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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. I’m supposed to leave for Boston tomorrow on business, so of course the corgi had a seizure, and my mother is having gastrointestinal issues and my son is celebrating his 19th birthday with a flu. :bash:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JayDee


      Ack, shit comes in threes, huh?

    3. Melrick


      So apart from that, everything is fine?

    4. BronxWench


      JD, :lol: I’m beginning to think it comes in a baker’s dozen around here. I don’t make lemonade; I make lemon tarts. 

      Mom’s advanced to antibiotics, the corgi is about to go on her rescue meds because she had another seizure in the wee hours, and I’m not on speaking terms with the daft one at the moment (which will make getting some actual sleep in the car on the way to Boston easier). So, everything’s pretty much fine, and business as usual. ><

  2. No bots here! But I’ve been scarce this past week, and will be scarce next week. Most of the time, I’m around, and I make it a point to try and answer questions quickly. That’s really the part of moderating I consider most important, because we all miss something about every site, and it helps to have someone to ask. As far as warnings, even the site’s owner was warned once. We’re impartial about the rules, and staff who write will get warned like any other member if we forget a tag, or miss a part on the disclaimer. But yes, it’s HARD to get the proper context as far as tone when you’re posting and chatting. A lot of times, jokes get misinterpreted, and people wind up feeling bad because something read the wrong way. Sweetmamajama jokes with everyone, and some of the things she says might read to someone else as harsh, or rude, whereas anyone who’s taken the time to get to know her a bit knows it’s just teasing and done with no ill intent. (Sorry, sweetmamajama, for using you as the example, and I’m not poking, honest!) Me, I try to be mindful that I’m staff, and I re-read posts a LOT to make sure I don’t come off wrong. I overuse emoticons when necessary, too.
  3. You pointed out no clear and obvious problems with AFF. You had a tantrum. If you’d like your account removed, please let me know, and I’ll see that it’s taken care of for you by the admins.
  4. I would like to point out that if AO3, tumblr, and the ever-present Pit would care to advertise with us, we’d be delighted to let you redirect to them to your little heart’s content. However, since they aren’t supporting us, we see absolutely no reason to offer them free advertising, especially when we have advertisers who do pay for banner ads here. In keeping with our censorship-free policy, however, we won’t poke at your use of our forum to insult AFF. I will, however, point you to our Terms of Service and the Content Guidelines incorporated therein.
  5. AFF did not have a purge of members in 2010, or at any point in its existence. FFN does have periodic fits of enforcement of its Terms of Service, and purges stories en masse, but that is not how we do things here. Having said that, many of our members who write original fiction remove works if they publish them for sale, or because they are publishing another work, and have been asked to remove all online stories by their publisher. Without more than a title to go on, the best I can do is this profile: PaipurrbakRighter
  6. “When you write, do you ever feel self conscious about it? Do you feel like maybe you are giving away too much? People go through all sorts of changes in their life. If you are the same person at 20,30 and 40, you are doing it wrong. Do you feel like there are lines that shouldn't be crossed? Can you go too far? Maybe you should.” Okay, wow. Absolutely interesting questions! I think I’ll always feel self conscious about writing. I suppose it’s largely a product of my upbringing, where your success/worth was measured by your financial success, in which case, as a writer, I’m not even close to making the grade as an abysmal failure. On the other hand, I don’t measure my success as a writer by that benchmark, because, realistically, we’re not all going to be Names Who Earn Millions. The vast majority of published writers aren’t getting rich beyond the dreams of avarice, and lots have day jobs. What matters more, for me, anyway, is that I get past the self conscious part and put my words out there, for people to read. So, yes, I feel self conscious, every damned time, but I do it anyway. Now, do I give away too much? I don’t know. I’ve never looked at my writing as some sort of peek into my soul. Given some of what I’ve written, I actually hope it’s not the case, but then again, if any darkness comes out only in my writing, that might not be such a bad thing. I am most assuredly not the same person I was at 20, or 30, or even 40. In my case, this is a good thing. When it comes to writing, I’m not sure I can say there are lines that shouldn’t be crossed. I believe it is the role of art, including writing, to expose the truths about us, and I don’t think you do that by not crossing lines. It doesn’t mean we need to go out and imitate what we read, or write, for that matter, but if what we write opens someone’s eyes, it’s not a bad thing. Can it go too far? Of course, if we decide to live some of the things we write. Absolutely. But as far as the writing of those line-crossing words goes, I think we should do it. It is imperative in some cases for us to do it, to expose the darkness and bring it into the open.
  7. We’d definitely need to have DG merge the two accounts, and that way she can use the current email address. Please bear with us, because it requires database access and only two people have that access: DG and manta, our code wizard.
  8. Links for above: Returning the Favor: A Twisted Fairytale by Lexjamandme
  9. I’ll refer you to this topic. The image files are missing, but the gist remains.
  10. It may take me some time to recover from the incredible mental gyrations caused by picturing not only JayDee but GeorgeGlass as well participating in a Very Vanilla contest. It’s also made me want to read those entries, so beware… Oddly enough, I think the most erotic things I’ve written were largely innuendo, while the more graphic things I’ve written were more… boring than erotic. I think my imagination is a far more encouraging place for all things erotic to flourish. I can twist fairly mild innuendo into a feast in my imagination, whereas something described in minute detail often trips me up while I try (and usually fail) to visualize the scene properly. And then I’m out of the story, and off on a tangent instead. This might just be me, however.
  11. I have definitely written a great deal which isn’t exactly my personal cup of tea. I don’t have rape fantasies, but I’ve included it in stories. I draw the line at a threesome in terms of my own preferences, but I’ve written moresomes, and no one who knows me would ever think of me as submissive, although I’m not really a domme, either. Femslash doesn’t do it for me, but I do think I’ve written it once or twice. For me, I write what the story needs me to write, and even if it isn’t my idea of a good time, if the characters are good, then so am I.
  12. BronxWench


    greenwizard is still active here. I’m not seeing any record of staff action, which would mean the author took the story down, and we expect you to respect their decision.
  13. Revenge of the MHP by Foeofthelance
  14. To be honest, I’ve never really thought of piercings as being a body modification, unless it was an extreme piercing. However, my take as an author is to tag conservatively, so I don’t wind up with a reader complaining that I sandbagged them with something unpleasant, so if it’s a genital piercing, even if already present, it probably doesn’t hurt to add a B-Mod tag.
  15. I picked a bad day to give up amphetamines.
  16. I’m not seeing any staff action with respect to that story, so I can only assume the author removed it.
  17. richonyx is now using the pen name industrialmidnight.
  18. I’m going to have to go read that one, Melrick! I always expect some of my stories get little to no attention because they might be in obscure fandoms without a huge audience. There’s not a lot I can do about that, and I tend to take those a bit less to heart, because it’s obscure. I also think some are not inclusive of enough kink. I’m equally fine with that, to be honest. I’m not throwing in some gratuitous BDSM, or a rape or three, or (gods forbid) Mpreg because people read that. As far as sex goes, I think one story I wrote which relies on a great deal of innuendo and suggestion is probably far sexier than my more explicit work. The mind is a wicked, wicked place, and imaginations are far kinkier than I could ever be.
  19. Happy Mother’s Day, from my lair to yours! :lol:

    1. GeorgeGlass


      Happy Mothers Day to all you tough mothers here on AFF. :)

    2. marley_station
  20. Link for above: Lucky Charm by Blackkitten23
  21. Please clear your cache and cookies, and make sure to close your browser completely when you are done. Restart your browser, and you should see the menu bar for the archive once again.
  22. BronxWench

    Question marks

    I’ll refer you to this FAQ, which addresses the black diamond issue.
  23. She might have been flirting a bit, in light of your compliments. If you both are well aware neither of you is available, it’s also a “safe” flirt, which can be a great deal of fun. Flirting is one of those things that just releases endorphins, and just makes you feel better about yourself, and life in general. My advice is to enjoy the flirting, and flirt back, as long as you both know it’s simply in good fun.
  24. It was most likely your fix that did it. I confess, I was at my nephew’s First Communion.
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