectations.
  19. Not doing it this year, but I’d been wondering who here was. Thumbs up to y’all!
  20. Off the top of my head: fetcher, acquirer, obtainer, go-between, broker, “personal shopper”
  21. Re: “Wishful” I shall do my level best.
  22. Re: “Wishful” I’m so glad you like it so far. After all the help you’ve given me over the years, I’m happy to write this for you.
  23. Thank you! And thanks for taking the time to say so. More Loud House story ideas are percolating in my head...
  24. He’d have to. There’s no worse universe-destroying paradox than accidentally handing a futuristic condom to one of your ancestors and preventing your own existence. Physicists call it a “temporal dick move.”
  25. Well, they’ve all got to end sometime, but I’m glad you liked the ending. I’d had it in mind from the beginning (which isn’t always the case with my story endings).
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