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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Oh, sweet gods, Notre Dame is burning… 

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. InBrightestDay


      And as a pagan-friendly Christian, I appreciate that. ;)

    3. GeorgeGlass


      It’s sad. But burning down and being rebuilt is kind of what cathedrals do. Notre Dame will rise again.

    4. Praetor


      We will build it up, and we will come back home… home again.


  2. If you could email us using the email address associated with your profile, we can take care of that for you. Our email address is tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org. Keep in mind that all stories will be deleted along with the account, so if there is anything you want saved, please do so before you email us
  3. I’m sorry I wasn’t more help. Each browser has a different way to set encoding so that the character set will not show the black diamonds instead of punctuation. Our tech admin is going through each subdomain, one at a time, and fixing a variety of issues, including black diamonds, but her real life work schedule has been brutally busy, leaving her little time for database repairs. In the meantime, the browser fix allows stories to be read properly.
  4. The series of stories is by Mannah_Pierce: In the cold of space you find the heat of suns Tales in Tarrasade Iteration Real Leader Eulogy
  5. The first question is to ask which browser you use. I’d be happy to help!
  6. Are you asking about a dedicated search feature? If so, it’s probably not something we’d implement. In the larger subdomains, there are already categories for various pairings, which would allow readers to see only stories for those pairings. In the smaller subdomains, it’s not feasible in terms of how we allocate resources in the database. But if you use the Category dropdown in the search feature, you can see those pairings categories listed.
  7. Natalya is still a member here. However, some stories were posted before the author was 18, and those stories were removed. The author is always free to repost those stories now, of course.
  8. ::nods:: They’d need an alternative electrolyte, presuming they have a similar method of transmitting neural impulses. And sodium deficiency in any Earth-native hominids would be quite the issue, as @Thundercloud says. Lots to play with here…
  9. Sodium is an essential electrolyte, necessary for several things: maintaining stable blood pressure; maintaining the balance of water in and around cells; and proper nerve and muscle function. We ingest sodium chloride to supply our bodies’ needs. Now, in a world with limited salt water, how will your population find salt? Most sodium on Earth is produced from rock salt mines, which could be a source for your world. It’s also produced by evaporating salt water or brine from salt lakes and brine wells. These methods would have limited use in your world. But, interestingly, you might have set up a very nice commodity/scarce resource scenario…
  10. As far as I know, we don’t have a way to sort the search results by a second criteria at this time. I’m not sure if this was something that was included in the plans for future updates, but certainly, we can pass this along to the coders!
  11. BronxWench

    Manage reading

    If the story was removed by the author, or by the staff, you might get that message. The other issue is that the Manage Reading subdomain field defaults to Anime, so make sure you select the right subdomain when adding a story. If none of that is the issue, you can let me know the story title and subdomain, and I can check that for you.
  12. Huh. I planted winter aconite at the lake.
  13. Just a suggestion? Next time, ASK first. And be yourself. Don’t be someone else. It almost never works out outside Harajuku or ComicCon. And as for charging, not on this website. Ever.
  14. Let me point out two things: One: We don’t permit story content to be posted in the forum. Stories are posted to the archive only. Two: The member Tcr is not at all flattered by your tribute profile, nor is that something we allow. Do not continue to post alleged chapters to his story, chapters he did not write, and which you have not been asked to write.
  15. I’m taking care of the archive profile now. I’ve hidden the post, and the forum staff will deal with the forum profile.
  16. I’m sorry for the delay. Our tech admin’s been down with the flu, but I’ll follow up on the request.
  17. You can add the story to your archive profile, in the Currently Reading section. We have a FAQ for that right here: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/63427-how-to-manage-your-current-reading-list/
  18. So, there is something very wrong with the universe when my 24-year old niece is undergoing chemo for Ewing’s sarcoma.

    Have I ever mentioned how much I fucking hate cancer?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Melrick


      I’m so sorry to hear that.  Cancer is just… beyond words.  Fingers crossed everything works out well for her.

    3. kagome26isawsome


      sorry to hear that, hope the cemo goes well!


    4. BronxWench


      She’s doing round 5 now. She needed a transfusion first, but she’s at least eating which makes my sister feel better. Next week, more testing: PET-MRI and bloods, and the week after that is round 6 of chemo. It’s aggressive treatment for a very aggressive cancer, and she’s staying focused on what matters to her...preparing for an art show.

      I love my amazing, talented, brave niece.

  19. Links for above: What a Witch Needs by Petalsoft
  20. I’d say it’s more of a hamlet… http://languagelearningbase.com/87791/metropolis-city-town-village-hamlet-whats-the-difference
  21. I’ve requested that information, so either our tech admin or I will email it to you.
  22. Is this your account? http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296994416 If you remember the password, you should be able to log in. I recommend clearing your browser’s cache and history first, just to avoid any problems if a password was entered incorrectly. Passwords are case sensitive, so a missed capital letter will cause the login to fail. If you can’t remember your password, I can try to find that out for you, and email you with that information. That would allow you to access the account again.
  23. You still have five stories posted under the Harry Potter fandom. Those stories would be deleted along with the account, so if you want to download a copy of the stories, let me know, and we’ll see if we can’t get that password reset for you, or at the least recover the existing password.
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